@ -48,58 +48,65 @@ public final class CachedFileWriter extends AbstractWriter implements Writer {
this.cachelen = 0;
public final synchronized long length() throws IOException {
return this.RAFile.length();
public final synchronized void setLength(long length) throws IOException {
cachelen = 0;
this.cachelen = 0;
public final synchronized long available() throws IOException {
return this.length() - RAFile.getFilePointer();
return this.length() - this.RAFile.getFilePointer();
public final synchronized void readFully(final byte[] b, final int off, int len) throws IOException {
long seek = RAFile.getFilePointer();
if (cache != null && cachestart <= seek && cachelen - seek + cachestart >= len) {
long seek = this.RAFile.getFilePointer();
if (this.cache != null && this.cachestart <= seek && this.cachelen - seek + this.cachestart >= len) {
// read from cache
//System.out.println("*** DEBUG FileRA " + this.file.getName() + ": CACHE HIT at " + seek);
System.arraycopy(cache, (int) (seek - cachestart), b, off, len);
RAFile.seek(seek + len);
System.arraycopy(this.cache, (int) (seek - this.cachestart), b, off, len);
this.RAFile.seek(seek + len);
if (cache == null || cache.length < len) {
if (this.cache == null || this.cache.length < len) {
// cannot fill cache here
RAFile.readFully(b, off, len);
this.RAFile.readFully(b, off, len);
// we fill the cache here
long available = this.RAFile.length() - seek;
if (available < (long) len) throw new IOException("EOF, available = " + available + ", requested = " + len + ", this.RAFile.length() = " + this.RAFile.length() + ", seek = " + seek);
if (cachestart + cachelen == seek && cache.length - cachelen >= len) {
RAFile.readFully(cache, cachelen, len);
if (available == -seek) return; // we don't know how this happens but we just silently ignore it by now TODO:fixme
//System.out.println("*** available = " + available);
if (available < len) throw new IOException("EOF, available = " + available + ", requested = " + len + ", this.RAFile.length() = " + this.RAFile.length() + ", seek = " + seek);
if (this.cachestart + this.cachelen == seek && this.cache.length - this.cachelen >= len) {
this.RAFile.readFully(this.cache, this.cachelen, len);
//System.out.println("*** DEBUG FileRA " + this.file.getName() + ": append fill " + len + " bytes");
System.arraycopy(cache, cachelen, b, off, len);
cachelen += len;
System.arraycopy(this.cache, this.cachelen, b, off, len);
this.cachelen += len;
} else {
// fill the cache as much as possible
int m = (int) Math.min(available, (long) cache.length);
RAFile.readFully(cache, 0, m);
cachestart = seek;
cachelen = m;
if (m != len) RAFile.seek(seek + len);
int m = (int) Math.min(available, this.cache.length);
this.RAFile.readFully(this.cache, 0, m);
this.cachestart = seek;
this.cachelen = m;
if (m != len) this.RAFile.seek(seek + len);
//System.out.println("*** DEBUG FileRA " + this.file.getName() + ": replace fill " + len + " bytes");
System.arraycopy(cache, 0, b, off, len);
System.arraycopy(this.cache, 0, b, off, len);
public final synchronized void write(final byte[] b, final int off, final int len) throws IOException {
//assert len > 0;
@ -127,19 +134,21 @@ public final class CachedFileWriter extends AbstractWriter implements Writer {
// delete cache
this.cachelen = 0;
RAFile.write(b, off, len);
this.RAFile.write(b, off, len);
public final synchronized void seek(final long pos) throws IOException {
public final synchronized void close() {
if (RAFile != null) try {
try{RAFile.getChannel().close();} catch (IOException e) {}
if (this.RAFile != null) try {
try{this.RAFile.getChannel().close();} catch (IOException e) {}
//System.out.println("***DEBUG*** closed file " + this.file + ", FD is " + ((RAFile.getFD().valid()) ? "VALID" : "VOID") + ", channel is " + ((RAFile.getChannel().isOpen()) ? "OPEN" : "CLOSE"));
//System.out.println("***DEBUG*** closed file " + this.file + ", FD is " + ((RAFile.getFD().valid()) ? "VALID" : "VOID") + ", channel is " + ((RAFile.getChannel().isOpen()) ? "OPEN" : "CLOSE"));
} catch (IOException e) {