@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.FileInputStream ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.InputStream ;
import java.text.Collator ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
@ -62,10 +63,10 @@ import net.yacy.document.parser.vcfParser;
import net.yacy.document.parser.vsdParser ;
import net.yacy.document.parser.xlsParser ;
import net.yacy.document.parser.zipParser ;
import net.yacy.document.parser.images.bmpParser ;
import net.yacy.document.parser.images.genericImageParser ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.FileUtils ;
public final class TextParser {
@ -141,38 +142,8 @@ public final class TextParser {
ext2parser . put ( ext , parser ) ;
Log . logInfo ( "PARSER" , "Parser for extension '" + ext + "': " + parser . getName ( ) ) ;
public static Document parseSource (
final DigestURI location ,
final String mimeType ,
final String charset ,
final byte [ ] sourceArray
) throws InterruptedException , ParserException {
ByteArrayInputStream byteIn = null ;
try {
if ( log . isFine ( ) ) log . logFine ( "Parsing '" + location + "' from byte-array" ) ;
if ( sourceArray = = null | | sourceArray . length = = 0 ) {
final String errorMsg = "No resource content available (1) " + ( ( ( sourceArray = = null ) ? "source == null" : "source.length() == 0" ) + ", url = " + location . toNormalform ( true , false ) ) ;
log . logInfo ( "Unable to parse '" + location + "'. " + errorMsg ) ;
throw new ParserException ( errorMsg , location ) ;
byteIn = new ByteArrayInputStream ( sourceArray ) ;
return parseSource ( location , mimeType , charset , sourceArray . length , byteIn ) ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
if ( e instanceof InterruptedException ) throw ( InterruptedException ) e ;
if ( e instanceof ParserException ) throw ( ParserException ) e ;
log . logSevere ( "Unexpected exception in parseSource from byte-array: " + e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ;
throw new ParserException ( "Unexpected exception: " + e . getMessage ( ) , location ) ;
} finally {
if ( byteIn ! = null ) try {
byteIn . close ( ) ;
} catch ( final Exception ex ) { }
public static Document parseSource (
final DigestURI location ,
final String mimeType ,
@ -201,7 +172,16 @@ public final class TextParser {
} catch ( final Exception ex ) { }
public static Document parseSource (
final DigestURI location ,
String mimeType ,
final String charset ,
final byte [ ] content
) throws InterruptedException , ParserException {
return parseSource ( location , mimeType , charset , content . length , new ByteArrayInputStream ( content ) ) ;
public static Document parseSource (
final DigestURI location ,
String mimeType ,
@ -211,8 +191,6 @@ public final class TextParser {
) throws InterruptedException , ParserException {
if ( log . isFine ( ) ) log . logFine ( "Parsing '" + location + "' from stream" ) ;
mimeType = normalizeMimeType ( mimeType ) ;
final String fileExt = location . getFileExtension ( ) ;
final String documentCharset = htmlParser . patchCharsetEncoding ( charset ) ;
List < Idiom > idioms = null ;
try {
idioms = idiomParser ( location , mimeType ) ;
@ -223,14 +201,62 @@ public final class TextParser {
assert ! idioms . isEmpty ( ) ;
if ( log . isFine ( ) ) log . logInfo ( "Parsing " + location + " with mimeType '" + mimeType + "' and file extension '" + fileExt + "'." ) ;
// if we do not have more than one parser or the content size is over MaxInt
// then we use only one stream-oriented parser.
if ( idioms . size ( ) = = 1 | | contentLength > Integer . MAX_VALUE ) {
// use a specific stream-oriented parser
return parseSource ( location , mimeType , idioms . get ( 0 ) , charset , contentLength , sourceStream ) ;
// in case that we know more parsers we first transform the content into a byte[] and use that as base
// for a number of different parse attempts.
try {
return parseSource ( location , mimeType , idioms , charset , FileUtils . read ( sourceStream , ( int ) contentLength ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
throw new ParserException ( e . getMessage ( ) , location ) ;
private static Document parseSource (
final DigestURI location ,
String mimeType ,
Idiom idiom ,
final String charset ,
final long contentLength ,
final InputStream sourceStream
) throws InterruptedException , ParserException {
if ( log . isFine ( ) ) log . logFine ( "Parsing '" + location + "' from stream" ) ;
final String fileExt = location . getFileExtension ( ) ;
final String documentCharset = htmlParser . patchCharsetEncoding ( charset ) ;
assert idiom ! = null ;
if ( log . isFine ( ) ) log . logInfo ( "Parsing " + location + " with mimeType '" + mimeType + "' and file extension '" + fileExt + "'." ) ;
idiom . setContentLength ( contentLength ) ;
try {
return idiom . parse ( location , mimeType , documentCharset , sourceStream ) ;
} catch ( ParserException e ) {
throw new ParserException ( "parser failed: " + idiom . getName ( ) , location ) ;
private static Document parseSource (
final DigestURI location ,
String mimeType ,
List < Idiom > idioms ,
final String charset ,
final byte [ ] sourceArray
) throws InterruptedException , ParserException {
final String fileExt = location . getFileExtension ( ) ;
if ( log . isFine ( ) ) log . logInfo ( "Parsing " + location + " with mimeType '" + mimeType + "' and file extension '" + fileExt + "' from byte[]" ) ;
final String documentCharset = htmlParser . patchCharsetEncoding ( charset ) ;
assert ! idioms . isEmpty ( ) ;
Document doc = null ;
HashMap < Idiom , ParserException > failedParser = new HashMap < Idiom , ParserException > ( ) ;
for ( Idiom parser : idioms ) {
parser . setContentLength ( contentLength ) ;
parser . setContentLength ( sourceArray. l ength) ;
try {
doc = parser . parse ( location , mimeType , documentCharset , sourceStream ) ;
doc = parser . parse ( location , mimeType , documentCharset , new ByteArrayInputStream ( sourceArray ) ) ;
} catch ( ParserException e ) {
failedParser . put ( parser , e ) ;
//log.logWarning("tried parser '" + parser.getName() + "' to parse " + location.toNormalform(true, false) + " but failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);