/ * *
* CrawlStartScanner_p
* Copyright 2010 by Michael Peter Christen , mc @yacy.net , Frankfurt am Main , Germany
* First released 12.12 .2010 at http : //yacy.net
* This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
* version 2.1 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program in the file lgpl21 . txt
* If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* /
import java.net.InetAddress ;
import java.net.MalformedURLException ;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.Set ;
import java.util.TreeMap ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.Domains ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.Scanner ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.Scanner.Access ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.Base64Order ;
import de.anomic.data.WorkTables ;
import de.anomic.search.SearchEventCache ;
import de.anomic.search.Switchboard ;
import de.anomic.server.serverObjects ;
import de.anomic.server.serverSwitch ;
public class CrawlStartScanner_p {
public static serverObjects respond ( final RequestHeader header , final serverObjects post , final serverSwitch env ) {
final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects ( ) ;
final Switchboard sb = ( Switchboard ) env ;
// clean up all search events
SearchEventCache . cleanupEvents ( true ) ;
prop . put ( "noserverdetected" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "servertable" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "hosts" , "" ) ;
prop . put ( "intranet.checked" , sb . isIntranetMode ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
// make a scanhosts entry
String hosts = post = = null ? "" : post . get ( "scanhosts" , "" ) ;
Set < InetAddress > ips = Domains . myIntranetIPs ( ) ;
prop . put ( "intranethosts" , ips . toString ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( "intranetHint" , sb . isIntranetMode ( ) ? 0 : 1 ) ;
if ( hosts . length ( ) = = 0 ) {
InetAddress ip ;
if ( sb . isIntranetMode ( ) ) {
if ( ips . size ( ) > 0 ) ip = ips . iterator ( ) . next ( ) ;
else ip = Domains . dnsResolve ( "" ) ;
} else {
ip = Domains . myPublicLocalIP ( ) ;
if ( Domains . isThisHostIP ( ip ) ) ip = sb . peers . mySeed ( ) . getInetAddress ( ) ;
if ( ip ! = null ) hosts = ip . getHostAddress ( ) ;
prop . put ( "scanhosts" , hosts ) ;
// parse post requests
if ( post ! = null ) {
int repeat_time = 0 ;
String repeat_unit = "seldays" ;
long validTime = 0 ;
// check scheduler
if ( post . get ( "rescan" , "" ) . equals ( "scheduler" ) ) {
repeat_time = Integer . parseInt ( post . get ( "repeat_time" , "-1" ) ) ;
repeat_unit = post . get ( "repeat_unit" , "selminutes" ) ; // selminutes, selhours, seldays
if ( repeat_unit . equals ( "selminutes" ) ) validTime = repeat_time * 60 * 1000 ;
if ( repeat_unit . equals ( "selhours" ) ) validTime = repeat_time * 60 * 60 * 1000 ;
if ( repeat_unit . equals ( "seldays" ) ) validTime = repeat_time * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ;
// case: an IP range was given; scan the range for services and display result
if ( post . containsKey ( "scan" ) & & post . get ( "source" , "" ) . equals ( "hosts" ) ) {
Set < InetAddress > ia = new HashSet < InetAddress > ( ) ;
for ( String host : hosts . split ( "," ) ) {
if ( host . startsWith ( "http://" ) ) host = host . substring ( 7 ) ;
if ( host . startsWith ( "https://" ) ) host = host . substring ( 8 ) ;
if ( host . startsWith ( "ftp://" ) ) host = host . substring ( 6 ) ;
if ( host . startsWith ( "smb://" ) ) host = host . substring ( 6 ) ;
int p = host . indexOf ( '/' ) ;
if ( p > = 0 ) host = host . substring ( 0 , p ) ;
ia . add ( Domains . dnsResolve ( host ) ) ;
Scanner scanner = new Scanner ( ia , 100 , sb . isIntranetMode ( ) ? 1000 : 5000 ) ;
if ( post . get ( "scanftp" , "" ) . equals ( "on" ) ) scanner . addFTP ( false ) ;
if ( post . get ( "scanhttp" , "" ) . equals ( "on" ) ) scanner . addHTTP ( false ) ;
if ( post . get ( "scanhttps" , "" ) . equals ( "on" ) ) scanner . addHTTPS ( false ) ;
if ( post . get ( "scansmb" , "" ) . equals ( "on" ) ) scanner . addSMB ( false ) ;
scanner . start ( ) ;
scanner . terminate ( ) ;
if ( post . get ( "accumulatescancache" , "" ) . equals ( "on" ) & & ! post . get ( "rescan" , "" ) . equals ( "scheduler" ) ) Scanner . scancacheExtend ( scanner , validTime ) ; else Scanner . scancacheReplace ( scanner , validTime ) ;
if ( post . containsKey ( "scan" ) & & post . get ( "source" , "" ) . equals ( "intranet" ) ) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner ( Domains . myIntranetIPs ( ) , 100 , sb . isIntranetMode ( ) ? 100 : 3000 ) ;
if ( post . get ( "scanftp" , "" ) . equals ( "on" ) ) scanner . addFTP ( false ) ;
if ( post . get ( "scanhttp" , "" ) . equals ( "on" ) ) scanner . addHTTP ( false ) ;
if ( post . get ( "scanhttps" , "" ) . equals ( "on" ) ) scanner . addHTTPS ( false ) ;
if ( post . get ( "scansmb" , "" ) . equals ( "on" ) ) scanner . addSMB ( false ) ;
scanner . start ( ) ;
scanner . terminate ( ) ;
if ( post . get ( "accumulatescancache" , "" ) . equals ( "on" ) & & ! post . get ( "rescan" , "" ) . equals ( "scheduler" ) ) Scanner . scancacheExtend ( scanner , validTime ) ; else Scanner . scancacheReplace ( scanner , validTime ) ;
// check crawl request
if ( post . containsKey ( "crawl" ) ) {
// make a pk/url mapping
Iterator < Map . Entry < Scanner . Service , Scanner . Access > > se = Scanner . scancacheEntries ( ) ;
Map < byte [ ] , DigestURI > pkmap = new TreeMap < byte [ ] , DigestURI > ( Base64Order . enhancedCoder ) ;
while ( se . hasNext ( ) ) {
Scanner . Service u = se . next ( ) . getKey ( ) ;
DigestURI uu ;
try {
uu = new DigestURI ( u . url ( ) ) ;
pkmap . put ( uu . hash ( ) , uu ) ;
} catch ( MalformedURLException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
// search for crawl start requests in this mapping
for ( Map . Entry < String , String > entry : post . entrySet ( ) ) {
if ( entry . getValue ( ) . startsWith ( "mark_" ) ) {
byte [ ] pk = entry . getValue ( ) . substring ( 5 ) . getBytes ( ) ;
DigestURI url = pkmap . get ( pk ) ;
if ( url ! = null ) {
String path = "/Crawler_p.html?createBookmark=off&xsstopw=off&crawlingDomMaxPages=10000&intention=&range=domain&indexMedia=on&recrawl=nodoubles&xdstopw=off&storeHTCache=on&sitemapURL=&repeat_time=7&crawlingQ=on&cachePolicy=iffresh&indexText=on&crawlingMode=url&mustnotmatch=&crawlingDomFilterDepth=1&crawlingDomFilterCheck=off&crawlingstart=Start%20New%20Crawl&xpstopw=off&repeat_unit=seldays&crawlingDepth=99" ;
path + = "&crawlingURL=" + url . toNormalform ( true , false ) ;
WorkTables . execAPICall ( "localhost" , ( int ) sb . getConfigLong ( "port" , 8080 ) , sb . getConfig ( "adminAccountBase64MD5" , "" ) , path , pk ) ;
// check scheduler
if ( post . get ( "rescan" , "" ) . equals ( "scheduler" ) ) {
// store this call as api call
if ( repeat_time > 0 ) {
// store as scheduled api call
sb . tables . recordAPICall ( post , "CrawlStartScanner_p.html" , WorkTables . TABLE_API_TYPE_CRAWLER , "network scanner for hosts: " + hosts , repeat_time , repeat_unit . substring ( 3 ) ) ;
// execute the scan results
if ( Scanner . scancacheSize ( ) > 0 ) {
// make a comment cache
Map < byte [ ] , String > apiCommentCache = Scanner . commentCache ( sb ) ;
String urlString ;
DigestURI u ;
try {
int i = 0 ;
Iterator < Map . Entry < Scanner . Service , Scanner . Access > > se = Scanner . scancacheEntries ( ) ;
Map . Entry < Scanner . Service , Scanner . Access > host ;
while ( se . hasNext ( ) ) {
host = se . next ( ) ;
try {
u = new DigestURI ( host . getKey ( ) . url ( ) ) ;
urlString = u . toNormalform ( true , false ) ;
if ( host . getValue ( ) = = Access . granted & & Scanner . inIndex ( apiCommentCache , urlString ) = = null ) {
String path = "/Crawler_p.html?createBookmark=off&xsstopw=off&crawlingDomMaxPages=10000&intention=&range=domain&indexMedia=on&recrawl=nodoubles&xdstopw=off&storeHTCache=on&sitemapURL=&repeat_time=7&crawlingQ=on&cachePolicy=iffresh&indexText=on&crawlingMode=url&mustnotmatch=&crawlingDomFilterDepth=1&crawlingDomFilterCheck=off&crawlingstart=Start%20New%20Crawl&xpstopw=off&repeat_unit=seldays&crawlingDepth=99" ;
path + = "&crawlingURL=" + urlString ;
WorkTables . execAPICall ( "localhost" , ( int ) sb . getConfigLong ( "port" , 8080 ) , sb . getConfig ( "adminAccountBase64MD5" , "" ) , path , u . hash ( ) ) ;
i + + ;
} catch ( MalformedURLException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
} catch ( ConcurrentModificationException e ) { }
// write scan table
if ( Scanner . scancacheSize ( ) > 0 ) {
// make a comment cache
Map < byte [ ] , String > apiCommentCache = Scanner . commentCache ( sb ) ;
// show scancache table
prop . put ( "servertable" , 1 ) ;
String urlString ;
DigestURI u ;
table : while ( true ) {
try {
int i = 0 ;
Iterator < Map . Entry < Scanner . Service , Scanner . Access > > se = Scanner . scancacheEntries ( ) ;
Map . Entry < Scanner . Service , Scanner . Access > host ;
while ( se . hasNext ( ) ) {
host = se . next ( ) ;
try {
u = new DigestURI ( host . getKey ( ) . url ( ) ) ;
urlString = u . toNormalform ( true , false ) ;
prop . put ( "servertable_list_" + i + "_pk" , new String ( u . hash ( ) ) ) ;
prop . put ( "servertable_list_" + i + "_count" , i ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "servertable_list_" + i + "_protocol" , u . getProtocol ( ) ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "servertable_list_" + i + "_ip" , host . getKey ( ) . getInetAddress ( ) . getHostAddress ( ) ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "servertable_list_" + i + "_url" , urlString ) ;
prop . put ( "servertable_list_" + i + "_accessUnknown" , host . getValue ( ) = = Access . unknown ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "servertable_list_" + i + "_accessEmpty" , host . getValue ( ) = = Access . empty ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "servertable_list_" + i + "_accessGranted" , host . getValue ( ) = = Access . granted ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "servertable_list_" + i + "_accessDenied" , host . getValue ( ) = = Access . denied ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "servertable_list_" + i + "_process" , Scanner . inIndex ( apiCommentCache , urlString ) = = null ? 0 : 1 ) ;
prop . put ( "servertable_list_" + i + "_preselected" , host . getValue ( ) = = Access . granted & & Scanner . inIndex ( apiCommentCache , urlString ) = = null ? 1 : 0 ) ;
i + + ;
} catch ( MalformedURLException e ) {
Log . logException ( e ) ;
prop . put ( "servertable_list" , i ) ;
prop . put ( "servertable_num" , i ) ;
break table ;
} catch ( ConcurrentModificationException e ) {
continue table ;
return prop ;