Began with some documentation for the httpc-class. The code of the httpc-class

looks very disordered? Inner classes and methods mixed together. Maybe the code
should be cleaned up a little bit?

git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
jerri 20 years ago
parent 7792e5ae9b
commit 09193023fe

@ -78,19 +78,24 @@ import de.anomic.server.serverCore.Session;
import org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool;
* This class implements an http client. While http access is built-in in java
* libraries, it is still necessary to implement the network interface since
* otherwise there is no access to the HTTP/1.0 / HTTP/1.1 header information
* that comes along each connection.
* This class implements an http client. While http access is built-in in java
* libraries, it is still necessary to implement the network interface since
* otherwise there is no access to the HTTP/1.0 / HTTP/1.1 header information
* that comes along each connection.
* FIXME: Add some information about the usage of the threadpool.
public final class httpc {
// statics
private static final String vDATE = "20040602";
private static String userAgent;
public static String systemOST;
private static final int terminalMaxLength = 30000;
private static final TimeZone GMTTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("PST");
* This string is initialized on loading of this class and contains
* information about the current OS.
public static String systemOST;
// --- The GMT standard date format used in the HTTP protocol
private static final SimpleDateFormat HTTPGMTFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'", Locale.US);
@ -165,11 +170,28 @@ public final class httpc {
private static final Hashtable openSocketLookupTable = new Hashtable();
* Convert the status of this class into an String object to output it.
public String toString() {
return (this.savedRemoteHost == null) ? "Disconnected" : "Connected to " + this.savedRemoteHost +
((this.remoteProxyUse) ? " via " + : "");
* This method gets a new httpc instance from the object pool and
* initializes it with the given parameters. Use this method if you have to
* use a proxy to access the pages.
* @param server
* @param port
* @param timeout
* @param ssl
* @param remoteProxyHost
* @param remoteProxyPort
* @throws IOException
* @see httpc#init
public static httpc getInstance(
String server,
int port,
@ -192,6 +214,17 @@ public final class httpc {
return newHttpc;
* This method gets a new httpc instance from the object pool and
* initializes it with the given parameters.
* @param server
* @param port
* @param timeout
* @param ssl
* @throws IOException
* @see httpc#init
public static httpc getInstance(String server, int port, int timeout, boolean ssl) throws IOException {
httpc newHttpc = null;
@ -215,6 +248,11 @@ public final class httpc {
* Put back a used instance into the instance pool of httpc.
* @param theHttpc The instance of httpc which should be returned to the pool
public static void returnInstance(httpc theHttpc) {
try {
@ -224,17 +262,34 @@ public final class httpc {
* Sets wether the content is allowed to be unzipped while getting?
* FIXME: The name of this method seems misleading, if I read the usage of
* this method correctly?
* @param status true, if the content is allowed to be decoded on the fly?
public void setAllowContentEncoding(boolean status) {
this.allowContentEncoding = status;
* Check wether the connection of this instance is closed.
* @return true if the connection is no longer open.
public boolean isClosed() {
if (this.socket == null) return true;
else return (!this.socket.isConnected()) || (this.socket.isClosed());
* Does an DNS-Check to resolve a hostname to an IP.
* @param host Hostname of the host in demand.
* @return String with the ip. null, if the host could not be resolved.
public static String dnsResolve(String host) {
// looks for the ip of host <host> and returns ip number as string
String ip = (String) nameCacheHit.get(host);
if (ip != null) return ip;
// if (nameCacheMiss.contains(host)) return null;
@ -252,9 +307,14 @@ public final class httpc {
return null;
* Checks wether an hostname already is in the DNS-cache.
* FIXME: This method should use dnsResolve, as the code is 90% identical?
* @param host Searched for hostname.
* @return true, if the hostname already is in the cache.
public static boolean dnsFetch(String host) {
// looks for the ip of host <host> and returns false if the host was in the cache
// if it is not in the cache the ip is fetched and this resturns true
if ((nameCacheHit.get(host) != null) /*|| (nameCacheMiss.contains(host)) */) return false;
try {
String ip = InetAddress.getByName(host).getHostAddress();
@ -270,15 +330,28 @@ public final class httpc {
// provide HTTP date handling static methods
* Returns the given date in an HTTP-usable format.
* @param date The Date-Object to be converted.
* @return String with the date.
public static String dateString(Date date) {
if (date == null) return ""; else return HTTPGMTFormatter.format(date);
* Returns the current date as Date-Object.
* @return Date-object with the current time.
public static Date nowDate() {
return new GregorianCalendar(GMTTimeZone).getTime();
// FIXME: Why weren't all static parts put together? They are run one after
// each other on class loading? Hopefully. So why not put them into one
// static block?
static {
// provide system information for client identification
String loc = System.getProperty("user.timezone", "nowhere");
@ -292,8 +365,15 @@ public final class httpc {
userAgent = "yacy (; v" + vDATE + "; " + systemOST + ")";
// http client
* Initialize the httpc-instance with the given data. This method is used,
* if you have to use a proxy to access the pages. This just calls init
* without proxy information and adds the proxy information.
* @param remoteProxyHost
* @param remoteProxyPort
* @throws IOException
void init(String server, int port, int timeout, boolean ssl,
String remoteProxyHost, int remoteProxyPort) throws IOException {
this.init(remoteProxyHost, remoteProxyPort, timeout, ssl);
@ -301,6 +381,16 @@ public final class httpc {
this.savedRemoteHost = server + ((port == 80) ? "" : (":" + port));
* Initialize the https-instance with the given data. Opens the sockets to
* the remote server and creats input and output streams.
* @param server Hostname of the server to connect to.
* @param port On which port should we connect.
* @param timeout How long do we wait for answers?
* @param ssl Wether we should use SSL.
* @throws IOException
void init(String server, int port, int timeout, boolean ssl) throws IOException {
handle = System.currentTimeMillis();
//serverLog.logDebug("HTTPC", handle + " initialized");
@ -344,6 +434,11 @@ public final class httpc {
* This method resets an httpc-instance, so that it can be used for the next
* connection. This is called before the instance is put back to the pool.
* All streams and sockets are closed and set to null.
void reset() {
if (this.clientInput != null) {
try {this.clientInput.close();} catch (Exception e) {}
@ -374,10 +469,19 @@ public final class httpc {
* Just calls reset to close all connections.
public void close() {
* If this instance is garbage-collected we check if the object was returned
* to the pool. if not, we invalidate the object from the pool.
* @see httpcPool#invalidateObject
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
if (!(this.removedFromPool)) {
System.err.println("Httpc object was not returned to object pool.");
