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YACY supports the following features:<br>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="100%">
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><b>Built-in Indexing and Search Engine</b></td><td>
The proxy 'scrapes' the content that it passes and creates an index that can be shared between every YACY Proxy daemons.
You can use the indexing feature for intranet indexing:
you instantly have a search service at hand to index all intranet-served web pages.
You don't need to set up a separated search service. And the used <a href="http://www.anomic.de/AnomicPlasma/index.html">PLASMA</a>
indexing is not a naive quick-hack but an <a href="Technology.html">properly engineered and extremely fast algorithm</a>;
it is capable of indexing a nearly unlimited number of pages, without slowing down the search process.
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><b>p2p-Based Global Search Engine</b></td><td>
The proxy contains an index-sharing p2p-based algorithm which creates a global distributed search engine.
This spawns a world-wide global search index.
The current release is a minimum implementation of this concept and shall prove it's functionality.
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><b>Caching HTTP and transparent HTTPS Proxy</b></td><td>
With optional pre-fetching. HTTP 1.1 with GET/HEAD/POST/CONNECT is supported. This is sufficient for nearly all public web pages.
HTTP headers are transparently forwarded. HTTPS connections through target port 443 are transparently forwarded, non-443 connections are suppressed to enhance security. Both (HTTP and HTTPS) proxies share the same proxy port, which is by default port 8080.
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><b>Privacy</b></td><td>
The proxy protects your privacy, even with index sharing switched on. Please see the
<a href="Technology.html">privacy secion in the documentation.</a>;
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><b>Security</b></td><td>
The proxy can block unwanted access by setting IP filters and http passwords.
You can also enhance security by inspecting the source code, which is completely included.
Check the code and re-build your own proxy.
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><b>Web/HTTP server</b></td><td>
The built-in HTTP server is the interface to the local and global search service;
the server may not only be used to administrate the proxy, but also to serve as an intranet/internet web server.
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><b>Ideal Internet Cafe Proxy Solution</b></td><td>
Every Internet Cafe needs a caching proxy instead only a NAT to route the cafe's client traffic from the internet to maximize bandwidth.
This can only be done using a <i>caching</i> proxy. This is naturally provided by the YACY Proxy. Future versions may also include
billing support functions.
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><b>Terminal-Based</b></td><td>
the proxy does not need to have a window-based environment and can run on a screen-less router; therefore you may run the proxy on your already existing servers, whatever they are since YACY Proxy is written in java and will run also on your platform.
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><b>Open-Source</b></td><td>
This is a simple necessity for an application that implements a server.
Don't use any other server software that does not come with the source code.
<a href="Volunteers.html">Volunteers</a> to extent the proxy are welcome!
If you think you have a great idea how to extend/enhance/fix the proxy, please let me know.
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><b>Easy Installation</b></td><td>
You just need to decompress the release containter with your favourite decompressor (zip, rar, sit, tar etc. will do)
and double-click the application wrapper for your OS. No restart necessary.
Just double-click the application wrapper.
<tr><td width="30%" valign="top"><b>Licence Model</b></td><td width="70%">
This is GPL-based freeware/open-source software! The release comes with complete source code. See <a href="License.html">the license</a> for details.
If you like the software, you <a href="Contact.html">may like to hire me<a> for professional consultancy, customizations or integrations.
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