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action="yacysearch.html" method="get" accept-charset="UTF-8" id="resource-switch-form"
data-trigger="hover" data-placement="right" data-container="body"
data-original-title="Your search is done using peers in the YaCy P2P network."
data-content="You can switch to 'Stealth Mode' which will switch off P2P, giving you full privacy. Expect less results then, because then only your own search index is used."
< input checked = "checked"
data-on-text="< span > Peer-to-Peer < / span > "
data-off-text="< span > Stealth Mode < / span > "
data-on-color="warning" data-off-color="success"
type="checkbox" name="resource-switch" value="local" data-size="large"
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< script > $ ( "#resource-switch-form" ) . popover ( ) ; $ ( "[name='resource-switch']" ) . bootstrapSwitch ( ) ; < / script >
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data-trigger="hover" data-placement="right" data-container="body"
data-original-title="Your search is done using only your own peer, locally."
data-content="You can switch to 'Peer-to-Peer Mode' which will cause that your search is done using the other peers in the YaCy network."
< input
data-on-text="< span > Peer-to-Peer < / span > "
data-off-text="< span > Stealth Mode < / span > "
data-on-color="warning" data-off-color="success"
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< / div >
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< div id = "tagcloud" style = "text-align:justify" > #{element}#
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show search results for "#[query]#" on map< / a >
< / li >
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document.getElementById("datehistogram").style = "height:200px";
dates_in_content_dts = [#{element}#"#[name]#","#[count]#"#(nl)#::,#(/nl)##{/element}#];
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for (var i = 0; i < dates_in_content_dts.length ; i = i + 2 ) {
var date = dates_in_content_dts[i];
var count = dates_in_content_dts[i + 1];
if (date & & count) {parsed[parsed.length] = {x: date,y: count};};
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element: 'datehistogram',
data: parsed,
xkey: 'x',
ykeys: ['y'],
labels: ['number of documents about this date'],
yLabelFormat: function (y) { return y.toString() + ' docs'; },
barColors: function (row, series, type) {
var d = new Date(row.label);
if (d.getDay() === 6) return '#4aaf46'; //saturday
if (d.getDay() === 0) return '#4aaf46'; //sunday
return '#3574c0';
hideHover: 'false'
}).on('click', function(i, row) {
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if ((fromp = query.indexOf("from:")) < 0 ) {
query = query + " from:" + row.x;
document.getElementsByClassName('searchinput')[0].value = query;
} else if ((top = query.indexOf("to:")) < 0 ) {
query = query + " to:" + row.x;
document.getElementsByClassName('searchinput')[0].value = query;
} else {
query = query.substring(0, fromp) + " on:" + row.x;
document.getElementsByClassName('searchinput')[0].value = query;
var date = row.x;
console.log(i, row, query);
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