*) improved implementation of combinedVersionString2PrettyString by bost

git-svn-id: https://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/yacy/trunk@2465 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
auron_x 19 years ago
parent 57dda1a92c
commit 24316ba937

@ -146,26 +146,23 @@ public final class yacy {
private static final String hline = "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
* Convert the combined versionstring into a pretty string.
* FIXME: Why is this so complicated?
* Converts combined version-string to a pretty string, e.g. "0.435/01818" or "dev/01818" (development version) or "dev/00000" (in case of wrong input)
* @param s Combined version string
* @return Pretty string where version and SVN-version are separated by a
* slash, e.g. "0.435/01818"
* @param ver Combined version string matching regular expression: "\A\d+\.\d{3}\d{5}\z" <br>
* (i.e.: start of input, 1 or more digits in front of decimal point, decimal point followed by 3 digits as major version, 5 digits for SVN-Version, end of input)
* @return If the major version is &lt; 0.11 - major version is separated from SVN-version by '/', e.g. "0.435/01818" <br>
* If the major version is &gt;= 0.11 - major version is replaced by "dev" and separated SVN-version by '/', e.g."dev/01818" <br>
* "dev/00000" - If the input does not matcht the regular expression above
public static String combinedVersionString2PrettyString(String s) {
long svn;
try {svn = (long) (100000000.0 * Double.parseDouble(s));} catch (NumberFormatException ee) {svn = 0;}
double v = (Math.floor((double) svn / (double) 100000) / (double) 1000);
String vStr = (v < 0.11) ? "dev" : Double.toString(v);
//while (vStr.length() < 5) vStr = vStr + "0";
svn = svn % 100000;
if (svn > 4000) svn=svn / 10; // fix a previous bug online
String svnStr = Long.toString(svn);
while (svnStr.length() < 5) svnStr = "0" + svnStr;
return vStr + "/" + svnStr;
public static String combinedVersionString2PrettyString(String ver) {
final Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("\\A(\\d+\\.\\d{3})(\\d{5})\\z").matcher(ver);
if (!matcher.find()) {
serverLog.logWarning("STARTUP", "Wrong format of version-string: '" + ver + "'. Using default pretty string 'dev/00000' instead");
return "dev/00000";
return (Double.parseDouble(matcher.group(1)) < 0.11 ? "dev" : matcher.group(1)) + "/" + matcher.group(2);
* Combines the version of YaCy with the versionnumber from SVN to a
* combined version
@ -175,8 +172,7 @@ public final class yacy {
* @return String with the combined version.
public static double versvn2combinedVersion(double v, int svn) {
System.out.println("d="+(Math.rint((v*100000000.0) + ((double)svn))/100000000));
return (Math.rint((v*100000000.0) + ((double)svn))/100000000);
return (Math.rint((v*100000000.0) + ((double)svn))/100000000);
