@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.TreeMap ;
import java.util.TreeSet ;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore ;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.WordReference ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.WordReferenceVars ;
@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
this . crawlResults = crawlResults ;
this . query = query ;
this . secondarySearchSuperviser = ( query . queryHashes . size ( ) > 1 ) ? new SecondarySearchSuperviser ( ) : null ; // generate abstracts only for combined searches
//if (this.secondarySearchSuperviser != null) this.secondarySearchSuperviser.start();
if ( this . secondarySearchSuperviser ! = null ) this . secondarySearchSuperviser . start ( ) ;
this . primarySearchThreads = null ;
this . secondarySearchThreads = null ;
this . preselectedPeerHashes = preselectedPeerHashes ;
@ -122,7 +125,6 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
this . primarySearchThreads = ( query . queryHashes . isEmpty ( ) ) ? null : yacySearch . primaryRemoteSearches (
QueryParams . hashSet2hashString ( query . queryHashes ) ,
QueryParams . hashSet2hashString ( query . excludeHashes ) ,
"" ,
query . prefer ,
query . urlMask ,
query . targetlang = = null ? "" : query . targetlang ,
@ -336,9 +338,13 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
// cache for index abstracts; word:TreeMap mapping where the embedded TreeMap is a urlhash:peerlist relation
// this relation contains the information where specific urls can be found in specific peers
TreeMap < String , TreeMap < String , String > > abstractsCache ;
TreeSet < String > checkedPeers ;
Semaphore trigger ;
public SecondarySearchSuperviser ( ) {
this . abstractsCache = new TreeMap < String , TreeMap < String , String > > ( ) ;
this . checkedPeers = new TreeSet < String > ( ) ;
this . trigger = new Semaphore ( 0 ) ;
/ * *
@ -369,6 +375,10 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
public void commitAbstract ( ) {
this . trigger . release ( ) ;
private String wordsFromPeer ( final String peerhash , final String urls ) {
Map . Entry < String , TreeMap < String , String > > entry ;
String word , peerlist , url , wordlist = "" ;
@ -398,41 +408,50 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
public void run ( ) {
try { Thread . sleep ( 5000 ) ; } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { }
prepareSecondarySearch ( ) ;
try {
while ( this . trigger . tryAcquire ( 10000 , TimeUnit . MILLISECONDS ) ) {
// a trigger was released
prepareSecondarySearch ( ) ;
} catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
// the thread was interrupted
// do nohing
// the time-out was reached
private void prepareSecondarySearch ( ) {
if ( abstractsCache = = null | | abstractsCache . size ( ) ! = query . queryHashes . size ( ) ) return ; // secondary search not possible (yet)
// catch up index abstracts and join them; then call peers again to submit their urls
/ *
System . out . println ( "DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT: " + abstractsCache . size ( ) + " word references caught, " + query . queryHashes . size ( ) + " needed" ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , TreeMap < String , String > > entry : abstractsCache . entrySet ( ) ) {
System . out . println ( "DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT: hash " + entry . getKey ( ) + ": " + ( ( query . queryHashes . has ( entry . getKey ( ) . getBytes ( ) ) ? "NEEDED" : "NOT NEEDED" ) + "; " + entry . getValue ( ) . size ( ) + " entries" ) ) ;
* /
final TreeMap < String , String > abstractJoin = ( abstractsCache . size ( ) = = query . queryHashes . size ( ) ) ? SetTools . joinConstructive ( abstractsCache . values ( ) , true ) : new TreeMap < String , String > ( ) ;
// find out if there are enough references for all words that are searched
if ( abstractsCache . size ( ) ! = query . queryHashes . size ( ) ) return ;
// join all the urlhash:peerlist relations: the resulting map has values with a combined peer-list list
final TreeMap < String , String > abstractJoin = SetTools . joinConstructive ( abstractsCache . values ( ) , true ) ;
if ( abstractJoin . isEmpty ( ) ) return ;
// the join result is now a urlhash: peer-list relation
//System.out.println("DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT: index abstracts delivered " + abstractJoin.size() + " additional results for secondary search");
// generate query for secondary search
// generate a list of peers that have the urls for the joined search result
final TreeMap < String , String > secondarySearchURLs = new TreeMap < String , String > ( ) ; // a (peerhash:urlhash-liststring) mapping
Iterator < Map . Entry < String , String > > i1 = abstractJoin . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
Map . Entry < String , String > entry1 ;
String url , urls , peer , ps ;
String url , urls , peer , peerlist ;
final String mypeerhash = peers . mySeed ( ) . hash ;
boolean mypeerinvolved = false ;
int mypeercount ;
while ( i1 . hasNext ( ) ) {
entry1 = i1 . next ( ) ;
url = entry1 . getKey ( ) ;
ps = entry1 . getValue ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT: url " + url + ": from peers " + peers ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , String > entry : abstractJoin . entrySet ( ) ) {
url = entry . getKey ( ) ;
peerlist = entry . getValue ( ) ;
//System.out.println("DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT: url " + url + ": from peers " + peerlist);
mypeercount = 0 ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < p s. length ( ) ; j = j + 12 ) {
peer = p s. substring ( j , j + 12 ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < p eerli st . length ( ) ; j += 12 ) {
peer = p eerli st . substring ( j , j + 12 ) ;
if ( ( peer . equals ( mypeerhash ) ) & & ( mypeercount + + > 1 ) ) continue ;
//if (peers.indexOf(peer) < j) continue; // avoid doubles that may appear in the abstractJoin
urls = secondarySearchURLs . get ( peer ) ;
@ -443,21 +462,21 @@ public final class SearchEvent {
// compute words for secondary search and start the secondary searches
i1 = secondarySearchURLs . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
String words ;
secondarySearchThreads = new yacySearch [ ( mypeerinvolved ) ? secondarySearchURLs . size ( ) - 1 : secondarySearchURLs . size ( ) ] ;
int c = 0 ;
while ( i1 . hasNex t( ) ) {
entry1 = i1 . next ( ) ;
peer = entry1 . getKey ( ) ;
if ( peer. equals ( mypeerhash ) ) continue ; // we dont need to ask ourself
urls = entry 1 . getValue ( ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , String > entry : secondarySearchURLs . entrySe t( ) ) {
peer = entry . getKey ( ) ;
if ( peer . equals ( mypeerhash ) ) continue ; // we don't need to ask ourself
if ( checkedPeers. contains ( peer ) ) continue ; // do not ask a peer again
urls = entry . getValue ( ) ;
words = wordsFromPeer ( peer , urls ) ;
assert words . length ( ) > = 12 : "words = " + words ;
System . out . println ( "DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT ***: peer " + peer + " has urls: " + urls ) ;
System . out . println ( "DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT ***: peer " + peer + " from words: " + words ) ;
//System.out.println("DEBUG-INDEXABSTRACT ***: peer " + peer + " has urls: " + urls + " from words: " + words);
rankedCache . moreFeeders ( 1 ) ;
checkedPeers . add ( peer ) ;
secondarySearchThreads [ c + + ] = yacySearch . secondaryRemoteSearch (
words , "" , urls , query . getSegment ( ) , peers , crawlResults , rankedCache , peer , Switchboard . urlBlacklist ,
words , urls , query . getSegment ( ) , peers , crawlResults , rankedCache , peer , Switchboard . urlBlacklist ,
query . ranking , query . constraint , preselectedPeerHashes ) ;