network picture;

more dot steps; 
small other;

git-svn-id: 6c8d7289-2bf4-0310-a012-ef5d649a1542
borg-0300 19 years ago
parent 41c4641612
commit 027fa8ab1c

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2005
// Created 08.10.2005
// $LastChangedDate: 2005-10-22 15:28:04 +0200 (Sat, 22 Oct 2005) $
// $LastChangedRevision: 968 $
// $LastChangedBy: theli $
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@ -45,52 +45,53 @@
package de.anomic.plasma;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Date;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyCore;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacySearch;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeed;
import de.anomic.ymage.ymagePainter;
import de.anomic.ymage.ymageMatrix;
import de.anomic.ymage.ymageMatrixPainter;
import de.anomic.ymage.ymagePainter;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyCore;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeed;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacySearch;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class plasmaGrafics {
private static int shortestName = 10;
private static int longestName = 12;
private static int maxRadius = 28;
private static ymagePainter networkPicture = null;
private static long networkPictureDate = 0;
public static ymagePainter getSearchEventPicture() {
if (plasmaSearchEvent.lastEvent == null) return null;
yacySearch[] searches = plasmaSearchEvent.lastEvent.getSearchThreads();
if (searches == null) return null; // this was a local search and there are no threads
// get a copy of a recent network picture
ymagePainter eventPicture = getNetworkPicture(120000);
if (eventPicture instanceof ymageMatrixPainter) eventPicture = new ymageMatrixPainter((ymageMatrix) eventPicture);
// get dimensions
int cr = Math.min(eventPicture.getWidth(), eventPicture.getHeight()) / 5 - 20;
int cr = Math.min(eventPicture.getWidth(), eventPicture.getHeight()) / 5 - maxRadius;
int cx = eventPicture.getWidth() / 2;
int cy = eventPicture.getHeight() / 2;
String hash;
int angle;
// draw in the search peers
for (int j = 0; j < searches.length; j++) {
eventPicture.setColor((searches[j].isAlive()) ? ymageMatrix.ADDITIVE_RED : ymageMatrix.ADDITIVE_GREEN);
hash = searches[j].target().hash;
angle = (int) ((long) 360 * (yacySeed.dhtPosition(hash) / (yacySeed.maxDHTDistance / (long) 10000)) / (long) 10000);
eventPicture.arcLine(cx, cy, cr - 20, cr, angle);
eventPicture.arcLine(cx, cy, cr - maxRadius, cr, angle);
// draw in the search target
plasmaSearchQuery query = plasmaSearchEvent.lastEvent.getQuery();
Iterator i = query.queryHashes.iterator();
@ -99,44 +100,44 @@ public class plasmaGrafics {
while (i.hasNext()) {
hash = (String);
angle = (int) ((long) 360 * (yacySeed.dhtPosition(hash) / (yacySeed.maxDHTDistance / (long) 10000)) / (long) 10000);
eventPicture.arcLine(cx, cy, cr - 20, cr, angle);
eventPicture.arcLine(cx, cy, cr - maxRadius, cr, angle);
return eventPicture;
public static ymagePainter getNetworkPicture(long maxAge) {
return getNetworkPicture(maxAge, 640, 480, 300, 300, 1000, true);
public static ymagePainter getNetworkPicture(long maxAge, int width, int height, int passiveLimit, int potentialLimit, int maxCount, boolean corona) {
if ((networkPicture == null) || ((System.currentTimeMillis() - networkPictureDate) > maxAge)) {
drawNetworkPicture(width, height, passiveLimit, potentialLimit, maxCount, corona);
return networkPicture;
private static void drawNetworkPicture(int width, int height, int passiveLimit, int potentialLimit, int maxCount, boolean corona) {
int innerradius = Math.min(width, height) / 5;
int outerradius = innerradius + innerradius * yacyCore.seedDB.sizeConnected() / 100;
if (outerradius > innerradius * 2) outerradius = innerradius * 2;
if (yacyCore.seedDB == null) return; // no other peers known
networkPicture = new ymageMatrixPainter(width, height, "000010");
// draw network circle
networkPicture.arc(width / 2, height / 2, innerradius - 20, innerradius + 20, 0, 360);
networkPicture.arc(width / 2, height / 2, innerradius - maxRadius, innerradius + maxRadius, 0, 360);
//System.out.println("Seed Maximum distance is " + yacySeed.maxDHTDistance);
//System.out.println("Seed Minimum distance is " + yacySeed.minDHTNumber);
yacySeed seed;
long lastseen;
// draw connected senior and principals
int count = 0;
int totalCount = 0;
@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ public class plasmaGrafics {
totalCount += count;
// draw disconnected senior and principals that have been seen lately
count = 0;
e = yacyCore.seedDB.seedsSortedDisconnected(false, yacySeed.LASTSEEN);
@ -163,7 +164,7 @@ public class plasmaGrafics {
totalCount += count;
// draw juniors that have been seen lately
count = 0;
e = yacyCore.seedDB.seedsSortedPotential(false, yacySeed.LASTSEEN);
@ -177,42 +178,46 @@ public class plasmaGrafics {
totalCount += count;
// draw my own peer
drawNetworkPicturePeer(networkPicture, width / 2, height / 2, innerradius, outerradius, yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed, "800000", "AAAAAA", "FFFFFF", corona);
drawNetworkPicturePeer(networkPicture, width / 2, height / 2, innerradius, outerradius, yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed, "800000", "AAAAAA", "F00000", corona);
// draw description
networkPicture.print(2, 8, 0, "THE YACY NETWORK", true);
networkPicture.print(2, 16, 0, "DRAWING OF " + totalCount + " SELECTED PEERS", true);
networkPicture.print(width - 2, 8, 0, "SNAPSHOT FROM " + new Date().toString().toUpperCase(), false);
// set timestamp
networkPictureDate = System.currentTimeMillis();
private static void drawNetworkPicturePeer(ymagePainter img, int x, int y, int innerradius, int outerradius, yacySeed seed, String colorDot, String colorLine, String colorText, boolean corona) {
String name = seed.getName().toUpperCase();
if (name.length() < shortestName) shortestName = name.length();
if (name.length() > longestName) longestName = name.length();
int angle = (int) ((long) 360 * (seed.dhtPosition() / (yacySeed.maxDHTDistance / (long) 10000)) / (long) 10000);
//System.out.println("Seed " + seed.hash + " has distance " + seed.dhtDistance() + ", angle = " + angle);
int linelength = 20 + outerradius * (20 * (name.length() - shortestName) / (longestName - shortestName) + (Math.abs(seed.hash.hashCode()) % 20)) / 60;
// int linelength = maxRadius + outerradius * (maxRadius * (name.length() - shortestName) / (longestName - shortestName) + (Math.abs(seed.hash.hashCode()) % maxRadius)) / 60;
// if (linelength > outerradius) linelength = outerradius;
int dotsize = 4 + 2 * (int) (seed.getLinkCount() / 1000000L); // peer dotsize
if (dotsize > (maxRadius - 2)) dotsize = maxRadius - 2;
int linelength = maxRadius + outerradius * (dotsize * (name.length() - shortestName) / (longestName - shortestName) + (Math.abs(seed.hash.hashCode()) % dotsize)) / 60;
if (linelength > outerradius) linelength = outerradius;
int dotsize = 6 + 2 * (int) (seed.getLinkCount() / 500000L);
if (dotsize > 18) dotsize = 18;
// draw dot
img.arcDot(x, y, innerradius, angle, dotsize);
// draw line to text
img.arcLine(x, y, innerradius + 18, innerradius + linelength, angle);
// img.setColor(colorLine);
img.arcLine(x, y, innerradius + dotsize + 2, innerradius + linelength, angle);
// draw text
img.arcPrint(x, y, innerradius + linelength, angle, name);
// draw corona around dot for crawling activity
int ppm10 = seed.getPPM() / 10;
if ((corona) && (ppm10 > 0)) {
@ -231,5 +236,5 @@ public class plasmaGrafics {
