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* DateDetection
* Copyright 2014 by Michael Peter Christen
* First released 12.12.2014 at http://yacy.net
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program in the file lgpl21.txt
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.yacy.document;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import net.yacy.cora.date.AbstractFormatter;
import net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter;
* The purpose of this class exceeds the demands on simple date parsing using a SimpleDateFormat
* because it tries to
* - discover where in a text a date is given
* - recognize human ways of date description and get it into a context, like 'next friday'
* - enrich partially given dates, i.e. when the year is omitted
* - understand different languages
public class DateDetection {
private static final TimeZone TZ_GMT = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
private static final String CONPATT = "yyyy/MM/dd";
private static final SimpleDateFormat CONFORM = new SimpleDateFormat(CONPATT, Locale.US);
private static final LinkedHashMap<Language, String[]> Weekdays = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private static final LinkedHashMap<Language, String[]> Months = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private static final int[] MaxDaysInMonth = new int[]{31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
// to assign names for days and months, we must know what language is used to express that time
public static enum Language {
static {
// all names must be lowercase because compared strings are made to lowercase as well
Weekdays.put(Language.GERMAN, new String[]{"montag", "dienstag", "mittwoch", "donnerstag", "freitag", "samstag" /*oder: "sonnabend"*/, "sonntag"});
Weekdays.put(Language.ENGLISH, new String[]{"monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"});
Weekdays.put(Language.FRENCH, new String[]{"lundi", "mardi", "mercredi", "jeudi", "vendredi", "samedi", "dimanche"});
Weekdays.put(Language.SPANISH, new String[]{"lunes", "martes", "miércoles", "jueves", "viernes", "sábado", "domingo"});
Weekdays.put(Language.ITALIAN, new String[]{"lunedì", "martedì", "mercoledì", "giovedì", "venerdì", "sabato", "domenica"});
Months.put(Language.GERMAN, new String[]{"januar", "februar", "märz", "april", "mai", "juni", "juli", "august", "september", "oktober", "november", "dezember"});
Months.put(Language.ENGLISH, new String[]{"january", "february", "march", "april", "may", "june", "july", "august", "september", "october", "november", "december"});
Months.put(Language.FRENCH, new String[]{"janvier", "février", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin", "juillet", "août", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre", "décembre"});
Months.put(Language.SPANISH, new String[]{"enero", "febrero", "marzo", "abril", "mayo", "junio", "julio", "agosto", "septiembre", "octubre", "noviembre", "diciembre"});
Months.put(Language.ITALIAN, new String[]{"gennaio", "febbraio", "marzo", "aprile", "maggio", "giugno", "luglio", "agosto", "settembre", "ottobre", "novembre", "dicembre"});
Months.put(Language.PORTUGUESE,new String[]{"janeiro", "fevereiro", "março", "abril", "maio", "junho", "julho", "agosto", "setembro", "outubro", "novembro", "dezembro"});
// RFC 822 day and month specification as a norm for date formats. This is needed to reconstruct the actual date later
public static enum Weekday {
Mon(Weekdays, 0),
Tue(Weekdays, 1),
Wed(Weekdays, 2),
Thu(Weekdays, 3),
Fri(Weekdays, 4),
Sat(Weekdays, 5),
Sun(Weekdays, 6);
private final Map<String, Language> inLanguages; // a map from the word to the language
public final int offset; // the day offset in the week, monday = 0
private Weekday(final LinkedHashMap<Language, String[]> weekdayMap, final int offset) {
this.inLanguages = new HashMap<>();
this.offset = offset;
for (Map.Entry<Language, String[]> entry: weekdayMap.entrySet()) {
this.inLanguages.put(entry.getValue()[offset], entry.getKey());
public static enum Month {
Jan( 1), Feb( 2), Mar( 3), Apr( 4), May( 5), Jun( 6),
Jul( 7), Aug( 8), Sep( 9), Oct(10), Nov(11), Dec(12);
//private final Map<String, Language> inLanguages;
private final int count;
private Month(final int count) {
this.count = count;
public static enum EntityType {
YEAR(new LinkedHashMap<Language, String[]>()),
DAY(new LinkedHashMap<Language, String[]>()),
LinkedHashMap<Language, String[]> languageTerms;
EntityType(LinkedHashMap<Language, String[]> languageTerms) {
this.languageTerms = languageTerms;
private final static Date TODAY = new Date();
private final static int CURRENT_YEAR = Integer.parseInt(CONFORM.format(TODAY).substring(0, 4)); // we need that to parse dates without given years, see the ShortStyle class
private final static int CURRENT_MONTH = Integer.parseInt(CONFORM.format(TODAY).substring(5, 7)); // wee need that to generate recurring dates, see RecurringStyle class
private final static String BODNCG = "(?:\\b|^)"; // begin of date non-capturing group
private final static String EODNCG = "(?:[).:;! ]|$)"; // end of date non-capturing group
private final static String SEPARATORNCG = "(?:/|-| - |\\.\\s|,\\s|\\.|,|\\s)"; // separator non-capturing group
private final static String DAYCAPTURE = "(\\d{1,2})";
private final static String YEARCAPTURE = "(\\d{2}|\\d{4})";
private final static String MONTHCAPTURE = "(\\p{L}{3,}|\\d{1,2})";
public static class HolidayMap extends TreeMap<String, Date[]>{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public HolidayMap() {
public static HolidayMap Holidays = new HolidayMap();
public static Map<Pattern, Date[]> HolidayPattern = new HashMap<>();
static {
try {
// German
Holidays.put("Neujahr", sameDayEveryYear(1, 1));
Holidays.put("Heilige Drei Könige", sameDayEveryYear(1, 6));
Holidays.put("Valentinstag", sameDayEveryYear(2, 14));
Holidays.put("Weiberfastnacht", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/02/27"), CONFORM.parse("2015/02/12"), CONFORM.parse("2016/02/04")});
Holidays.put("Weiberfasching", Holidays.get("Weiberfastnacht"));
Holidays.put("Rosenmontag", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/03/03"), CONFORM.parse("2015/03/16"), CONFORM.parse("2016/02/08")});
Holidays.put("Faschingsdienstag", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/03/04"), CONFORM.parse("2015/03/17"), CONFORM.parse("2016/02/09")});
Holidays.put("Fastnacht", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/03/04"), CONFORM.parse("2015/03/17"), CONFORM.parse("2016/02/09")});
Holidays.put("Aschermittwoch", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/03/05"), CONFORM.parse("2015/03/18"), CONFORM.parse("2016/02/10")});
Holidays.put("Palmsonntag", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/04/13"), CONFORM.parse("2015/03/29"), CONFORM.parse("2016/04/20")});
Holidays.put("Gründonnerstag", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/04/17"), CONFORM.parse("2015/04/02"), CONFORM.parse("2016/04/24")});
Holidays.put("Karfreitag", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/04/18"), CONFORM.parse("2015/04/03"), CONFORM.parse("2016/04/25")});
Holidays.put("Karsamstag", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/04/19"), CONFORM.parse("2015/04/04"), CONFORM.parse("2016/04/26")});
Holidays.put("Ostersonntag", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/04/20"), CONFORM.parse("2015/04/05"), CONFORM.parse("2016/04/27")});
Holidays.put("Ostermontag", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/04/21"), CONFORM.parse("2015/04/06"), CONFORM.parse("2016/04/28")});
Holidays.put("Ostern", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/04/20"), CONFORM.parse("2015/04/05"), CONFORM.parse("2016/04/27"),
CONFORM.parse("2014/04/21"), CONFORM.parse("2015/04/06"), CONFORM.parse("2016/04/28")});
Holidays.put("Walpurgisnacht", sameDayEveryYear(4, 30));
Holidays.put("Tag der Arbeit", sameDayEveryYear(5, 1));
Holidays.put("Muttertag", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/05/11"), CONFORM.parse("2015/05/10"), CONFORM.parse("2016/05/08")});
Holidays.put("Christi Himmelfahrt", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/05/29"), CONFORM.parse("2015/05/14"), CONFORM.parse("2016/05/05")});
Holidays.put("Pfingstsonntag", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/06/08"), CONFORM.parse("2015/05/24"), CONFORM.parse("2016/05/15")});
Holidays.put("Pfingstmontag", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/06/09"), CONFORM.parse("2015/05/25"), CONFORM.parse("2016/05/16")});
Holidays.put("Fronleichnam", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/06/19"), CONFORM.parse("2015/06/04"), CONFORM.parse("2016/05/25")});
Holidays.put("Mariä Himmelfahrt", sameDayEveryYear(8, 15));
Holidays.put("Tag der Deutschen Einheit", sameDayEveryYear(10, 3));
Holidays.put("Reformationstag", sameDayEveryYear(10, 31));
Holidays.put("Allerheiligen", sameDayEveryYear(11, 1));
Holidays.put("Allerseelen", sameDayEveryYear(11, 2));
Holidays.put("Martinstag", sameDayEveryYear(11, 11));
Holidays.put("St. Martin", Holidays.get("Martinstag"));
Holidays.put("Volkstrauertag", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/11/16"), CONFORM.parse("2015/11/15"), CONFORM.parse("2016/11/13")});
Holidays.put("Buß- und Bettag", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/11/19"), CONFORM.parse("2015/11/18"), CONFORM.parse("2016/11/16")});
Holidays.put("Totensonntag", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/11/23"), CONFORM.parse("2015/11/22"), CONFORM.parse("2016/11/20")});
Holidays.put("Nikolaus", sameDayEveryYear(12, 6));
Holidays.put("Heiligabend", sameDayEveryYear(12, 24));
Holidays.put("1. Weihnachtsfeiertag", sameDayEveryYear(12, 25));
Holidays.put("2. Weihnachtsfeiertag", sameDayEveryYear(12, 26));
Holidays.put("1. Advent", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/11/30"), CONFORM.parse("2015/11/29"), CONFORM.parse("2016/11/27")});
Holidays.put("2. Advent", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/12/07"), CONFORM.parse("2015/12/06"), CONFORM.parse("2016/12/04")});
Holidays.put("3. Advent", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/12/14"), CONFORM.parse("2015/12/13"), CONFORM.parse("2016/12/11")});
Holidays.put("4. Advent", new Date[]{CONFORM.parse("2014/12/21"), CONFORM.parse("2015/12/20"), CONFORM.parse("2016/12/18")});
Holidays.put("Silvester", sameDayEveryYear(12, 26));
// English
Holidays.put("Eastern", Holidays.get("Ostern"));
Holidays.put("New Year's Day", Holidays.get("Neujahr"));
Holidays.put("Epiphany", Holidays.get("Heilige Drei Könige"));
Holidays.put("Valentine's Day", Holidays.get("Valentinstag"));
Holidays.put("Orthodox Christmas", sameDayEveryYear(1, 7));
Holidays.put("St. Patrick's Day", sameDayEveryYear(3, 17));
Holidays.put("April Fools' Day", sameDayEveryYear(4, 1));
Holidays.put("Independence Day", sameDayEveryYear(7, 4));
Holidays.put("Halloween", Holidays.get("Reformationstag"));
Holidays.put("Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary", sameDayEveryYear(12, 8));
Holidays.put("Christmas Eve", Holidays.get("Heiligabend"));
Holidays.put("Christmas Day", Holidays.get("1. Weihnachtsfeiertag"));
Holidays.put("Boxing Day", Holidays.get("2. Weihnachtsfeiertag"));
Holidays.put("New Year's Eve", Holidays.get("Silvester"));
} catch (ParseException e) {}
for (Map.Entry<String, Date[]> holiday: Holidays.entrySet()) {
HolidayPattern.put(Pattern.compile(BODNCG + holiday.getKey() + EODNCG), holiday.getValue());
private static Date[] sameDayEveryYear(int month, int day) {
Date[] r = new Date[4];
String d = "/" + (month < 10 ? "0" + month : month) + "/ "+ (day < 10 ? "0" + day : day);
for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++) try {r[y] = CONFORM.parse((CURRENT_YEAR + y - 1) + d);} catch (ParseException e) {}
return r;
* The language recognition subclass understands date description parts in different languages.
* It can also be used to identify the language of a text, if that text uses words from a date vocabulary.
public static class LanguageRecognition {
private final Pattern weekdayMatch, monthMatch;
private final Set<Language> usedInLanguages;
private final Map<String, Integer> weekdayIndex, monthIndex, monthIndexAbbrev;
public LanguageRecognition(Language[] languages) {
this.usedInLanguages = new HashSet<Language>();
// prepare a month index for the languages that this notion supports
this.weekdayIndex = new HashMap<>();
this.monthIndex = new HashMap<>();
this.monthIndexAbbrev = new HashMap<>();
StringBuilder weekdayMatchString = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder monthMatchString = new StringBuilder();
for (Language language: languages) {
String[] weekdays = Weekdays.get(language);
if (weekdays != null) {
assert weekdays.length == 7;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
this.weekdayIndex.put(weekdays[i], i);
String[] months = Months.get(language);
if (months != null) {
assert months.length == 12;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
monthIndex.put(months[i], i + 1);
String abbrev = months[i].substring(0, 3);
if (monthIndexAbbrev.containsKey(abbrev) && monthIndexAbbrev.get(abbrev).intValue() != i + 1)
monthIndexAbbrev.put(abbrev, -1); // ambiguous months get a -1
monthIndexAbbrev.put(abbrev, i + 1);
this.weekdayMatch = Pattern.compile(weekdayMatchString.length() > 0 ? weekdayMatchString.substring(1) : "");
this.monthMatch = Pattern.compile(monthMatchString.length() > 0 ? monthMatchString.substring(1) : "");
* this is an expensive check that looks if any of the words from the date expressions (month and weekday expressions)
* appear in the text. This should only be used to verify a parse result if the result was ambiguous
* @param text
* @return true if one of the month and weekday expressions appear in the text
public boolean usesLanguageOfNotion(String text) {
return this.weekdayMatch.matcher(text).matches() || this.monthMatch.matcher(text).matches();
* parse a part of a date
* @param entity
* @param object
* @return a scalar value associated with this date part
public int parseEntity(EntityType entity, String object) {
if (entity == EntityType.YEAR) {
try {
int i = Integer.parseInt(object);
if (i < 100) i += 2000; // yes that makes it possible to parse the years 0-99 and it will be incorrect in the year 2100 when that is abbreviated with 00
if (i > CURRENT_YEAR + 10) return -1; // there are very rarely dates in the future that far
return i;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return -1;
if (entity == EntityType.MONTH) {
try {
int i = Integer.parseInt(object);
if (i >= 1 && i <= 12) return i;
return -1; // no reason to try in a different way, its just a wrong number
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// this may be the name of a month
if (object.length() == 3) {
// try RFC 822 names
object = object.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + object.substring(1).toLowerCase();
try {
Month m = Month.valueOf(object);
return m.count;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | NoClassDefFoundError ee) {} // just ignore this, that was just a try to shorten things..
// try the collection of names for each language
object = object.toLowerCase(); // the stored month names are all lowercase
Integer i = this.monthIndex.get(object);
if (i != null) return i.intValue();
// try an abbreviation
if (object.length() == 3) {
i = this.monthIndexAbbrev.get(object.substring(0, 3));
if (i != null) return i.intValue(); // may also be -1!
return -1;
if (entity == EntityType.DAY) {
try {
int i = Integer.parseInt(object);
if (i < 1 || i > 31) return -1;
return i;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return -1;
return -1;
private final static LanguageRecognition ENGLISH_LANGUAGE = new LanguageRecognition(new Language[]{Language.ENGLISH});
private final static LanguageRecognition GERMAN_LANGUAGE = new LanguageRecognition(new Language[]{Language.GERMAN});
private final static LanguageRecognition FRENCH_LANGUAGE = new LanguageRecognition(new Language[]{Language.FRENCH});
private final static LanguageRecognition ENGLISH_GERMAN_LANGUAGE = new LanguageRecognition(new Language[]{Language.GERMAN, Language.ENGLISH});
private final static LanguageRecognition ENGLISH_GERMAN_FRENCH_SPANISH_ITALIAN_LANGUAGE = new LanguageRecognition(new Language[]{Language.GERMAN, Language.ENGLISH, Language.FRENCH, Language.SPANISH, Language.ITALIAN, Language.PORTUGUESE});
public static interface StyleParser {
* get all dates in the text
* @param text
* @return a set of dates, ordered by occurrence.
public LinkedHashSet<Date> parse(String text);
* Regular expressions for various types of date writings.
* Uses terminology and data taken from:
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_format_by_country
public static enum EndianStyle implements StyleParser {
YMD(EntityType.YEAR, EntityType.MONTH, EntityType.DAY, // Big-endian (year, month, day), e.g. 1996-04-22
ENGLISH_GERMAN_LANGUAGE, // GERMAN: 'official standard date format', ENGLISH: used in UK
DMY(EntityType.DAY, EntityType.MONTH, EntityType.YEAR, // Little-endian (day, month, year), e.g. 22.04.96 or 22/04/96 or 22 April 1996
MDY(EntityType.MONTH, EntityType.DAY, EntityType.YEAR, // Middle-endian (month, day, year), e.g. 04/22/96 or April 22, 1996
private final Pattern pattern;
private final EntityType firstEntity, secondEntity, thirdEntity;
public final LanguageRecognition languageParser;
EndianStyle(EntityType firstEntity, EntityType secondEntity, EntityType thirdEntity, LanguageRecognition languageParser, String patternString) {
this.firstEntity = firstEntity;
this.secondEntity = secondEntity;
this.thirdEntity = thirdEntity;
this.pattern = Pattern.compile(patternString);
this.languageParser = languageParser;
* get all dates in the text
* @param text
* @return a set of dates, ordered by occurrence.
public LinkedHashSet<Date> parse(final String text) {
LinkedHashSet<Date> dates = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Matcher matcher = this.pattern.matcher(text);
while (matcher.find()) {
if (!(matcher.groupCount() == 3)) continue;
String entity1 = matcher.group(1); if (entity1 == null) continue;
String entity2 = matcher.group(2); if (entity2 == null) continue;
String entity3 = matcher.group(3); if (entity3 == null) continue;
//System.out.println("FRAGMENTS: entity1=" + entity1 + ", entity2=" + entity2 + ", entity3=" + entity3); // DEBUG
int i1 = languageParser.parseEntity(this.firstEntity, entity1);
if (i1 < 0) continue;
int i2 = languageParser.parseEntity(this.secondEntity, entity2);
if (i2 < 0) continue;
int i3 = languageParser.parseEntity(this.thirdEntity, entity3);
if (i3 < 0) continue;
int day = this.firstEntity == EntityType.DAY ? i1 : this.secondEntity == EntityType.DAY ? i2 : i3;
int month = this.firstEntity == EntityType.MONTH ? i1 : this.secondEntity == EntityType.MONTH ? i2 : i3;
if (day > MaxDaysInMonth[month - 1]) continue; // validity check of the day number
int year = this.firstEntity == EntityType.YEAR ? i1 : this.secondEntity == EntityType.YEAR ? i2 : i3;
synchronized (CONFORM) {try {
dates.add(CONFORM.parse(year + "/" + (month < 10 ? "0" : "") + month + "/" + (day < 10 ? "0" : "") + day));
} catch (ParseException e) {
if (dates.size() > 100) {dates.clear(); break;} // that does not make sense
return dates;
public static enum ShortStyle implements StyleParser {
MD_ENGLISH(EntityType.MONTH, EntityType.DAY, // Big-endian (month, day), e.g. "from october 1st to september 13th"
DM_GERMAN(EntityType.DAY, EntityType.MONTH, // Little-endian (day, month), e.g. "am 1. April"
DM_FRENCH(EntityType.DAY, EntityType.MONTH, // Little-endian (day, month), e.g. "le 29 Septembre,"
DM_ITALIAN(EntityType.DAY, EntityType.MONTH, // Little-endian (day, month), e.g. "il 29 settembre,"
DM_SPANISH(EntityType.DAY, EntityType.MONTH, // Little-endian (day, month), e.g. "el 29 de septiembre,"
public final Pattern pattern;
private final EntityType firstEntity, secondEntity;
public final LanguageRecognition languageParser;
ShortStyle(EntityType firstEntity, EntityType secondEntity, LanguageRecognition languageParser, String patternString) {
this.firstEntity = firstEntity;
this.secondEntity = secondEntity;
this.pattern = Pattern.compile(patternString);
this.languageParser = languageParser;
* get all dates in the text
* @param text
* @return a set of dates, ordered by occurrence.
public LinkedHashSet<Date> parse(final String text) {
LinkedHashSet<Date> dates = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Matcher matcher = this.pattern.matcher(text);
//ConcurrentLog.info("DateDetection", "applying matcher: " + matcher.toString());
while (matcher.find()) {
if (!(matcher.groupCount() == 2)) continue;
String entity1 = matcher.group(1); if (entity1 == null) continue;
String entity2 = matcher.group(2); if (entity2 == null) continue;
//System.out.println("FRAGMENTS: entity1=" + entity1 + ", entity2=" + entity2 + ", entity3=" + entity3); // DEBUG
int i1 = languageParser.parseEntity(this.firstEntity, entity1);
if (i1 < 0) continue;
int i2 = languageParser.parseEntity(this.secondEntity, entity2);
if (i2 < 0) continue;
int day = this.firstEntity == EntityType.DAY ? i1 : i2;
int month = this.firstEntity == EntityType.MONTH ? i1 : i2;
if (day > MaxDaysInMonth[month - 1]) continue; // validity check of the day number
int thisyear = CURRENT_YEAR;
int nextyear = CURRENT_YEAR + 1;
synchronized (CONFORM) {try {
String datestub = "/" + (month < 10 ? "0" : "") + month + "/" + (day < 10 ? "0" : "") + day;
Date atThisYear = CONFORM.parse(thisyear + datestub);
Date atNextYear = CONFORM.parse(nextyear + datestub);
//dates.add(atThisYear.after(TODAY) ? atThisYear : atNextYear); // we consider these kind of dates as given for the future
} catch (ParseException e) {
if (dates.size() > 100) {dates.clear(); break;} // that does not make sense
return dates;
private static final HashMap<String, Long> specialDayOffset = new HashMap<>();
static {
specialDayOffset.put("today", 0L); specialDayOffset.put("heute", 0L);
specialDayOffset.put("tomorrow", AbstractFormatter.dayMillis); specialDayOffset.put("morgen", AbstractFormatter.dayMillis);
specialDayOffset.put("dayaftertomorrow", 2 * AbstractFormatter.dayMillis); specialDayOffset.put("uebermorgen", 2 * AbstractFormatter.dayMillis);
specialDayOffset.put("yesterday", -AbstractFormatter.dayMillis); specialDayOffset.put("gestern", -AbstractFormatter.dayMillis);
* get all dates in the text
* @param text
* @return a set of dates, ordered by time. first date in the ordered set is the oldest time.
public static LinkedHashSet<Date> parse(String text, int timezoneOffset) {
Long offset;
if ((offset = specialDayOffset.get(text)) != null) {
LinkedHashSet<Date> dates = new LinkedHashSet<>(); dates.add(new Date((System.currentTimeMillis() / AbstractFormatter.dayMillis) * AbstractFormatter.dayMillis + offset.longValue())); return dates;
LinkedHashSet<Date> dates = parseRawDate(text);
for (Map.Entry<Pattern, Date[]> entry: HolidayPattern.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().matcher(text).matches()) {
for (Date d: entry.getValue()) dates.add(d);
return dates;
public static Date parseLine(final String text, final int timezoneOffset) {
Date d = null;
try {d = CONFORM.parse(text);} catch (ParseException e) {}
added a new way of content browsing in search results: - date navigation The date is taken from the CONTENT of the documents / web pages, NOT from a date submitted in the context of metadata (i.e. http header or html head form). This makes it possible to search for documents in the future, i.e. when documents contain event descriptions for future events. The date is written to an index field which is now enabled by default. All documents are scanned for contained date mentions. To visualize the dates for a specific search results, a histogram showing the number of documents for each day is displayed. To render these histograms the morris.js library is used. Morris.js requires also raphael.js which is now also integrated in YaCy. The histogram is now also displayed in the index browser by default. To select a specific range from a search result, the following modifiers had been introduced: from:<date> to:<date> These modifiers can be used separately (i.e. only 'from' or only 'to') to describe an open interval or combined to have a closed interval. Both dates are inclusive. To select a specific single date only, use the 'to:' - modifier. The histogram shows blue and green lines; the green lines denot weekend days (saturday and sunday). Clicking on bars in the histogram has the following reaction: 1st click: add a from:<date> modifier for the date of the bar 2nd click: add a to:<date> modifier for the date of the bar 3rd click: remove from and date modifier and set a on:<date> for the bar When the on:<date> modifier is used, the histogram shows an unlimited time period. This makes it possible to click again (4th click) which is then interpreted as a 1st click again (sets a from modifier). The display feature is NOT switched on by default; to switch it on use the /ConfigSearchPage_p.html servlet.
10 years ago
//if (d == null) try {d = GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SHORT_DAY.parse(text);} catch (ParseException e) {} // did not work well and fired for wrong formats; do not use
if (d == null) try {d = GenericFormatter.FORMAT_RFC1123_SHORT.parse(text);} catch (ParseException e) {}
if (d == null) try {d = GenericFormatter.FORMAT_ANSIC.parse(text);} catch (ParseException e) {}
if (d == null) {
Set<Date> dd = parse(text, timezoneOffset);
if (dd.size() >= 1) d = dd.iterator().next();
return d;
private static LinkedHashSet<Date> parseRawDate(String text) {
// get parse alternatives for different date styles; we consider that one document uses only one style
LinkedHashSet<Date> DMYDates = EndianStyle.DMY.parse(text);
ShortStyle[] shortStyleCheck = new ShortStyle[]{ShortStyle.DM_GERMAN, ShortStyle.DM_FRENCH, ShortStyle.DM_ITALIAN, ShortStyle.DM_SPANISH};
LinkedHashSet<Date> DMDates = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (ShortStyle shortStyle: shortStyleCheck) {
if (DMDates.size() > 0) break;
LinkedHashSet<Date> MDYDates = DMYDates.size() == 0 ? EndianStyle.MDY.parse(text) : new LinkedHashSet<Date>(0);
LinkedHashSet<Date> MDDates = DMYDates.size() == 0 ? ShortStyle.MD_ENGLISH.parse(text) : new LinkedHashSet<Date>(0);
LinkedHashSet<Date> YMDDates = DMYDates.size() == 0 && MDYDates.size() == 0 ? EndianStyle.YMD.parse(text) : new LinkedHashSet<Date>(0);
// if either one of them contains any and the other contain no date, chose that one (we don't want to mix them)
if (YMDDates.size() > 0 && DMYDates.size() == 0 && MDYDates.size() == 0) return YMDDates;
if (YMDDates.size() == 0 && DMYDates.size() > 0 && MDYDates.size() == 0) return DMYDates;
if (YMDDates.size() == 0 && DMYDates.size() == 0 && MDYDates.size() > 0) return MDYDates;
// if we have several sets, check if we can detect the language from month or weekday expressions
// we sort out such sets, which do not contain any of these languages
boolean usesLanguageOfYMD = YMDDates.size() > 0 ? false : EndianStyle.YMD.languageParser.usesLanguageOfNotion(text);
boolean usesLanguageOfDMY = DMYDates.size() > 0 ? false : EndianStyle.DMY.languageParser.usesLanguageOfNotion(text);
boolean usesLanguageOfMDY = MDYDates.size() > 0 ? false : EndianStyle.MDY.languageParser.usesLanguageOfNotion(text);
// now check again
if (usesLanguageOfYMD && !usesLanguageOfDMY && !usesLanguageOfMDY) return YMDDates;
if (!usesLanguageOfYMD && usesLanguageOfDMY && !usesLanguageOfMDY) return DMYDates;
if (!usesLanguageOfYMD && !usesLanguageOfDMY && usesLanguageOfMDY) return MDYDates;
// if this fails, we return only the DMY format since that has the most chances to be right (it is mostly used)
// we choose DMYDates even if it is empty to avoid false positives.
return DMYDates;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String fill = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) fill += 'x';
String[] test = new String[]{
"\n laden die Stadtwerke \n X am Rosenmontag und am \n Faschingsdienstag zur Disko auf die \n",
"kein Datum im Text",
" Fastnacht am 4. März noch",
" Fastnacht am 4. April noch­",
"heute 12. Dezember 2014. ",
"heute 12. Dezember 2014",
"12. Dezember 2014. ",
"heute 12. Dezember 2014 ",
"heute 12. Dezember 2014. ",
"Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2014 xyz",
"Donnerstag, 18 Dezember 2014 xyz",
"Donnerstag, 18.Dezember 2014 xyz",
"Montag, 8. Dezember 2014 xyz",
"Montag, 8.Dezember 2014 xyz",
"Donnerstag, 18.12.2014 xyz",
"Montag, 8.12.2014 xyz",
"Donnerstag, 18.12.14 xyz",
"Montag, 8.12.14 xyz",
"Mitglied seit: 13. Januar 2007 xyz",
"Im Dezember 2014 xyz",
"11. September 2001",
"12.12.2014 08:43",
"immer am 1. Dezember abends",
"immer am 31. Dezember abends",
"immer am 31. dezember abends",
"on october 20 every year",
" on october 20 every year",
"on September 29,",
"am Karfreitag um 15:00 Uhr",
"11 fevereiro 2001", // portuguese
"12. fevereiro 2002", // portuguese
"13 de fevereiro 2003", // portuguese
"Fevereiro 14, 2004" // portuguese
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (String s: test) {
String parsed = parse(fill + " " + s + " " + fill, 0).toString();
System.out.println("SOURCE: " + s);
System.out.println("DATE : " + parsed);
System.out.println("Runtime: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + " milliseconds.");