fixed problem with DHT target peer selection:

- shifted selection in front of distribution

git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
orbiter 19 years ago
parent 7c22afe3de
commit 060e5a0df0

@ -129,39 +129,39 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexDistribution {
public boolean job() {
if (this.closed) {
log.logFine("no word distribution: closed");
log.logFine("no DHT distribution: closed");
return false;
if (yacyCore.seedDB == null) {
log.logFine("no word distribution: seedDB == null");
log.logFine("no DHT distribution: seedDB == null");
return false;
if (yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed == null) {
log.logFine("no word distribution: mySeed == null");
log.logFine("no DHT distribution: mySeed == null");
return false;
if (yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed.isVirgin()) {
log.logFine("no word distribution: status is virgin");
log.logFine("no DHT distribution: status is virgin");
return false;
if (!(enabled)) {
log.logFine("no word distribution: not enabled");
log.logFine("no DHT distribution: not enabled");
return false;
if (paused) {
log.logFine("no word distribution: paused");
log.logFine("no DHT distribution: paused");
return false;
if (urlPool.loadedURL.size() < 10) {
log.logFine("no word distribution: loadedURL.size() = " + urlPool.loadedURL.size());
log.logFine("no DHT distribution: loadedURL.size() = " + urlPool.loadedURL.size());
return false;
if (wordIndex.size() < 100) {
log.logFine("no word distribution: not enough words - wordIndex.size() = " + wordIndex.size());
log.logFine("no DHT distribution: not enough words - wordIndex.size() = " + wordIndex.size());
return false;
if ((!enabledWhileCrawling) && (urlPool.noticeURL.stackSize() > 0)) {
log.logFine("no word distribution: crawl in progress - noticeURL.stackSize() = " + urlPool.noticeURL.stackSize());
log.logFine("no DHT distribution: crawl in progress - noticeURL.stackSize() = " + urlPool.noticeURL.stackSize());
return false;
@ -218,37 +218,53 @@ public final class plasmaWordIndexDistribution {
// find start point for DHT-selection
String keyhash = indexEntities[indexEntities.length - 1].wordHash(); // DHT targets must have greater hashes
// iterate over DHT-peers and send away the indexes
yacySeed seed;
// find a list of DHT-peers
yacySeed[] seeds = new yacySeed[peerCount];
int hc = 0;
Enumeration e = yacyCore.dhtAgent.getAcceptRemoteIndexSeeds(keyhash);
synchronized (yacyCore.dhtAgent) {
double avdist;
Enumeration e = yacyCore.dhtAgent.getAcceptRemoteIndexSeeds(keyhash);
while ((e.hasMoreElements()) && (hc < peerCount)) {
if (closed) {
log.logSevere("Index distribution interrupted by close, nothing deleted locally.");
return -1; // interrupted
seeds[hc] = (yacySeed) e.nextElement();
if ((seeds[hc] != null) &&
((avdist = (yacyDHTAction.dhtDistance(seeds[hc].hash, indexEntities[0].wordHash()) + yacyDHTAction.dhtDistance(seeds[hc].hash, indexEntities[indexEntities.length - 1].wordHash())) / 2.0) < 0.3)) {
log.logInfo("Selected DHT target peer " + seeds[hc].getName() + ":" + seeds[hc].hash + ", distance = " + avdist);
e = null; // finish enumeration
if (hc < peerCount) {
log.logWarning("found not enough (" + hc + ") peers for distribution");
return -1; // failed
// send away the indexes to all these indexes
String error;
String peerNames = "";
double avdist;
long start;
while ((e.hasMoreElements()) && (hc < peerCount)) {
for (int i = 0; i < peerCount; i++) {
if (closed) {
log.logSevere("Index distribution interrupted by close, nothing deleted locally.");
return -1; // interrupted
seed = (yacySeed) e.nextElement();
if ((seed != null) &&
((avdist = (yacyDHTAction.dhtDistance(seed.hash, indexEntities[0].wordHash()) +
yacyDHTAction.dhtDistance(seed.hash, indexEntities[indexEntities.length-1].wordHash())) / 2.0) < 0.3)) {
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
error = yacyClient.transferIndex(seed, indexEntities, urlCache, this.gzipBody4Distribution, this.timeout4Distribution);
if (error == null) {
log.logInfo("Index transfer of " + indexCount + " words [" + indexEntities[0].wordHash() + " .. " + indexEntities[indexEntities.length-1].wordHash() + "]/" +
avdist + " to peer " + seed.getName() + ":" + seed.hash + " in " +
((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000) + " seconds successfull (" +
(1000 * indexCount / (System.currentTimeMillis() - start + 1)) + " words/s)");
peerNames += ", " + seed.getName();
} else {
log.logWarning("Index transfer to peer " + seed.getName() + ":" + seed.hash + " failed:'" + error + "', disconnecting peer");
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
error = yacyClient.transferIndex(seeds[i], indexEntities, urlCache, this.gzipBody4Distribution, this.timeout4Distribution);
if (error == null) {
log.logInfo("Index transfer of " + indexCount + " words [" + indexEntities[0].wordHash() + " .. " + indexEntities[indexEntities.length - 1].wordHash() + "] to peer " + seeds[i].getName() + ":" + seeds[i].hash + " in " + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000)
+ " seconds successfull (" + (1000 * indexCount / (System.currentTimeMillis() - start + 1)) + " words/s)");
peerNames += ", " + seeds[i].getName();
} else {
log.logWarning("Index transfer to peer " + seeds[i].getName() + ":" + seeds[i].hash + " failed:'" + error + "', disconnecting peer");
if (peerNames.length() > 0) peerNames = peerNames.substring(2); // remove comma
