function Progressbar ( length , parent ) {
// the description (displayed above the progressbar while loading the results), should be translated
var DESCRIPTION _STRING = "Loading results..." ;
// the number of steps of the bar
this . length = length ;
// the current position, expressed in steps (so 100% = length)
this . position = 0 ;
// the current percentage of the bar
this . percentage = 0
// use this function to display the progress, because it updates everything
this . step = function ( count ) {
this . position += count ;
// update the bar
this . percentage = this . position * ( 100 / this . length ) ;
this . fill . style . width = this . percentage + "%" ;
// if the end is reached, the bar is hidden/removed
if ( this . position == this . length )
removeAllChildren ( this . element ) ;
// the actual progressbar
var bar = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
bar . className = "ProgressBar" ;
bar . style . width = "100%" ;
bar . style . height = "20px" ;
bar . style . margin = "10px auto" ;
bar . style . textAlign = "left" ;
// the actual bar
this . fill = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
this . fill . className = "ProgressBarFill" ;
this . fill . style . width = "0%"
bar . appendChild ( this . fill ) ;
// a description for the bar
var description = document . createTextNode ( DESCRIPTION _STRING ) ;
var textcontainer = document . createElement ( "strong" ) ;
textcontainer . appendChild ( description ) ;
// the container for the elements used by the Progressbar
this . element = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
this . element . style . textAlign = "center" ;
// get hasLayout in IE, needed because of the percentage as width of the bar
this . element . className = "gainlayout" ;
this . element . appendChild ( textcontainer ) ;
this . element . appendChild ( bar ) ;
parent . appendChild ( this . element ) ;
function handleTextState ( req ) {
if ( req . readyState != 4 ) {
return ;
var response = req . responseXML ;
var snippetText = response . getElementsByTagName ( "text" ) [ 0 ] . firstChild . data ;
var urlHash = response . getElementsByTagName ( "urlHash" ) [ 0 ] . firstChild . data ;
var status = response . getElementsByTagName ( "status" ) [ 0 ] . firstChild . data ;
var span = document . getElementById ( "h" + urlHash ) ;
removeAllChildren ( span ) ;
if ( status < 11 ) {
span . className = "snippetLoaded" ;
} else {
span . className = "snippetError" ;
span . parentNode . parentNode . className = "searchresults hidden" ;
document . getElementById ( "hidden_results" ) . innerHTML = 'Some results were hidden, because they do not contain your searchwords anymore, or because they are not accessible. Click here to <a href="javascript:show_hidden_results()">show them</a>' ;
// set URL to favicon (if a link-tag was found in the document)
if ( response . getElementsByTagName ( "favicon" ) [ 0 ] . firstChild != null ) {
var img = document . getElementById ( "f" + urlHash ) ;
img . src = "ViewImage.png?width=16&height=16&url=" + response . getElementsByTagName ( "favicon" ) [ 0 ] . firstChild . data ;
// replace "<b>" text by <strong> node
var pos1 = snippetText . indexOf ( "<b>" ) ;
var pos2 = snippetText . indexOf ( "</b>" ) ;
while ( pos1 >= 0 && pos2 > pos1 ) {
leftString = document . createTextNode ( snippetText . substring ( 0 , pos1 ) ) ; //other text
if ( leftString != "" ) span . appendChild ( leftString ) ;
//add the bold text
strongNode = document . createElement ( "strong" ) ;
middleString = document . createTextNode ( snippetText . substring ( pos1 + 3 , pos2 ) ) ;
strongNode . appendChild ( middleString ) ;
span . appendChild ( strongNode ) ;
// cut out left and middle and go on with remaining text
snippetText = snippetText . substring ( pos2 + 4 ) ;
pos1 = snippetText . indexOf ( "<b>" ) ;
pos2 = snippetText . indexOf ( "</b>" ) ;
// add remaining string
if ( snippetText != "" ) {
span . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( snippetText ) ) ;
function handleMediaState ( req , progressbar ) {
if ( req . readyState != 4 ) {
return ;
var response = req . responseXML ;
// On errors, the result might not contain what we look for...
if ( response . getElementsByTagName ( "urlHash" ) ) {
var urlHash = response . getElementsByTagName ( "urlHash" ) [ 0 ] . firstChild . data ;
var links = response . getElementsByTagName ( "links" ) [ 0 ] . firstChild . data ;
var container = document . getElementById ( "results" ) ;
if ( links > 0 ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < links ; i ++ ) {
var type = response . getElementsByTagName ( "type" ) [ i ] . firstChild . data ;
var href = response . getElementsByTagName ( "href" ) [ i ] . firstChild . data ;
var name = response . getElementsByTagName ( "name" ) [ i ] . firstChild . data ;
var attr = response . getElementsByTagName ( "attr" ) [ i ] . firstChild . data ;
var link = document . createElement ( "a" ) ;
link . setAttribute ( "href" , href ) ;
link . setAttribute ( "target" , "_parent" ) ;
link . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( name ) ) ;
var title = document . createElement ( "h4" ) ;
title . className = "linktitle" ;
title . appendChild ( link ) ;
var urllink = document . createElement ( "a" ) ;
urllink . setAttribute ( "href" , href ) ;
urllink . setAttribute ( "target" , "_parent" ) ;
urllink . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( href ) ) ;
var url = document . createElement ( "p" ) ;
url . className = "url" ;
url . appendChild ( urllink ) ;
var searchresultcontainer = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
searchresultcontainer . className = "searchresults" ;
searchresultcontainer . appendChild ( title ) ;
searchresultcontainer . appendChild ( url ) ;
container . appendChild ( searchresultcontainer ) ;
document . getElementById ( "linkcount" ) . innerHTML ++ ;
progressbar . step ( 1 ) ;
function handleImageState ( req , progressbar ) {
if ( req . readyState != 4 )
return ;
var response = req . responseXML ;
// on errors, the result might not contain the expected elements and would throw an error, so we check for it here
if ( response . getElementsByTagName ( "urlHash" ) ) {
// the urlHash is not needed anymore at the moment
//var urlHash = response.getElementsByTagName("urlHash")[0];
var links = response . getElementsByTagName ( "links" ) [ 0 ] . firstChild . data ;
var div = document . getElementById ( "results" )
if ( links > 0 ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < links ; i ++ ) {
var type = response . getElementsByTagName ( "type" ) [ i ] . firstChild . data ;
var href = response . getElementsByTagName ( "href" ) [ i ] . firstChild . data ;
var code = response . getElementsByTagName ( "code" ) [ i ] . firstChild . data ;
var name = response . getElementsByTagName ( "name" ) [ i ] . firstChild . data ;
var attr = response . getElementsByTagName ( "attr" ) [ i ] . firstChild . data ;
var img = document . createElement ( "img" ) ;
img . setAttribute ( "src" , "/ViewImage.png?maxwidth=96&maxheight=96&code=" + code ) ;
img . setAttribute ( "alt" , name ) ;
var imganchor = document . createElement ( "a" ) ;
imganchor . setAttribute ( "href" , href ) ;
imganchor . className = "thumblink" ;
imganchor . appendChild ( img ) ;
var nameanchor = document . createElement ( "a" ) ;
nameanchor . setAttribute ( "href" , href ) ;
nameanchor . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( name ) ) ;
var textcontainer = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
textcontainer . className = "TableCellDark" ;
textcontainer . appendChild ( nameanchor ) ;
var thumbcontainer = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
thumbcontainer . className = "thumbcontainer" ;
thumbcontainer . appendChild ( imganchor ) ;
thumbcontainer . appendChild ( textcontainer ) ;
div . appendChild ( thumbcontainer ) ;
document . getElementById ( "linkcount" ) . innerHTML ++ ;
progressbar . step ( 1 ) ;
function addHover ( ) {
if ( document . all && document . getElementById ) {
var divs = document . getElementsByTagName ( "div" ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < divs . length ; i ++ ) {
var node = divs [ i ] ;
if ( node . className == "searchresults" ) {
node . onmouseover = function ( ) {
this . className += " hover" ;
node . onmouseout = function ( ) {
this . className = this . className . replace ( " hover" , "" ) ;
function statistics ( offset , items , global , total ) {
document . getElementById ( "offset" ) . firstChild . nodeValue = offset ;
document . getElementById ( "itemscount" ) . firstChild . nodeValue = items ;
document . getElementById ( "globalcount" ) . firstChild . nodeValue = global ;
document . getElementById ( "totalcount" ) . firstChild . nodeValue = total ;