@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
this . snippetsCache = new HashMap ( ) ;
public class resul t {
public class Snippe t {
private String line ;
private String error ;
private int source ;
public resul t( String line , int source , String errortext ) {
public Snippe t( String line , int source , String errortext ) {
this . line = line ;
this . source = source ;
this . error = errortext ;
@ -147,11 +147,11 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
return retrieveFromCache ( hashes , indexURL . urlHash ( url ) ) ! = null ;
public result retrieve ( URL url , Set queryhashes , boolean fetchOnline , int snippetMaxLength ) {
public Snippet retrieveSnippet ( URL url , Set queryhashes , boolean fetchOnline , int snippetMaxLength ) {
// heise = "0OQUNU3JSs05"
if ( queryhashes . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
//System.out.println("found no queryhashes for URL retrieve " + url);
return new resul t( null , ERROR_NO_HASH_GIVEN , "no query hashes given" ) ;
return new Snippe t( null , ERROR_NO_HASH_GIVEN , "no query hashes given" ) ;
String urlhash = indexURL . urlHash ( url ) ;
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
String line = retrieveFromCache ( wordhashes , urlhash ) ;
if ( line ! = null ) {
//System.out.println("found snippet for URL " + url + " in cache: " + line);
return new resul t( line , source , null ) ;
return new Snippe t( line , source , null ) ;
// if the snippet is not in the cache, we can try to get it from the htcache
@ -178,32 +178,51 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
source = SOURCE_WEB ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
return new result ( null , ERROR_SOURCE_LOADING , "error loading resource from web: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
return new Snippet ( null , ERROR_SOURCE_LOADING , "error loading resource from web: " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
if ( resource = = null ) {
//System.out.println("cannot load document for URL " + url);
return new resul t( null , ERROR_RESOURCE_LOADING , "error loading resource from web, cacheManager returned NULL" ) ;
return new Snippe t( null , ERROR_RESOURCE_LOADING , "error loading resource from web, cacheManager returned NULL" ) ;
plasmaParserDocument document = parseDocument ( url , resource , docInfo ) ;
if ( document = = null ) return new resul t( null , ERROR_PARSER_FAILED , "parser error/failed" ) ; // cannot be parsed
if ( document = = null ) return new Snippe t( null , ERROR_PARSER_FAILED , "parser error/failed" ) ; // cannot be parsed
//System.out.println("loaded document for URL " + url);
String [ ] sentences = document . getSentences ( ) ;
//System.out.println("----" + url.toString()); for (int l = 0; l < sentences.length; l++) System.out.println(sentences[l]);
if ( ( sentences = = null ) | | ( sentences . length = = 0 ) ) {
//System.out.println("found no sentences in url " + url);
return new resul t( null , ERROR_PARSER_NO_LINES , "parser returned no sentences" ) ;
return new Snippe t( null , ERROR_PARSER_NO_LINES , "parser returned no sentences" ) ;
// we have found a parseable non-empty file: use the lines
line = computeSnippet ( sentences , queryhashes , 8 + 6 * queryhashes . size ( ) , snippetMaxLength ) ;
//System.out.println("loaded snippet for URL " + url + ": " + line);
if ( line = = null ) return new resul t( null , ERROR_NO_MATCH , "no matching snippet found" ) ;
if ( line = = null ) return new Snippe t( null , ERROR_NO_MATCH , "no matching snippet found" ) ;
if ( line . length ( ) > snippetMaxLength ) line = line . substring ( 0 , snippetMaxLength ) ;
// finally store this snippet in our own cache
storeToCache ( wordhashes , urlhash , line ) ;
return new result ( line , source , null ) ;
return new Snippet ( line , source , null ) ;
public plasmaParserDocument retrieveDocument ( URL url , boolean fetchOnline ) {
byte [ ] resource = null ;
IResourceInfo docInfo = null ;
try {
resource = this . cacheManager . loadResourceContent ( url ) ;
if ( ( fetchOnline ) & & ( resource = = null ) ) {
plasmaHTCache . Entry entry = loadResourceFromWeb ( url , 5000 ) ;
if ( entry ! = null ) docInfo = entry . getDocumentInfo ( ) ;
resource = this . cacheManager . loadResourceContent ( url ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
return null ;
if ( resource = = null ) return null ;
return parseDocument ( url , resource , docInfo ) ;
public void storeToCache ( String wordhashes , String urlhash , String snippet ) {
@ -460,7 +479,7 @@ public class plasmaSnippetCache {
public void run ( ) {
log . logFine ( "snippetFetcher: try to get URL " + url ) ;
plasmaSnippetCache . result snippet = retrieve ( url , queryhashes , true , 260 ) ;
plasmaSnippetCache . Snippet snippet = retrieveSnippet ( url , queryhashes , true , 260 ) ;
if ( snippet . line = = null )
log . logFine ( "snippetFetcher: cannot get URL " + url + ". error(" + snippet . source + "): " + snippet . error ) ;