You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

78 lines
3.3 KiB

FROM archlinux:latest
# update the system and clean up
RUN pacman -Syu --noconfirm && pacman -Scc --noconfirm
RUN pacman -Sy java-runtime-common --noconfirm && pacman -Scc --noconfirm
# download latest version of graalvm and move it to /lib/jvm/java-{javaversion}-graalvm
RUN bash <(curl -sL --no-progress && \
JAVAVERSION=$(ls ./ | grep graalvm | cut -d'-' -f3 | sed 's/java//g') && \
mv ./graalvm-ce-java$JAVAVERSION-$(ls ./ | grep graalvm | cut -d'-' -f4) /lib/jvm/java-$JAVAVERSION-graalvm && \
archlinux-java set java-$JAVAVERSION-graalvm
# update the path variable
ENV PATH="/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:${PATH}"
# set the JAVA_HOME variable
ENV JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/default"
RUN curl "" --output ant-src.tar.gz && \
tar -xzf ant-src.tar.gz && \
rm ant-src.tar.gz && \
mv apache-ant-* ant-src && \
cd ant-src && \
mkdir /opt/ant && \
sh -f fetch.xml -Ddest=optional && \
sh -Ddist.dir=/opt/ant dist && \
cd .. && \
rm -rf ant-src
# set the ANT_HOME variable
ENV ANT_HOME="/opt/ant"
# set the PATH variable
ENV PATH="/opt/ant/bin:${PATH}"
RUN ant -f /opt/ant/fetch.xml -Ddest=system
# install the latest version dependencies of Yacy (copied from the official Dockerfile)
RUN pacman -Sy imagemagick ruby qt5-tools qt5-doc gperf python xorg-server-xvfb ghostscript git qt5-svg qt5-xmlpatterns base-devel qt5-location qt5-sensors qt5-webchannel libwebp libxslt libxcomposite gst-plugins-base hyphen hyphen-en hyphen-de woff2 cmake --noconfirm && \
pacman -Scc --noconfirm
RUN useradd --no-create-home --shell=/bin/false build && \
usermod -L build
USER build
# buid package for qt5-webkit from AUR
RUN git clone && \
cd qt5-webkit && \
MAKEFLAGS="-j$(nproc)" makepkg --noconfirm && \
cd ..
USER root
# install the package
RUN pacman -U --noconfirm /tmp/qt5-webkit/qt5-webkit*.pkg.tar.zst && \
rm -rf /tmp/qt5-webkit
USER build
# build package for wkhtmltopdf from AUR
RUN git clone && \
cd wkhtmltopdf && \
MAKEFLAGS="-j$(nproc)" makepkg --noconfirm --skippgpcheck && \
cd ..
USER root
# install the package
RUN pacman -U --noconfirm /tmp/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf*.pkg.tar.zst && \
rm -rf /tmp/wkhtmltopdf
# download the latest version of yacy
RUN curl "" --output && \
pacman -S unzip --noconfirm && \
pacman -Scc --noconfirm && \
unzip && \
rm && \
mv yacy_search_server-master yacy && \
cd yacy && \
ant compile -f build.xml && \
rm -rf /opt/yacy/.github
# Set initial admin password: "yacy" (encoded with custom yacy md5 function net.yacy.cora.order.Digest.encodeMD5Hex())
RUN sed -i "/adminAccountBase64MD5=/c\adminAccountBase64MD5=MD5:8cffbc0d66567a0987a4aba1ec46d63c" /opt/yacy/defaults/yacy.init && \
sed -i "/adminAccountForLocalhost=/c\adminAccountForLocalhost=false" /opt/yacy/defaults/yacy.init && \
sed -i "/server.https=false/c\server.https=true" /opt/yacy/defaults/yacy.init
# add the yacy user
RUN useradd --no-create-home --system yacy && \
usermod -L yacy && \
chown -R yacy:yacy /opt/yacy
EXPOSE 8090 8443
VOLUME ["/opt/yacy/DATA"]
USER yacy
CMD ["/bin/sh","/opt/yacy/","-f"]