// plasmaCrawlStacker.java
// -----------------------
// part of YaCy
// (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de
// first published on http://www.anomic.de
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2005
// This file was contributed by Martin Thelian
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Using this software in any meaning (reading, learning, copying, compiling,
// running) means that you agree that the Author(s) is (are) not responsible
// for cost, loss of data or any harm that may be caused directly or indirectly
// by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software
// is on your own risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this
// software may allow other people or application to access your computer and
// any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the
// software which must be done by the user of the software; the author(s) is
// (are) also not responsible for proper configuration and usage of the
// software, even if provoked by documentation provided together with
// the software.
// Any changes to this file according to the GPL as documented in the file
// gpl.txt aside this file in the shipment you received can be done to the
// lines that follows this copyright notice here, but changes must not be
// done inside the copyright notive above. A re-distribution must contain
// the intact and unchanged copyright notice.
// Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such.
package de.anomic.plasma;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool;
import de.anomic.data.robotsParser;
import de.anomic.http.httpc;
import de.anomic.index.indexURL;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroBase64Order;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroException;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroFlexTable;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroIndex;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroRow;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroTree;
import de.anomic.net.URL;
import de.anomic.plasma.urlPattern.plasmaURLPattern;
import de.anomic.server.serverSemaphore;
import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog;
import de.anomic.tools.bitfield;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyCore;
public final class plasmaCrawlStacker {
final WorkerPool theWorkerPool;
private GenericObjectPool.Config theWorkerPoolConfig = null;
final ThreadGroup theWorkerThreadGroup = new ThreadGroup("stackCrawlThreadGroup");
final serverLog log = new serverLog("STACKCRAWL");
final plasmaSwitchboard sb;
//private boolean stopped = false;
private stackCrawlQueue queue;
public plasmaCrawlStacker(plasmaSwitchboard sb, File dbPath, int dbCacheSize, long preloadTime, boolean newdb) {
this.sb = sb;
this.queue = new stackCrawlQueue(dbPath, dbCacheSize, preloadTime, newdb);
this.log.logInfo(this.queue.size() + " entries in the stackCrawl queue.");
this.log.logInfo("STACKCRAWL thread initialized.");
// configuring the thread pool
// implementation of session thread pool
this.theWorkerPoolConfig = new GenericObjectPool.Config();
// The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from pool at the same time,
// 0 for no limit
this.theWorkerPoolConfig.maxActive = Integer.parseInt(sb.getConfig("stacker.MaxActiveThreads","50"));
// The maximum number of idle connections connections in the pool
// 0 = no limit.
this.theWorkerPoolConfig.maxIdle = Integer.parseInt(sb.getConfig("stacker.MaxIdleThreads","10"));
this.theWorkerPoolConfig.minIdle = Integer.parseInt(sb.getConfig("stacker.MinIdleThreads","5"));
// block undefinitely
this.theWorkerPoolConfig.maxWait = -1;
// Action to take in case of an exhausted DBCP statement pool
// 0 = fail, 1 = block, 2= grow
this.theWorkerPoolConfig.whenExhaustedAction = GenericObjectPool.WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK;
this.theWorkerPoolConfig.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 30000;
//this.theWorkerPoolConfig.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 30000;
// creating worker pool
this.theWorkerPool = new WorkerPool(new WorkterFactory(this.theWorkerThreadGroup),this.theWorkerPoolConfig);
public GenericObjectPool.Config getPoolConfig() {
return this.theWorkerPoolConfig;
public void setPoolConfig(GenericObjectPool.Config newConfig) {
public void close() {
try {
this.log.logFine("Shutdown. Terminating worker threads.");
if (this.theWorkerPool != null) this.theWorkerPool.close();
} catch (Exception e1) {
this.log.logSevere("Unable to shutdown all remaining stackCrawl threads", e1);
try {
this.log.logFine("Shutdown. Closing stackCrawl queue.");
if (this.queue != null) this.queue.close();
this.queue = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
this.log.logSevere("DB could not be closed properly.", e);
public int getNumActiveWorker() {
return this.theWorkerPool.getNumActive();
public int getNumIdleWorker() {
return this.theWorkerPool.getNumIdle();
public int size() {
return this.queue.size();
public int cacheNodeChunkSize() {
return this.queue.cacheNodeChunkSize();
public int cacheObjectChunkSize() {
return this.queue.cacheObjectChunkSize();
public int[] cacheNodeStatus() {
return this.queue.cacheNodeStatus();
public long[] cacheObjectStatus() {
return this.queue.cacheObjectStatus();
public void job() {
try {
// getting a new message from the crawler queue
stackCrawlMessage theMsg = this.queue.waitForMessage();
// getting a free session thread from the pool
Worker worker = (Worker) this.theWorkerPool.borrowObject();
// processing the new request
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof InterruptedException) {
this.log.logFine("Interruption detected.");
} else if ((e instanceof IllegalStateException) &&
(e.getMessage() != null) &&
(e.getMessage().indexOf("Pool not open") >= -1)) {
this.log.logFine("Pool was closed.");
} else {
this.log.logSevere("plasmaStackCrawlThread.run/loop", e);
public void enqueue(
String nexturlString,
String referrerString,
String initiatorHash,
String name,
Date loadDate,
int currentdepth,
plasmaCrawlProfile.entry profile) {
if (profile != null) try {
this.queue.addMessage(new stackCrawlMessage(
} catch (Exception e) {
public String dequeue(stackCrawlMessage theMsg) throws InterruptedException {
plasmaCrawlProfile.entry profile = this.sb.profiles.getEntry(theMsg.profileHandle());
if (profile == null) {
String errorMsg = "LOST PROFILE HANDLE '" + theMsg.profileHandle() + "' (must be internal error) for URL " + theMsg.url();
throw new IllegalStateException(errorMsg);
return stackCrawl(
public void checkInterruption() throws InterruptedException {
Thread curThread = Thread.currentThread();
if (curThread.isInterrupted()) throw new InterruptedException("Shutdown in progress ...");
public String stackCrawl(String nexturlString, String referrerString, String initiatorHash, String name, Date loadDate, int currentdepth, plasmaCrawlProfile.entry profile) throws InterruptedException {
// stacks a crawl item. The position can also be remote
// returns null if successful, a reason string if not successful
this.log.logFinest("stackCrawl: nexturlString='" + nexturlString + "'");
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
String reason = null; // failure reason
// getting the initiator peer hash
if ((initiatorHash == null) || (initiatorHash.length() == 0)) initiatorHash = indexURL.dummyHash;
// strange errors
if (nexturlString == null) {
reason = plasmaCrawlEURL.DENIED_URL_NULL;
this.log.logSevere("Wrong URL in stackCrawl: url=null");
return reason;
// getting the referer url and url hash
URL referrerURL = null;
if (referrerString != null) {
try {
referrerURL = new URL(referrerString);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
referrerURL = null;
referrerString = null;
String referrerHash = (referrerString==null)?null:indexURL.urlHash(referrerString);
// check for malformed urls
URL nexturl = null;
try {
nexturl = new URL(nexturlString);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
reason = plasmaCrawlEURL.DENIED_MALFORMED_URL;
this.log.logSevere("Wrong URL in stackCrawl: " + nexturlString +
". Stack processing time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime) + "ms");
return reason;
// check if the protocol is supported
String urlProtocol = nexturl.getProtocol();
if (!this.sb.cacheLoader.isSupportedProtocol(urlProtocol)) {
this.log.logSevere("Unsupported protocol in URL '" + nexturlString + "'. " +
"Stack processing time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime) + "ms");
return reason;
// check if ip is local ip address
checkInterruption(); // TODO: this is protocol specific
InetAddress hostAddress = httpc.dnsResolve(nexturl.getHost());
if (hostAddress == null) {
// if a http proxy is configured name resolution may not work
if (this.sb.remoteProxyConfig == null || !this.sb.remoteProxyConfig.useProxy()) {
reason = plasmaCrawlEURL.DENIED_UNKNOWN_HOST;
this.log.logFine("Unknown host in URL '" + nexturlString + "'. " +
"Stack processing time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime) + "ms");
return reason;
} else if (hostAddress.isSiteLocalAddress()) {
this.log.logFine("Host in URL '" + nexturlString + "' has private IP address. " +
"Stack processing time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime) + "ms");
return reason;
} else if (hostAddress.isLoopbackAddress()) {
this.log.logFine("Host in URL '" + nexturlString + "' has loopback IP address. " +
"Stack processing time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime) + "ms");
return reason;
// check blacklist
if (plasmaSwitchboard.urlBlacklist.isListed(plasmaURLPattern.BLACKLIST_CRAWLER,nexturl)) {
this.log.logFine("URL '" + nexturlString + "' is in blacklist. " +
"Stack processing time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime) + "ms");
return reason;
// filter deny
if ((currentdepth > 0) && (profile != null) && (!(nexturlString.matches(profile.generalFilter())))) {
this.log.logFine("URL '" + nexturlString + "' does not match crawling filter '" + profile.generalFilter() + "'. " +
"Stack processing time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime) + "ms");
return reason;
// deny cgi
if (plasmaHTCache.isCGI(nexturlString)) {
reason = plasmaCrawlEURL.DENIED_CGI_URL;
this.log.logFine("URL '" + nexturlString + "' is CGI URL. " +
"Stack processing time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime) + "ms");
return reason;
// deny post properties
if ((plasmaHTCache.isPOST(nexturlString)) && (profile != null) && (!(profile.crawlingQ()))) {
reason = plasmaCrawlEURL.DENIED_POST_URL;
this.log.logFine("URL '" + nexturlString + "' is post URL. " +
"Stack processing time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime) + "ms");
return reason;
// add domain to profile domain list
if ((profile.domFilterDepth() != Integer.MAX_VALUE) || (profile.domMaxPages() != Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
profile.domInc(nexturl.getHost(), (referrerURL == null) ? null : referrerURL.getHost().toLowerCase(), currentdepth);
// deny urls that do not match with the profile domain list
if (!(profile.grantedDomAppearance(nexturl.getHost()))) {
this.log.logFine("URL '" + nexturlString + "' is not listed in granted domains. " +
"Stack processing time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime) + "ms");
return reason;
// deny urls that exceed allowed number of occurrences
if (!(profile.grantedDomCount(nexturl.getHost()))) {
this.log.logFine("URL '" + nexturlString + "' appeared too often, a maximum of " + profile.domMaxPages() + " is allowed. "+
"Stack processing time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime) + "ms");
return reason;
// check if the url is double registered
String nexturlhash = indexURL.urlHash(nexturl);
String dbocc = this.sb.urlPool.exists(nexturlhash);
plasmaCrawlLURL.Entry oldEntry = null;
oldEntry = this.sb.urlPool.loadedURL.load(nexturlhash, null);
boolean recrawl = (oldEntry != null) && (((System.currentTimeMillis() - oldEntry.loaddate().getTime()) / 60000) > profile.recrawlIfOlder());
if ((dbocc != null) && (!(recrawl))) {
reason = plasmaCrawlEURL.DOUBLE_REGISTERED + dbocc + ")";
this.log.logFine("URL '" + nexturlString + "' is double registered in '" + dbocc + "'. " +
"Stack processing time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime) + "ms");
return reason;
// checking robots.txt for http(s) resources
if ((urlProtocol.equals("http") || urlProtocol.equals("https")) && robotsParser.isDisallowed(nexturl)) {
reason = plasmaCrawlEURL.DENIED_ROBOTS_TXT;
this.log.logFine("Crawling of URL '" + nexturlString + "' disallowed by robots.txt. " +
"Stack processing time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime) + "ms");
return reason;
// show potential re-crawl
if (recrawl) {
this.log.logFine("RE-CRAWL of URL '" + nexturlString + "': this url was crawled " +
((System.currentTimeMillis() - oldEntry.loaddate().getTime()) / 60000 / 60 / 24) + " days ago.");
// store information
boolean local = ((initiatorHash.equals(indexURL.dummyHash)) || (initiatorHash.equals(yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed.hash)));
boolean global =
(profile != null) &&
(profile.remoteIndexing()) /* granted */ &&
(currentdepth == profile.generalDepth()) /* leaf node */ &&
//(initiatorHash.equals(yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed.hash)) /* not proxy */ &&
(yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed.isSenior()) ||
) /* qualified */;
if ((!local)&&(!global)&&(!profile.handle().equals(this.sb.defaultRemoteProfile.handle()))) {
this.log.logSevere("URL '" + nexturlString + "' can neither be crawled local nor global.");
// add the url into the crawling queue
plasmaCrawlNURL.Entry ne = this.sb.urlPool.noticeURL.newEntry(initiatorHash, /* initiator, needed for p2p-feedback */
nexturl, /* url clear text string */
loadDate, /* load date */
referrerHash, /* last url in crawling queue */
name, /* the anchor name */
(profile == null) ? null : profile.handle(), // profile must not be null!
currentdepth, /*depth so far*/
0, /*anchors, default value */
0 /*forkfactor, default value */
((global) ? plasmaCrawlNURL.STACK_TYPE_LIMIT :
((local) ? plasmaCrawlNURL.STACK_TYPE_CORE : plasmaCrawlNURL.STACK_TYPE_REMOTE)) /*local/remote stack*/,
return null;
public final class stackCrawlMessage {
private String initiator; // the initiator hash, is NULL or "" if it is the own proxy;
String urlHash; // the url's hash
private String referrerHash; // the url's referrer hash
private String url; // the url as string
String name; // the name of the url, from anchor tag <a>name</a>
private Date loaddate; // the time when the url was first time appeared
private String profileHandle; // the name of the prefetch profile
private int depth; // the prefetch depth so far, starts at 0
private int anchors; // number of anchors of the parent
private int forkfactor; // sum of anchors of all ancestors
private bitfield flags;
private int handle;
// loadParallel(URL url, String referer, String initiator, int depth, plasmaCrawlProfile.entry profile) {
public stackCrawlMessage(
String initiator,
String urlString,
String referrerUrlString,
String name,
Date loaddate,
String profileHandle,
int depth,
int anchors,
int forkfactor) {
try {
// create new entry and store it into database
this.urlHash = indexURL.urlHash(urlString);
this.initiator = initiator;
this.url = urlString;
this.referrerHash = (referrerUrlString == null) ? indexURL.dummyHash : indexURL.urlHash(referrerUrlString);
this.name = (name == null) ? "" : name;
this.loaddate = (loaddate == null) ? new Date() : loaddate;
this.profileHandle = profileHandle; // must not be null
this.depth = depth;
this.anchors = anchors;
this.forkfactor = forkfactor;
this.flags = new bitfield(indexURL.urlFlagLength);
this.handle = 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
public stackCrawlMessage(String urlHash, kelondroRow.Entry entry) {
if (urlHash == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if (entry == null) throw new NullPointerException();
try {
this.urlHash = urlHash;
this.initiator = entry.getColString(1, "UTF-8");
this.url = entry.getColString(2, "UTF-8").trim();
this.referrerHash = (entry.empty(3)) ? indexURL.dummyHash : entry.getColString(3, "UTF-8");
this.name = (entry.empty(4)) ? "" : entry.getColString(4, "UTF-8").trim();
this.loaddate = new Date(86400000 * entry.getColLong(5));
this.profileHandle = (entry.empty(6)) ? null : entry.getColString(6, "UTF-8").trim();
this.depth = (int) entry.getColLong(7);
this.anchors = (int) entry.getColLong(8);
this.forkfactor = (int) entry.getColLong(9);
this.flags = new bitfield(entry.getColBytes(10));
this.handle = Integer.parseInt(new String(entry.getColBytes(11), "UTF-8"));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e.toString());
public String url() {
return this.url;
public String referrerHash() {
return this.referrerHash;
public String initiatorHash() {
if (this.initiator == null) return null;
if (this.initiator.length() == 0) return null;
return this.initiator;
public Date loaddate() {
return this.loaddate;
public String name() {
return this.name;
public int depth() {
return this.depth;
public String profileHandle() {
return this.profileHandle;
public String toString() {
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
str.append("urlHash: ").append(urlHash==null ? "null" : urlHash).append(" | ")
.append("initiator: ").append(initiator==null?"null":initiator).append(" | ")
.append("url: ").append(url==null?"null":url).append(" | ")
.append("referrer: ").append((referrerHash == null) ? indexURL.dummyHash : referrerHash).append(" | ")
.append("name: ").append((name == null) ? "null" : name).append(" | ")
.append("loaddate: ").append((loaddate == null) ? new Date() : loaddate).append(" | ")
.append("profile: ").append(profileHandle==null?"null":profileHandle).append(" | ")
.append("depth: ").append(Integer.toString(depth)).append(" | ")
.append("forkfactor: ").append(Integer.toString(forkfactor)).append(" | ")
//.append("flags: ").append((flags==null) ? "null" : flags.toString())
return str.toString();
public byte[][] getBytes() {
// stores the values from the object variables into the database
String loaddatestr = kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.encodeLong(loaddate.getTime() / 86400000, indexURL.urlDateLength);
// store the hash in the hash cache
// even if the entry exists, we simply overwrite it
byte[][] entry = null;
try {
entry = new byte[][] {
(this.initiator == null) ? "".getBytes() : this.initiator.getBytes(),
(this.profileHandle == null) ? null : this.profileHandle.getBytes(),
kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.encodeLong(this.depth, indexURL.urlCrawlDepthLength).getBytes(),
kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.encodeLong(this.anchors, indexURL.urlParentBranchesLength).getBytes(),
kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.encodeLong(this.forkfactor, indexURL.urlForkFactorLength).getBytes(),
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { /* ignore this */ }
return entry;
private String normalizeHandle(int h) {
String d = Integer.toHexString(h);
while (d.length() < indexURL.urlHandleLength) d = "0" + d;
return d;
final class stackCrawlQueue {
private final serverSemaphore readSync;
private final serverSemaphore writeSync;
private final LinkedList urlEntryHashCache;
private kelondroIndex urlEntryCache;
private File cacheStacksPath;
private int bufferkb;
private long preloadTime;
private boolean newdb;
public stackCrawlQueue(File cacheStacksPath, int bufferkb, long preloadTime, boolean newdb) {
// init the read semaphore
this.readSync = new serverSemaphore (0);
// init the write semaphore
this.writeSync = new serverSemaphore (1);
// init the message list
this.urlEntryHashCache = new LinkedList();
// create a stack for newly entered entries
this.cacheStacksPath = cacheStacksPath;
this.bufferkb = bufferkb;
this.preloadTime = preloadTime;
this.newdb = newdb;
try {
// loop through the list and fill the messageList with url hashs
Iterator rows = this.urlEntryCache.rows(true, false, null);
kelondroRow.Entry entry;
while (rows.hasNext()) {
entry = (kelondroRow.Entry) rows.next();
if (entry == null) {
System.out.println("ERROR! null element found");
this.urlEntryHashCache.add(entry.getColString(0, null));
} catch (kelondroException e) {
/* if we have an error, we start with a fresh database */
plasmaCrawlStacker.this.log.logSevere("Unable to initialize crawl stacker queue, kelondroException:" + e.getMessage() + ". Reseting DB.\n", e);
// deleting old db and creating a new db
try {this.urlEntryCache.close();} catch (Exception ex) {}
} catch (IOException e) {
/* if we have an error, we start with a fresh database */
plasmaCrawlStacker.this.log.logSevere("Unable to initialize crawl stacker queue, IOException:" + e.getMessage() + ". Reseting DB.\n", e);
// deleting old db and creating a new db
try {this.urlEntryCache.close();} catch (Exception ex) {}
private void deleteDB() {
if (this.newdb) {
kelondroFlexTable.delete(cacheStacksPath, "urlPreNotice1.table");
} else {
File cacheFile = new File(cacheStacksPath, "urlPreNotice.db");
private void openDB() {
if (!(cacheStacksPath.exists())) cacheStacksPath.mkdir(); // make the path
if (this.newdb) {
String newCacheName = "urlPreNotice1.table";
try {
this.urlEntryCache = new kelondroFlexTable(cacheStacksPath, newCacheName, bufferkb * 0x400, preloadTime, plasmaCrawlNURL.rowdef, kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder);
} catch (IOException e) {
} else {
File cacheFile = new File(cacheStacksPath, "urlPreNotice.db");
this.urlEntryCache = kelondroTree.open(cacheFile, bufferkb * 0x400, preloadTime, kelondroTree.defaultObjectCachePercent, plasmaCrawlNURL.rowdef);
public int cacheNodeChunkSize() {
if (urlEntryCache instanceof kelondroTree) return ((kelondroTree) urlEntryCache).cacheNodeChunkSize();
return 0;
public int[] cacheNodeStatus() {
if (urlEntryCache instanceof kelondroTree) return ((kelondroTree) urlEntryCache).cacheNodeStatus();
return new int[]{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
public int cacheObjectChunkSize() {
if (urlEntryCache instanceof kelondroTree) return ((kelondroTree) urlEntryCache).cacheObjectChunkSize();
return 0;
public long[] cacheObjectStatus() {
if (urlEntryCache instanceof kelondroTree) return ((kelondroTree) urlEntryCache).cacheObjectStatus();
return new long[]{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
public void close() throws IOException {
// closing the db
// clearing the hash list
public void addMessage(stackCrawlMessage newMessage)
throws InterruptedException, IOException {
if (newMessage == null) throw new NullPointerException();
try {
boolean insertionDoneSuccessfully = false;
synchronized(this.urlEntryHashCache) {
kelondroRow.Entry oldValue = this.urlEntryCache.put(this.urlEntryCache.row().newEntry(newMessage.getBytes()));
if (oldValue == null) {
insertionDoneSuccessfully = this.urlEntryHashCache.add(newMessage.urlHash);
if (insertionDoneSuccessfully) {
} finally {
public int size() {
synchronized(this.urlEntryHashCache) {
return this.urlEntryHashCache.size();
public stackCrawlMessage waitForMessage() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
String urlHash = null;
kelondroRow.Entry entry = null;
stackCrawlMessage newMessage = null;
try {
synchronized(this.urlEntryHashCache) {
urlHash = (String) this.urlEntryHashCache.removeFirst();
if (urlHash == null) throw new IOException("urlHash is null");
entry = this.urlEntryCache.remove(urlHash.getBytes());
} finally {
newMessage = new stackCrawlMessage(urlHash, entry);
return newMessage;
public final class WorkterFactory implements org.apache.commons.pool.PoolableObjectFactory {
final ThreadGroup workerThreadGroup;
public WorkterFactory(ThreadGroup theWorkerThreadGroup) {
if (theWorkerThreadGroup == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The threadgroup object must not be null.");
this.workerThreadGroup = theWorkerThreadGroup;
public Object makeObject() {
Worker newWorker = new Worker(this.workerThreadGroup);
return newWorker;
* @see org.apache.commons.pool.PoolableObjectFactory#destroyObject(java.lang.Object)
public void destroyObject(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof Worker) {
Worker theWorker = (Worker) obj;
synchronized(theWorker) {
theWorker.destroyed = true;
* @see org.apache.commons.pool.PoolableObjectFactory#validateObject(java.lang.Object)
public boolean validateObject(Object obj) {
return true;
* @param obj
public void activateObject(Object obj) {
//log.debug(" activateObject...");
* @param obj
public void passivateObject(Object obj) {
//log.debug(" passivateObject..." + obj);
// if (obj instanceof Session) {
// Session theSession = (Session) obj;
// }
public final class WorkerPool extends GenericObjectPool {
public boolean isClosed = false;
* First constructor.
* @param objFactory
public WorkerPool(WorkterFactory objFactory) {
this.setMaxIdle(10); // Maximum idle threads.
this.setMaxActive(50); // Maximum active threads.
this.setMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(30000); //Evictor runs every 30 secs.
//this.setMaxWait(1000); // Wait 1 second till a thread is available
public WorkerPool(plasmaCrawlStacker.WorkterFactory objFactory,
GenericObjectPool.Config config) {
super(objFactory, config);
public Object borrowObject() throws Exception {
return super.borrowObject();
public void returnObject(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) return;
if (obj instanceof Worker) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
serverLog.logSevere("STACKCRAWL-POOL","Unable to return stackcrawl thread to pool.",e);
} else {
serverLog.logSevere("STACKCRAWL-POOL","Object of wront type '" + obj.getClass().getName() +
"' returned to pool.");
public void invalidateObject(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) return;
if (this.isClosed) return;
if (obj instanceof Worker) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
serverLog.logSevere("STACKCRAWL-POOL","Unable to invalidate stackcrawl thread.",e);
public synchronized void close() throws Exception {
* shutdown all still running session threads ...
this.isClosed = true;
/* waiting for all threads to finish */
int threadCount = theWorkerThreadGroup.activeCount();
Thread[] threadList = new Thread[threadCount];
threadCount = theWorkerThreadGroup.enumerate(threadList);
try {
// trying to gracefull stop all still running sessions ...
log.logInfo("Signaling shutdown to " + threadCount + " remaining stackCrawl threads ...");
for ( int currentThreadIdx = 0; currentThreadIdx < threadCount; currentThreadIdx++ ) {
Thread currentThread = threadList[currentThreadIdx];
if (currentThread.isAlive()) {
// waiting a frew ms for the session objects to continue processing
try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
// interrupting all still running or pooled threads ...
log.logInfo("Sending interruption signal to " + theWorkerThreadGroup.activeCount() + " remaining stackCrawl threads ...");
// if there are some sessions that are blocking in IO, we simply close the socket
log.logFine("Trying to abort " + theWorkerThreadGroup.activeCount() + " remaining stackCrawl threads ...");
for ( int currentThreadIdx = 0; currentThreadIdx < threadCount; currentThreadIdx++ ) {
Thread currentThread = threadList[currentThreadIdx];
if (currentThread.isAlive()) {
log.logInfo("Trying to shutdown stackCrawl thread '" + currentThread.getName() + "' [" + currentThreadIdx + "].");
// we need to use a timeout here because of missing interruptable session threads ...
log.logFine("Waiting for " + theWorkerThreadGroup.activeCount() + " remaining stackCrawl threads to finish shutdown ...");
for ( int currentThreadIdx = 0; currentThreadIdx < threadCount; currentThreadIdx++ ) {
Thread currentThread = threadList[currentThreadIdx];
if (currentThread.isAlive()) {
log.logFine("Waiting for stackCrawl thread '" + currentThread.getName() + "' [" + currentThreadIdx + "] to finish shutdown.");
try { currentThread.join(500); } catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
log.logInfo("Shutdown of remaining stackCrawl threads finished.");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.logSevere("Unexpected error while trying to shutdown all remaining stackCrawl threads.",e);
public final class Worker extends Thread {
boolean destroyed = false;
private boolean running = false;
private boolean stopped = false;
private boolean done = false;
private stackCrawlMessage theMsg;
public Worker(ThreadGroup theThreadGroup) {
public void setStopped(boolean stopped) {
this.stopped = stopped;
public void close() {
if (this.isAlive()) {
try {
// trying to close all still open httpc-Sockets first
int closedSockets = httpc.closeOpenSockets(this);
if (closedSockets > 0) {
log.logInfo(closedSockets + " HTTP-client sockets of thread '" + this.getName() + "' closed.");
} catch (Exception e) {}
public synchronized void execute(stackCrawlMessage newMsg) {
this.theMsg = newMsg;
this.done = false;
if (!this.running) {
// this.setDaemon(true);
} else {
public void reset() {
this.done = true;
this.theMsg = null;
public boolean isRunning() {
return this.running;
public void run() {
this.running = true;
try {
// The thread keeps running.
while (!this.stopped && !this.isInterrupted() && !plasmaCrawlStacker.this.theWorkerPool.isClosed) {
if (this.done) {
synchronized (this) {
// return thread back into pool
// We are waiting for a new task now.
if (!this.stopped && !this.destroyed && !this.isInterrupted()) {
} else {
try {
// executing the new task
} finally {
// reset thread
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
serverLog.logFiner("STACKCRAWL-POOL","Interruption of thread '" + this.getName() + "' detected.");
} finally {
if (plasmaCrawlStacker.this.theWorkerPool != null && !this.destroyed)
private void execute() throws InterruptedException {
try {
this.setName("stackCrawlThread_" + this.theMsg.url);
String rejectReason = dequeue(this.theMsg);
// check for interruption
// if the url was rejected we store it into the error URL db
if (rejectReason != null) {
plasmaCrawlEURL.Entry ee = sb.urlPool.errorURL.newEntry(
new URL(this.theMsg.url()),
new bitfield(indexURL.urlFlagLength)
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof InterruptedException) throw (InterruptedException) e;
plasmaCrawlStacker.this.log.logWarning("Error while processing stackCrawl entry.\n" +
"Entry: " + this.theMsg.toString() +
"Error: " + e.toString(),e);
} finally {
this.done = true;