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68 lines
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68 lines
2.3 KiB
18 years ago
@Echo Off
title YaCy
If %1.==CPGEN. GoTo :CPGEN
Rem Generating the proper classpath unsing loops and labels
Set CLASSPATH=classes;htroot;lib/updater/YaCyUpdater_r3.jar
For %%X in (lib/*.jar) Do Call %0 CPGEN lib\%%X
For %%X in (libx/*.jar) Do Call %0 CPGEN libx\%%X
REM Please change the "javastart" settings in the web-interface "Basic Configuration" -> "Advanced"
set jmx=
set jms=
set javacmd=-Xmx64m -Xms10m
set priolvl=0
set priority=/NORMAL
if exist DATA\SETTINGS\httpProxy.conf GoTo :GETSTARTOPTS
Rem Starting YaCy
Echo Generated classpath:%CLASSPATH%
Echo JRE Parameters:%javacmd%
Echo Priority:%priority%
Echo ****************** YaCy Web Crawler/Indexer ^& Search Engine *******************
Echo **** (C) by Michael Peter Christen, usage granted under the GPL Version 2 ****
Echo **** USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Project home and releases: ****
Echo ** LOG of YaCy: DATA/LOG/yacy00.log (and yacy^<xx^>.log) **
Echo ** STOP YaCy: execute stopYACY.bat and wait some seconds **
Echo ** GET HELP for YaCy: see and **
Echo *******************************************************************************
Echo ^>^> YaCy started as daemon process. Administration at http://localhost:%port% ^<^<
start "YaCy" %priority% /B /WAIT java %javacmd% -classpath %CLASSPATH% YaCyUpdater
if not exist DATA\yacy.restart GoTo :END
echo Please wait...
REM 'sleep' five seconds
ping localhost -n 5 >NUL
if exist DATA\yacy.running GoTo :WAIT
del DATA\yacy.restart
Rem This target is used to read java runtime parameters out of the yacy config file
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in (DATA\SETTINGS\httpProxy.conf) do (
if "%%i"=="javastart_Xmx" set jmx=%%j
if "%%i"=="javastart_Xms" set jms=%%j
if "%%i"=="port" set port=%%j
if "%%i"=="javastart_priority" set priolvl=%%j
if defined jmx set javacmd=-%jmx%
if defined jms set javacmd=-%jms% %javacmd%
if not defined port set port=8080
if defined priolvl (
if %priolvl% == 20 set priority=/LOW
if %priolvl% == 10 set priority=/BELOWNORMAL
Rem This target is used to concatenate the classpath parts
Rem Target needed to jump to the end of the file