package de.anomic.kelondro ;
// a collectionIndex is an index to kelondroRowCollection objects
// such a collection ist defined by the following parameters
// - chunksize
// - chunkcount
// each of such a collection is stored in a byte[] which may or may not have space for more chunks
// than already exists in such an array. To store these arrays, we reserve entries in kelondroArray
// database files. There will be a set of array files for different sizes of the collection arrays.
// the 1st file has space for <loadfactor> chunks, the 2nd file for <loadfactor> * <loadfactor> chunks,
// the 3rd file for <loadfactor>^^3 chunks, and the n-th file for <loadfactor>^^n chunks.
// if the loadfactor is 4, then we have the following capacities:
// file 0: 4
// file 1: 16
// file 2: 64
// file 3: 256
// file 4: 1024
// file 5: 4096
// file 6:16384
// file 7:65536
// the maximum number of such files is called the partitions number.
// we don't want that these files grow too big, an kelondroOutOfLimitsException is throws if they
// are oversized.
// the collection arrays may be migration to another size during run-time, which means that not only the
// partitions as mentioned above are maintained, but also a set of "shadow-partitions", that represent old
// partitions and where data is read only and slowly migrated to the default partitions.
import ;
import ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.Set ;
import de.anomic.server.serverFileUtils ;
public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
protected kelondroIndex index ;
private File path ;
private String filenameStub ;
private int loadfactor ;
private Map arrays ; // Map of (partitionNumber"-"chunksize)/kelondroFixedWidthArray - Objects
private kelondroRow playloadrow ; // definition of the payload (chunks inside the collections)
// private int partitions; // this is the maxmimum number of array files; yet not used
private static final int idx_col_key = 0 ; // the index
private static final int idx_col_chunksize = 1 ; // chunksize (number of bytes in a single chunk, needed for migration option)
private static final int idx_col_chunkcount = 2 ; // chunkcount (number of chunks in this collection) needed to identify array file that has the chunks
private static final int idx_col_indexpos = 3 ; // indexpos (position in index file)
private static final int idx_col_lastread = 4 ; // a time stamp, update time in days since 1.1.2000
private static final int idx_col_lastwrote = 5 ; // a time stamp, update time in days since 1.1.2000
private static kelondroRow indexRow ( int keylen ) {
return new kelondroRow (
"byte[] key-" + keylen + "," +
"int chunksize-4 {b256}," +
"int chunkcount-4 {b256}," +
"int indexpos-4 {b256}," +
"short lastread-2 {b256}, " +
"short lastwrote-2 {b256}"
) ;
private static String fillZ ( String s , int len ) {
while ( s . length ( ) < len ) s = "0" + s ;
return s ;
private static File arrayFile ( File path , String filenameStub , int loadfactor , int chunksize , int partitionNumber , int serialNumber ) {
String lf = fillZ ( Integer . toHexString ( loadfactor ) . toUpperCase ( ) , 2 ) ;
String cs = fillZ ( Integer . toHexString ( chunksize ) . toUpperCase ( ) , 4 ) ;
String pn = fillZ ( Integer . toHexString ( partitionNumber ) . toUpperCase ( ) , 2 ) ;
String sn = fillZ ( Integer . toHexString ( serialNumber ) . toUpperCase ( ) , 2 ) ;
return new File ( path , filenameStub + "." + lf + "." + cs + "." + pn + "." + sn + ".kca" ) ; // kelondro collection array
private static File propertyFile ( File path , String filenameStub , int loadfactor , int chunksize ) {
String lf = fillZ ( Integer . toHexString ( loadfactor ) . toUpperCase ( ) , 2 ) ;
String cs = fillZ ( Integer . toHexString ( chunksize ) . toUpperCase ( ) , 4 ) ;
return new File ( path , filenameStub + "." + lf + "." + cs + ".properties" ) ; // kelondro collection array
public kelondroCollectionIndex ( File path , String filenameStub , int keyLength , kelondroOrder indexOrder ,
long buffersize , long preloadTime ,
int loadfactor , kelondroRow rowdef ) throws IOException {
// the buffersize is number of bytes that are only used if the kelondroFlexTable is backed up with a kelondroTree
this . path = path ;
this . filenameStub = filenameStub ;
this . playloadrow = rowdef ;
this . loadfactor = loadfactor ;
// create index table
index = new kelondroFlexTable ( path , filenameStub + ".index.table" , buffersize , preloadTime , indexRow ( keyLength ) , indexOrder ) ;
// save/check property file for this array
File propfile = propertyFile ( path , filenameStub , loadfactor , rowdef . objectsize ( ) ) ;
Map props = new HashMap ( ) ;
if ( propfile . exists ( ) ) {
props = serverFileUtils . loadHashMap ( propfile ) ;
String stored_rowdef = ( String ) props . get ( "rowdef" ) ;
if ( ( stored_rowdef = = null ) | | ( ! ( rowdef . subsumes ( new kelondroRow ( stored_rowdef ) ) ) ) ) {
System . out . println ( "FATAL ERROR: stored rowdef '" + stored_rowdef + "' does not match with new rowdef '" +
rowdef + "' for array cluster '" + path + "/" + filenameStub + "'" ) ;
System . exit ( - 1 ) ;
props . put ( "rowdef" , rowdef . toString ( ) ) ;
serverFileUtils . saveMap ( propfile , props , "CollectionIndex properties" ) ;
// open array files
this . arrays = new HashMap ( ) ; // all entries will be dynamically created with getArray()
private kelondroFixedWidthArray openArrayFile ( int partitionNumber , int serialNumber , boolean create ) throws IOException {
File f = arrayFile ( path , filenameStub , loadfactor , playloadrow . objectsize ( ) , partitionNumber , serialNumber ) ;
int load = arrayCapacity ( partitionNumber ) ;
kelondroRow rowdef = new kelondroRow (
"byte[] key-" + index . row ( ) . width ( 0 ) + "," +
"byte[] collection-" + ( kelondroRowCollection . exportOverheadSize + load * this . playloadrow . objectsize ( ) )
) ;
if ( ( ! ( f . exists ( ) ) ) & & ( ! create ) ) return null ;
return new kelondroFixedWidthArray ( f , rowdef , 0 ) ;
private kelondroFixedWidthArray getArray ( int partitionNumber , int serialNumber , int chunksize ) {
String accessKey = partitionNumber + "-" + chunksize ;
kelondroFixedWidthArray array = ( kelondroFixedWidthArray ) arrays . get ( accessKey ) ;
if ( array ! = null ) return array ;
try {
array = openArrayFile ( partitionNumber , serialNumber , true ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
return null ;
arrays . put ( accessKey , array ) ;
return array ;
private int arrayCapacity ( int arrayCounter ) {
int load = this . loadfactor ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < arrayCounter ; i + + ) load = load * this . loadfactor ;
return load ;
private int arrayIndex ( int requestedCapacity ) throws kelondroOutOfLimitsException {
// the requestedCapacity is the number of wanted chunks
int load = 1 , i = 0 ;
while ( true ) {
load = load * this . loadfactor ;
if ( load > = requestedCapacity ) return i ;
i + + ;
public int size ( ) throws IOException {
return index . size ( ) ;
public void put ( byte [ ] key , kelondroRowCollection collection ) throws IOException , kelondroOutOfLimitsException {
// this replaces an old collection by a new one
// this method is not approriate to extend an existing collection with another collection
putmergeremove ( key , collection , false , null , false ) ;
public void merge ( byte [ ] key , kelondroRowCollection collection ) throws IOException , kelondroOutOfLimitsException {
putmergeremove ( key , collection , true , null , false ) ;
public int remove ( byte [ ] key , Set removekeys , boolean deletecomplete ) throws IOException , kelondroOutOfLimitsException {
return putmergeremove ( key , null , false , removekeys , deletecomplete ) ;
private int putmergeremove ( byte [ ] key , kelondroRowCollection collection , boolean merge , Set removekeys , boolean deletecomplete ) throws IOException , kelondroOutOfLimitsException {
//if (collection.size() > maxChunks) throw new kelondroOutOfLimitsException(maxChunks, collection.size());
if ( ( ! merge ) & & ( removekeys ! = null ) & & ( collection ! = null ) & & ( collection . size ( ) = = 0 ) ) {
// this is not a replacement, it is a deletion
delete ( key ) ;
return 0 ;
synchronized ( index ) {
// first find an old entry, if one exists
kelondroRow . Entry oldindexrow = index . get ( key ) ;
if ( oldindexrow = = null ) {
if ( ( collection ! = null ) & & ( collection . size ( ) > 0 ) ) {
// the collection is new
overwrite ( key , collection ) ;
return 0 ;
// overwrite the old collection
// read old information
int oldchunksize = ( int ) oldindexrow . getColLong ( idx_col_chunksize ) ; // needed only for migration
int oldchunkcount = ( int ) oldindexrow . getColLong ( idx_col_chunkcount ) ;
int oldrownumber = ( int ) oldindexrow . getColLong ( idx_col_indexpos ) ;
int oldPartitionNumber = arrayIndex ( oldchunkcount ) ;
int oldSerialNumber = 0 ;
if ( merge ) {
// load the old collection and join it with the old
kelondroRowSet oldcollection = getdelete ( oldindexrow , false , false ) ;
// join with new collection
oldcollection . addAll ( collection ) ;
collection = oldcollection ;
int removed = 0 ;
if ( removekeys ! = null ) {
// load the old collection and remove keys
kelondroRowSet oldcollection = getdelete ( oldindexrow , false , false ) ;
// remove the keys from the set
Iterator i = removekeys . iterator ( ) ;
Object k ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
k = i . next ( ) ;
if ( k instanceof byte [ ] ) { if ( oldcollection . remove ( ( byte [ ] ) k ) ! = null ) removed + + ; }
if ( k instanceof String ) { if ( oldcollection . remove ( ( ( String ) k ) . getBytes ( ) ) ! = null ) removed + + ; }
oldcollection . shape ( ) ;
collection = oldcollection ;
if ( collection . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
if ( deletecomplete ) {
kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray ( oldPartitionNumber , oldSerialNumber , oldchunksize ) ;
array . remove ( oldrownumber ) ;
return removed ;
int newPartitionNumber = arrayIndex ( collection . size ( ) ) ;
int newSerialNumber = 0 ;
// see if we need new space or if we can overwrite the old space
if ( oldPartitionNumber = = newPartitionNumber ) {
// we don't need a new slot, just write into the old one
// find array file
kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray ( newPartitionNumber , newSerialNumber , this . playloadrow . objectsize ( ) ) ;
// define row
kelondroRow . Entry arrayEntry = array . row ( ) . newEntry ( ) ;
arrayEntry . setCol ( 0 , key ) ;
arrayEntry . setCol ( 1 , collection . exportCollection ( ) ) ;
// overwrite entry in this array
array . set ( oldrownumber , arrayEntry ) ;
// update the index entry
oldindexrow . setCol ( idx_col_chunkcount , collection . size ( ) ) ;
oldindexrow . setCol ( idx_col_lastwrote , kelondroRowCollection . daysSince2000 ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) ;
index . put ( oldindexrow ) ;
} else {
// we need a new slot, that means we must first delete the old entry
// find array file
kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray ( oldPartitionNumber , oldSerialNumber , oldchunksize ) ;
// delete old entry
array . remove ( oldrownumber ) ;
// write a new entry in the other array
overwrite ( key , collection ) ;
return removed ;
private void overwrite ( byte [ ] key , kelondroRowCollection collection ) throws IOException {
// helper method, should not be called directly and only within a synchronized(index) environment
// simply store a collection without check if the collection existed before
// find array file
kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray ( arrayIndex ( collection . size ( ) ) , 0 , this . playloadrow . objectsize ( ) ) ;
// define row
kelondroRow . Entry arrayEntry = array . row ( ) . newEntry ( ) ;
arrayEntry . setCol ( 0 , key ) ;
arrayEntry . setCol ( 1 , collection . exportCollection ( ) ) ;
// write a new entry in this array
int newRowNumber = array . add ( arrayEntry ) ;
// store the new row number in the index
kelondroRow . Entry indexEntry = index . row ( ) . newEntry ( ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_key , key ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_chunksize , this . playloadrow . objectsize ( ) ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_chunkcount , collection . size ( ) ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_indexpos , ( long ) newRowNumber ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_lastread , kelondroRowCollection . daysSince2000 ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_lastwrote , kelondroRowCollection . daysSince2000 ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) ;
index . put ( indexEntry ) ;
public int indexSize ( byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
synchronized ( index ) {
kelondroRow . Entry indexrow = index . get ( key ) ;
if ( indexrow = = null ) return 0 ;
return ( int ) indexrow . getColLong ( idx_col_chunkcount ) ;
public kelondroRowSet get ( byte [ ] key , boolean deleteIfEmpty ) throws IOException {
// find an entry, if one exists
synchronized ( index ) {
kelondroRow . Entry indexrow = index . get ( key ) ;
if ( indexrow = = null ) return null ;
return getdelete ( indexrow , false , deleteIfEmpty ) ;
public kelondroRowSet delete ( byte [ ] key ) throws IOException {
// find an entry, if one exists
synchronized ( index ) {
kelondroRow . Entry indexrow = index . get ( key ) ;
if ( indexrow = = null ) return null ;
return getdelete ( indexrow , true , false ) ;
protected kelondroRowSet getdelete ( kelondroRow . Entry indexrow , boolean remove , boolean deleteIfEmpty ) throws IOException {
// call this only within a synchronized(index) environment
// read values
int chunksize = ( int ) indexrow . getColLong ( idx_col_chunksize ) ;
int chunkcount = ( int ) indexrow . getColLong ( idx_col_chunkcount ) ;
int rownumber = ( int ) indexrow . getColLong ( idx_col_indexpos ) ;
int partitionnumber = arrayIndex ( chunkcount ) ;
int serialnumber = 0 ;
// open array entry
kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray ( partitionnumber , serialnumber , chunksize ) ;
kelondroRow . Entry arrayrow = array . get ( rownumber ) ;
if ( arrayrow = = null ) throw new kelondroException ( arrayFile ( this . path , this . filenameStub , this . loadfactor , chunksize , partitionnumber , serialnumber ) . toString ( ) , "array does not contain expected row" ) ;
// read the row and define a collection
kelondroRowSet collection = new kelondroRowSet ( this . playloadrow , arrayrow . getColBytes ( 1 ) ) ; // FIXME: this does not yet work with different rowdef in case of several rowdef.objectsize()
if ( index . order ( ) . compare ( arrayrow . getColBytes ( 0 ) , indexrow . getColBytes ( idx_col_key ) ) ! = 0 ) {
// check if we got the right row; this row is wrong. Fix it:
index . remove ( indexrow . getColBytes ( idx_col_key ) ) ; // the wrong row cannot be fixed
// store the row number in the index; this may be a double-entry, but better than nothing
kelondroRow . Entry indexEntry = index . row ( ) . newEntry ( ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_key , arrayrow . getColBytes ( 0 ) ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_chunksize , this . playloadrow . objectsize ( ) ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_chunkcount , collection . size ( ) ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_indexpos , ( long ) rownumber ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_lastread , kelondroRowCollection . daysSince2000 ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) ;
indexEntry . setCol ( idx_col_lastwrote , kelondroRowCollection . daysSince2000 ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ) ;
index . put ( indexEntry ) ;
throw new kelondroException ( arrayFile ( this . path , this . filenameStub , this . loadfactor , chunksize , partitionnumber , serialnumber ) . toString ( ) , "array contains wrong row '" + new String ( arrayrow . getColBytes ( 0 ) ) + "', expected is '" + new String ( indexrow . getColBytes ( idx_col_key ) ) + "', the row has been fixed" ) ;
int chunkcountInArray = collection . size ( ) ;
if ( chunkcountInArray ! = chunkcount ) {
// fix the entry in index
indexrow . setCol ( idx_col_chunkcount , chunkcountInArray ) ;
index . put ( indexrow ) ;
array . logFailure ( "INCONSISTENCY in " + arrayFile ( this . path , this . filenameStub , this . loadfactor , chunksize , partitionnumber , serialnumber ) . toString ( ) + ": array has different chunkcount than index: index = " + chunkcount + ", array = " + chunkcountInArray + "; the index has been auto-fixed" ) ;
if ( ( remove ) | | ( ( chunkcountInArray = = 0 ) & & ( deleteIfEmpty ) ) ) array . remove ( rownumber ) ;
return collection ;
public Iterator keycollections ( byte [ ] startKey , boolean rot ) {
// returns an iteration of {byte[], kelondroRowSet} Objects
try {
return new keycollectionIterator ( startKey , rot ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
return null ;
public class keycollectionIterator implements Iterator {
Iterator indexRowIterator ;
public keycollectionIterator ( byte [ ] startKey , boolean rot ) throws IOException {
// iterator of {byte[], kelondroRowSet} Objects
indexRowIterator = index . rows ( true , rot , startKey ) ;
public boolean hasNext ( ) {
return indexRowIterator . hasNext ( ) ;
public Object next ( ) {
kelondroRow . Entry indexrow = ( kelondroRow . Entry ) indexRowIterator . next ( ) ;
if ( indexrow = = null ) return null ;
try {
return new Object [ ] { indexrow . getColBytes ( 0 ) , getdelete ( indexrow , false , false ) } ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
return null ;
public void remove ( ) {
indexRowIterator . remove ( ) ;
public void close ( ) throws IOException {
synchronized ( index ) {
this . index . close ( ) ;
Iterator i = arrays . values ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
( ( kelondroFixedWidthArray ) i . next ( ) ) . close ( ) ;
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
// define payload structure
kelondroRow rowdef = new kelondroRow ( "byte[] a-10, byte[] b-80" ) ;
File path = new File ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
String filenameStub = args [ 1 ] ;
long buffersize = 10000000 ;
long preloadTime = 10000 ;
try {
// initialize collection index
kelondroCollectionIndex collectionIndex = new kelondroCollectionIndex (
path , filenameStub , 9 /*keyLength*/ ,
kelondroNaturalOrder . naturalOrder , buffersize , preloadTime ,
4 /*loadfactor*/ , rowdef ) ;
// fill index with values
kelondroRowSet collection = new kelondroRowSet ( rowdef ) ;
collection . add ( rowdef . newEntry ( new byte [ ] [ ] { "abc" . getBytes ( ) , "efg" . getBytes ( ) } ) ) ;
collectionIndex . put ( "erstes" . getBytes ( ) , collection ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < = 17 ; i + + ) {
collection = new kelondroRowSet ( rowdef ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < i ; j + + ) {
collection . add ( rowdef . newEntry ( new byte [ ] [ ] { ( "abc" + j ) . getBytes ( ) , "xxx" . getBytes ( ) } ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "put key-" + i + ": " + collection . toString ( ) ) ;
collectionIndex . put ( ( "key-" + i ) . getBytes ( ) , collection ) ;
// extend collections with more values
for ( int i = 0 ; i < = 17 ; i + + ) {
collection = new kelondroRowSet ( rowdef ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < i ; j + + ) {
collection . add ( rowdef . newEntry ( new byte [ ] [ ] { ( "def" + j ) . getBytes ( ) , "xxx" . getBytes ( ) } ) ) ;
collectionIndex . merge ( ( "key-" + i ) . getBytes ( ) , collection ) ;
collectionIndex . close ( ) ;
// printout of index
kelondroFlexTable index = new kelondroFlexTable ( path , filenameStub + ".index" , buffersize , preloadTime , indexRow ( 9 ) , kelondroNaturalOrder . naturalOrder ) ;
index . print ( ) ;
index . close ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;