This is a serious problem that is caused by the database bug between 0.511 - 0.513 which produced a large number of double-entries in the RWI index. The uniq()-method tries to fix this, and it does not terminate when the index is large and the number of double-occurrences is also large. This patch does simply implement a time-controlled termination, which does not heal the inconsistency problem. The uniq-method itself is correct and does not need a bugfix, the non-termination is simply caused by the large number of data that is shifted during the process. It was possible to reproduce this behaviour in a test environment. A real fix would need to: - enhance the uniq()-method by using a recursive, binary segmentation of the array to be fixed - uniq() must report the entries that are double - the double-entries must be deleted from the collection index (from the index and the collections) to heal the problem git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542pull/1/head
Reference in new issue