/ * *
* Copyright ( C ) 2009 by Michael Peter Christen ; mc @ yacy . net , Frankfurt a . M . , Germany
* first published 07.04 . 2005 on http : //yacy.net
* Licensed under the GNU GPL - v2 license
* /
var AJAX _OFF = "/env/grafics/empty.gif" ;
var AJAX _ON = "/env/grafics/ajax.gif" ;
var timeout = "" ;
function handleResponse ( ) {
if ( http . readyState == 4 ) {
var response = http . responseXML ;
// get the document title
doctitle = "" ;
if ( response . getElementsByTagName ( "title" ) [ 0 ] . firstChild != null ) {
doctitle = response . getElementsByTagName ( "title" ) [ 0 ] . firstChild . nodeValue ;
document . getElementById ( "bookmarkTitle" ) . value = doctitle ;
// determine if crawling is allowed by the robots.txt
docrobotsOK = "" ;
if ( response . getElementsByTagName ( "robots" ) [ 0 ] . firstChild != null ) {
docrobotsOK = response . getElementsByTagName ( "robots" ) [ 0 ] . firstChild . nodeValue ;
robotsOKspan = document . getElementById ( "robotsOK" ) ;
if ( robotsOKspan . firstChild ) {
robotsOKspan . removeChild ( robotsOKspan . firstChild ) ;
if ( docrobotsOK == 1 ) {
img = document . createElement ( "img" ) ;
img . setAttribute ( "src" , "/env/grafics/ok.png" ) ;
img . setAttribute ( "width" , "32px" ) ;
img . setAttribute ( "height" , "32px" ) ;
img . setAttribute ( "alt" , "robots.txt - OK" ) ;
robotsOKspan . appendChild ( img ) ;
} else if ( docrobotsOK == 0 ) {
img = document . createElement ( "img" ) ;
img . setAttribute ( "src" , "/env/grafics/bad.png" ) ;
img . setAttribute ( "width" , "32px" ) ;
img . setAttribute ( "height" , "32px" ) ;
img . setAttribute ( "alt" , "robots.txt - Bad" ) ;
robotsOKspan . appendChild ( img ) ;
// robotsOKspan.appendChild(img);
} else {
robotsOKspan . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( "" ) ) ;
document . getElementById ( "robotsOK" ) . innerHTML = "" ;
// get the sitemap URL contained in the robots.txt
if ( document . getElementsByName ( "sitemapURL" ) . length > 0 ) {
sitemap = "" ;
// there can be zero, one or many sitemaps
sitemapElement = response . getElementsByTagName ( "sitemap" ) ;
if ( sitemapElement != null && sitemapElement . length > 0 && sitemapElement [ 0 ] . firstChild != null ) {
// if there are several, we take only the first
sitemap = sitemapElement [ 0 ] . firstChild . nodeValue ;
document . getElementsByName ( "sitemapURL" ) [ 0 ] . value = sitemap ;
if ( sitemap ) document . getElementById ( "sitemap" ) . disabled = false ;
sitelist = "" ;
if ( response . getElementsByTagName ( "sitelist" ) [ 0 ] . firstChild != null ) {
sitelist = response . getElementsByTagName ( "sitelist" ) [ 0 ] . firstChild . nodeValue ;
document . getElementById ( "sitelistURLs" ) . innerHTML = sitelist ;
if ( sitelist ) document . getElementById ( "sitelist" ) . disabled = false ;
// clear the ajax image
document . getElementById ( "ajax" ) . setAttribute ( "src" , AJAX _OFF ) ;
function changed ( ) {
window . clearTimeout ( timeout ) ;
timeout = window . setTimeout ( "loadInfos()" , 1500 ) ;
function loadInfos ( ) {
// displaying ajax image
document . getElementById ( "ajax" ) . setAttribute ( "src" , AJAX _ON ) ;
url = document . getElementById ( "crawlingURL" ) . value ;
if ( url . indexOf ( "ftp" ) == 0 || url . indexOf ( "smb" ) == 0 ) document . getElementById ( "crawlingQ" ) . checked = true ; // since the pdf parser update for page separation, we need to set this
sndReq ( '/api/getpageinfo_p.xml?actions=title,robots&url=' + url ) ;
document . getElementById ( "api" ) . innerHTML = "<a href='http://localhost:8090/api/getpageinfo_p.xml?actions=title,robots&url=" + url + "' id='apilink'><img src='/env/grafics/api.png' width='60' height='40' alt='API'/></a><span>See the page info about the start url.</span>" ;