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18 years ago
// -----------------------------
// (C) 2007 by Michael Peter Christen;, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 23.07.2007 on
// $LastChangedDate: 2006-04-02 22:40:07 +0200 (So, 02 Apr 2006) $
// $LastChangedRevision: 1986 $
// $LastChangedBy: orbiter $
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package de.anomic.server;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroMScoreCluster;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboard;
public class serverDomains {
// a dns cache
private static final Map nameCacheHit = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); // a not-synchronized map resulted in deadlocks
private static final Set nameCacheMiss = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet());
private static final kelondroMScoreCluster nameCacheHitAges = new kelondroMScoreCluster();
private static final kelondroMScoreCluster nameCacheMissAges = new kelondroMScoreCluster();
private static final int maxNameCacheHitAge = 24 * 60 * 60; // 24 hours in minutes
private static final int maxNameCacheMissAge = 24 * 60 * 60; // 24 hours in minutes
private static final int maxNameCacheHitSize = 3000;
private static final int maxNameCacheMissSize = 3000;
public static final List nameCacheNoCachingPatterns = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList());
private static final Set nameCacheNoCachingList = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet());
private static final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
* Converts the time to a non negative int
* @param longTime Time in miliseconds since 01/01/1970 00:00 GMT
* @return int seconds since startTime
private static int intTime(long longTime) {
return (int) Math.max(0, ((longTime - startTime) / 1000));
* Does an DNS-Check to resolve a hostname to an IP.
* @param host Hostname of the host in demand.
* @return String with the ip. null, if the host could not be resolved.
public static InetAddress dnsResolve(String host) {
if ((host == null) || (host.length() == 0)) return null;
host = host.toLowerCase().trim();
// trying to resolve host by doing a name cache lookup
InetAddress ip = (InetAddress) nameCacheHit.get(host);
if (ip != null) return ip;
if (nameCacheMiss.contains(host)) return null;
try {
boolean doCaching = true;
ip = InetAddress.getByName(host);
if ((ip == null) ||
(ip.isLoopbackAddress()) ||
) {
doCaching = false;
} else {
Iterator noCachingPatternIter = nameCacheNoCachingPatterns.iterator();
while (noCachingPatternIter.hasNext()) {
String nextPattern = (String);
if (ip.getHostName().matches(nextPattern)) {
// disallow dns caching for this host
doCaching = false;
if (doCaching) {
// remove old entries
// add new entries
synchronized (nameCacheHit) {
nameCacheHit.put(ip.getHostName(), ip);
nameCacheHitAges.setScore(ip.getHostName(), intTime(System.currentTimeMillis()));
return ip;
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
// remove old entries
// add new entries
nameCacheMissAges.setScore(host, intTime(System.currentTimeMillis()));
return null;
// /**
// * Checks wether an hostname already is in the DNS-cache.
// * FIXME: This method should use dnsResolve, as the code is 90% identical?
// *
// * @param host Searched for hostname.
// * @return true, if the hostname already is in the cache.
// */
// public static boolean dnsFetch(String host) {
// if ((nameCacheHit.get(host) != null) /*|| (nameCacheMiss.contains(host)) */) return false;
// try {
// String ip = InetAddress.getByName(host).getHostAddress();
// if ((ip != null) && (!(ip.equals(""))) && (!(ip.equals("localhost")))) {
// nameCacheHit.put(host, ip);
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
// //nameCacheMiss.add(host);
// return false;
// }
// }
* Returns the number of entries in the nameCacheHit map
* @return int The number of entries in the nameCacheHit map
public static int nameCacheHitSize() {
return nameCacheHit.size();
public static int nameCacheMissSize() {
return nameCacheMiss.size();
* Returns the number of entries in the nameCacheNoCachingList list
* @return int The number of entries in the nameCacheNoCachingList list
public static int nameCacheNoCachingListSize() {
return nameCacheNoCachingList.size();
* Removes old entries from the dns hit cache
public static void flushHitNameCache() {
int cutofftime = intTime(System.currentTimeMillis()) - maxNameCacheHitAge;
String k;
while ((nameCacheHitAges.size() > maxNameCacheHitSize) || (nameCacheHitAges.getMinScore() < cutofftime)) {
k = (String) nameCacheHitAges.getMinObject();
if (nameCacheHit.remove(k) == null) break; // ensure termination
* Removes old entries from the dns miss cache
public static void flushMissNameCache() {
int cutofftime = intTime(System.currentTimeMillis()) - maxNameCacheMissAge;
String k;
while ((nameCacheMissAges.size() > maxNameCacheMissSize) || (nameCacheMissAges.getMinScore() < cutofftime)) {
k = (String) nameCacheMissAges.getMinObject();
if (!nameCacheMiss.remove(k)) break; // ensure termination
// checks for local/global IP range and local IP
public static boolean isLocal(URL url) {
return dnsResolve(url.getHost()).isSiteLocalAddress();
private static InetAddress[] localAddresses = null;
static {
try {
localAddresses = InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName());
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
localAddresses = new InetAddress[0];
public static boolean isLocal(String address) {
assert (address != null);
// check local ip addresses
if (address.equals("localhost") || address.startsWith("127")
|| address.startsWith("192.168")
|| address.startsWith("10.")
|| address.startsWith("169.254")
// (I think this is faster than a regex)
(address.startsWith("172.") && (address.startsWith("172.16.")
|| address.startsWith("172.17.")
|| address.startsWith("172.18.")
|| address.startsWith("172.19.")
|| address.startsWith("172.20.")
|| address.startsWith("172.21.")
|| address.startsWith("172.22.")
|| address.startsWith("172.23.")
|| address.startsWith("172.24.")
|| address.startsWith("172.25.")
|| address.startsWith("172.26.")
|| address.startsWith("172.27.")
|| address.startsWith("172.28.")
|| address.startsWith("172.29.")
|| address.startsWith("172.30.")
|| address.startsWith("172.31."))))
return true;
// make a dns resolve if a hostname is given and check again
final InetAddress clientAddress = dnsResolve(address);
if (clientAddress != null) {
if ((clientAddress.isAnyLocalAddress()) || (clientAddress.isLoopbackAddress())) return true;
if (address.charAt(0) > '9') address = clientAddress.getHostAddress();
// finally check if there are other local IP adresses that are not in
// the standard IP range
for (int i = 0; i < localAddresses.length; i++) {
if (localAddresses[i].equals(clientAddress)) return true;
// the address must be a global address
return false;
public static String myPublicIP() {
try {
// if a static IP was configured, we have to return it here ...
plasmaSwitchboard sb = plasmaSwitchboard.getSwitchboard();
if (sb != null) {
String staticIP = sb.getConfig("staticIP", "");
if ((!staticIP.equals(""))) {
return staticIP;
// If port forwarding was enabled we need to return the remote IP
// Address
if ((serverCore.portForwardingEnabled) && (serverCore.portForwarding != null)) {
// does not return serverCore.portForwarding.getHost(), because
// hostnames are not valid, except in DebugMode
return InetAddress.getByName(
// otherwise we return the real IP address of this host
InetAddress pLIP = myPublicLocalIP();
if (pLIP != null) return pLIP.getHostAddress();
return null;
} catch ( e) {
System.err.println("ERROR: (internal) " + e.getMessage());
return null;
public static InetAddress myPublicLocalIP() {
try {
String hostName;
try {
hostName = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
} catch ( e) {
hostName = "localhost"; // hopin' nothing serious happened only the hostname changed while running yacy
System.err.println("ERROR: (internal) " + e.getMessage());
// list all addresses
InetAddress[] ia = InetAddress.getAllByName(hostName);
// for (int i = 0; i < ia.length; i++) System.out.println("IP: " +
// ia[i].getHostAddress()); // DEBUG
if (ia.length == 0) {
try {
return InetAddress.getLocalHost();
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
try {
return InetAddress.getByName("");
} catch (UnknownHostException ee) {
return null;
if (ia.length == 1) {
// only one network connection available
return ia[0];
// we have more addresses, find an address that is not local
int b0, b1;
for (int i = 0; i < ia.length; i++) {
b0 = 0Xff & ia[i].getAddress()[0];
b1 = 0Xff & ia[i].getAddress()[1];
if ((b0 != 10) && // class A reserved
(b0 != 127) && // loopback
((b0 != 172) || (b1 < 16) || (b1 > 31)) && // class B reserved
((b0 != 192) || (b1 != 168)) && // class C reserved
(ia[i].getHostAddress().indexOf(":") < 0))
return ia[i];
// there is only a local address, we filter out the possibly
// returned loopback address
for (int i = 0; i < ia.length; i++) {
if (((0Xff & ia[i].getAddress()[0]) != 127) && (ia[i].getHostAddress().indexOf(":") < 0)) return ia[i];
// if all fails, give back whatever we have
for (int i = 0; i < ia.length; i++) {
if (ia[i].getHostAddress().indexOf(":") < 0) return ia[i];
return ia[0];
} catch ( e) {
System.err.println("ERROR: (internal) " + e.getMessage());
return null;