// yacysearchitem.java
// (C) 2007 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 28.08.2007 on http://yacy.net
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import java.awt.Dimension ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException ;
import java.net.MalformedURLException ;
import java.net.URLEncoder ;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets ;
import java.util.Collection ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import net.yacy.cora.date.GenericFormatter ;
import net.yacy.cora.date.ISO8601Formatter ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.analysis.Classification ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.analysis.Classification.ContentDomain ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.ASCII ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.feed.RSSMessage ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.DigestURL ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.MultiProtocolURL ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.HeaderFramework ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader.FileType ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.Memory ;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.Cache ;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.Transactions ;
import net.yacy.crawler.data.Transactions.State ;
import net.yacy.crawler.retrieval.Response ;
import net.yacy.data.URLLicense ;
import net.yacy.document.parser.html.IconEntry ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.URIMetadataNode ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.Formatter ;
import net.yacy.peers.NewsPool ;
import net.yacy.peers.Seed ;
import net.yacy.peers.graphics.ProfilingGraph ;
import net.yacy.search.EventTracker ;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard ;
import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants ;
import net.yacy.search.query.HeuristicResult ;
import net.yacy.search.query.QueryParams ;
import net.yacy.search.query.SearchEvent ;
import net.yacy.search.query.SearchEventCache ;
import net.yacy.search.query.SearchEventType ;
import net.yacy.search.snippet.TextSnippet ;
import net.yacy.server.serverObjects ;
import net.yacy.server.serverSwitch ;
import net.yacy.utils.crypt ;
import net.yacy.utils.nxTools ;
import net.yacy.visualization.ImageViewer ;
public class yacysearchitem {
private static final String SHORTEN_SUFFIX = "..." ;
private static final int SHORTEN_SUFFIX_LENGTH = SHORTEN_SUFFIX . length ( ) ;
private static final int MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 60 ;
private static final int MAX_URL_LENGTH = 120 ;
/** Default image item width in pixels */
private static final int DEFAULT_IMG_WIDTH = 128 ;
/** Default image item height in pixels */
private static final int DEFAULT_IMG_HEIGHT = DEFAULT_IMG_WIDTH ;
//private static boolean col = true;
public static serverObjects respond ( final RequestHeader header , final serverObjects post , final serverSwitch env ) {
final Switchboard sb = ( Switchboard ) env ;
final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects ( ) ;
final String eventID = post . get ( "eventID" , "" ) ;
final boolean authenticated = sb . verifyAuthentication ( header ) ;
final int item = post . getInt ( "item" , - 1 ) ;
final RequestHeader . FileType fileType = header . fileType ( ) ;
// default settings for blank item
prop . put ( "content" , "0" ) ;
prop . put ( "rss" , "0" ) ;
prop . put ( "references" , "0" ) ;
prop . put ( "rssreferences" , "0" ) ;
prop . put ( "dynamic" , "0" ) ;
// find search event
final SearchEvent theSearch = SearchEventCache . getEvent ( eventID ) ;
if ( theSearch = = null ) {
// the event does not exist, show empty page
return prop ;
// dynamically update count values
prop . put ( "offset" , theSearch . query . neededResults ( ) - theSearch . query . itemsPerPage ( ) + 1 ) ;
prop . put ( "itemscount" , Formatter . number ( Math . min ( ( item < 0 ) ? theSearch . query . neededResults ( ) : item + 1 , theSearch . getResultCount ( ) ) ) ) ;
prop . put ( "itemsperpage" , Formatter . number ( theSearch . query . itemsPerPage ) ) ;
prop . put ( "totalcount" , Formatter . number ( theSearch . getResultCount ( ) , true ) ) ;
prop . put ( "localResourceSize" , Formatter . number ( theSearch . local_rwi_stored . get ( ) + theSearch . local_solr_stored . get ( ) , true ) ) ;
prop . put ( "remoteResourceSize" , Formatter . number ( theSearch . remote_rwi_stored . get ( ) + theSearch . remote_solr_stored . get ( ) , true ) ) ;
prop . put ( "remoteIndexCount" , Formatter . number ( theSearch . remote_rwi_available . get ( ) + theSearch . remote_solr_available . get ( ) , true ) ) ;
prop . put ( "remotePeerCount" , Formatter . number ( theSearch . remote_rwi_peerCount . get ( ) + theSearch . remote_solr_peerCount . get ( ) , true ) ) ;
prop . put ( "navurlBase" , QueryParams . navurlBase ( RequestHeader . FileType . HTML , theSearch . query , null , false ) . toString ( ) ) ;
final String target_special_pattern = sb . getConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . SEARCH_TARGET_SPECIAL_PATTERN , "" ) ;
long timeout = item = = 0 ? 10000 : ( theSearch . query . isLocal ( ) ? 1000 : 3000 ) ;
if ( theSearch . query . contentdom = = Classification . ContentDomain . TEXT | | theSearch . query . contentdom = = Classification . ContentDomain . ALL ) {
// text search
// generate result object
final URIMetadataNode result = theSearch . oneResult ( item , timeout ) ;
if ( result = = null ) return prop ; // no content
final String resultUrlstring = result . urlstring ( ) ;
final DigestURL resultURL = result . url ( ) ;
final String target = sb . getConfig ( resultUrlstring . matches ( target_special_pattern ) ? SwitchboardConstants . SEARCH_TARGET_SPECIAL : SwitchboardConstants . SEARCH_TARGET_DEFAULT , "_self" ) ;
final String resource = theSearch . query . domType . toString ( ) ;
final String origQ = theSearch . query . getQueryGoal ( ) . getQueryString ( true ) ;
prop . put ( "content" , 1 ) ; // switch on specific content
prop . put ( "content_authorized" , authenticated ? "1" : "0" ) ;
final String urlhash = ASCII . String ( result . hash ( ) ) ;
if ( authenticated ) { // only needed if authorized
addAuthorizedActions ( sb , prop , theSearch , resultUrlstring , resource , origQ , urlhash ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_title" , result . title ( ) ) ;
prop . putXML ( "content_title-xml" , result . title ( ) ) ;
prop . putJSON ( "content_title-json" , result . title ( ) ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_showPictures_link" , resultUrlstring ) ;
//prop.putHTML("content_link", resultUrlstring);
// START interaction
if ( sb . getConfigBool ( "proxyURL.useforresults" , false ) & & sb . getConfigBool ( "proxyURL" , false ) ) {
String modifyURL = resultUrlstring ;
// check if url is allowed to view
final String tmprewritecfg = sb . getConfig ( "proxyURL.rewriteURLs" , "all" ) ;
if ( tmprewritecfg . equals ( "all" ) ) {
modifyURL = "./proxy.html?url=" + resultUrlstring ;
} else if ( tmprewritecfg . equals ( "domainlist" ) ) { // check if url is allowed to view
try {
if ( sb . crawlStacker . urlInAcceptedDomain ( new DigestURL ( resultUrlstring ) ) = = null ) {
modifyURL = "./proxy.html?url=" + resultUrlstring ;
} catch ( final MalformedURLException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
} else if ( tmprewritecfg . equals ( "yacy" ) ) {
try {
if ( ( new DigestURL ( resultUrlstring ) . getHost ( ) . endsWith ( ".yacy" ) ) ) {
modifyURL = "./proxy.html?url=" + resultUrlstring ;
} catch ( final MalformedURLException e ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e ) ;
prop . putXML ( "content_link" , modifyURL ) ; // putXML for rss
} else {
prop . putXML ( "content_link" , resultUrlstring ) ; // putXML for rss
// END interaction
boolean isAtomFeed = header . get ( HeaderFramework . CONNECTION_PROP_EXT , "" ) . equals ( "atom" ) ;
String resultFileName = resultURL . getFileName ( ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_target" , target ) ;
DigestURL faviconURL = null ;
if ( ( fileType = = FileType . HTML | | fileType = = FileType . JSON ) & & ! sb . isIntranetMode ( ) ) {
faviconURL = getFaviconURL ( result , new Dimension ( 16 , 16 ) ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_faviconUrl" , processFaviconURL ( authenticated , faviconURL ) ) ;
prop . put ( "content_urlhash" , urlhash ) ;
prop . put ( "content_ranking" , Float . toString ( result . score ( ) ) ) ;
Date [ ] events = result . events ( ) ;
boolean showEvent = events ! = null & & events . length > 0 & & sb . getConfig ( "search.navigation" , "" ) . indexOf ( "date" , 0 ) > = 0 ;
prop . put ( "content_showEvent" , showEvent ? 1 : 0 ) ;
Collection < File > snapshotPaths = sb . getConfigBool ( "search.result.show.snapshots" , true ) ? Transactions . findPaths ( result . url ( ) , null , State . ANY ) : null ;
if ( fileType = = FileType . HTML ) { // html template specific settings
prop . put ( "content_showDate" , sb . getConfigBool ( "search.result.show.date" , true ) & & ! showEvent ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showSize" , sb . getConfigBool ( "search.result.show.size" , true ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showMetadata" , sb . getConfigBool ( "search.result.show.metadata" , true ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showParser" , sb . getConfigBool ( "search.result.show.parser" , true ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showCitation" , sb . getConfigBool ( "search.result.show.citation" , true ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showPictures" , sb . getConfigBool ( "search.result.show.pictures" , true ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showCache" , sb . getConfigBool ( "search.result.show.cache" , true ) & & Cache . has ( resultURL . hash ( ) ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showProxy" , sb . getConfigBool ( "search.result.show.proxy" , true ) & & sb . getConfigBool ( "proxyURL" , false ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showHostBrowser" , sb . getConfigBool ( "search.result.show.hostbrowser" , true ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showSnapshots" , snapshotPaths ! = null & & snapshotPaths . size ( ) > 0 & & sb . getConfigBool ( "search.result.show.snapshots" , true ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showVocabulary" , sb . getConfigBool ( "search.result.show.vocabulary" , true ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
if ( showEvent ) prop . put ( "content_showEvent_date" , GenericFormatter . RFC1123_SHORT_FORMATTER . format ( events [ 0 ] ) ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showDate_date" , GenericFormatter . RFC1123_SHORT_FORMATTER . format ( result . moddate ( ) ) ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_showSize_sizename" , RSSMessage . sizename ( result . filesize ( ) ) ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showMetadata_urlhash" , urlhash ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showParser_urlhash" , urlhash ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showCitation_urlhash" , urlhash ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_showPictures_former" , origQ ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showCache_link" , resultUrlstring ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showProxy_link" , resultUrlstring ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showHostBrowser_link" , resultUrlstring ) ;
if ( sb . getConfigBool ( "search.result.show.vocabulary" , true ) ) {
int c = 0 ;
for ( String key : result . getFieldNames ( ) ) {
if ( key . startsWith ( "vocabulary_" ) & & key . endsWith ( "_sxt" ) ) {
Collection < Object > terms = result . getFieldValues ( key ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_showVocabulary_vocabulary_" + c + "_name" , key . substring ( 11 , key . length ( ) - 4 ) ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_showVocabulary_vocabulary_" + c + "_terms" , terms . toString ( ) ) ;
c + + ;
prop . put ( "content_showVocabulary_vocabulary" , c ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showVocabulary" , 1 ) ;
} else {
prop . put ( "content_showVocabulary_vocabulary" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "content_showVocabulary" , 0 ) ;
if ( snapshotPaths ! = null & & snapshotPaths . size ( ) > 0 ) {
prop . put ( "content_showSnapshots_link" , snapshotPaths . iterator ( ) . next ( ) . getAbsolutePath ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( "content_urlhexhash" , Seed . b64Hash2hexHash ( urlhash ) ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_urlname" , nxTools . shortenURLString ( result . urlname ( ) , MAX_URL_LENGTH ) ) ;
prop . put ( "content_date822" , isAtomFeed ? ISO8601Formatter . FORMATTER . format ( result . moddate ( ) ) : HeaderFramework . formatRFC1123 ( result . moddate ( ) ) ) ;
if ( showEvent ) prop . put ( "content_showEvent_date822" , isAtomFeed ? ISO8601Formatter . FORMATTER . format ( events [ 0 ] ) : HeaderFramework . formatRFC1123 ( events [ 0 ] ) ) ;
//prop.put("content_ybr", RankingProcess.ybr(result.hash()));
prop . putHTML ( "content_size" , Integer . toString ( result . filesize ( ) ) ) ; // we don't use putNUM here because that number shall be usable as sorting key. To print the size, use 'sizename'
prop . putHTML ( "content_sizename" , RSSMessage . sizename ( result . filesize ( ) ) ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_host" , resultURL . getHost ( ) = = null ? "" : resultURL . getHost ( ) ) ;
prop . putXML ( "content_file" , resultFileName ) ; // putXML for rss
prop . putXML ( "content_path" , resultURL . getPath ( ) ) ; // putXML for rss
prop . put ( "content_nl" , ( item = = theSearch . query . offset ) ? 0 : 1 ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_publisher" , result . dc_publisher ( ) ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_creator" , result . dc_creator ( ) ) ; // author
prop . putHTML ( "content_subject" , result . dc_subject ( ) ) ;
final Iterator < String > query = theSearch . query . getQueryGoal ( ) . getIncludeStrings ( ) ;
final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder ( theSearch . query . getQueryGoal ( ) . getIncludeSize ( ) * 20 ) ;
while ( query . hasNext ( ) ) s . append ( '+' ) . append ( query . next ( ) ) ;
final String words = ( s . length ( ) > 0 ) ? s . substring ( 1 ) : "" ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_words" , words ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_showParser_words" , words ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_former" , origQ ) ;
final TextSnippet snippet = result . textSnippet ( ) ;
final String desc = ( snippet = = null ) ? "" : snippet . descriptionline ( theSearch . query . getQueryGoal ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( "content_description" , desc ) ;
prop . putXML ( "content_description-xml" , desc ) ;
prop . putJSON ( "content_description-json" , desc ) ;
prop . put ( "content_mimetype" , result . mime ( ) ) ; // for atom <link> type attribute
final HeuristicResult heuristic = theSearch . getHeuristic ( result . hash ( ) ) ;
if ( heuristic = = null ) {
prop . put ( "content_heuristic" , 0 ) ;
} else {
if ( heuristic . redundant ) {
prop . put ( "content_heuristic" , 1 ) ;
} else {
prop . put ( "content_heuristic" , 2 ) ;
prop . put ( "content_heuristic_name" , heuristic . heuristicName ) ;
EventTracker . update ( EventTracker . EClass . SEARCH , new ProfilingGraph . EventSearch ( theSearch . query . id ( true ) , SearchEventType . FINALIZATION , "" + item , 0 , 0 ) , false ) ;
if ( result . doctype ( ) = = Response . DT_IMAGE ) {
final String license = URLLicense . aquireLicense ( resultURL ) ;
prop . put ( "content_code" , license ) ;
} else {
prop . put ( "content_code" , "" ) ;
if ( result . lat ( ) = = 0.0d | | result . lon ( ) = = 0.0d ) {
prop . put ( "content_loc" , 0 ) ;
} else {
prop . put ( "content_loc" , 1 ) ;
prop . put ( "content_loc_lat" , result . lat ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( "content_loc_lon" , result . lon ( ) ) ;
final boolean clustersearch = sb . isRobinsonMode ( ) & & sb . getConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . CLUSTER_MODE , "" ) . equals ( SwitchboardConstants . CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_CLUSTER ) ;
final boolean indexReceiveGranted = sb . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . INDEX_RECEIVE_ALLOW_SEARCH , true ) | | clustersearch ;
boolean p2pmode = sb . peers ! = null & & sb . peers . sizeConnected ( ) > 0 & & indexReceiveGranted ;
boolean stealthmode = p2pmode & & theSearch . query . isLocal ( ) ;
if ( ( sb . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . HEURISTIC_SEARCHRESULTS , false ) | |
( sb . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . GREEDYLEARNING_ACTIVE , false ) & & sb . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . GREEDYLEARNING_ENABLED , false ) & & Memory . load ( ) < 1.0 ) ) & &
! stealthmode ) sb . heuristicSearchResults ( result ) ;
theSearch . query . transmitcount = item + 1 ;
return prop ;
if ( theSearch . query . contentdom = = Classification . ContentDomain . IMAGE ) {
// image search; shows thumbnails
processImage ( sb , prop , item , theSearch , target_special_pattern , timeout , authenticated ) ;
theSearch . query . transmitcount = item + 1 ;
return prop ;
if ( ( theSearch . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . AUDIO ) | |
( theSearch . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . VIDEO ) | |
( theSearch . query . contentdom = = ContentDomain . APP ) ) {
// any other media content
// generate result object
final URIMetadataNode ms = theSearch . oneResult ( item , timeout ) ;
prop . put ( "content" , theSearch . query . contentdom . getCode ( ) + 1 ) ; // switch on specific content
if ( ms = = null ) {
prop . put ( "content_item" , "0" ) ;
} else {
final String resultUrlstring = ms . url ( ) . toNormalform ( true ) ;
final String target = sb . getConfig ( resultUrlstring . matches ( target_special_pattern ) ? SwitchboardConstants . SEARCH_TARGET_SPECIAL : SwitchboardConstants . SEARCH_TARGET_DEFAULT , "_self" ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_item_href" , resultUrlstring ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_item_hrefshort" , nxTools . shortenURLString ( resultUrlstring , MAX_URL_LENGTH ) ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_item_target" , target ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_item_name" , shorten ( ms . title ( ) , MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) ) ;
prop . put ( "content_item_col" , ( item % 2 = = 0 ) ? "0" : "1" ) ;
prop . put ( "content_item_nl" , ( item = = theSearch . query . offset ) ? 0 : 1 ) ;
prop . put ( "content_item" , 1 ) ;
theSearch . query . transmitcount = item + 1 ;
return prop ;
return prop ;
/ * *
* Tries to retrieve favicon url from solr result document , or generates
* default favicon URL ( i . e . "http://host/favicon.ico" ) from resultURL and
* port .
* @param result
* solr document result . Must not be null .
* @param preferredSize preferred icon size . If no one matches , most close icon is returned .
* @return favicon URL or null when even default favicon URL can not be generated
* @throws NullPointerException when one requested parameter is null
* /
protected static DigestURL getFaviconURL ( final URIMetadataNode result , Dimension preferredSize ) {
/ *
* We look preferably for a standard icon with preferred size , but
* accept as a fallback other icons below 128 x128 or with no known size
* /
IconEntry faviconEntry = result . getFavicon ( preferredSize ) ;
DigestURL faviconURL ;
if ( faviconEntry = = null ) {
try {
String defaultFaviconURL = result . url ( ) . getProtocol ( ) + "://" + result . url ( ) . getHost ( )
+ ( ( result . url ( ) . getPort ( ) ! = - 1 ) ? ( ":" + result . url ( ) . getPort ( ) ) : "" ) + "/favicon.ico" ;
faviconURL = new DigestURL ( defaultFaviconURL ) ;
} catch ( final MalformedURLException e1 ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( e1 ) ;
faviconURL = null ;
} else {
faviconURL = faviconEntry . getUrl ( ) ;
return faviconURL ;
/ * *
* @param authenticated
* true when current user is authenticated
* @param faviconURL
* url icon of web site
* @return url to propose in search result or empty string when faviconURL
* is null
* /
private static String processFaviconURL ( final boolean authenticated , DigestURL faviconURL ) {
/* Only use licence code for non authentified users. For authenticated users licence would never be released and would unnecessarily fill URLLicense.permissions. */
StringBuilder contentFaviconURL = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
if ( faviconURL ! = null ) {
final String iconUrlExt = MultiProtocolURL . getFileExtension ( faviconURL . getFileName ( ) ) ;
/* Image format ouput for ViewFavicon servlet : default is png, except with gif and svg icons */
final String viewFaviconExt = ! iconUrlExt . isEmpty ( ) & & ImageViewer . isBrowserRendered ( iconUrlExt ) ? iconUrlExt : "png" ;
contentFaviconURL . append ( "ViewFavicon." ) . append ( viewFaviconExt ) . append ( "?maxwidth=16&maxheight=16&isStatic=true&quadratic" ) ;
if ( authenticated ) {
contentFaviconURL . append ( "&url=" ) . append ( faviconURL . toNormalform ( true ) ) ;
} else {
contentFaviconURL . append ( "&code=" ) . append ( URLLicense . aquireLicense ( faviconURL ) ) ;
return contentFaviconURL . toString ( ) ;
/ * *
* Add action links reserved to authorized users . All parameters must be non null .
* @param sb the main Switchboard instance
* @param prop properties map to feed
* @param theSearch search event
* @param resultUrlstring URL of the result item
* @param resource resource scope ( "local" or "global" )
* @param origQ origin query terms
* @param urlhash URL hash of the result item
* /
private static void addAuthorizedActions ( final Switchboard sb , final serverObjects prop ,
final SearchEvent theSearch , final String resultUrlstring , final String resource , final String origQ ,
final String urlhash ) {
// check if url exists in bookmarks
boolean bookmarkexists = sb . bookmarksDB . getBookmark ( urlhash ) ! = null ;
prop . put ( "content_authorized_bookmark" , ! bookmarkexists ) ;
// bookmark icon check for YMarks
//prop.put("content_authorized_bookmark", sb.tables.bookmarks.hasBookmark("admin", urlhash) ? "0" : "1");
/* Bookmark, delete and recommend action links share the same URL prefix */
StringBuilder linkBuilder = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
String actionLinkPrefix = linkBuilder . append ( "yacysearch.html?query=" ) . append ( origQ . replace ( ' ' , '+' ) )
. append ( "&Enter=Search&count=" ) . append ( theSearch . query . itemsPerPage ( ) ) . append ( "&offset=" )
. append ( ( theSearch . query . neededResults ( ) - theSearch . query . itemsPerPage ( ) ) ) . append ( "&resource=" )
. append ( resource ) . append ( "&time=3" ) . toString ( ) ;
linkBuilder . setLength ( 0 ) ;
String encodedURLString ;
try {
encodedURLString = URLEncoder . encode ( crypt . simpleEncode ( resultUrlstring ) , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . name ( ) ) ;
} catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e1 ) {
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "YACY_SEARCH_ITEM" , "UTF-8 encoding is not supported!" ) ;
encodedURLString = crypt . simpleEncode ( resultUrlstring ) ;
String bookmarkLink = linkBuilder . append ( actionLinkPrefix ) . append ( "&bookmarkref=" ) . append ( urlhash )
. append ( "&bookmarkurl=" ) . append ( encodedURLString ) . append ( "&urlmaskfilter=.*" )
. toString ( ) ;
linkBuilder . setLength ( 0 ) ;
/* Delete and recommend action links share the same URL suffix */
String encodedRanking ;
try {
encodedRanking = URLEncoder . encode ( crypt . simpleEncode ( theSearch . query . ranking . toExternalString ( ) ) , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . name ( ) ) ;
} catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e1 ) {
ConcurrentLog . warn ( "YACY_SEARCH_ITEM" , "UTF-8 encoding is not supported!" ) ;
encodedRanking = crypt . simpleEncode ( resultUrlstring ) ;
String actionLinkSuffix = linkBuilder . append ( urlhash )
. append ( "&urlmaskfilter=.*" ) . append ( "&order=" ) . append ( encodedRanking ) . toString ( ) ;
linkBuilder . setLength ( 0 ) ;
String deleteLink = linkBuilder . append ( actionLinkPrefix ) . append ( "&deleteref=" ) . append ( actionLinkSuffix ) . toString ( ) ;
linkBuilder . setLength ( 0 ) ;
String recommendLink = linkBuilder . append ( actionLinkPrefix ) . append ( "&recommendref=" ) . append ( actionLinkSuffix ) . toString ( ) ;
linkBuilder . setLength ( 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "content_authorized_bookmark_bookmarklink" , bookmarkLink ) ;
prop . put ( "content_authorized_recommend_deletelink" , deleteLink ) ;
prop . put ( "content_authorized_recommend_recommendlink" , recommendLink ) ;
prop . put ( "content_authorized_recommend" , ( sb . peers . newsPool . getSpecific ( NewsPool . OUTGOING_DB , NewsPool . CATEGORY_SURFTIPP_ADD , "url" , resultUrlstring ) = = null ) ? "1" : "0" ) ;
prop . put ( "content_authorized_urlhash" , urlhash ) ;
/ * *
* Process search of image type and feed prop object . All parameters must not be null .
* @param sb Switchboard instance
* @param prop result
* @param item item index .
* @param theSearch search event
* @param target_special_pattern
* @param timeout result getting timeOut
* @param authenticated set to true when user authentication is ok
* /
private static void processImage ( final Switchboard sb , final serverObjects prop , final int item ,
final SearchEvent theSearch , final String target_special_pattern , long timeout , boolean authenticated ) {
prop . put ( "content" , theSearch . query . contentdom . getCode ( ) + 1 ) ; // switch on specific content
try {
SearchEvent . ImageResult image = theSearch . oneImageResult ( item , timeout ) ;
final String imageUrlstring = image . imageUrl . toNormalform ( true ) ;
final String imageUrlExt = MultiProtocolURL . getFileExtension ( image . imageUrl . getFileName ( ) ) ;
final String target = sb . getConfig ( imageUrlstring . matches ( target_special_pattern ) ? SwitchboardConstants . SEARCH_TARGET_SPECIAL : SwitchboardConstants . SEARCH_TARGET_DEFAULT , "_self" ) ;
final String license = URLLicense . aquireLicense ( image . imageUrl ) ; // this is just the license key to get the image forwarded through the YaCy thumbnail viewer, not an actual lawful license
/* Image format ouput for ViewImage servlet : default is png, except with gif and svg images */
final String viewImageExt = ! imageUrlExt . isEmpty ( ) & & ImageViewer . isBrowserRendered ( imageUrlExt ) ? imageUrlExt : "png" ;
/* Thumb URL */
StringBuilder thumbURLBuilder = new StringBuilder ( "ViewImage." ) . append ( viewImageExt ) . append ( "?maxwidth=" )
. append ( DEFAULT_IMG_WIDTH ) . append ( "&maxheight=" ) . append ( DEFAULT_IMG_HEIGHT )
. append ( "&isStatic=true&quadratic" ) ;
/* Only use licence code for non authentified users. For authenticated users licence would never be released and would unnecessarily fill URLLicense.permissions. */
if ( authenticated ) {
thumbURLBuilder . append ( "&url=" ) . append ( imageUrlstring ) ;
} else {
thumbURLBuilder . append ( "&code=" ) . append ( URLLicense . aquireLicense ( image . imageUrl ) ) ;
String thumbURL = thumbURLBuilder . toString ( ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_item_hrefCache" , thumbURL ) ;
/* Full size preview URL */
if ( authenticated ) {
prop . putHTML ( "content_item_hrefFullPreview" , "ViewImage." + viewImageExt + "?isStatic=true&url=" + imageUrlstring ) ;
} else {
/* Not authenticated : full preview URL must be the same as thumb URL */
prop . putHTML ( "content_item_hrefFullPreview" , thumbURL ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_item_href" , imageUrlstring ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_item_target" , target ) ;
prop . put ( "content_item_code" , license ) ;
prop . putHTML ( "content_item_name" , shorten ( image . imagetext , MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) ) ;
prop . put ( "content_item_mimetype" , image . mimetype ) ;
prop . put ( "content_item_fileSize" , 0 ) ;
String itemWidth = DEFAULT_IMG_WIDTH + "px" , itemHeight = DEFAULT_IMG_HEIGHT + "px" , itemStyle = "" ;
/ * When image content is rendered by browser :
* - set smaller dimension to 100 % in order to crop image on other dimension with CSS style ' overflow : hidden ' on image container
* - set negative margin top behave like ViewImage which sets an offset when cutting to square * /
if ( ImageViewer . isBrowserRendered ( imageUrlExt ) ) {
if ( image . width > image . height ) {
/* Landscape orientation */
itemWidth = "" ;
itemHeight = "100%" ;
if ( image . height > 0 ) {
double scale = ( ( double ) DEFAULT_IMG_HEIGHT ) / ( ( double ) image . height ) ;
int margin = ( int ) ( ( image . height - image . width ) * ( scale / 2.0 ) ) ;
itemStyle = "margin-left: " + margin + "px;" ;
} else {
/* Portrait orientation, or square or unknown dimensions (both equals zero) */
itemWidth = "100%" ;
itemHeight = "" ;
if ( image . height > image . width & & image . width > 0 ) {
double scale = ( ( double ) DEFAULT_IMG_WIDTH ) / ( ( double ) image . width ) ;
int margin = ( int ) ( ( image . width - image . height ) * ( scale / 2.0 ) ) ;
itemStyle = "margin-top: " + margin + "px;" ;
prop . put ( "content_item_width" , itemWidth ) ;
prop . put ( "content_item_height" , itemHeight ) ;
prop . put ( "content_item_style" , itemStyle ) ;
prop . put ( "content_item_attr" , "" /*(ms.attr.equals("-1 x -1")) ? "" : "(" + ms.attr + ")"*/ ) ; // attributes, here: original size of image
prop . put ( "content_item_urlhash" , ASCII . String ( image . imageUrl . hash ( ) ) ) ;
prop . put ( "content_item_source" , image . sourceUrl . toNormalform ( true ) ) ;
prop . putXML ( "content_item_source-xml" , image . sourceUrl . toNormalform ( true ) ) ;
prop . put ( "content_item_sourcedom" , image . sourceUrl . getHost ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( "content_item_nl" , ( item = = theSearch . query . offset ) ? 0 : 1 ) ;
prop . put ( "content_item" , 1 ) ;
} catch ( MalformedURLException e ) {
prop . put ( "content_item" , "0" ) ;
private static String shorten ( final String s , final int length ) {
final String ret ;
if ( s . length ( ) < = length ) {
ret = s ;
} else {
final int p = s . lastIndexOf ( '.' ) ;
if ( p < 0 ) {
ret = s . substring ( 0 , length - SHORTEN_SUFFIX_LENGTH ) + SHORTEN_SUFFIX ;
} else {
assert p > = 0 ;
final String ext = s . substring ( p + 1 ) ;
if ( ext . length ( ) > 4 ) {
ret = s . substring ( 0 , length / 2 - 2 ) + SHORTEN_SUFFIX + s . substring ( s . length ( ) - ( length / 2 - 2 ) ) ;
} else {
ret = s . substring ( 0 , length - ext . length ( ) - SHORTEN_SUFFIX_LENGTH ) + SHORTEN_SUFFIX + ext ;
return ret ;