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233 lines
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18 years ago
public class htmlTools {
/** Replaces special characters from a string. Avoids XSS attacks and ensures correct display of
* special characters in non UTF-8 capable browsers.
* @param text a string that possibly contains HTML
* @return the string with all special characters encoded
public static String replaceHTML(String text) {
text = replace(text, xmlentities);
text = replace(text, htmlentities);
return text;
/** Replaces special characters from a string. Ensures correct display of
* special characters in non UTF-8 capable browsers.
* @param text a string that possibly contains special characters
* @return the string with all special characters encoded
public static String replaceHTMLEntities(String text) {
text = replace(text, htmlentities);
return text;
/** Replaces special characters from a string. Avoids XSS attacks.
* @param text a string that possibly contains HTML
* @return the string without any HTML-tags that can be used for XSS
public static String replaceXMLEntities(String text) {
text = replace(text, xmlentities);
return text;
/** Replaces characters in a string with other characters defined in an array.
* @param text a string that possibly contains special characters
* @param entities array that contains characters to be replaced and characters it will be replaced by
* @return the string with all characters replaced by the corresponding character from array
//[FB], changes by [MN]
public static String replace(String text, String[] entities) {
if (text==null) { return null; }
for (int x=0;x<=entities.length-1;x=x+2) {
int p=0;
while ((p=text.indexOf(entities[x],p))>=0) {
return text;
public static String deReplaceHTML(String text) {
text = deReplaceHTMLEntities(text);
text = deReplaceXMLEntities(text);
return text;
public static String deReplaceHTMLEntities(String text) {
return deReplace(text, htmlentities);
public static String deReplaceXMLEntities(String text) {
return deReplace(text, xmlentities);
public static String deReplace(String text, String[] entities) {
if (text == null) return null;
for (int i=entities.length-1; i>0; i-=2) {
int p = 0;
while ((p = text.indexOf(entities[i])) >= 0) {
text = text.substring(0, p) + entities[i - 1] + text.substring(p + entities[i].length());
p += entities[i - 1].length();
return text;
//This array contains codes (see for details)
//that will be replaced. To add new codes or patterns, just put them at the end
//of the list. Codes or patterns in this list can not be escaped with [= or <pre>
public static final String[] xmlentities={
// Ampersands _have_ to be replaced first. If they were replaced later,
// other replaced characters containing ampersands would get messed up.
"\u0026","&", //ampersand
"\"",""", //quotation mark
"\u003C","<", //less than
"\u003E",">", //greater than
//This array contains codes (see for details) and
//patterns that will be replaced. To add new codes or patterns, just put them at the end
//of the list. Codes or patterns in this list can not be escaped with [= or <pre>
public static final String[] htmlentities={
"\u005E","^", // Caret
"\u0060","`", // Accent Grave `
"\u007B","{", // {
"\u007C","|", // |
"\u007D","}", // }
"\u007E","~", // ~
"\u00A1","¡", //inverted (spanish) exclamation mark
"\u00A2","¢", //cent
"\u00A3","£", //pound
"\u00A4","¤", //currency
"\u00A5","¥", //yen
"\u00A6","¦", //broken vertical bar
"\u00A7","§", //section sign
"\u00A8","¨", //diaeresis (umlaut)
"\u00A9","©", //copyright sign
"\u00AA","ª", //feminine ordinal indicator
"\u00AB","«", //left-pointing double angle quotation mark
"\u00AC","¬", //not sign
"\u00AD","­", //soft hyphen
"\u00AE","®", //registered sign
"\u00AF","¯", //macron
"\u00B0","°", //degree sign
"\u00B1","±", //plus-minus sign
"\u00B2","²", //superscript two
"\u00B3","³", //superscript three
"\u00B4","´", //acute accent
"\u00B5","µ", //micro sign
"\u00B6","¶", //paragraph sign
"\u00B7","·", //middle dot
"\u00B8","¸", //cedilla
"\u00B9","¹", //superscript one
"\u00BA","º", //masculine ordinal indicator
"\u00BB","»", //right-pointing double angle quotation mark
"\u00BC","¼", //fraction 1/4
"\u00BD","½", //fraction 1/2
"\u00BE","¾", //fraction 3/4
"\u00BF","¿", //inverted (spanisch) questionmark