You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
295 lines
12 KiB
295 lines
12 KiB
17 years ago
// (C) 2007 by Michael Peter Christen;, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 07.11.2007 on
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate: 2006-04-02 22:40:07 +0200 (So, 02 Apr 2006) $
// $LastChangedRevision: 1986 $
// $LastChangedBy: orbiter $
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package de.anomic.plasma;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import de.anomic.htmlFilter.htmlFilterContentScraper;
import de.anomic.index.indexContainer;
import de.anomic.index.indexRWIEntry;
import de.anomic.index.indexRWIEntryOrder;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroBinSearch;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroMScoreCluster;
import de.anomic.server.serverCodings;
import de.anomic.server.serverFileUtils;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyURL;
public final class plasmaSearchRankingProcess {
public static kelondroBinSearch[] ybrTables = null; // block-rank tables
private static boolean useYBR = true;
private TreeMap pageAcc; // key = ranking (Long); value = indexRWIEntry
private plasmaSearchQuery query;
private plasmaSearchRankingProfile ranking;
private int filteredCount;
private indexRWIEntryOrder order;
private plasmaSearchProcessing process;
private int maxentries;
private int globalcount;
private HashMap urlhashes; // map for double-check; String/Long relation, addresses ranking number (backreference for deletion)
private kelondroMScoreCluster ref; // reference score computation for the commonSense heuristic
public plasmaSearchRankingProcess(plasmaSearchQuery query, plasmaSearchProcessing process, plasmaSearchRankingProfile ranking, int maxentries) {
// we collect the urlhashes and construct a list with urlEntry objects
// attention: if minEntries is too high, this method will not terminate within the maxTime
this.pageAcc = new TreeMap();
this.process = process;
this.order = null;
this.query = query;
this.ranking = ranking;
this.maxentries = maxentries;
this.globalcount = 0;
this.urlhashes = new HashMap();
this.ref = new kelondroMScoreCluster();
public void insert(indexContainer container, boolean local) {
// we collect the urlhashes and construct a list with urlEntry objects
// attention: if minEntries is too high, this method will not terminate within the maxTime
assert (container != null);
if (this.order == null) {
this.order = new indexRWIEntryOrder(ranking);
process.yield("normalizing", container.size());
container.setOrdering(o, 0);
// normalize entries and get ranking
Iterator i = container.entries();
this.pageAcc = new TreeMap();
indexRWIEntry iEntry, l;
long biggestEntry = 0;
//long s0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
Long r;
while (i.hasNext()) {
iEntry = (indexRWIEntry);
if (iEntry.urlHash().length() != container.row().primaryKeyLength) continue;
r = new Long(order.cardinal(iEntry));
if ((pageAcc.size() >= maxentries) && (r.longValue() > biggestEntry)) continue;
// check constraints
if ((!(query.constraint.equals(plasmaSearchQuery.catchall_constraint))) && (!(iEntry.flags().allOf(query.constraint)))) continue; // filter out entries that do not match the search constraint
if (query.contentdom != plasmaSearchQuery.CONTENTDOM_TEXT) {
if ((query.contentdom == plasmaSearchQuery.CONTENTDOM_AUDIO) && (!(iEntry.flags().get(plasmaCondenser.flag_cat_hasaudio)))) continue;
if ((query.contentdom == plasmaSearchQuery.CONTENTDOM_VIDEO) && (!(iEntry.flags().get(plasmaCondenser.flag_cat_hasvideo)))) continue;
if ((query.contentdom == plasmaSearchQuery.CONTENTDOM_IMAGE) && (!(iEntry.flags().get(plasmaCondenser.flag_cat_hasimage)))) continue;
if ((query.contentdom == plasmaSearchQuery.CONTENTDOM_APP ) && (!(iEntry.flags().get(plasmaCondenser.flag_cat_hasapp )))) continue;
if (pageAcc.size() < maxentries) {
if (urlhashes.containsKey(iEntry.urlHash())) continue;
while (pageAcc.containsKey(r)) r = new Long(r.longValue() + 1);
pageAcc.put(r, iEntry);
} else {
if (r.longValue() > biggestEntry) {
} else {
if (urlhashes.containsKey(iEntry.urlHash())) continue;
l = (indexRWIEntry) pageAcc.remove((Long) pageAcc.lastKey());
while (pageAcc.containsKey(r)) r = new Long(r.longValue() + 1);
pageAcc.put(r, iEntry);
biggestEntry = order.cardinal((indexRWIEntry) pageAcc.get(pageAcc.lastKey()));
urlhashes.put(iEntry.urlHash(), r);
// increase counter for statistics
if (!local) this.globalcount++;
this.filteredCount = pageAcc.size();
//long sc = Math.max(1, System.currentTimeMillis() - s0);
//System.out.println("###DEBUG### time to sort " + container.size() + " entries to " + this.filteredCount + ": " + sc + " milliseconds, " + (container.size() / sc) + " entries/millisecond, ranking = " + tc);
if (container.size() > query.neededResults()) remove(true, true);
process.yield(plasmaSearchProcessing.PRESORT, container.size());
public int size() {
assert pageAcc.size() == urlhashes.size();
return pageAcc.size();
public int filteredCount() {
return this.filteredCount;
public int getGlobalCount() {
return this.globalcount;
public indexRWIEntry remove(String urlHash) {
Long r = (Long) urlhashes.get(urlHash);
if (r == null) return null;
assert pageAcc.containsKey(r);
indexRWIEntry iEntry = (indexRWIEntry) pageAcc.remove(r);
return iEntry;
public Iterator entries() {
// returns an iterator of indexRWIEntry objects in the ranked order, best entry first
return this.pageAcc.values().iterator();
public Set getReferences(int count) {
// create a list of words that had been computed by statistics over all
// words that appeared in the url or the description of all urls
Object[] refs = ref.getScores(count, false, 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
TreeSet s = new TreeSet(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) {
s.add((String) refs[i]);
return s;
public void addReferences(String[] words) {
String word;
for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
word = words[i].toLowerCase();
if ((word.length() > 2) &&
("http_html_php_ftp_www_com_org_net_gov_edu_index_home_page_for_usage_the_and_".indexOf(word) < 0) &&
protected void addReferences(plasmaSearchEvent.ResultEntry resultEntry) {
// take out relevant information for reference computation
if ((resultEntry.url() == null) || (resultEntry.title() == null)) return;
String[] urlcomps = htmlFilterContentScraper.urlComps(resultEntry.url().toNormalform(true, true)); // word components of the url
String[] descrcomps = resultEntry.title().toLowerCase().split(htmlFilterContentScraper.splitrex); // words in the description
// add references
public indexRWIEntryOrder getOrder() {
return this.order;
private void remove(boolean rootDomExt, boolean doubleDom) {
// this removes all refererences to urls that are extended paths of existing 'RootDom'-urls
if (pageAcc.size() <= query.neededResults()) return;
HashSet rootDoms = new HashSet();
HashSet doubleDoms = new HashSet();
Iterator i = pageAcc.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry entry;
indexRWIEntry iEntry;
String hashpart;
boolean isWordRootURL;
TreeSet querywords = plasmaSearchQuery.cleanQuery(query.queryString())[0];
while (i.hasNext()) {
if (pageAcc.size() <= query.neededResults()) break;
entry = (Map.Entry);
iEntry = (indexRWIEntry) entry.getValue();
hashpart = iEntry.urlHash().substring(6);
isWordRootURL = yacyURL.isWordRootURL(iEntry.urlHash(), querywords);
if (isWordRootURL) {
} else {
if (((rootDomExt) && (rootDoms.contains(hashpart))) ||
((doubleDom) && (doubleDoms.contains(hashpart)))) {
public static void loadYBR(File rankingPath, int count) {
// load ranking tables
if (rankingPath.exists()) {
ybrTables = new kelondroBinSearch[count];
String ybrName;
File f;
try {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ybrName = "YBR-4-" + serverCodings.encodeHex(i, 2) + ".idx";
f = new File(rankingPath, ybrName);
if (f.exists()) {
ybrTables[i] = new kelondroBinSearch(, 6);
} else {
ybrTables[i] = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
ybrTables = null;
} else {
ybrTables = null;
public static boolean canUseYBR() {
return ybrTables != null;
public static boolean isUsingYBR() {
return useYBR;
public static void switchYBR(boolean usage) {
useYBR = usage;
public static int ybr(String urlHash) {
// returns the YBR value in a range of 0..15, where 0 means best ranking and 15 means worst ranking
if (ybrTables == null) return 15;
if (!(useYBR)) return 15;
final String domHash = urlHash.substring(6);
for (int i = 0; i < ybrTables.length; i++) {
if ((ybrTables[i] != null) && (ybrTables[i].contains(domHash.getBytes()))) {
//System.out.println("YBR FOUND: " + urlHash + " (" + i + ")");
return i;
//System.out.println("NOT FOUND: " + urlHash);
return 15;