You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
971 lines
34 KiB
971 lines
34 KiB
13 years ago
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
version="1.0" xmlns:h=""
<!-- Version 0.21 by -->
<!-- This software is distributed under either the CeCILL-C license or the
GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 license. -->
<!-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License -->
<!-- as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 of the License
or under the terms of the CeCILL-C license. -->
<!-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied -->
<!-- See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 at -->
<!-- and the CeCILL-C license at
for more details -->
<output indent="yes" method="xml" media-type="application/rdf+xml"
encoding="UTF-8" omit-xml-declaration="yes" />
<!-- base of the current HTML doc -->
<variable name='html_base' select="//*/h:head/h:base[position()=1]/@href" />
<!-- default HTML vocabulary namespace -->
<variable name='default_voc' select="''" />
<!-- parser instance -->
<param name='parser' select="''" />
<!-- url of the current XHTML page if provided by the XSLT engine -->
<param name='url' select="''" />
<!-- this contains the URL of the source document whether it was provided
by the base or as a parameter e.g. -->
<variable name='this'>
<when test="string-length($html_base)>0">
<value-of select="$html_base" />
<value-of select="$url" />
<!-- this_location contains the location the source document e.g. -->
<variable name='this_location'>
<call-template name="get-location">
<with-param name="url" select="$this" />
<!-- this_root contains the root location of the source document e.g. -->
<variable name='this_root'>
<call-template name="get-root">
<with-param name="url" select="$this" />
<!-- templates for parsing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!--Start the RDF generation -->
<template match="/">
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="">
<apply-templates mode="rdf2rdfxml" /> <!-- the mode is used to ease integration with other XSLT templates -->
<!-- match RDFa element -->
match="*[attribute::property or attribute::rel or attribute::rev or attribute::typeof]"
<!-- identify suject -->
<variable name="subject">
<call-template name="subject" />
<!-- do we have object properties? -->
<if test="string-length(@rel)>0 or string-length(@rev)>0">
<variable name="object"> <!-- identify the object(s) -->
<when test="@resource">
<call-template name="expand-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="curie_or_uri" select="@resource" />
<when test="@href">
<call-template name="expand-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="curie_or_uri" select="@href" />
test="descendant::*[attribute::about or attribute::src or attribute::typeof or
attribute::href or attribute::resource or
attribute::rel or attribute::rev or attribute::property]">
<call-template name="recurse-objects" />
<call-template name="self-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="node" select="." />
<call-template name="relrev">
<with-param name="subject" select="$subject" />
<with-param name="object" select="$object" />
<!-- do we have data properties ? -->
<if test="string-length(@property)>0">
<!-- identify language -->
<variable name="language"
select="string(ancestor-or-self::*/attribute::xml:lang[position()=1])" />
<variable name="expended-pro">
<call-template name="expand-ns">
<with-param name="qname" select="@property" />
<when test="@content"> <!-- there is a specific content -->
<call-template name="property">
<with-param name="subject" select="$subject" />
<with-param name="object" select="@content" />
<with-param name="datatype">
<when test="@datatype='' or not(@datatype)"></when> <!-- enforcing plain literal -->
<call-template name="expand-ns">
<with-param name="qname" select="@datatype" />
<with-param name="predicate" select="@property" />
<with-param name="attrib" select="'true'" />
<with-param name="language" select="$language" />
<when test="not(*)"> <!-- there no specific content but there are no children elements in the
content -->
<call-template name="property">
<with-param name="subject" select="$subject" />
<with-param name="object" select="." />
<with-param name="datatype">
<when test="@datatype='' or not(@datatype)"></when> <!-- enforcing plain literal -->
<call-template name="expand-ns">
<with-param name="qname" select="@datatype" />
<with-param name="predicate" select="@property" />
<with-param name="attrib" select="'true'" />
<with-param name="language" select="$language" />
<otherwise> <!-- there is no specific content; we use the value of element -->
<call-template name="property">
<with-param name="subject" select="$subject" />
<with-param name="object" select="." />
<with-param name="datatype">
<when test="@datatype='' or not(@datatype)">
</when> <!-- enforcing XML literal -->
<call-template name="expand-ns">
<with-param name="qname" select="@datatype" />
<with-param name="predicate" select="@property" />
<with-param name="attrib" select="'false'" />
<with-param name="language" select="$language" />
<!-- do we have classes ? -->
<if test="@typeof">
<call-template name="class">
<with-param name="resource">
<call-template name="self-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="node" select="." />
<with-param name="class" select="@typeof" />
<apply-templates mode="rdf2rdfxml" />
<!-- named templates to process URIs and token lists - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<!-- tokenize a string using space as a delimiter -->
<template name="tokenize">
<param name="string" />
<if test="string-length($string)>0">
<when test="contains($string,' ')">
<value-of select="normalize-space(substring-before($string,' '))" />
<call-template name="tokenize">
<with-param name="string"
select="normalize-space(substring-after($string,' '))" />
<value-of select="$string" />
<!-- get file location from URL -->
<template name="get-location">
<param name="url" />
<if test="string-length($url)>0 and contains($url,'/')">
<value-of select="concat(substring-before($url,'/'),'/')" />
<call-template name="get-location">
<with-param name="url" select="substring-after($url,'/')" />
<!-- get root location from URL -->
<template name="get-root">
<param name="url" />
<when test="contains($url,'//')">
select="concat(substring-before($url,'//'),'//',substring-before(substring-after($url,'//'),'/'),'/')" />
<!-- return namespace of a qname -->
<template name="return-ns">
<param name="qname" />
<variable name="ns_prefix" select="substring-before($qname,':')" />
<if test="string-length($ns_prefix)>0"> <!-- prefix must be explicit -->
<variable name="name" select="substring-after($qname,':')" />
select="ancestor-or-self::*/namespace::*[name()=$ns_prefix][position()=1]" />
test="string-length($ns_prefix)=0 and ancestor-or-self::*/namespace::*[name()=''][position()=1]"> <!-- no prefix -->
<variable name="name" select="substring-after($qname,':')" />
<value-of select="ancestor-or-self::*/namespace::*[name()=''][position()=1]" />
<!-- expand namespace of a qname -->
<template name="expand-ns">
<param name="qname" />
<variable name="ns_prefix" select="substring-before($qname,':')" />
<if test="string-length($ns_prefix)>0"> <!-- prefix must be explicit -->
<variable name="name" select="substring-after($qname,':')" />
<variable name="ns_uri"
select="ancestor-or-self::*/namespace::*[name()=$ns_prefix][position()=1]" />
<value-of select="concat($ns_uri,$name)" />
test="string-length($ns_prefix)=0 and ancestor-or-self::*/namespace::*[name()=''][position()=1]"> <!-- no prefix -->
<variable name="name" select="substring-after($qname,':')" />
<variable name="ns_uri"
select="ancestor-or-self::*/namespace::*[name()=''][position()=1]" />
<value-of select="concat($ns_uri,$name)" />
<!-- determines the CURIE / URI of a node -->
<template name="self-curie-or-uri">
<param name="node" />
<when test="$node/attribute::about"> <!-- we have an about attribute to extend -->
<call-template name="expand-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="curie_or_uri" select="$node/attribute::about" />
<when test="$node/attribute::src"> <!-- we have an src attribute to extend -->
<call-template name="expand-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="curie_or_uri" select="$node/attribute::src" />
test="$node/attribute::resource and not($node/attribute::rel or $node/attribute::rev)"> <!-- enforcing the resource as subject if no rel or rev -->
<call-template name="expand-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="curie_or_uri" select="$node/attribute::resource" />
test="$node/attribute::href and not($node/attribute::rel or $node/attribute::rev)"> <!-- enforcing the href as subject if no rel or rev -->
<call-template name="expand-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="curie_or_uri" select="$node/attribute::href" />
test="$node/self::h:head or $node/self::h:body or $node/self::h:html">
<value-of select="$this" />
</when> <!-- enforcing the doc as subject -->
<when test="$node/attribute::id"> <!-- we have an id attribute to extend -->
<value-of select="concat($this,'#',$node/attribute::id)" />
<value-of select="generate-id($node)" />
<!-- expand CURIE / URI -->
<template name="expand-curie-or-uri">
<param name="curie_or_uri" />
<when test="starts-with($curie_or_uri,'[_:')"> <!-- we have a CURIE blank node -->
select="concat('blank:node:',substring-after(substring-before($curie_or_uri,']'),'[_:'))" />
<when test="starts-with($curie_or_uri,'[')"> <!-- we have a CURIE between square brackets -->
<call-template name="expand-ns">
<with-param name="qname"
select="substring-after(substring-before($curie_or_uri,']'),'[')" />
<when test="starts-with($curie_or_uri,'#')"> <!-- we have an anchor -->
<value-of select="concat($this,$curie_or_uri)" />
<when test="string-length($curie_or_uri)=0"> <!-- empty anchor means the document itself -->
<value-of select="$this" />
test="not(starts-with($curie_or_uri,'[')) and contains($curie_or_uri,':')"> <!-- it is a URI -->
<value-of select="$curie_or_uri" />
test="not(contains($curie_or_uri,'://')) and not(starts-with($curie_or_uri,'/'))"> <!-- relative URL -->
<value-of select="concat($this_location,$curie_or_uri)" />
test="not(contains($curie_or_uri,'://')) and (starts-with($curie_or_uri,'/'))"> <!-- URL from root domain -->
<value-of select="concat($this_root,substring-after($curie_or_uri,'/'))" />
<!-- returns the first token in a list separated by spaces -->
<template name="get-first-token">
<param name="tokens" />
<if test="string-length($tokens)>0">
<when test="contains($tokens,' ')">
<value-of select="normalize-space(substring-before($tokens,' '))" />
<value-of select="$tokens" />
<!-- returns the namespace for an object property -->
<template name="get-relrev-ns">
<param name="qname" />
<variable name="ns_prefix"
select="substring-before(translate($qname,'[]',''),':')" />
<when test="string-length($ns_prefix)>0">
<call-template name="return-ns">
<with-param name="qname" select="$qname" />
<!-- returns default_voc if the predicate is a reserved value -->
<variable name="is-reserved">
<call-template name="check-reserved">
<with-param name="nonprefixed">
<call-template name="no-leading-colon">
<with-param name="name" select="$qname" />
<if test="$is-reserved='true'">
<value-of select="$default_voc" />
<!-- returns the namespace for a data property -->
<template name="get-property-ns">
<param name="qname" />
<variable name="ns_prefix"
select="substring-before(translate($qname,'[]',''),':')" />
<when test="string-length($ns_prefix)>0">
<call-template name="return-ns">
<with-param name="qname" select="$qname" />
<!-- returns default_voc otherwise -->
<value-of select="$default_voc" />
<!-- returns the qname for a predicate -->
<template name="get-predicate-name">
<param name="qname" />
<variable name="clean_name" select="translate($qname,'[]','')" />
<call-template name="no-leading-colon">
<with-param name="name" select="$clean_name" />
<!-- no leading colon -->
<template name="no-leading-colon">
<param name="name" />
<when test="starts-with($name,':')"> <!-- remove leading colons -->
<value-of select="substring-after($name,':')" />
<value-of select="$name" />
<!-- check if a predicate is reserved -->
<template name="check-reserved">
<param name="nonprefixed" />
test="$nonprefixed='alternate' or $nonprefixed='appendix' or $nonprefixed='bookmark' or $nonprefixed='cite'">
test="$nonprefixed='chapter' or $nonprefixed='contents' or $nonprefixed='copyright' or $nonprefixed='first'">
test="$nonprefixed='glossary' or $nonprefixed='help' or $nonprefixed='icon' or $nonprefixed='index'">
test="$nonprefixed='last' or $nonprefixed='license' or $nonprefixed='meta' or $nonprefixed='next'">
test="$nonprefixed='p3pv1' or $nonprefixed='prev' or $nonprefixed='role' or $nonprefixed='section'">
test="$nonprefixed='stylesheet' or $nonprefixed='subsection' or $nonprefixed='start' or $nonprefixed='top'">
<when test="$nonprefixed='up'">
test="$nonprefixed='made' or $nonprefixed='previous' or $nonprefixed='search'">
</when> <!-- added because they are frequent -->
<!-- named templates to generate RDF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<template name="recursive-copy"> <!-- full copy -->
<for-each select="node()|attribute::* ">
<call-template name="recursive-copy" />
<template name="subject"> <!-- determines current subject -->
<!-- current node is a meta or a link in the head and with no about attribute -->
test="(self::h:link or self::h:meta) and ( ancestor::h:head ) and not(attribute::about)">
<value-of select="$this" />
<!-- an attribute about was specified on the node -->
<when test="self::*/attribute::about">
<call-template name="expand-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="curie_or_uri" select="@about" />
<!-- an attribute src was specified on the node -->
<when test="self::*/attribute::src">
<call-template name="expand-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="curie_or_uri" select="@src" />
<!-- an attribute typeof was specified on the node -->
<when test="self::*/attribute::typeof">
<call-template name="self-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="node" select="." />
<!-- current node is a meta or a link in the body and with no about attribute -->
test="(self::h:link or self::h:meta) and not( ancestor::h:head ) and not(attribute::about)">
<call-template name="self-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="node" select="parent::*" />
<!-- an about was specified on its parent or the parent had a rel or a
rev attribute but no href or an typeof. -->
test="ancestor::*[attribute::about or attribute::src or attribute::typeof or attribute::resource or attribute::href or attribute::rel or attribute::rev][position()=1]">
<variable name="selected_ancestor"
select="ancestor::*[attribute::about or attribute::src or attribute::typeof or attribute::resource or attribute::href or attribute::rel or attribute::rev][position()=1]" />
test="$selected_ancestor[(attribute::rel or attribute::rev) and not (attribute::resource or attribute::href)]">
select="concat('blank:node:INSIDE_',generate-id($selected_ancestor))" />
<when test="$selected_ancestor/attribute::about">
<call-template name="expand-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="curie_or_uri" select="$selected_ancestor/attribute::about" />
<when test="$selected_ancestor/attribute::src">
<call-template name="expand-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="curie_or_uri" select="$selected_ancestor/attribute::src" />
<when test="$selected_ancestor/attribute::resource">
<call-template name="expand-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="curie_or_uri"
select="$selected_ancestor/attribute::resource" />
<when test="$selected_ancestor/attribute::href">
<call-template name="expand-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="curie_or_uri" select="$selected_ancestor/attribute::href" />
<call-template name="self-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="node" select="$selected_ancestor" />
<otherwise> <!-- it must be about the current document -->
<value-of select="$this" />
<!-- recursive call for object(s) of object properties -->
<template name="recurse-objects">
<xsl:for-each select="child::*">
<when test="attribute::about or attribute::src"> <!-- there is a known resource -->
<call-template name="expand-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="curie_or_uri" select="attribute::about | attribute::src" />
<text> </text>
test="(attribute::resource or attribute::href) and ( not (attribute::rel or attribute::rev or attribute::property))"> <!-- there is an incomplet triple -->
<call-template name="expand-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="curie_or_uri"
select="attribute::resource | attribute::href" />
<text> </text>
<when test="attribute::typeof and not (attribute::about)"> <!-- there is an implicit resource -->
<call-template name="self-curie-or-uri">
<with-param name="node" select="." />
<text> </text>
<when test="attribute::rel or attribute::rev or attribute::property"> <!-- there is an implicit resource -->
test="not (preceding-sibling::*[attribute::rel or attribute::rev or attribute::property])"> <!-- generate the triple only once -->
<call-template name="subject" />
<text> </text>
<otherwise> <!-- nothing at that level thus consider children -->
<call-template name="recurse-objects" />
<!-- generate recursive call for multiple objects in rel or rev -->
<template name="relrev">
<param name="subject" />
<param name="object" />
<!-- test for multiple predicates -->
<variable name="single-object">
<call-template name="get-first-token">
<with-param name="tokens" select="$object" />
<if test="string-length(@rel)>0">
<call-template name="relation">
<with-param name="subject" select="$subject" />
<with-param name="object" select="$single-object" />
<with-param name="predicate" select="@rel" />
<if test="string-length(@rev)>0">
<call-template name="relation">
<with-param name="subject" select="$single-object" />
<with-param name="object" select="$subject" />
<with-param name="predicate" select="@rev" />
<!-- recursive call for multiple predicates -->
<variable name="other-objects"
select="normalize-space(substring-after($object,' '))" />
<if test="string-length($other-objects)>0">
<call-template name="relrev">
<with-param name="subject" select="$subject" />
<with-param name="object" select="$other-objects" />
<!-- generate an RDF statement for a relation -->
<template name="relation">
<param name="subject" />
<param name="predicate" />
<param name="object" />
<!-- test for multiple predicates -->
<variable name="single-predicate">
<call-template name="get-first-token">
<with-param name="tokens" select="$predicate" />
<!-- get namespace of the predicate -->
<variable name="predicate-ns">
<call-template name="get-relrev-ns">
<with-param name="qname" select="$single-predicate" />
<!-- get name of the predicate -->
<variable name="predicate-name">
<call-template name="get-predicate-name">
<with-param name="qname" select="$single-predicate" />
<when test="string-length($predicate-ns)>0"> <!-- there is a known namespace for the predicate -->
<when test="starts-with($subject,'blank:node:')">
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheSubjectNodeID($parser,substring-after($subject,'blank:node:'))" />
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheSubjectURI($parser,$subject)" />
<!-- get full predicate -->
<variable name="expanded-predicate">
<call-template name="expand-ns">
<with-param name="qname" select="$single-predicate" />
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setThePropertyURI($parser,$expanded-predicate)" />
<when test="starts-with($object,'blank:node:')">
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheObjectNodeID($parser,substring-after($object,'blank:node:'))" />
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheObjectURI($parser,$object)" />
<otherwise> <!-- no namespace generate a comment for debug -->
No namespace for the rel or rev value ; could not produce the
triple for:
<value-of select="$subject" />
<value-of select="$single-predicate" />
<value-of select="$object" />
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.flushObjectProperty($parser)" />
<!-- recursive call for multiple predicates -->
<variable name="other-predicates"
select="normalize-space(substring-after($predicate,' '))" />
<if test="string-length($other-predicates)>0">
<call-template name="relation">
<with-param name="subject" select="$subject" />
<with-param name="predicate" select="$other-predicates" />
<with-param name="object" select="$object" />
<!-- generate an RDF statement for a property -->
<template name="property">
<param name="subject" />
<param name="predicate" />
<param name="object" />
<param name="datatype" />
<param name="attrib" /> <!-- is the content from an attribute ? true /false -->
<param name="language" />
<!-- test for multiple predicates -->
<variable name="single-predicate">
<call-template name="get-first-token">
<with-param name="tokens" select="$predicate" />
<!-- get namespace of the predicate -->
<variable name="predicate-ns">
<call-template name="get-property-ns">
<with-param name="qname" select="$single-predicate" />
<!-- get name of the predicate -->
<variable name="predicate-name">
<call-template name="get-predicate-name">
<with-param name="qname" select="$single-predicate" />
<when test="string-length($predicate-ns)>0"> <!-- there is a known namespace for the predicate -->
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setThePropertyURI($parser,$predicate-name)" />
<when test="starts-with($subject,'blank:nod: ')">
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheSubjectNodeID($parser,substring-after($subject,'blank:node:'))" />
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheSubjectURI($parser,$subject)" />
<if test="string-length($language)>0">
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheLanguage($parser,$language)" />
<when test="$attrib='true'"> <!-- content is in an attribute -->
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheDatatype($parser,$datatype)" />
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheValue($parser,normalize-space(string($object)))" />
<otherwise> <!-- content is in the element and may include some tags -->
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheDatatype($parser,$datatype)" />
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheValue($parser,$object)" />
<when test="string-length($datatype)>0">
<!-- there is a datatype other than XMLLiteral -->
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheDatatype($parser,$datatype)" />
<when test="$attrib='true'"> <!-- content is in an attribute -->
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheValue($parser,normalize-space(string($object)))" />
<otherwise> <!-- content is in the text nodes of the element -->
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheValue($parser,$object)" />
<otherwise> <!-- there is no datatype -->
<when test="$attrib='true'"> <!-- content is in an attribute -->
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheValue($parser,normalize-space(string($object)))" />
<otherwise> <!-- content is in the text nodes of the element -->
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheValue($parser,$object)" />
<otherwise> <!-- generate a comment for debug -->
Could not produce the triple for:
<value-of select="$subject" />
<value-of select="$single-predicate" />
<value-of select="$object" />
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.flushDataProperty($parser)" />
<!-- recursive call for multiple predicates -->
<variable name="other-predicates"
select="normalize-space(substring-after($predicate,' '))" />
<if test="string-length($other-predicates)>0">
<call-template name="property">
<with-param name="subject" select="$subject" />
<with-param name="predicate" select="$other-predicates" />
<with-param name="object" select="$object" />
<with-param name="datatype" select="$datatype" />
<with-param name="attrib" select="$attrib" />
<with-param name="language" select="$language" />
<!-- generate an RDF statement for a class -->
<template name="class">
<param name="resource" />
<param name="class" />
<!-- case multiple classes -->
<variable name="single-class">
<call-template name="get-first-token">
<with-param name="tokens" select="$class" />
<!-- get namespace of the class -->
<variable name="class-ns">
<call-template name="return-ns">
<with-param name="qname" select="$single-class" />
<if test="string-length($class-ns)>0"> <!-- we have a qname for the class -->
<variable name="expended-class">
<call-template name="expand-ns">
<with-param name="qname" select="$single-class" />
<when test="starts-with($resource,'blank:node:')">
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheSubjectNodeID($parser,substring-after($resource,'blank:node:'))" />
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheSubjectURI($parser,$resource)" />
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setThePropertyURI($parser,'')" />
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.setTheObjectURI($parser,$expended-class)" />
select="java:net.yacy.document.parser.rdfa.impl.RDFaTripleImpl.flushObjectProperty($parser)" />
<!-- recursive call for multiple classes -->
<variable name="other-classes" select="normalize-space(substring-after($class,' '))" />
<if test="string-length($other-classes)>0">
<call-template name="class">
<with-param name="resource" select="$resource" />
<with-param name="class" select="$other-classes" />
<!-- ignore the rest of the DOM -->
<template match="text()|@*|*" mode="rdf2rdfxml">
<apply-templates mode="rdf2rdfxml" />