You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<title>YaCy '#[clientname]#': Search Page</title>
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var suggestMatcher = function() {
return function opensearch(q, cb) {
$.getJSON("suggest.json?q=" + q, function(data) {
var parsed = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data[1].length; i++) {
var row = data[1][i];
if (row) {
parsed[parsed.length] = {
data: [row],
value: row,
result: row
$(document).ready(function() {
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name: 'states',
displayKey: 'value',
source: suggestMatcher()
<style type="text/css">.twitter-typeahead {margin: 0px;padding: 0px;top:3px;}</style> <!-- fix for input window -->
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<!-- this is the single exception in page design where we do not want a top-left application icon because we show a big one in the middle of the page -->
<h2 class="yacy"><a href="#[promoteSearchPageGreeting.homepage]#" class="yacylogo"><img src="#[promoteSearchPageGreeting.largeImage]#" alt="#[promoteSearchPageGreeting.imageAlt]#" style="margin: auto;"/></a></h2>
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added a new way of content browsing in search results: - date navigation The date is taken from the CONTENT of the documents / web pages, NOT from a date submitted in the context of metadata (i.e. http header or html head form). This makes it possible to search for documents in the future, i.e. when documents contain event descriptions for future events. The date is written to an index field which is now enabled by default. All documents are scanned for contained date mentions. To visualize the dates for a specific search results, a histogram showing the number of documents for each day is displayed. To render these histograms the morris.js library is used. Morris.js requires also raphael.js which is now also integrated in YaCy. The histogram is now also displayed in the index browser by default. To select a specific range from a search result, the following modifiers had been introduced: from:<date> to:<date> These modifiers can be used separately (i.e. only 'from' or only 'to') to describe an open interval or combined to have a closed interval. Both dates are inclusive. To select a specific single date only, use the 'to:' - modifier. The histogram shows blue and green lines; the green lines denot weekend days (saturday and sunday). Clicking on bars in the histogram has the following reaction: 1st click: add a from:<date> modifier for the date of the bar 2nd click: add a to:<date> modifier for the date of the bar 3rd click: remove from and date modifier and set a on:<date> for the bar When the on:<date> modifier is used, the histogram shows an unlimited time period. This makes it possible to click again (4th click) which is then interpreted as a 1st click again (sets a from modifier). The display feature is NOT switched on by default; to switch it on use the /ConfigSearchPage_p.html servlet.
10 years ago
<button id="Enter" name="Enter" class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Search</button>
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<input type="hidden" name="nav" value="#[search.navigation]#" />
<input type="hidden" name="startRecord" id="startRecord" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="indexof" value="off" />
<input type="hidden" name="meanCount" value="5" />
<input type="hidden" name="resource" value="global" />
<input type="hidden" name="prefermaskfilter" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="maximumRecords" value="#[maximumRecords]#" />
<input id="timezoneOffset" type="hidden" name="timezoneOffset" value=""><script>document.getElementById("timezoneOffset").value = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();</script>
<table role="presentation">
<td><label id="maxResultsLabel">Results per page</label>:</td>
<fieldset aria-labelledby="maxResultsLabel">
<input type="radio" name="maximumRecords" id="mr10" value="10" #(count-10)#::checked="checked"#(/count-10)#/><label for="mr10">10</label>
<input type="radio" name="maximumRecords" id="mr50" value="50" #(count-50)#::checked="checked"#(/count-50)#/><label for="mr50">50</label>
<input type="radio" name="maximumRecords" id="mr100" value="100" #(count-100)#::checked="checked"#(/count-100)#/><label for="mr100">100</label>
<td><label id="resourceLabel">Resource</label>:</td>
<fieldset aria-labelledby="resourceLabel">
<input type="radio" name="resource" id="rglobal" value="global" checked="checked" /><label for="rglobal">the peer-to-peer network</label>
<input type="radio" name="resource" id="rlocal" value="local"><label for="rlocal">only the local index</label>
<td><label id="resourceLabel">Resource</label>:</td>
<fieldset aria-labelledby="resourceLabel">
<input type="radio" name="resource" id="rglobal" value="global"/><label for="rglobal">the peer-to-peer network</label>
<input type="radio" name="resource" id="rlocal" value="local" checked="checked"/><label for="rlocal">only the local index</label>
<label for="prefermaskfilter">Prefer mask</label>:
<input id="prefermaskfilter" name="prefermaskfilter" type="text" size="12" maxlength="80" value="#[prefermaskfilter]#" />
<input type="radio" name="prefermask" value="yes" checked="checked" /> restrict on <input name="prefermaskfilter" type="text" size="12" maxlength="80" value="#[prefermaskfilter]#" />
<input type="radio" name="prefermask" value="no" /> show all
<input type="checkbox" id="indexof" name="indexof" #[indexofChecked]# /> <label for="indexof">only index pages</label>
<h4>Query Operators</h4>
<dl style="width:700px">
<dt style="width:100px">restrictions</dt>
<dl style="width:500px">
<dd>only urls with the &lt;phrase&gt; in the url</dd>
<dd>only urls with the &lt;phrase&gt; within outbound links of the document</dd>
<dd>only urls with extension &lt;ext&gt;</dd>
<dd>only urls from host &lt;host&gt;</dd>
<dd>only pages with as-author-anotated &lt;author&gt;</dd>
<dd>only pages from top-level-domains &lt;tld&gt;</dd>
<dd>only pages with &lt;date&gt; in content</dd>
<dt>from:&lt;date1&gt; to:&lt;date2&gt;</dt>
<dd>only pages with a date between &lt;date1&gt; and &lt;date2&gt; in content</dd>
<dd>only resources from http or https servers</dd>
<dd>only resources from ftp servers (they are rare, <a href="CrawlStartSite.html">crawl them yourself</a>)</dd>
<dd>only resources from smb servers (<a href="ConfigBasic.html">Intranet Indexing</a> must be selected)</dd>
<dd>only files from a local file system (<a href="ConfigBasic.html">Intranet Indexing</a> must be selected)</dd>
<dt style="width:100px">ranking modifier</dt>
<dl style="width:500px">
<dd>sort by date (latest first)</dd>
<dd>multiple words shall appear near</dd>
<dt>"" (doublequotes)</dt>
<dd>multiple words shall appear near</dd>
<dd>prefer given language (an ISO639 2-letter code)</dd>
<dt style="width:100px">heuristics</dt>
<dl style="width:500px">
<dd>add search results from external opensearch systems</dd>
<h4>Search Navigation</h4>
<dl style="width:700px">
<dt style="width:100px">keyboard shotcuts</dt>
<dl style="width:500px">
<dt>tab or page-up</dt>
<dd>next result page</dd>
<dd>previous result page</dd>
<dt style="width:100px">automatic result retrieval</dt>
<dl style="width:500px">
<dt>browser integration</dt>
<dd>after searching, click-open on the default search engine in the upper right search field of your browser and select 'Add "YaCy Search.."'</dd>
<dt>search as rss feed</dt>
<dd>click on the red icon in the upper right after a search. this works good in combination with the '/date' ranking modifier. See an <a href="yacysearch.rss?query=news+%2Fdate&Enter=Search&verify=cacheonly&contentdom=text&nav=hosts%2Cauthors%2Cnamespace%2Ctopics%2Cfiletype%2Cprotocol&startRecord=0&indexof=off&meanCount=5&maximumRecords=10&resource=global&prefermaskfilter=">example</a>.</dd>
<dt>json search results</dt>
<dd>for ajax developers: get the search rss feed and replace the '.rss' extension in the search result url with '.json'</dd>