// httpd.java
// -----------------------
// (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de
// first published on http://www.anomic.de
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2004
// last major change: $LastChangedDate$ by $LastChangedBy$
// Revision: $LastChangedRevision$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Using this software in any meaning (reading, learning, copying, compiling,
// running) means that you agree that the Author(s) is (are) not responsible
// for cost, loss of data or any harm that may be caused directly or indirectly
// by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software
// is on your own risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this
// software may allow other people or application to access your computer and
// any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the
// software which must be done by the user of the software; the author(s) is
// (are) also not responsible for proper configuration and usage of the
// software, even if provoked by documentation provided together with
// the software.
// Any changes to this file according to the GPL as documented in the file
// gpl.txt aside this file in the shipment you received can be done to the
// lines that follows this copyright notice here, but changes must not be
// done inside the copyright notive above. A re-distribution must contain
// the intact and unchanged copyright notice.
// Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such.
package de.anomic.http ;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.FileInputStream ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.InputStream ;
import java.io.OutputStream ;
import java.io.PrintStream ;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException ;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor ;
import java.net.InetAddress ;
import java.net.MalformedURLException ;
import java.net.URL ;
import java.util.Arrays ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.Properties ;
import java.util.StringTokenizer ;
import de.anomic.server.serverByteBuffer ;
import de.anomic.server.serverCodings ;
import de.anomic.server.serverCore ;
import de.anomic.server.serverFileUtils ;
import de.anomic.server.serverHandler ;
import de.anomic.server.serverObjects ;
import de.anomic.server.serverSwitch ;
import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog ;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyCore ;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboard ;
import de.anomic.data.userDB ;
/ * *
* Instances of this class can be passed as argument to the serverCore .
* The generic server dispatches HTTP commands and calls the
* method GET , HEAD or POST in this class
* these methods parse the command line and decide wether to call
* a proxy servlet or a file server servlet
* /
public final class httpd implements serverHandler {
/ * *
* A hashset containing extensions that indicate content that should not be transported
* using zipped content encoding
* @see # shallTransportZipped ( String )
* /
private static final HashSet disallowZippedContentEncoding = new HashSet ( Arrays . asList ( new String [ ] {
".gz" , ".tgz" , ".jpg" , ".jpeg" , ".gif" , ".zip" , ".rar" , ".bz2" , ".lha" , ".jar" , ".rpm" , ".arc" , ".arj"
} ) ) ;
// static objects
public static final String vDATE = "<<REPL>>" ;
public static final String copyright = "[ HTTP SERVER: AnomicHTTPD v" + vDATE + " by Michael Christen / www.anomic.de ]" ;
public static final String hline = "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ;
public static HashMap reverseMappingCache = new HashMap ( ) ;
private httpdHandler proxyHandler = null ; // a servlet that holds the proxy functions
private httpdHandler fileHandler = null ; // a servlet that holds the file serving functions
private httpdHandler soapHandler = null ;
private static plasmaSwitchboard switchboard = null ;
private static String virtualHost = null ;
public static boolean keepAliveSupport = false ;
// class objects
private serverCore . Session session ; // holds the session object of the calling class
private InetAddress userAddress ; // the address of the client
private boolean allowProxy ;
private boolean allowServer ;
// for authentication
private boolean use_proxyAccounts = false ;
private boolean proxyAccounts_init = false ; // is use_proxyAccounts set?
private String serverAccountBase64MD5 ;
private String clientIP ;
// the connection properties
private final Properties prop = new Properties ( ) ;
private int emptyRequestCount = 0 ;
private int keepAliveRequestCount = 0 ;
// needed for logging
private final serverLog log = new serverLog ( "HTTPD" ) ;
// class methods
public httpd ( serverSwitch s , httpdHandler fileHandler , httpdHandler proxyHandler ) {
// handler info
httpd . switchboard = ( plasmaSwitchboard ) s ;
this . fileHandler = fileHandler ;
this . proxyHandler = proxyHandler ;
httpd . virtualHost = switchboard . getConfig ( "fileHost" , "localhost" ) ;
// authentication: by default none
this . proxyAccounts_init = false ;
this . serverAccountBase64MD5 = null ;
this . clientIP = null ;
// configuring keep alive support
keepAliveSupport = Boolean . valueOf ( switchboard . getConfig ( "connectionKeepAliveSupport" , "false" ) ) . booleanValue ( ) ;
public Properties getConProp ( ) {
return this . prop ;
/ * *
* Can be used to reset this { @link serverHandler } oject so that
* it can be reused for further connections
* @see de . anomic . server . serverHandler # reset ( )
* /
public void reset ( ) {
this . session = null ;
this . userAddress = null ;
this . allowProxy = false ;
this . allowServer = false ;
this . proxyAccounts_init = false ;
this . serverAccountBase64MD5 = null ;
this . clientIP = null ;
this . prop . clear ( ) ;
this . emptyRequestCount = 0 ;
this . keepAliveRequestCount = 0 ;
/ * *
* Must be called at least once , but can be called again to re - use the object .
* @see de . anomic . server . serverHandler # initSession ( de . anomic . server . serverCore . Session )
* /
public void initSession ( serverCore . Session newsession ) throws IOException {
this . session = newsession ;
this . userAddress = session . userAddress ; // client InetAddress
this . clientIP = this . userAddress . getHostAddress ( ) ;
if ( this . userAddress . isAnyLocalAddress ( ) ) this . clientIP = "localhost" ;
if ( this . clientIP . equals ( "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1" ) ) this . clientIP = "localhost" ;
if ( this . clientIP . equals ( "" ) ) this . clientIP = "localhost" ;
String proxyClient = switchboard . getConfig ( "proxyClient" , "*" ) ;
String serverClient = switchboard . getConfig ( "serverClient" , "*" ) ;
this . allowProxy = ( proxyClient . equals ( "*" ) ) ? true : match ( this . clientIP , proxyClient ) ;
this . allowServer = ( serverClient . equals ( "*" ) ) ? true : match ( this . clientIP , serverClient ) ;
// check if we want to allow this socket to connect us
if ( ! ( this . allowProxy | | this . allowServer ) ) {
String errorMsg = "CONNECTION FROM " + this . clientIP + " FORBIDDEN" ;
this . log . logWarning ( errorMsg ) ;
throw new IOException ( errorMsg ) ;
this . proxyAccounts_init = false ;
this . serverAccountBase64MD5 = null ;
private static boolean match ( String key , String latch ) {
// the latch is a comma-separated list of patterns
// each pattern may contain one wildcard-character '*' which matches anything
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer ( latch , "," ) ;
String pattern ;
while ( st . hasMoreTokens ( ) ) {
pattern = st . nextToken ( ) ;
if ( key . matches ( pattern ) ) return true ;
/ *
pos = pattern . indexOf ( "*" ) ;
if ( pos < 0 ) {
// no wild card: exact match
if ( key . equals ( pattern ) ) return true ;
} else {
// wild card: match left and right side of pattern
if ( ( key . startsWith ( pattern . substring ( 0 , pos ) ) ) & &
( key . endsWith ( pattern . substring ( pos + 1 ) ) ) ) return true ;
* /
return false ;
public String greeting ( ) { // OBLIGATORIC FUNCTION
// a response line upon connection is send to client
// if no response line is wanted, return "" or null
return null ;
public String error ( Throwable e ) { // OBLIGATORIC FUNCTION
// return string in case of any error that occurs during communication
// is always (but not only) called if an IO-dependent exception occurrs.
this . log . logSevere ( "Unexpected Error. " + e . getClass ( ) . getName ( ) , e ) ;
return "501 Exception occurred: " + e . getMessage ( ) ;
/ * *
* This funciton is used to determine if a persistent connection was requested by the
* client .
* @param header the received http - headers
* @return < code > true < / code > if a persistent connection was requested or < code > false < / code > otherwise
* /
private boolean handlePersistentConnection ( httpHeader header ) {
if ( ! keepAliveSupport ) {
this . prop . put ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT , "close" ) ;
return false ;
// getting the http version that is used by the client
String httpVersion = this . prop . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , "HTTP/0.9" ) ;
// managing keep-alive: in HTTP/0.9 and HTTP/1.0 every connection is closed
// afterwards. In HTTP/1.1 (and above, in the future?) connections are
// persistent by default, but closed with the "Connection: close"
// property.
boolean persistent = ! ( httpVersion . equals ( "HTTP/0.9" ) | | httpVersion . equals ( "HTTP/1.0" ) ) ;
if ( ( ( String ) header . get ( httpHeader . CONNECTION , "keep-alive" ) ) . toLowerCase ( ) . equals ( "close" ) | |
( ( String ) header . get ( httpHeader . PROXY_CONNECTION , "keep-alive" ) ) . toLowerCase ( ) . equals ( "close" ) ) {
persistent = false ;
// if the request does not contain a content-length we have to close the connection
// independently of the value of the connection header
if ( persistent & &
this . prop . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_METHOD ) . equals ( httpHeader . METHOD_POST ) & &
! header . containsKey ( httpHeader . CONTENT_LENGTH ) )
this . prop . put ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT , "close" ) ;
else this . prop . put ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT , persistent ? "keep-alive" : "close" ) ;
return persistent ;
private boolean handleServerAuthentication ( httpHeader header ) throws IOException {
// getting the http version that is used by the client
String httpVersion = this . prop . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , "HTTP/0.9" ) ;
// reading the authentication settings from switchboard
if ( this . serverAccountBase64MD5 = = null )
this . serverAccountBase64MD5 = switchboard . getConfig ( "serverAccountBase64MD5" , "" ) ;
if ( this . serverAccountBase64MD5 . length ( ) > 0 ) {
String auth = ( String ) header . get ( httpHeader . AUTHORIZATION ) ;
if ( auth = = null ) {
// authorization requested, but no authorizeation given in header. Ask for authenticate:
this . session . out . write ( ( httpVersion + " 401 log-in required" + serverCore . crlfString +
httpHeader . WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore . crlfString +
serverCore . crlfString ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
this . session . out . write ( ( httpHeader . CONTENT_LENGTH + ": 0\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
this . session . out . write ( "\r\n" . getBytes ( ) ) ;
return false ;
} else if ( ! this . serverAccountBase64MD5 . equals ( serverCodings . encodeMD5Hex ( auth . trim ( ) . substring ( 6 ) ) ) ) {
// wrong password given: ask for authenticate again
serverLog . logInfo ( "HTTPD" , "Wrong log-in for account 'server' in HTTPD.GET " + this . prop . getProperty ( "PATH" ) + " from IP " + this . clientIP ) ;
this . session . out . write ( ( httpVersion + " 401 log-in required" + serverCore . crlfString +
httpHeader . WWW_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" +
serverCore . crlfString ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
this . session . out . write ( ( httpHeader . CONTENT_LENGTH + ": 0\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
this . session . out . write ( "\r\n" . getBytes ( ) ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
private boolean handleProxyAuthentication ( httpHeader header ) throws IOException {
// getting the http version that is used by the client
String httpVersion = this . prop . getProperty ( "HTTP" , "HTTP/0.9" ) ;
// reading the authentication settings from switchboard
if ( this . proxyAccounts_init = = false ) {
this . use_proxyAccounts = ( switchboard . getConfig ( "use_proxyAccounts" , "false" ) . equals ( "true" ) ? true : false ) ;
this . proxyAccounts_init = true ; // is initialised
if ( this . use_proxyAccounts ) {
String auth = ( String ) header . get ( httpHeader . PROXY_AUTHORIZATION , "xxxxxx" ) ;
userDB . Entry entry = switchboard . userDB . ipAuth ( this . clientIP ) ;
if ( entry = = null ) {
entry = switchboard . userDB . proxyAuth ( auth , this . clientIP ) ;
if ( entry ! = null ) {
if ( entry . canSurf ( ) ) {
return true ;
serverObjects tp = new serverObjects ( ) ;
tp . put ( "limit" , "0" ) ; //time per day
tp . put ( "limit_timelimit" , entry . getTimeLimit ( ) ) ;
sendRespondError ( this . prop , this . session . out , 403 , "Internet-Timelimit reached" , new File ( "proxymsg/proxylimits.inc" ) , tp , null ) ;
return false ;
// ask for authenticate
this . session . out . write ( ( httpVersion + " 407 Proxy Authentication Required" + serverCore . crlfString +
httpHeader . PROXY_AUTHENTICATE + ": Basic realm=\"log-in\"" + serverCore . crlfString ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
this . session . out . write ( ( httpHeader . CONTENT_LENGTH + ": 0\r\n" ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
this . session . out . write ( "\r\n" . getBytes ( ) ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
public Boolean UNKNOWN ( String requestLine ) throws IOException {
int pos ;
String unknownCommand = null , args = null ;
if ( ( pos = requestLine . indexOf ( " " ) ) > 0 ) {
unknownCommand = requestLine . substring ( 0 , pos ) ;
args = requestLine . substring ( pos + 1 ) ;
} else {
unknownCommand = requestLine ;
args = "" ;
parseRequestLine ( unknownCommand , args ) ;
//String httpVersion = this.prop.getProperty(httpHeader.CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER,"HTTP/0.9");
sendRespondError ( this . prop , this . session . out , 0 , 501 , null , unknownCommand + " method not implemented" , null ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
public Boolean EMPTY ( String arg ) throws IOException {
if ( + + this . emptyRequestCount > 10 ) return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
return serverCore . RESUME_CONNECTION ;
public Boolean TRACE ( String arg ) throws IOException {
sendRespondError ( this . prop , this . session . out , 0 , 501 , null , "TRACE method not implemented" , null ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
public Boolean OPTIONS ( String arg ) throws IOException {
sendRespondError ( this . prop , this . session . out , 0 , 501 , null , "OPTIONS method not implemented" , null ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
public Boolean GET ( String arg ) {
try {
// parsing the http request line
parseRequestLine ( httpHeader . METHOD_GET , arg ) ;
// we now know the HTTP version. depending on that, we read the header
String httpVersion = this . prop . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , "HTTP/0.9" ) ;
httpHeader header = ( httpVersion . equals ( "HTTP/0.9" ) ) ? new httpHeader ( reverseMappingCache )
: httpHeader . readHeader ( this . prop , this . session ) ;
// handling transparent proxy support
httpHeader . handleTransparentProxySupport ( header , this . prop , virtualHost , httpdProxyHandler . isTransparentProxy ) ;
// determines if the connection should be kept alive
handlePersistentConnection ( header ) ;
if ( this . prop . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_HOST ) . equals ( virtualHost ) ) {
// pass to server
if ( this . allowServer ) {
/ *
* Handling SOAP Requests here . . .
* /
if ( this . prop . containsKey ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PATH ) & & this . prop . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PATH ) . startsWith ( "/soap" ) ) {
if ( soapHandler = = null ) {
try {
Class soapHandlerClass = Class . forName ( "de.anomic.soap.httpdSoapHandler" ) ;
Constructor classConstructor = soapHandlerClass . getConstructor ( new Class [ ] { serverSwitch . class } ) ;
soapHandler = ( httpdHandler ) classConstructor . newInstance ( new Object [ ] { switchboard } ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
sendRespondHeader ( this . prop , this . session . out , httpVersion , 503 , null ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
} catch ( NoClassDefFoundError e ) {
sendRespondError ( this . prop , this . session . out , 4 , 503 , null , "SOAP Extension not installed" , null ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
} catch ( Error e ) {
sendRespondHeader ( this . prop , this . session . out , httpVersion , 503 , null ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
soapHandler . doGet ( this . prop , header , this . session . out ) ;
/ *
* Handling HTTP requests here . . .
* /
} else {
if ( this . handleServerAuthentication ( header ) ) {
if ( fileHandler = = null ) fileHandler = new httpdFileHandler ( switchboard ) ;
fileHandler . doGet ( this . prop , header , this . session . out ) ;
} else {
// not authorized through firewall blocking (ip does not match filter)
this . session . out . write ( ( httpVersion + " 403 refused (IP not granted)" + serverCore . crlfString + serverCore . crlfString + "you are not allowed to connect to this server, because you are using the non-granted IP " + clientIP + ". allowed are only connections that match with the following filter: " + switchboard . getConfig ( "serverClient" , "*" ) + serverCore . crlfString ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
} else {
// pass to proxy
if ( this . allowProxy ) {
if ( this . handleProxyAuthentication ( header ) ) {
if ( proxyHandler ! = null ) proxyHandler = new httpdProxyHandler ( switchboard ) ;
proxyHandler . doGet ( this . prop , header , this . session . out ) ;
} else {
// not authorized through firewall blocking (ip does not match filter)
this . session . out . write ( ( httpVersion + " 403 refused (IP not granted)" + serverCore . crlfString + serverCore . crlfString + "you are not allowed to connect to this proxy, because you are using the non-granted IP " + clientIP + ". allowed are only connections that match with the following filter: " + switchboard . getConfig ( "proxyClient" , "*" ) + serverCore . crlfString ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
return this . prop . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT ) . equals ( "keep-alive" ) ? serverCore . RESUME_CONNECTION : serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
logUnexpectedError ( e ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
} finally {
this . doUserAccounting ( this . prop ) ;
private void logUnexpectedError ( Exception e ) {
if ( e instanceof InterruptedException ) {
this . log . logInfo ( "Interruption detected" ) ;
} else {
String errorMsg = e . getMessage ( ) ;
if ( errorMsg ! = null ) {
if ( errorMsg . startsWith ( "Socket closed" ) ) {
this . log . logInfo ( "httpd shutdown detected ..." ) ;
} else if ( ( errorMsg . startsWith ( "Broken pipe" ) | | errorMsg . startsWith ( "Connection reset" ) ) ) {
// client closed the connection, so we just end silently
this . log . logInfo ( "Client unexpectedly closed connection" ) ;
} else {
this . log . logSevere ( "Unexpected Error. " + e . getClass ( ) . getName ( ) + ": " + e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ;
} else {
this . log . logSevere ( "Unexpected Error. " + e . getClass ( ) . getName ( ) , e ) ;
public Boolean HEAD ( String arg ) {
try {
parseRequestLine ( httpHeader . METHOD_HEAD , arg ) ;
// we now know the HTTP version. depending on that, we read the header
httpHeader header ;
String httpVersion = this . prop . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , "HTTP/0.9" ) ;
if ( httpVersion . equals ( "HTTP/0.9" ) ) header = new httpHeader ( reverseMappingCache ) ;
else header = httpHeader . readHeader ( this . prop , this . session ) ;
// handle transparent proxy support
httpHeader . handleTransparentProxySupport ( header , this . prop , virtualHost , httpdProxyHandler . isTransparentProxy ) ;
// determines if the connection should be kept alive
handlePersistentConnection ( header ) ;
// return multi-line message
if ( this . prop . getProperty ( "HOST" ) . equals ( virtualHost ) ) {
// pass to server
if ( allowServer ) {
if ( handleServerAuthentication ( header ) ) {
if ( fileHandler = = null ) fileHandler = new httpdFileHandler ( switchboard ) ;
fileHandler . doHead ( prop , header , this . session . out ) ;
} else {
// not authorized through firewall blocking (ip does not match filter)
session . out . write ( ( httpVersion + " 403 refused (IP not granted)" +
serverCore . crlfString ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
} else {
// pass to proxy
if ( allowProxy ) {
if ( handleProxyAuthentication ( header ) ) {
if ( proxyHandler ! = null ) proxyHandler = new httpdProxyHandler ( switchboard ) ;
proxyHandler . doHead ( prop , header , this . session . out ) ;
} else {
// not authorized through firewall blocking (ip does not match filter)
session . out . write ( ( httpVersion + " 403 refused (IP not granted)" +
serverCore . crlfString ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
return this . prop . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT ) . equals ( "keep-alive" ) ? serverCore . RESUME_CONNECTION : serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
logUnexpectedError ( e ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
} finally {
this . doUserAccounting ( this . prop ) ;
public Boolean POST ( String arg ) {
try {
parseRequestLine ( httpHeader . METHOD_POST , arg ) ;
// we now know the HTTP version. depending on that, we read the header
httpHeader header ;
String httpVersion = prop . getProperty ( "HTTP" , "HTTP/0.9" ) ;
if ( httpVersion . equals ( "HTTP/0.9" ) ) header = new httpHeader ( reverseMappingCache ) ;
else header = httpHeader . readHeader ( this . prop , this . session ) ;
// handle transparent proxy support
httpHeader . handleTransparentProxySupport ( header , this . prop , virtualHost , httpdProxyHandler . isTransparentProxy ) ;
// determines if the connection should be kept alive
handlePersistentConnection ( header ) ;
// return multi-line message
if ( prop . getProperty ( "HOST" ) . equals ( virtualHost ) ) {
// pass to server
if ( allowServer ) {
/ *
* Handling SOAP Requests here . . .
* /
if ( this . prop . containsKey ( "PATH" ) & & this . prop . getProperty ( "PATH" ) . startsWith ( "/soap" ) ) {
if ( soapHandler = = null ) {
try {
// creating the soap handler class by name
Class soapHandlerClass = Class . forName ( "de.anomic.soap.httpdSoapHandler" ) ;
// Look for the proper constructor
Constructor soapHandlerConstructor = soapHandlerClass . getConstructor ( new Class [ ] { serverSwitch . class } ) ;
// creating the new object
soapHandler = ( httpdHandler ) soapHandlerConstructor . newInstance ( new Object [ ] { switchboard } ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
sendRespondHeader ( this . prop , this . session . out , httpVersion , 503 , null ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
} catch ( NoClassDefFoundError e ) {
sendRespondError ( this . prop , this . session . out , 4 , 503 , "SOAP Extension not installed" , "SOAP Extension not installed" , null ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
} catch ( Error e ) {
sendRespondHeader ( this . prop , this . session . out , httpVersion , 503 , null ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
soapHandler . doPost ( prop , header , this . session . out , this . session . in ) ;
/ *
* Handling normal HTTP requests here . . .
* /
} else {
if ( handleServerAuthentication ( header ) ) {
if ( fileHandler = = null ) fileHandler = new httpdFileHandler ( switchboard ) ;
fileHandler . doPost ( prop , header , this . session . out , this . session . in ) ;
} else {
// not authorized through firewall blocking (ip does not match filter)
session . out . write ( ( httpVersion + " 403 refused (IP not granted)" + serverCore . crlfString + serverCore . crlfString + "you are not allowed to connect to this server, because you are using the non-granted IP " + clientIP + ". allowed are only connections that match with the following filter: " + switchboard . getConfig ( "serverClient" , "*" ) + serverCore . crlfString ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
} else {
// pass to proxy
if ( allowProxy ) {
if ( handleProxyAuthentication ( header ) ) {
if ( proxyHandler ! = null ) proxyHandler = new httpdProxyHandler ( switchboard ) ;
proxyHandler . doPost ( prop , header , this . session . out , this . session . in ) ;
} else {
// not authorized through firewall blocking (ip does not match filter)
session . out . write ( ( httpVersion + " 403 refused (IP not granted)" + serverCore . crlfString + serverCore . crlfString + "you are not allowed to connect to this proxy, because you are using the non-granted IP " + clientIP + ". allowed are only connections that match with the following filter: " + switchboard . getConfig ( "proxyClient" , "*" ) + serverCore . crlfString ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
//return serverCore.RESUME_CONNECTION;
return this . prop . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT ) . equals ( "keep-alive" ) ? serverCore . RESUME_CONNECTION : serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
logUnexpectedError ( e ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
} finally {
this . doUserAccounting ( this . prop ) ;
public Boolean CONNECT ( String arg ) throws IOException {
// establish a ssh-tunneled http connection
// this is to support https
// parse HTTP version
int pos = arg . indexOf ( " " ) ;
String httpVersion = "HTTP/1.0" ;
if ( pos > = 0 ) {
httpVersion = arg . substring ( pos + 1 ) ;
arg = arg . substring ( 0 , pos ) ;
prop . setProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , httpVersion ) ;
// parse hostname and port
prop . setProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_HOST , arg ) ;
pos = arg . indexOf ( ":" ) ;
int port = 443 ;
if ( pos > = 0 ) {
port = Integer . parseInt ( arg . substring ( pos + 1 ) ) ;
arg = arg . substring ( 0 , pos ) ;
// setting other connection properties
prop . setProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_CLIENTIP , this . clientIP ) ;
prop . setProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_METHOD , httpHeader . METHOD_CONNECT ) ;
prop . setProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PATH , "/" ) ;
prop . setProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_EXT , "" ) ;
prop . setProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_URL , "" ) ;
// parse remaining lines
httpHeader header = httpHeader . readHeader ( this . prop , this . session ) ;
if ( ! ( allowProxy ) ) {
// not authorized through firewall blocking (ip does not match filter)
session . out . write ( ( httpVersion + " 403 refused (IP not granted)" + serverCore . crlfString + serverCore . crlfString + "you are not allowed to connect to this proxy, because you are using the non-granted IP " + clientIP + ". allowed are only connections that match with the following filter: " + switchboard . getConfig ( "proxyClient" , "*" ) + serverCore . crlfString ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
if ( port ! = 443 & & switchboard . getConfig ( "secureHttps" , "true" ) . equals ( "true" ) ) {
// security: connection only to ssl port
// we send a 403 (forbidden) error back
session . out . write ( ( httpVersion + " 403 Connection to non-443 forbidden" +
serverCore . crlfString + serverCore . crlfString ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
// pass to proxy
if ( allowProxy ) {
if ( handleProxyAuthentication ( header ) ) {
if ( proxyHandler ! = null ) proxyHandler = new httpdProxyHandler ( switchboard ) ;
proxyHandler . doConnect ( prop , header , this . session . in , this . session . out ) ;
} else {
// not authorized through firewall blocking (ip does not match filter)
session . out . write ( ( httpVersion + " 403 refused (IP not granted)" + serverCore . crlfString + serverCore . crlfString + "you are not allowed to connect to this proxy, because you are using the non-granted IP " + clientIP + ". allowed are only connections that match with the following filter: " + switchboard . getConfig ( "proxyClient" , "*" ) + serverCore . crlfString ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
return serverCore . TERMINATE_CONNECTION ;
private final void parseRequestLine ( String cmd , String s ) {
// parsing the header
httpHeader . parseRequestLine ( cmd , s , this . prop , virtualHost ) ;
// reseting the empty request counter
this . emptyRequestCount = 0 ;
// counting the amount of received requests within this permanent conneciton
this . prop . setProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_KEEP_ALIVE_COUNT , Integer . toString ( + + this . keepAliveRequestCount ) ) ;
// setting the client-IP
this . prop . setProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_CLIENTIP , this . clientIP ) ;
// some static methods that needs to be used from any CGI
// and also by the httpdFileHandler
// but this belongs to the protocol handler, this class.
public static int parseArgs ( serverObjects args , InputStream in , int length ) throws IOException {
// this is a quick hack using a previously coded parseMultipart based on a buffer
// should be replaced sometime by a 'right' implementation
byte [ ] buffer = null ;
// parsing post request bodies with a given length
if ( length ! = - 1 ) {
buffer = new byte [ length ] ;
in . read ( buffer ) ;
// parsing post request bodies which are gzip content-encoded
} else {
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( ) ;
serverFileUtils . copy ( in , bout ) ;
buffer = bout . toByteArray ( ) ;
bout . close ( ) ; bout = null ;
int argc = parseArgs ( args , new String ( buffer , "UTF-8" ) ) ;
buffer = null ;
return argc ;
public static int parseArgs ( serverObjects args , String argsString ) {
// this parses a arg string that can either be attached to a URL query
// or can be given as result of a post method
// the String argsString is supposed to be constructed as
// <key1>=<value1>'&'<key2>=<value2>'&'<key3>=<value3>
// the calling function must strip off a possible leading '?' char
if ( argsString . length ( ) = = 0 ) return 0 ;
argsString = argsString + "&" ; // for technical reasons
int sep ;
int eqp ;
int argc = 0 ;
// Textfield1=default+value+Textfield+1&Textfield2=default+value+Textfield+2&selection1=sel1&selection2=othervalue1&selection2=sel2&selection3=sel3&Menu1=SubEnry11&radio1=button1&check1=button2&check1=button3&hidden1=&sButton1=enter+%281%29
while ( argsString . length ( ) > 0 ) {
eqp = argsString . indexOf ( "=" ) ;
sep = argsString . indexOf ( "&" ) ;
if ( ( eqp < = 0 ) | | ( sep < = 0 ) ) break ;
// resulting equations are inserted into the property args with leading '&'
args . put ( parseArg ( argsString . substring ( 0 , eqp ) ) , parseArg ( argsString . substring ( eqp + 1 , sep ) ) ) ;
argsString = argsString . substring ( sep + 1 ) ;
argc + + ;
// we return the number of parsed arguments
return argc ;
private static String parseArg ( String s ) {
// this parses a given value-string from a http property
// we replace all "+" by spaces
// and resolve %-escapes with two-digit hex attributes
int pos = 0 ;
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( s . length ( ) ) ;
while ( pos < s . length ( ) ) {
if ( s . charAt ( pos ) = = '+' ) {
baos . write ( ' ' ) ;
pos + + ;
} else if ( s . charAt ( pos ) = = '%' ) {
baos . write ( Integer . parseInt ( s . substring ( pos + 1 , pos + 3 ) , 16 ) ) ;
pos + = 3 ;
} else {
baos . write ( s . charAt ( pos + + ) ) ;
String result ;
try {
result = new String ( baos . toByteArray ( ) , "UTF-8" ) ;
} catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e ) {
return null ;
return result ;
public static HashMap parseMultipart ( httpHeader header , serverObjects args , InputStream in , int length ) throws IOException {
// this is a quick hack using a previously coded parseMultipart based on a buffer
// should be replaced sometime by a 'right' implementation
byte [ ] buffer = null ;
// parsing post request bodies with a given length
if ( length ! = - 1 ) {
buffer = new byte [ length ] ;
int c , a = 0 ;
while ( a < length ) {
c = in . read ( buffer , a , length - a ) ;
if ( c < = 0 ) break ;
a + = c ;
// parsing post request bodies which are gzip content-encoded
} else {
serverByteBuffer bout = new serverByteBuffer ( ) ;
serverFileUtils . copy ( in , bout ) ;
buffer = bout . toByteArray ( ) ;
bout . close ( ) ; bout = null ;
//System.out.println("MULTIPART-BUFFER=" + new String(buffer));
HashMap files = parseMultipart ( header , args , buffer ) ;
buffer = null ;
return files ;
public static HashMap parseMultipart ( httpHeader header , serverObjects args , byte [ ] buffer ) throws IOException {
// we parse a multipart message and put results into the properties
// find/identify boundary marker
//System.out.println("DEBUG parseMultipart = <<" + new String(buffer) + ">>");
String s = ( String ) header . get ( httpHeader . CONTENT_TYPE ) ;
if ( s = = null ) return null ;
int q ;
int p = s . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( "boundary=" ) ;
if ( p < 0 ) throw new IOException ( "boundary marker in multipart not found" ) ;
// boundaries start with additional leading "--", see RFC1867
byte [ ] boundary = ( "--" + s . substring ( p + 9 ) ) . getBytes ( ) ;
// eat up first boundary
// the buffer must start with a boundary
byte [ ] line = readLine ( 0 , buffer ) ;
int pos = nextPos ;
if ( ( line = = null ) | | ( ! ( equals ( line , 0 , boundary , 0 , boundary . length ) ) ) )
throw new IOException ( "boundary not recognized: " + ( ( line = = null ) ? "NULL" : new String ( line , "UTF-8" ) ) + ", boundary = " + new String ( boundary ) ) ;
// we need some constants
byte [ ] namec = ( new String ( "name=" ) ) . getBytes ( ) ;
byte [ ] filenamec = ( new String ( "filename=" ) ) . getBytes ( ) ;
//byte[] semicolonc = (new String(";")).getBytes();
byte [ ] quotec = new byte [ ] { ( byte ) '"' } ;
// now loop over boundaries
byte [ ] name ;
byte [ ] filename ;
HashMap files = new HashMap ( ) ;
int argc = 0 ;
//System.out.println("DEBUG: parsing multipart body:" + new String(buffer));
while ( pos < buffer . length ) { // boundary enumerator
// here the 'pos' marker points to the first line in a section after a boundary line
line = readLine ( pos , buffer ) ; pos = nextPos ;
// termination if line is empty
if ( line . length = = 0 ) break ;
// find name tag in line
p = indexOf ( 0 , line , namec ) ;
if ( p < 0 ) throw new IOException ( "tag name in marker section not found: '" + new String ( line , "UTF-8" ) + "'" ) ; // a name tag must always occur
p + = namec . length + 1 ; // first position of name value
q = indexOf ( p , line , quotec ) ;
if ( q < 0 ) throw new IOException ( "missing quote in name tag: '" + new String ( line , "UTF-8" ) + "'" ) ;
name = new byte [ q - p ] ;
java . lang . System . arraycopy ( line , p , name , 0 , q - p ) ;
// if this line has also a filename attribute, read it
p = indexOf ( q , line , filenamec ) ;
if ( p > 0 ) {
p + = filenamec . length + 1 ; // first position of name value
q = indexOf ( p , line , quotec ) ;
if ( q < 0 ) throw new IOException ( "missing quote in filename tag: '" + new String ( line ) + "'" ) ;
filename = new byte [ q - p ] ;
java . lang . System . arraycopy ( line , p , filename , 0 , q - p ) ;
} else filename = null ;
// we have what we need. more information lines may follow, but we omit parsing them
// we just skip until an empty line is reached
while ( pos < buffer . length ) { // line skiping
line = readLine ( pos , buffer ) ; pos = nextPos ;
if ( ( line = = null ) | | ( line . length = = 0 ) ) break ;
// depending on the filename tag exsistence, read now either a value for the name
// or a complete uploaded file
// to know the exact length of the value, we must identify the next boundary
p = indexOf ( pos , buffer , boundary ) ;
// if we can't find another boundary, then this is an error in the input
if ( p < 0 ) {
serverLog . logSevere ( "HTTPD" , "ERROR in PUT body: no ending boundary. probably missing values" ) ;
break ;
// we don't know if the value is terminated by lf, cr or crlf
// (it's suppose to be crlf, but we want to be lazy about wrong terminations)
if ( buffer [ p - 2 ] = = serverCore . cr ) // ERROR: IndexOutOfBounds: -2
/* crlf */ q = p - 2 ;
/* cr or lf only */ q = p - 1 ;
// the above line is wrong if we uploaded a file that has a cr as it's last byte
// and the client's line termination symbol is only a cr or lf (which would be incorrect)
// the value is between 'pos' and 'q', while the next marker is 'p'
line = new byte [ q - pos ] ;
java . lang . System . arraycopy ( buffer , pos , line , 0 , q - pos ) ;
// in the 'line' variable we have now either a normal value or an uploadef file
if ( filename = = null ) {
args . put ( new String ( name , "UTF-8" ) , new String ( line , "UTF-8" ) ) ;
} else {
// we store the file in a hashtable.
// we use the same key to address the file in the hashtable as we
// use to address the filename in the properties, but without leading '&'
args . put ( new String ( name , "UTF-8" ) , new String ( filename , "UTF-8" ) ) ;
files . put ( new String ( name , "UTF-8" ) , line ) ;
argc + + ;
// finally, read the next boundary line
line = readLine ( p , buffer ) ;
pos = nextPos ;
header . put ( "ARGC" , Integer . toString ( argc ) ) ; // store argument count
return files ;
/ *
- - - - - - - - - - - - 1090358578442
Content - Disposition : form - data ; name = "youare"
- - - - - - - - - - - - 1090358578442
Content - Disposition : form - data ; name = "key"
6 EkPPOl7
- - - - - - - - - - - - 1090358578442
Content - Disposition : form - data ; name = "iam"
- - - - - - - - - - - - 1090358578442
Content - Disposition : form - data ; name = "process"
- - - - - - - - - - - - 1090358578442
* /
static int nextPos = - 1 ;
private static byte [ ] readLine ( int start , byte [ ] array ) {
// read a string from an array; line ending is always CRLF
// but we are also fuzzy with that: may also be only CR or LF
// if no remaining cr, crlf or lf can be found, return null
if ( start > array . length ) return null ;
int pos = indexOf ( start , array , serverCore . crlf ) ; nextPos = pos + 2 ;
if ( pos < 0 ) { pos = indexOf ( start , array , new byte [ ] { serverCore . cr } ) ; nextPos = pos + 1 ; }
if ( pos < 0 ) { pos = indexOf ( start , array , new byte [ ] { serverCore . lf } ) ; nextPos = pos + 1 ; }
if ( pos < 0 ) { nextPos = start ; return null ; }
byte [ ] result = new byte [ pos - start ] ;
java . lang . System . arraycopy ( array , start , result , 0 , pos - start ) ;
return result ;
public static int indexOf ( int start , byte [ ] array , byte [ ] pattern ) {
// return a position of a pattern in an array
if ( start > array . length - pattern . length ) return - 1 ;
if ( pattern . length = = 0 ) return start ;
for ( int pos = start ; pos < = array . length - pattern . length ; pos + + )
if ( ( array [ pos ] = = pattern [ 0 ] ) & & ( equals ( array , pos , pattern , 0 , pattern . length ) ) )
return pos ;
return - 1 ;
public static boolean equals ( byte [ ] a , int aoff , byte [ ] b , int boff , int len ) {
//System.out.println("equals: a = " + new String(a) + ", aoff = " + aoff + ", b = " + new String(b) + ", boff = " + boff + ", length = " + len);
if ( ( aoff + len > a . length ) | | ( boff + len > b . length ) ) return false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + ) if ( a [ aoff + i ] ! = b [ boff + i ] ) return false ;
return true ;
public Object clone ( ) {
return new httpd ( switchboard , new httpdFileHandler ( switchboard ) , new httpdProxyHandler ( switchboard ) ) ;
public static final void sendRespondBody (
Properties conProp ,
OutputStream respond ,
byte [ ] body
) throws IOException {
respond . write ( body ) ;
respond . flush ( ) ;
public static final void sendRespondError (
Properties conProp ,
OutputStream respond ,
int errorcase ,
int httpStatusCode ,
String httpStatusText ,
String detailedErrorMsg ,
Exception stackTrace
) throws IOException {
sendRespondError (
conProp ,
respond ,
errorcase ,
httpStatusCode ,
httpStatusText ,
detailedErrorMsg ,
null ,
null ,
) ;
public static final void sendRespondError (
Properties conProp ,
OutputStream respond ,
int httpStatusCode ,
String httpStatusText ,
File detailedErrorMsgFile ,
serverObjects detailedErrorMsgValues ,
Exception stackTrace
) throws IOException {
sendRespondError (
conProp ,
respond ,
5 ,
httpStatusCode ,
httpStatusText ,
null ,
detailedErrorMsgFile ,
detailedErrorMsgValues ,
) ;
private static final void sendRespondError (
Properties conProp ,
OutputStream respond ,
int errorcase ,
int httpStatusCode ,
String httpStatusText ,
String detailedErrorMsgText ,
Object detailedErrorMsgFile ,
serverObjects detailedErrorMsgValues ,
Exception stackTrace
) throws IOException {
FileInputStream fis = null ;
ByteArrayOutputStream o = null ;
try {
// setting the proper http status message
String httpVersion = conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , "HTTP/1.1" ) ;
if ( ( httpStatusText = = null ) | | ( httpStatusText . length ( ) = = 0 ) ) {
if ( httpVersion . equals ( "HTTP/1.0" ) & & httpHeader . http1_0 . containsKey ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) )
httpStatusText = ( String ) httpHeader . http1_0 . get ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) ;
else if ( httpVersion . equals ( "HTTP/1.1" ) & & httpHeader . http1_1 . containsKey ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) )
httpStatusText = ( String ) httpHeader . http1_1 . get ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) ;
else httpStatusText = "Unknown" ;
// generating the desired request url
String host = conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_HOST ) ;
String path = conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PATH , "/" ) ;
String args = conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_ARGS ) ;
String method = conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_METHOD ) ;
int port = 80 , pos = host . indexOf ( ":" ) ;
if ( pos ! = - 1 ) {
port = Integer . parseInt ( host . substring ( pos + 1 ) ) ;
host = host . substring ( 0 , pos ) ;
String urlString ;
try {
urlString = ( new URL ( ( method . equals ( httpHeader . METHOD_CONNECT ) ? "https" : "http" ) , host , port , ( args = = null ) ? path : path + "?" + args ) ) . toString ( ) ;
} catch ( MalformedURLException e ) {
urlString = "invalid URL" ;
// set rewrite values
serverObjects tp = new serverObjects ( ) ;
// tp.put("host", serverCore.publicIP().getHostAddress());
// tp.put("port", switchboard.getConfig("port", "8080"));
String clientIP = conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_CLIENTIP , "" ) ;
// check if ip is local ip address
InetAddress hostAddress = httpc . dnsResolve ( clientIP ) ;
if ( hostAddress = = null ) {
tp . put ( "host" , serverCore . publicLocalIP ( ) . getHostAddress ( ) ) ;
tp . put ( "port" , switchboard . getConfig ( "port" , "8080" ) ) ;
} else if ( hostAddress . isSiteLocalAddress ( ) | | hostAddress . isLoopbackAddress ( ) ) {
tp . put ( "host" , serverCore . publicLocalIP ( ) . getHostAddress ( ) ) ;
tp . put ( "port" , switchboard . getConfig ( "port" , "8080" ) ) ;
} else {
tp . put ( "host" , serverCore . publicIP ( ) ) ;
tp . put ( "port" , ( serverCore . portForwardingEnabled & & ( serverCore . portForwarding ! = null ) )
? Integer . toString ( serverCore . portForwarding . getPort ( ) )
: switchboard . getConfig ( "port" , "8080" ) ) ;
tp . put ( "peerName" , yacyCore . seedDB . mySeed . getName ( ) ) ;
tp . put ( "errorMessageType" , errorcase ) ;
tp . put ( "httpStatus" , Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) + " " + httpStatusText ) ;
tp . put ( "requestMethod" , conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_METHOD ) ) ;
tp . put ( "requestURL" , urlString ) ;
switch ( errorcase ) {
case 4 :
tp . put ( "errorMessageType_detailedErrorMsg" , ( detailedErrorMsgText = = null ) ? "" : detailedErrorMsgText . replaceAll ( "\n" , "<br>" ) ) ;
break ;
case 5 :
tp . put ( "errorMessageType_file" , ( detailedErrorMsgFile = = null ) ? "" : detailedErrorMsgFile ) ;
if ( ( detailedErrorMsgValues ! = null ) & & ( detailedErrorMsgValues . size ( ) > 0 ) ) {
// rewriting the value-names and add the proper name prefix:
Iterator nameIter = detailedErrorMsgValues . keySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
while ( nameIter . hasNext ( ) ) {
String name = ( String ) nameIter . next ( ) ;
tp . put ( "errorMessageType_" + name , detailedErrorMsgValues . get ( name ) ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
// building the stacktrace
if ( stackTrace ! = null ) {
tp . put ( "printStackTrace" , 1 ) ;
serverByteBuffer errorMsg = new serverByteBuffer ( 100 ) ;
errorMsg . append ( "<i>Exception occurred:</i> <b>" )
. append ( stackTrace . toString ( ) )
. append ( "</b>\r\n\r\n" )
. append ( "</i>TRACE:</i>\r\n" ) ;
stackTrace . printStackTrace ( new PrintStream ( errorMsg ) ) ;
errorMsg . append ( "\r\n" ) ;
tp . put ( "printStackTrace_stacktrace" , errorMsg . toString ( ) . replaceAll ( "\n" , "<br>" ) ) ;
} else {
tp . put ( "printStackTrace" , 0 ) ;
// Generated Tue, 23 Aug 2005 11:19:14 GMT by brain.wg (squid/2.5.STABLE3)
// adding some system information
String systemDate = httpc . dateString ( httpc . nowDate ( ) ) ;
tp . put ( "date" , systemDate ) ;
// rewrite the file
File htRootPath = new File ( switchboard . getRootPath ( ) , switchboard . getConfig ( "htRootPath" , "htroot" ) ) ;
httpTemplate . writeTemplate (
fis = new FileInputStream ( new File ( htRootPath , "/proxymsg/error.html" ) ) ,
o = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( ) ,
tp ,
"-UNRESOLVED_PATTERN-" . getBytes ( )
) ;
byte [ ] result = o . toByteArray ( ) ;
o . close ( ) ; o = null ;
httpHeader header = new httpHeader ( ) ;
header . put ( httpHeader . DATE , systemDate ) ;
header . put ( httpHeader . CONTENT_TYPE , "text/html" ) ;
header . put ( httpHeader . CONTENT_LENGTH , Integer . toString ( result . length ) ) ;
header . put ( httpHeader . PRAGMA , "no-cache" ) ;
sendRespondHeader ( conProp , respond , httpVersion , httpStatusCode , httpStatusText , header ) ;
// write the array to the client
serverFileUtils . write ( result , respond ) ;
respond . flush ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new IOException ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
} finally {
if ( fis ! = null ) try { fis . close ( ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { }
if ( o ! = null ) try { o . close ( ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { }
public static final void sendRespondHeader (
Properties conProp ,
OutputStream respond ,
String httpVersion ,
int httpStatusCode ,
String httpStatusText ,
long contentLength
) throws IOException {
sendRespondHeader ( conProp , respond , httpVersion , httpStatusCode , httpStatusText , null , contentLength , null , null , null , null , null ) ;
public static final void sendRespondHeader (
Properties conProp ,
OutputStream respond ,
String httpVersion ,
int httpStatusCode ,
String httpStatusText ,
String contentType ,
long contentLength ,
Date moddate ,
Date expires ,
httpHeader headers ,
String contentEnc ,
String transferEnc
) throws IOException {
sendRespondHeader ( conProp , respond , httpVersion , httpStatusCode , httpStatusText , contentType , contentLength , moddate , expires , headers , contentEnc , transferEnc , true ) ;
public static final void sendRespondHeader (
Properties conProp ,
OutputStream respond ,
String httpVersion ,
int httpStatusCode ,
String httpStatusText ,
String contentType ,
long contentLength ,
Date moddate ,
Date expires ,
httpHeader headers ,
String contentEnc ,
String transferEnc ,
boolean nocache
) throws IOException {
String reqMethod = conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_METHOD ) ;
if ( ( transferEnc ! = null ) & & ! httpVersion . equals ( httpHeader . HTTP_VERSION_1_1 ) ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Transfer encoding is only supported for http/1.1 connections." ) ;
if ( reqMethod . equals ( httpHeader . METHOD_HEAD ) ) {
if ( contentLength > = 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Http HEAD response messages MUST NOT contain a content-length." ) ;
if ( ! reqMethod . equals ( httpHeader . METHOD_HEAD ) ) {
if ( ! conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT , "close" ) . equals ( "close" ) ) {
if ( transferEnc = = null & & contentLength < 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Message MUST contain a Content-Length or a non-identity transfer-coding heder field." ) ;
if ( transferEnc ! = null & & contentLength > = 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Messages MUST NOT include both a Content-Length header field and a non-identity transfer-coding." ) ;
if ( headers = = null ) headers = new httpHeader ( ) ;
Date now = new Date ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ;
headers . put ( httpHeader . SERVER , "AnomicHTTPD (www.anomic.de)" ) ;
headers . put ( httpHeader . DATE , httpc . dateString ( now ) ) ;
if ( moddate . after ( now ) ) moddate = now ;
headers . put ( httpHeader . LAST_MODIFIED , httpc . dateString ( moddate ) ) ;
if ( nocache ) {
if ( httpVersion . toUpperCase ( ) . equals ( httpHeader . HTTP_VERSION_1_1 ) ) headers . put ( httpHeader . CACHE_CONTROL , "no-cache" ) ;
else headers . put ( httpHeader . PRAGMA , "no-cache" ) ;
headers . put ( httpHeader . CONTENT_TYPE , ( contentType = = null ) ? "text/html" : contentType ) ;
if ( contentLength > 0 ) headers . put ( httpHeader . CONTENT_LENGTH , Long . toString ( contentLength ) ) ;
//if (cookie != null) headers.put(httpHeader.SET_COOKIE, cookie);
if ( expires ! = null ) headers . put ( httpHeader . EXPIRES , httpc . dateString ( expires ) ) ;
if ( contentEnc ! = null ) headers . put ( httpHeader . CONTENT_ENCODING , contentEnc ) ;
if ( transferEnc ! = null ) headers . put ( httpHeader . TRANSFER_ENCODING , transferEnc ) ;
sendRespondHeader ( conProp , respond , httpVersion , httpStatusCode , httpStatusText , headers ) ;
public static final void sendRespondHeader (
Properties conProp ,
OutputStream respond ,
String httpVersion ,
int httpStatusCode ,
httpHeader header
) throws IOException {
sendRespondHeader ( conProp , respond , httpVersion , httpStatusCode , null , header ) ;
public static final void sendRespondHeader (
Properties conProp ,
OutputStream respond ,
String httpVersion ,
int httpStatusCode ,
String httpStatusText ,
httpHeader header
) throws IOException {
if ( respond = = null ) throw new NullPointerException ( "The outputstream must not be null." ) ;
if ( conProp = = null ) throw new NullPointerException ( "The connection property structure must not be null." ) ;
if ( httpVersion = = null ) httpVersion = conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_HTTP_VER , "HTTP/1.1" ) ;
if ( header = = null ) header = new httpHeader ( ) ;
try {
if ( ( httpStatusText = = null ) | | ( httpStatusText . length ( ) = = 0 ) ) {
if ( httpVersion . equals ( httpHeader . HTTP_VERSION_1_0 ) & & httpHeader . http1_0 . containsKey ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) )
httpStatusText = ( String ) httpHeader . http1_0 . get ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) ;
else if ( httpVersion . equals ( httpHeader . HTTP_VERSION_1_1 ) & & httpHeader . http1_1 . containsKey ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) )
httpStatusText = ( String ) httpHeader . http1_1 . get ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) ;
else httpStatusText = "Unknown" ;
StringBuffer headerStringBuffer = new StringBuffer ( 560 ) ;
// "HTTP/0.9" does not have a status line or header in the response
if ( ! httpVersion . toUpperCase ( ) . equals ( "HTTP/0.9" ) ) {
// write status line
headerStringBuffer . append ( httpVersion ) . append ( " " )
. append ( Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) . append ( " " )
. append ( httpStatusText ) . append ( "\r\n" ) ;
// prepare header
if ( ! header . containsKey ( httpHeader . DATE ) )
header . put ( httpHeader . DATE , httpc . dateString ( httpc . nowDate ( ) ) ) ;
if ( ! header . containsKey ( httpHeader . CONTENT_TYPE ) )
header . put ( httpHeader . CONTENT_TYPE , "text/html" ) ; // fix this
if ( ! header . containsKey ( httpHeader . CONNECTION ) & & conProp . containsKey ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT ) )
header . put ( httpHeader . CONNECTION , conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT ) ) ;
if ( ! header . containsKey ( httpHeader . PROXY_CONNECTION ) & & conProp . containsKey ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT ) )
header . put ( httpHeader . PROXY_CONNECTION , conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT ) ) ;
if ( conProp . containsKey ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT ) & &
conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PERSISTENT ) . equals ( "keep-alive" ) & &
! header . containsKey ( httpHeader . TRANSFER_ENCODING ) & &
! header . containsKey ( httpHeader . CONTENT_LENGTH ) )
header . put ( httpHeader . CONTENT_LENGTH , "0" ) ;
// adding some yacy specific headers
header . put ( httpHeader . X_YACY_KEEP_ALIVE_REQUEST_COUNT , conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_KEEP_ALIVE_COUNT ) ) ;
header . put ( httpHeader . X_YACY_ORIGINAL_REQUEST_LINE , conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_REQUESTLINE ) ) ;
header . put ( httpHeader . X_YACY_PREVIOUS_REQUEST_LINE , conProp . getProperty ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PREV_REQUESTLINE ) ) ;
//read custom headers
/ *
if ( requestProperties ! = null )
httpHeader outgoingHeader = requestProperties . getOutgoingHeader ( ) ;
if ( outgoingHeader ! = null )
{ * /
Iterator it = header . getCookies ( ) ;
while ( it . hasNext ( ) )
//Append user properties to the main String
//TODO: Should we check for user properites. What if they intersect properties that are already in header?
java . util . Map . Entry e = ( java . util . Map . Entry ) it . next ( ) ;
headerStringBuffer . append ( e . getKey ( ) ) . append ( ": " ) . append ( e . getValue ( ) ) . append ( "\r\n" ) ;
/ *
} * /
// write header
Iterator i = header . keySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
String key ;
char tag ;
int count ;
while ( i . hasNext ( ) ) {
key = ( String ) i . next ( ) ;
tag = key . charAt ( 0 ) ;
if ( ( tag ! = '*' ) & & ( tag ! = '#' ) ) { // '#' in key is reserved for proxy attributes as artificial header values
count = header . keyCount ( key ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < count ; j + + ) {
headerStringBuffer . append ( key ) . append ( ": " ) . append ( ( String ) header . getSingle ( key , j ) ) . append ( "\r\n" ) ;
//System.out.println("#" + key + ": " + value);
// end header
headerStringBuffer . append ( "\r\n" ) ;
// sending headers to the client
respond . write ( headerStringBuffer . toString ( ) . getBytes ( ) ) ;
// flush stream
respond . flush ( ) ;
conProp . put ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PROXY_RESPOND_HEADER , header ) ;
conProp . put ( httpHeader . CONNECTION_PROP_PROXY_RESPOND_STATUS , Integer . toString ( httpStatusCode ) ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
// any interruption may be caused be network error or because the user has closed
// the windows during transmission. We simply pass it as IOException
throw new IOException ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
public static boolean shallTransportZipped ( String path ) {
if ( ( path = = null ) | | ( path . length ( ) = = 0 ) ) return true ;
int pos ;
if ( ( pos = path . lastIndexOf ( "." ) ) ! = - 1 ) {
return ! disallowZippedContentEncoding . contains ( path . substring ( pos ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) ;
return true ;
public void doUserAccounting ( Properties conProps ) {
// TODO: validation of conprop fields
public static boolean isThisHostPortForwardingIP ( String hostName ) {
if ( ( hostName = = null ) | | ( hostName . length ( ) = = 0 ) ) return false ;
if ( ( ! serverCore . portForwardingEnabled ) | | ( serverCore . portForwarding = = null ) ) return false ;
boolean isThisHostIP = false ;
try {
//InetAddress hostAddress = InetAddress.getByName(hostName);
InetAddress hostAddress = httpc . dnsResolve ( hostName ) ;
//InetAddress forwardingAddress = InetAddress.getByName(serverCore.portForwarding.getHost());
InetAddress forwardingAddress = httpc . dnsResolve ( serverCore . portForwarding . getHost ( ) ) ;
if ( ( hostAddress = = null ) | | ( forwardingAddress = = null ) ) return false ;
if ( hostAddress . equals ( forwardingAddress ) ) return true ;
} catch ( Exception e ) { }
return isThisHostIP ;
public static boolean isThisHostIP ( String hostName ) {
if ( ( hostName = = null ) | | ( hostName . length ( ) = = 0 ) ) return false ;
boolean isThisHostIP = false ;
try {
// final InetAddress clientAddress = InetAddress.getByName(hostName);
final InetAddress clientAddress = httpc . dnsResolve ( hostName ) ;
if ( clientAddress = = null ) return false ;
if ( clientAddress . isAnyLocalAddress ( ) | | clientAddress . isLoopbackAddress ( ) ) return true ;
final InetAddress [ ] localAddress = InetAddress . getAllByName ( InetAddress . getLocalHost ( ) . getHostName ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < localAddress . length ; i + + ) {
if ( localAddress [ i ] . equals ( clientAddress ) ) {
isThisHostIP = true ;
break ;
} catch ( Exception e ) { }
return isThisHostIP ;
public static boolean isThisHostIP ( InetAddress clientAddress ) {
if ( clientAddress = = null ) return false ;
boolean isThisHostIP = false ;
try {
if ( clientAddress . isAnyLocalAddress ( ) | | clientAddress . isLoopbackAddress ( ) ) return true ;
final InetAddress [ ] localAddress = InetAddress . getAllByName ( InetAddress . getLocalHost ( ) . getHostName ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < localAddress . length ; i + + ) {
if ( localAddress [ i ] . equals ( clientAddress ) ) {
isThisHostIP = true ;
break ;
} catch ( Exception e ) { }
return isThisHostIP ;
public static boolean isThisHostName ( String hostName ) {
if ( ( hostName = = null ) | | ( hostName . length ( ) = = 0 ) ) return false ;
try {
final int idx = hostName . indexOf ( ":" ) ;
final String dstHost = ( idx ! = - 1 ) ? hostName . substring ( 0 , idx ) . trim ( ) : hostName . trim ( ) ;
final Integer dstPort = ( idx ! = - 1 ) ? Integer . valueOf ( hostName . substring ( idx + 1 ) . trim ( ) ) : new Integer ( 80 ) ;
// if the hostname endswith thisPeerName.yacy ...
if ( dstHost . endsWith ( yacyCore . seedDB . mySeed . getName ( ) + ".yacy" ) ) {
return true ;
/ *
* If the port number is equal to the yacy port and the IP address is an address of this host . . .
* Please note that yacy is listening to all interfaces of this host
* /
} else if ( dstPort . equals ( Integer . valueOf ( switchboard . getConfig ( "port" , "8080" ) ) ) & &
isThisHostIP ( dstHost ) ) {
return true ;
} else if ( ( serverCore . portForwardingEnabled ) & &
( serverCore . portForwarding ! = null ) & &
( dstPort . intValue ( ) = = serverCore . portForwarding . getPort ( ) ) & &
isThisHostPortForwardingIP ( dstHost ) ) {
return true ;
} catch ( Exception e ) { }
return false ;