This is the YaCyNews system \(currently under testing\).==Toto je YaCy system sprav (momentalne v stave testovania).
The news service is controlled by several entry points:==Tento servis sprav je kontrolovany z nasledovnych vstupnych bodov:
A crawl start with remote indexing will automatically create a news entry.==Start procesu preliezania (crawl) so vzdialenym indexovanim vytvori automaticky zaznam v spravach.
A crawl start with activated remote-indexing will automatically create a news entry.==Start procesu preliezania (crawl) s aktiovanym vzdialenym indexovanim vytvori automaticky zaznam v spravach.
Other peers may use this information to prevent double-crawls from the same start point.==Ostatni peeri mozu pouzit tuto informaciu aby nevytvorili taky isty proces preliezania (crawl) z rovnakym startovacim bodom.
A table with recently started crawls is presented on the Index Create - page==Tabulka s prave odstartovanymi procesmi preliezania (crawls) je zobrazena na stranke "Vytvor index".
A change in the personal profile will create a news entry. You can see recently made changes of==Zmena v profile sposobi vytvorenie zaznamu v spravach. Posledne vykonane zmeny