- each additional parser must be in a subpackage of plasma.parser - each parser must have its own ant build file (which will be called automatically from the main build file) - Calling the main build file results in building a separate zip file for each optional parser. This zip file includes: + sources of the Parser.java + compiled classes of the Parser.java + needed additional libs (libx) - To install an additional parser the user simply needs to extract the zip file listed above into his/her yacy directory. - The configuration (enabling/disabling) of a parser can be done via the webinterface (currently the settings dialoge) and is done "on-the-fly". The installation can not be done "on-the-fly" at the moment because of classpath issues. - The classpath of the linux startup/stop scripts is generated automatically now (including all libraries from lib and libx). *) Bugfix: File Extension was not calculated correctly by the crawler e.g.: file extension was accidentally: .php?param=value Corrected. *) Adding additional parser for parsing of rss/atom feeds - added needed libs to do this. TODO: - automatic building classpath for windows startup scripts git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@78 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542pull/1/head
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
// Informa -- RSS Library for Java
// Copyright (c) 2002 by Niko Schmuck
// Niko Schmuck
// http://sourceforge.net/projects/informa
// mailto:niko_schmuck@users.sourceforge.net
// This library is free software.
// You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
// Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// Version 2.1 of the license should be included with this distribution in
// the file LICENSE. If the license is not included with this distribution,
// you may find a copy at the FSF web site at 'www.gnu.org' or 'www.fsf.org',
// or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge,
// MA 02139 USA.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied waranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
//part of YaCy
//(C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de
//first published on http://www.anomic.de
//Frankfurt, Germany, 2005
//this file was contributed by Martin Thelian
//last major change: $LastChangedDate$ by $LastChangedBy$
//Revision: $LastChangedRevision$
//This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
//(at your option) any later version.
//This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//GNU General Public License for more details.
//You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
//Using this software in any meaning (reading, learning, copying, compiling,
//running) means that you agree that the Author(s) is (are) not responsible
//for cost, loss of data or any harm that may be caused directly or indirectly
//by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software
//is on your own risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this
//software may allow other people or application to access your computer and
//any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the
//software which must be done by the user of the software; the author(s) is
//(are) also not responsible for proper configuration and usage of the
//software, even if provoked by documentation provided together with
//the software.
//Any changes to this file according to the GPL as documented in the file
//gpl.txt aside this file in the shipment you received can be done to the
//lines that follows this copyright notice here, but changes must not be
//done inside the copyright notive above. A re-distribution must contain
//the intact and unchanged copyright notice.
//Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such.
package de.anomic.plasma.parser;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URL;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaParserDocument;
* New classes implementing the {@link de.anomic.plasma.parser.Parser} interface
* can extend this class to inherit all functions already implemented in this class.
* @author Martin Thelian
* @version $LastChangedRevision$ / $LastChangedDate$
public abstract class AbstractParser implements Parser{
* The Constructor of this class.
public AbstractParser() {
* Parsing a document available as byte array.
* @param location the origin of the document
* @param mimeType the mimetype of the document
* @param source the content byte array
* @return a {@link plasmaParserDocument} containing the extracted plain text of the document
* and some additional metadata.
* @throws ParserException if the content could not be parsed properly
* @see de.anomic.plasma.parser.Parser#parse(java.net.URL, java.lang.String, byte[])
public plasmaParserDocument parse(URL location, String mimeType,
byte[] source) throws ParserException {
ByteArrayInputStream contentInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(source);
return this.parse(location,mimeType,contentInputStream);
* Parsing a document stored in a {@link File}
* @param location the origin of the document
* @param mimeType the mimetype of the document
* @param sourceFile the file containing the content of the document
* @return a {@link plasmaParserDocument} containing the extracted plain text of the document
* and some additional metadata.
* @throws ParserException if the content could not be parsed properly
* @see de.anomic.plasma.parser.Parser#parse(java.net.URL, java.lang.String, java.io.File)
public plasmaParserDocument parse(URL location, String mimeType,
File sourceFile) throws ParserException {
BufferedInputStream contentInputStream = null;
try {
contentInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(sourceFile));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return this.parse(location, mimeType, contentInputStream);
* Parsing a document available as {@link InputStream}
* @param location the origin of the document
* @param mimeType the mimetype of the document
* @param source the {@link InputStream} containing the document content
* @return a {@link plasmaParserDocument} containing the extracted plain text of the document
* and some additional metadata.
* @throws ParserException if the content could not be parsed properly
* @see de.anomic.plasma.parser.Parser#parse(java.net.URL, java.lang.String, java.io.InputStream)
public abstract plasmaParserDocument parse(URL location, String mimeType,
InputStream source) throws ParserException;
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="YACY - docParser" default="dist">
A class to parse doc documents (application/msword)
<property name="parserShortName" value="doc"/>
<property name="parserVersion" value="0.1"/>
<property name="parserLongName" value="${parserShortName}Parser"/>
<property name="parserArchive" location="${release}/${parserLongName}_${parserVersion}.zip"/>
<target name="compile">
<echo message="Compiling ${parserLongName} Version ${parserVersion} ..."/>
<javac srcdir="${src}/de/anomic/plasma/parser/${parserShortName}" destdir="${build}" source="${javacSource}" target="${javacTarget}">
<pathelement location="${build}" />
<!-- main lib needed to parse doc files -->
<pathelement location="${libx}/tm-extractors-0.4.jar" />
<target name="zip" depends="compile">
<echo message="Compressing ${parserLongName} Version ${parserVersion} ..."/>
<zip destfile="${parserArchive}">
<zipfileset dir="${libx}" includes="tm-extractors-0.4.*" prefix="libx/"/>
<zipfileset dir="${src}/de/anomic/plasma/parser/${parserShortName}" prefix="source/de/anomic/plasma/parser/${parserShortName}"/>
<zipfileset dir="${build}/de/anomic/plasma/parser/${parserShortName}" prefix="classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/${parserShortName}"/>
<target name="dist" depends="compile,zip" description="Compile and zip the parser"/>
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="YACY - pdfParser" default="dist">
A class to parse pdf documents (application/pdf)
<property name="parserShortName" value="pdf"/>
<property name="parserVersion" value="0.1"/>
<property name="parserLongName" value="${parserShortName}Parser"/>
<property name="parserArchive" location="${release}/${parserLongName}_${parserVersion}.zip"/>
<target name="compile">
<echo message="Compiling ${parserLongName} Version ${parserVersion} ..."/>
<javac srcdir="${src}/de/anomic/plasma/parser/${parserShortName}" destdir="${build}" source="${javacSource}" target="${javacTarget}">
<pathelement location="${build}" />
<!-- main lib needed to parse pdf files -->
<pathelement location="${libx}/PDFBox-0.7.1.jar" />
<!-- libs needed by the main lib -->
<pathelement location="${libx}/log4j-1.2.9.jar" />
<target name="zip" depends="compile">
<echo message="Compressing ${parserLongName} Version ${parserVersion} ..."/>
<zip destfile="${parserArchive}">
<zipfileset dir="${libx}" includes="PDFBox-0.7.1.*" prefix="libx/"/>
<zipfileset dir="${libx}" includes="log4j-1.2.9.*" prefix="libx/"/>
<zipfileset dir="${src}/de/anomic/plasma/parser/${parserShortName}" prefix="source/de/anomic/plasma/parser/${parserShortName}"/>
<zipfileset dir="${build}/de/anomic/plasma/parser/${parserShortName}" prefix="classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/${parserShortName}"/>
<target name="dist" depends="compile,zip" description="Compile and zip the parser"/>
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="YACY - rssParser" default="dist">
A class to parse rss/atom feeds
(application/rss+xml, application/rdf+xml, application/atom+xml, application/rss)
<property name="parserShortName" value="rss"/>
<property name="parserVersion" value="0.1"/>
<property name="parserLongName" value="${parserShortName}Parser"/>
<property name="parserArchive" location="${release}/${parserLongName}_${parserVersion}.zip"/>
<target name="compile">
<echo message="Compiling ${parserLongName} Version ${parserVersion} ..."/>
<javac srcdir="${src}/de/anomic/plasma/parser/${parserShortName}" destdir="${build}" source="${javacSource}" target="${javacTarget}">
<pathelement location="${build}" />
<!-- main lib needed to parse rss/atom feed files -->
<pathelement location="${libx}/informa-0.6.0.jar" />
<!-- libs needed by the main lib -->
<pathelement location="${libx}/commons-logging.jar" />
<pathelement location="${libx}/jdom.jar" />
<target name="zip" depends="compile">
<echo message="Compressing ${parserLongName} Version ${parserVersion} ..."/>
<zip destfile="${parserArchive}">
<zipfileset dir="${libx}" includes="informa-0.6.0.*" prefix="libx/"/>
<zipfileset dir="${libx}" includes="commons-logging.jar" prefix="libx/"/>
<zipfileset dir="${libx}" includes="jdom.jar" prefix="libx/"/>
<zipfileset dir="${src}/de/anomic/plasma/parser/${parserShortName}" prefix="source/de/anomic/plasma/parser/${parserShortName}"/>
<zipfileset dir="${build}/de/anomic/plasma/parser/${parserShortName}" prefix="classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/${parserShortName}"/>
<target name="dist" depends="compile,zip" description="Compile and zip the parser"/>
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
package de.anomic.plasma.parser.rss;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import de.anomic.htmlFilter.htmlFilterAbstractScraper;
import de.anomic.htmlFilter.htmlFilterContentScraper;
import de.anomic.htmlFilter.htmlFilterOutputStream;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaParserDocument;
import de.anomic.plasma.parser.AbstractParser;
import de.anomic.plasma.parser.Parser;
import de.anomic.plasma.parser.ParserException;
import de.anomic.server.serverByteBuffer;
import de.anomic.server.serverFileUtils;
import de.nava.informa.core.ChannelIF;
import de.nava.informa.core.ImageIF;
import de.nava.informa.impl.basic.ChannelBuilder;
import de.nava.informa.impl.basic.Item;
import de.nava.informa.parsers.FeedParser;
public class rssParser extends AbstractParser implements Parser {
* a list of mime types that are supported by this parser class
* @see #getSupportedMimeTypes()
public static final Hashtable SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES = new Hashtable();
static {
* a list of file extensions that are supported by this parser class
* @see #getSupportedMimeTypes()
public static final HashSet SUPPORTED_FILE_EXT = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(new String[] {
new String("xml"),
new String("rss"),
new String("rdf"),
new String("atom")
public rssParser() {
public plasmaParserDocument parse(URL location, String mimeType,
InputStream source) throws ParserException {
try {
LinkedList feedSections = new LinkedList();
HashMap anchors = new HashMap();
HashMap images = new HashMap();
serverByteBuffer text = new serverByteBuffer();
// creating a channel-builder
ChannelBuilder builder = new ChannelBuilder();
// parsing the rss/atom feed
ChannelIF channel = FeedParser.parse(builder, source);
// getting the rss feed title and description
String feedTitle = channel.getTitle();
// getting the feed description
String feedDescription = channel.getDescription();
// getting the channel site url
URL channelSiteURL = channel.getSite();
ImageIF channelImage = channel.getImage();
if (channelImage != null) {
// loop through the feed items
Collection feedItemCollection = channel.getItems();
if (!feedItemCollection.isEmpty()) {
Iterator feedItemIterator = feedItemCollection.iterator();
while (feedItemIterator.hasNext()) {
Item item = (Item)feedItemIterator.next();
String itemTitle = item.getTitle();
URL itemURL = item.getLink();
String itemDescr = item.getDescription();
if ((text.length() != 0) && (text.byteAt(text.length() - 1) != 32)) text.append((byte) 32);
text.append(new serverByteBuffer(htmlFilterAbstractScraper.stripAll(new serverByteBuffer(itemDescr.getBytes()))).trim()).append((byte) ' ');
String itemContent = item.getElementValue("content");
if ((itemContent != null) && (itemContent.length() > 0)) {
htmlFilterContentScraper scraper = new htmlFilterContentScraper(itemURL);
OutputStream os = new htmlFilterOutputStream(null, scraper, null, false);
serverFileUtils.copy(new ByteArrayInputStream(itemContent.getBytes()), os);
String itemHeadline = scraper.getHeadline();
if ((itemHeadline != null) && (itemHeadline.length() > 0)) {
Map itemLinks = scraper.getAnchors();
if ((itemLinks != null) && (itemLinks.size() > 0)) {
Map itemImages = scraper.getImages();
if ((itemImages != null) && (itemImages.size() > 0)) {
byte[] extractedText = scraper.getText();
if ((extractedText != null) && (extractedText.length > 0)) {
if ((text.length() != 0) && (text.byteAt(text.length() - 1) != 32)) text.append((byte) 32);
/* (URL location, String mimeType,
String keywords, String shortTitle, String longTitle,
String[] sections, String abstrct,
byte[] text, Map anchors, Map images)
plasmaParserDocument theDoc = new plasmaParserDocument(
(String[]) feedSections.toArray(new String[feedSections.size()]),
return theDoc;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public Hashtable getSupportedMimeTypes() {
public void reset() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public HashSet getSupportedFileExtensions() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
cd `dirname $0`
java -classpath classes:lib/commons-collections.jar:lib/commons-pool-1.2.jar:libx/PDFBox-0.7.1.jar:libx/log4j-1.2.9.jar:libx/tm-extractors-0.4.jar -server yacy
# generating the proper classpath
for N in `ls -1 lib/*.jar`; do CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH$N:"; done
for N in `ls -1 libx/*.jar`; do CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH$N:"; done
java -classpath classes:$CLASSPATH -server yacy
@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
cd `dirname $0`
java -classpath classes:lib/commons-collections.jar:lib/commons-pool-1.2.jar:libx/PDFBox-0.7.1.jar:libx/log4j-1.2.9.jar:libx/tm-extractors-0.4.jar yacy -shutdown
# generating the proper classpath
for N in `ls -1 lib/*.jar`; do CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH$N:"; done
for N in `ls -1 libx/*.jar`; do CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH$N:"; done
java -classpath classes:$CLASSPATH yacy -shutdown
@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
cd `dirname $0`
java -classpath classes:lib/commons-collections.jar:lib/commons-pool-1.2.jar:libx/PDFBox-0.7.1.jar:libx/log4j-1.2.9.jar:libx/tm-extractors-0.4.jar yacy -shutdown
# generating the proper classpath
for N in `ls -1 lib/*.jar`; do CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH$N:"; done
for N in `ls -1 libx/*.jar`; do CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH$N:"; done
java -classpath classes:$CLASSPATH yacy -shutdown
echo "please wait until the YaCy daemon process terminates"
echo "you can monitor this with 'tail -f yacy.log' and 'fuser yacy.log'"
@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
#plasmaParser configuration file
#Mon May 02 10:12:02 CEST 2005
Reference in new issue