You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

380 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2011 Arunesh Mathur
* This file is a part of zimreader-java.
* zimreader-java is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* zimreader-java is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with zimreader-java. If not, see <>.
package org.openzim;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.tukaani.xz.SingleXZInputStream;
* @author Arunesh Mathur
* A ZIMReader that reads data from the ZIMFile
* @author Michael Christen
* Proof-Reading, unclustering, refactoring,
* naming adoption to,
* change of Exception handling,
* extension to more attributes as defined in spec (bugfix for mime type loading)
* bugfix to long parsing (prevented reading of large files)
public class ZIMReader {
private final ZIMFile mFile;
private RandomAccessFileZIMInputStream mReader;
public static abstract class DirectoryEntry {
public final int mimetype;
public final char namespace;
public final int cluster_number;
public final String url;
public final String title;
public final long urlListindex;
public DirectoryEntry(
final int mimeType, final char namespace,
final int cluster_number,
final String url, final String title,
final long index) {
this.mimetype = mimeType;
this.namespace = namespace;
this.cluster_number = cluster_number;
this.url = url;
this.title = title;
this.urlListindex = index;
public static class ArticleEntry extends DirectoryEntry {
public final int cluster_number;
public final int blob_number;
public ArticleEntry(
final int mimeType, final char namespace,
final int cluster_number, final int blob_number,
final String url, final String title,
final long urlListindex) {
super(mimeType, namespace, cluster_number, url, title, urlListindex);
this.cluster_number = cluster_number;
this.blob_number = blob_number;
public static class RedirectEntry extends DirectoryEntry {
public final long redirect_index;
public RedirectEntry(final int mimeType, final char namespace,
final long redirect_index, final String url, final String title,
final long urlListindex) {
super(mimeType, namespace, 0, url, title, urlListindex);
this.redirect_index = redirect_index;
public ZIMReader(final ZIMFile file) {
this.mFile = file;
try {
this.mReader = new RandomAccessFileZIMInputStream(new RandomAccessFile(this.mFile, "r"));
} catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {
public ZIMFile getZIMFile() {
return this.mFile;
// get a URL list that is sorted by the urls
public List<String> getURLListByURL() throws IOException {
int i = 0, mimeType;
// The list that will eventually return the list of URL's
final ArrayList<String> returnList = new ArrayList<>();
// Move to the spot where URL's are listed;
for (i = 0; i < this.mFile.header_entryCount; i++) {
// The position of URL i
long pos = this.mReader.readEightLittleEndianBytesLong();
// Mark the current position that we need to return to
// Move to the position of URL i;
// Article or Redirect entry?
mimeType = this.mReader.readTwoLittleEndianBytesInt();
if (mimeType == 65535) { + 12);
} else { + 16);
return returnList;
// get a URL list that is sorted by the entry titles
public List<String> getURLListByTitle() throws IOException {
int i = 0, mimeType, articleNumber;
// The list that will eventually return the list of URL's
final ArrayList<String> returnList = new ArrayList<>();
// Get the UrlPtrPos or one time storage
long urlPtrPos = this.mFile.header_urlPtrPos;
// Move to the spot where URL's are listed;
for (i = 0; i < this.mFile.header_entryCount; i++) {
// The articleNumber of the position of URL i
articleNumber = this.mReader.readFourLittleEndianBytesInt();
// Mark the current position that we need to return to
this.mReader.mark(); + (8L * (articleNumber)));
// The position of URL i
long pos = this.mReader.readEightLittleEndianBytesLong();;
// Article or Redirect entry?
mimeType = this.mReader.readTwoLittleEndianBytesInt();
if (mimeType == 65535) { + 12);
final String url = this.mReader.readZeroTerminatedString();
} else { + 16);
final String url = this.mReader.readZeroTerminatedString();
// Return to the marked position
return returnList;
// position must be the seek position for the title in the Title Pointer List
private DirectoryEntry getDirectoryInfoAtTitlePosition(final long position) throws IOException {
// At the appropriate position in the titlePtrPos;
// Get value of article at index
int pointer_to_the_URL_pointer = this.mReader.readFourLittleEndianBytesInt();
// Move to the position in urlPtrPos + 8 * pointer_to_the_URL_pointer);
// Get value of article in urlPtrPos
long pointer_to_the_directory_entry = this.mReader.readEightLittleEndianBytesLong();
// Go to the location of the directory entry;
// read the Content Entry
final int type = this.mReader.readTwoLittleEndianBytesInt(); // 2, 0xffff for redirect; // 1, ignore, parameter length not used
final char namespace = (char); // 1
this.mReader.readFourLittleEndianBytesInt(); // 4, ignore, revision not used
// Article or Redirect entry
if (type == 65535) {
final int redirectIndex = this.mReader.readFourLittleEndianBytesInt();
final String url = this.mReader.readZeroTerminatedString();
String title = this.mReader.readZeroTerminatedString();
title = title.equals("") ? url : title;
return new RedirectEntry(type, namespace, redirectIndex,
url, title, (position - this.mFile.header_urlPtrPos) / 8);
} else {
final int cluster_number = this.mReader.readFourLittleEndianBytesInt(); // 4
final int blob_number = this.mReader.readFourLittleEndianBytesInt(); // 4
final String url = this.mReader.readZeroTerminatedString(); // zero terminated
String title = this.mReader.readZeroTerminatedString(); // zero terminated
title = title.equals("") ? url : title;
return new ArticleEntry(
type, namespace,
cluster_number, blob_number,
url, title, (position - this.mFile.header_urlPtrPos) / 8);
public DirectoryEntry getDirectoryInfo(final int entryNumber) throws IOException {
if (entryNumber >= this.mFile.header_entryCount) throw new IOException("entryNumber exceeds entryCount");
return getDirectoryInfoAtTitlePosition(this.mFile.header_titlePtrPos + 4 * entryNumber);
// Gives the minimum required information needed for the given articleName
// This makes a binary search on the article name entry list.
public DirectoryEntry getDirectoryInfo(final char namespace, String articleName) throws IOException {
DirectoryEntry entry;
String cmpStr;
final int numberOfArticles = this.mFile.header_entryCount;
long beg = this.mFile.header_titlePtrPos, end = beg + (numberOfArticles * 4), mid;
articleName = namespace + "/" + articleName;
while (beg <= end) {
mid = beg + 4 * (((end - beg) / 4) / 2);
entry = getDirectoryInfoAtTitlePosition(mid);
if (entry == null) {
return null;
cmpStr = entry.namespace + "/" + entry.url;
if (articleName.compareTo(cmpStr) < 0) {
end = mid - 4;
} else if (articleName.compareTo(cmpStr) > 0) {
beg = mid + 4;
} else {
return entry;
return null;
public byte[] getArticleData(final DirectoryEntry directoryInfo) throws IOException {
// fail fast
if (directoryInfo == null) return null;
if (directoryInfo.getClass() != ArticleEntry.class) return null;
// This is now an article, so thus we can cast to ArticleEntry
final ArticleEntry article = (ArticleEntry) directoryInfo;
// Move to the cluster entry in the clusterPtrPos + article.cluster_number * 8);
// Read the location of the cluster
final long clusterPos = this.mReader.readEightLittleEndianBytesLong();
// Move to the cluster;
// Read the first byte, for compression information
final int compressionType =;
// Reference declaration
int firstOffset, numberOfBlobs, offset1, offset2, location, differenceOffset;
// Check the compression type that was read
if (compressionType == 1) {
// The first four bytes are the offset of the zeroth blob
firstOffset = this.mReader.readFourLittleEndianBytesInt();
// The number of blobs
numberOfBlobs = firstOffset / 4;
// The blobNumber has to be lesser than the numberOfBlobs
assert article.blob_number < numberOfBlobs;
if (article.blob_number == 0) {
// The first offset is what we read earlier
offset1 = firstOffset;
} else {
location = (article.blob_number - 1) * 4;
RandomAccessFileZIMInputStream.skipFully(this.mReader, location);
offset1 = this.mReader.readFourLittleEndianBytesInt();
offset2 = this.mReader.readFourLittleEndianBytesInt();
differenceOffset = offset2 - offset1;
byte[] entry = new byte[differenceOffset];
RandomAccessFileZIMInputStream.skipFully(this.mReader, (offset1 - 4 * (article.blob_number + 2)));, 0, differenceOffset);
return entry;
// 2 for zlib and 3 for bzip2 (removed)
// LZMA2 compressed data
if (compressionType == 4) {
// Read the first 4 bytes to find out the number of artciles
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
// Create a dictionary with size 40MiB, the zimlib uses this size while creating
SingleXZInputStream xzReader= new SingleXZInputStream(this.mReader, 4194304);
// The first four bytes are the offset of the zeroth blob
firstOffset = this.mReader.readFourLittleEndianBytesInt();
// The number of blobs
numberOfBlobs = firstOffset / 4;
// The blobNumber has to be lesser than the numberOfBlobs
assert article.blob_number < numberOfBlobs;
if (article.blob_number == 0) {
// The first offset is what we read earlier
offset1 = firstOffset;
} else {
location = (article.blob_number - 1) * 4;
RandomAccessFileZIMInputStream.skipFully(xzReader, location);;
offset1 = RandomAccessFileZIMInputStream.toFourLittleEndianInteger(buffer);
offset2 = RandomAccessFileZIMInputStream.toFourLittleEndianInteger(buffer);
differenceOffset = offset2 - offset1;
byte[] entry = new byte[differenceOffset];
RandomAccessFileZIMInputStream.skipFully(xzReader, (offset1 - 4 * (article.blob_number + 2)));, 0, differenceOffset);
return entry;
// case 5: zstd compressed (missing!)
return null;