//part of YaCy
//(C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de
//first published on http://www.anomic.de
//Frankfurt, Germany, 2005
//this file was contributed by Martin Thelian
//last major change: $LastChangedDate$ by $LastChangedBy$
//Revision: $LastChangedRevision$
//This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
//(at your option) any later version.
//This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//GNU General Public License for more details.
//You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
//Using this software in any meaning (reading, learning, copying, compiling,
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//for cost, loss of data or any harm that may be caused directly or indirectly
//by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software
//is on your own risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this
//software may allow other people or application to access your computer and
//any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the
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//the software.
//Any changes to this file according to the GPL as documented in the file
//gpl.txt aside this file in the shipment you received can be done to the
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//done inside the copyright notive above. A re-distribution must contain
//the intact and unchanged copyright notice.
//Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such.
package de.anomic.soap.services;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.apache.axis.AxisFault;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboard;
import de.anomic.server.serverObjects;
import de.anomic.soap.AbstractService;
public class CrawlService extends AbstractService {
private static final String GLOBALCRAWLTRIGGER = "globalcrawltrigger";
private static final String REMOTETRIGGEREDCRAWL = "remotetriggeredcrawl";
private static final String LOCAL_CRAWL = "localCrawl";
private static final String CRAWL_STATE = "crawlState";
* Constant: template for crawling
private static final String TEMPLATE_CRAWLING = "QuickCrawlLink_p.xml";
* Function to crawl a single link with depth <code>0</code>
public Document crawlSingleUrl(String crawlingURL) throws AxisFault {
return this.crawling(crawlingURL, "CRAWLING-ROOT", new Integer(0), ".*", Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE, null, Boolean.TRUE);
public Document crawling(
String crawlingURL,
String crawljobTitel,
Integer crawlingDepth,
String crawlingFilter,
Boolean indexText,
Boolean indexMedia,
Boolean crawlingQ,
Boolean storeHTCache,
Boolean crawlOrder,
String crawlOrderIntention,
Boolean xsstopw
) throws AxisFault {
try {
// extracting the message context
// setting the crawling properties
serverObjects args = new serverObjects();
if (crawljobTitel != null && crawljobTitel.length() > 0)
if (crawlingFilter != null && crawlingFilter.length() > 0)
if (crawlingDepth != null && crawlingDepth.intValue() > 0)
if (indexText != null)
if (indexMedia != null)
if (crawlingQ != null)
if (storeHTCache != null)
if (crawlOrder != null)
if (crawlOrderIntention != null)
if (xsstopw != null)
// triggering the crawling
byte[] result = this.serverContext.writeTemplate(TEMPLATE_CRAWLING, args, this.requestHeader);
// sending back the result to the client
return this.convertContentToXML(result);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AxisFault(e.getMessage());
* Function to pause crawling of local crawl jobs, remote crawl jobs and sending of remote crawl job triggers
* @throws AxisFault
public void pauseCrawling() throws AxisFault {
this.pauseResumeCrawling(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE);
* Function to resume crawling of local crawl jobs, remote crawl jobs and sending of remote crawl job triggers
* @throws AxisFault
public void resumeCrawling() throws AxisFault {
this.pauseResumeCrawling(Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.FALSE);
* Function to pause or resume crawling of local crawl jobs, remote crawl jobs and sending of remote crawl job triggers
* @param localCrawl if <code>null</code> current status is not changed. pause local crawls if <code>true</code> or
* resumes local crawls if <code>false</code>
* @param remoteTriggeredCrawl if <code>null</code> current status is not changed. pause remote crawls if <code>true</code> or
* resumes remote crawls if <code>false</code>
* @param globalCrawlTrigger if <code>null</code> current status is not changed. stops sending of global crawl triggers to other peers if <code>true</code> or
* resumes sending of global crawl triggers if <code>false</code>
* @throws AxisFault
public void pauseResumeCrawling(Boolean localCrawl, Boolean remoteTriggeredCrawl, Boolean globalCrawlTrigger) throws AxisFault {
// extracting the message context
if (localCrawl != null) {
if (localCrawl.booleanValue()) {
} else {
if (remoteTriggeredCrawl != null) {
if (remoteTriggeredCrawl.booleanValue()) {
} else {
if (globalCrawlTrigger != null) {
if (globalCrawlTrigger.booleanValue()) {
} else {
* Function to query the current state of the following crawling queues:
* <ul>
* <li>local crawl jobs</li>
* <li>remote crawl jobs</li>
* <li>of remote crawl job triggers</li>
* </ul>
* @return returns a XML document in the following format
* <pre>
* <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* <crawlState>
* <localCrawl>true</localCrawl>
* <remotetriggeredcrawl>false</remotetriggeredcrawl>
* <globalcrawltrigger>false</globalcrawltrigger>
* </crawlState>
* </pre>
* @throws AxisFault if authentication failed
* @throws ParserConfigurationException if xml generation failed
public Document getCrawlPauseResumeState() throws AxisFault, ParserConfigurationException {
// extracting the message context
plasmaSwitchboard sb = (plasmaSwitchboard)this.switchboard;
// creating XML document
Element xmlElement = null;
Document xmlDoc = createNewXMLDocument(CRAWL_STATE);
Element xmlRoot = xmlDoc.getDocumentElement();
xmlElement = xmlDoc.createElement(LOCAL_CRAWL);
xmlElement = xmlDoc.createElement(REMOTETRIGGEREDCRAWL);
xmlElement = xmlDoc.createElement(GLOBALCRAWLTRIGGER);
return xmlDoc;