You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
334 lines
10 KiB
334 lines
10 KiB
6 months ago
function statuscheck() {
if(load_status < 4) {
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function openNavigator(modifier) {
var query = $("#yquery").getValue() + " " +modifier;
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// apply default properties
ycurr = '';
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url : 'is a mandatory property - no default',
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theme : 'start',
title : 'YaCy P2P Web Search',
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link : '',
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height : 640,
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modal : false,
resizable: true,
show : '',
hide : '',
load_js : true,
load_css : true
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var script4 = yconf.url + '/yacy/ui/js/jquery-ui-1.7.2.min.js';
$.getScript(script1, function(){ load_status++; });
$.getScript(script2, function(){ load_status++; });
$.getScript(script3, function(){ load_status++; });
$.getScript(script4, function(){ load_status++; });
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function yrun() {
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modal: yconf.modal,
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title: 'Navigation',
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startRecord = startRecord + maximumRecords;
yacysearch(submit, false);
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yacysearch(submit, false);
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if ($("#yquery").getValue() == '') {
} else {
ycurr = $("#yquery").getValue();
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$('#ysearch').submit(function() {
submit = true;
ycurr = $("#yquery").getValue();
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if ($("#yside").dialog('isOpen'))
yacysearch(, true);
return false;
function yacysearch(global, clear) {
var url = yconf.url + '/yacysearch.json?callback=?'
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var item = { name : $(this).attr('name'), value : $(this).attr('value') };
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if( == 'query' || == 'search') {
if(item.value != ycurr)
ycurr = item.value;
param[i] = item;
param[param.length] = { name : 'startRecord', value : startRecord };
timeout: 10000,
error: function() {if (clear) $('#ypopup').empty();}
$.getJSON(url, param,
function(json, status) {
if (json[0]) data = json[0];
else data = json;
var searchTerms = data.channels[0].searchTerms.replace(/\+/g," ");
if(ycurr != searchTerms)
return false;
var total = data.channels[0].totalResults.replace(/[,.]/,"");
if(global) var result = 'global';
else var result = 'local';
var count = 0;
$.each (
function(i,item) {
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var desc = "<p class='desc'>"+item.description+"</p>";
var date = "<p class='date'>"+item.pubDate.substring(0,16);
var size = " | "+item.sizename+"</p>";
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yglobal = "global";
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collapsible: false
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function(i,facet) {
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function(j,element) {
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startRecord = startRecord + maximumRecords;
yacysearch(submit, false);
function autoOpenSidebar() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
if( $("#yquery").getValue() == ycurr) {
$('#ynav1').accordion('activate', false);
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