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* RankingSolr_p
* Copyright 2012 by Michael Peter Christen
* First released 30.11.2012 at
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program in the file lgpl21.txt
* If not, see <>.
import java.util.Map;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.Ranking;
import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.SchemaDeclaration;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader;
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
import net.yacy.server.serverObjects;
import net.yacy.server.serverSwitch;
public class RankingSolr_p {
public static serverObjects respond(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final RequestHeader header, final serverObjects post, final serverSwitch env) {
final Switchboard sb = (Switchboard) env;
// clean up all search events
12 years ago
sb.index.clearCaches(); // every time the ranking is changed we need to remove old orderings
int profileNr = 0;
if (post != null) profileNr = post.getInt("profileNr", profileNr);
if (post != null && post.containsKey("EnterBoosts")) {
StringBuilder boostString = new StringBuilder(); // SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_RANKING_SOLR_BOOST;
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: post.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().startsWith("boost")) {
String fieldName = entry.getKey().substring(6);
introduced a second core named 'webgraph'. This core will hold the link structure, but is not filled yet. To have the opportunity of a second core, multi-core functionality had to be implemented to the deep-embedded solr: - migrated the solr_40 directory content to a subdirectory 'collection1'; the previously used default core is now called collection1 - added solr_40/webgraph subdirectory as second core - added a servlet configuration for the second core 'webgraph' in /IndexSchema_p.html - added instance handling as addition to solr connections: all solr connectors are now instances of an solr 'instance' object; this required a complete re-design of the solr embedding - migrated also caching and sharding ontop of new instance handling - migrated the search apis to handle now the access to a specific core, the default core named 'collection1' - migrated the remote solr search interface to access shards of cores; for the yacy remote search the default core is now called 'solr'; using the peer address as solr address - migrated the solr backup and restore process: old backups cannot be used after this migration! - redesign of solr instance handling in all methods which access the instances: they cannot hold copies of these instances any more; the must retrieve the actuall connection object every time they want to write to it (this solves also some bugs when switching the index/network) - added another schema 'solr.webgraph.schema', the old solr.keys.list is replaced by solr.collection.schema
12 years ago
CollectionSchema field = CollectionSchema.valueOf(fieldName);
if (field == null) continue;
String fieldValue = entry.getValue();
if (fieldValue == null || fieldValue.length() == 0) continue;
try {
float boost = Float.parseFloat(fieldValue);
if (boostString.length() > 0) boostString.append(',');
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
if (boostString.length() > 0) {
String s = boostString.toString();
sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_RANKING_SOLR_COLLECTION_BOOSTFIELDS_ + profileNr, s);
if (post != null && post.containsKey("ResetBoosts")) {
String s = "url_paths_sxt^3.0,synonyms_sxt^0.5,title^5.0,text_t^1.0,host_s^6.0,h1_txt^5.0,url_file_name_tokens_t^4.0,h2_txt^3.0";
sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_RANKING_SOLR_COLLECTION_BOOSTFIELDS_ + profileNr, s);
if (post != null && post.containsKey("EnterBQ")) {
String bq = post.get("bq");
if (bq != null) {
sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_RANKING_SOLR_COLLECTION_BOOSTQUERY_ + profileNr, bq);
if (post != null && post.containsKey("ResetBQ")) {
String bq = "crawldepth_i:0^0.8 crawldepth_i:1^0.4";
if (bq != null) {
sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_RANKING_SOLR_COLLECTION_BOOSTQUERY_ + profileNr, bq);
if (post != null && post.containsKey("EnterBF")) {
String bf = post.get("bf");
if (bf != null) {
sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_RANKING_SOLR_COLLECTION_BOOSTFUNCTION_ + profileNr, bf);
if (post != null && post.containsKey("ResetBF")) {
String bf = "";
if (bf != null) {
sb.setConfig(SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_RANKING_SOLR_COLLECTION_BOOSTFUNCTION_ + profileNr, bf);
final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects();
int i = 0;
Ranking ranking = sb.index.fulltext().getDefaultConfiguration().getRanking(profileNr);
for (SchemaDeclaration field: CollectionSchema.values()) {
if (!field.isSearchable()) continue;
prop.put("boosts_" + i + "_field", field.getSolrFieldName());
Float boost = ranking.getFieldBoost(field);
if (boost == null || boost.floatValue() <= 0.0f) {
prop.put("boosts_" + i + "_checked", 0);
prop.put("boosts_" + i + "_boost", "");
prop.put("boosts_" + i + "_notinindexwarning", "0");
} else {
prop.put("boosts_" + i + "_checked", 1);
prop.put("boosts_" + i + "_boost", boost.toString());
prop.put("boosts_" + i + "_notinindexwarning", (sb.index.fulltext().getDefaultConfiguration().contains( "0" : "1") );
prop.putHTML("boosts_" + i + "_comment", field.getComment());
prop.put("boosts", i);
prop.put("bq", ranking.getBoostQuery());
prop.put("bf", ranking.getBoostFunction());
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
prop.put("profiles_" + j + "_nr", j);
prop.put("profiles_" + j + "_name", sb.getConfig(SwitchboardConstants.SEARCH_RANKING_SOLR_COLLECTION_BOOSTNAME_ + j, "N.N."));
prop.put("profiles_" + j + "_selected", profileNr == j ? 1 : 0);
prop.put("profiles", 4);
prop.put("profileNr", profileNr);
return prop;