<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">
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< head >
< title > YaCy '#[clientname]#': Status< / title >
< meta http-equiv = "REFRESH" content = "30" >
< / head >
< body marginheight = "0" marginwidth = "0" leftmargin = "0" topmargin = "0" >
< br > < br >
< h2 > System-, Index- and Peer-Status< / h2 >
< p > Welcome to YaCy!< / p >
< form action = "Steering.html" method = "get" >
< table border = "0" cellpadding = "5" cellspacing = "0" width = "100%" >
< tr valign = "top" bgcolor = "#DDEEDD" >
< td class = "TableCellLight" align = "right" >
< input type = "submit" name = "shutdown" value = "Shutdown YaCy" >
< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / form >
< p >
<!-- <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#000000"><tr><td> -->
< table border = "0" cellpadding = "2" cellspacing = "1" width = "100%" >
< tr class = "TableHeader" > < td colspan = "2" > < b > System Properties< / b > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "TableCellDark" > < td width = "150" > Protection< / td > < td >
< b > Your settings are _not_ protected!< / b > Please go to the < a href = "Settings_p.html#admin" > settings< / a > page < b > immediately< / b > and set an administration password.
Your settings are protected by a password.
< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "TableCellLight" > < td > System version< / td > < td >
#[versionpp]# #(versioncomment)#:: - the latest public version is #[latestVersion]#. Click here to < a href = "http://www.yacy.net/yacy/Download.html" > download< / a > it.#(/versioncomment)#
< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "TableCellDark" > < td > Proxy host< / td > < td > #[host]#:#[port]#< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "TableCellLight" > < td > Port forwarding host< / td > < td > #(portForwarding)#not used::#[host]#:#[port]# (#(status)#broken::connected#(/status)#)#(/portForwarding)#< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "TableCellDark" > < td > Remote proxy< / td > < td > #(remoteProxy)#not used::#[host]#:#[port]##(/remoteProxy)#< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "TableCellLight" > < td > This peer's address< / td > < td >
Not assigned
Not assigned. The peer must go online to get an address.
The peer does not go online until you use the proxy to surf the internet,
thus proving that you < i > want< / i > to go online.
If you don't know how to configure your system to use a proxy,
see the < a href = "http://www.yacy.net/yacy/Installation.html#wininst" > installation instructions< / a > .
#[address]# ; Your '.yacy' home at http://www.#[peername]#.yacy
< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "TableCellDark" > < td > This peer's name< / td > < td > #[peerName]#/#[hash]#< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "TableCellLight" > < td > This peer's statistics< / td > < td >
Uptime = #[uptime]#, Links# = #[links]#, RWIs# = #[words]#, PPM = #[pagesperminute]#,
Connects (#[juniorConnects]#|#[seniorConnects]#|#[principalConnects]#|#[disconnects]#) #[connects]# peers/hour
< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "TableCellDark" > < td > This peer's status< / td > < td >
Virgin - You have not published your peer yet, because you have not used the proxy yet. If you configured your browser's proxy settings (see online: < a href = "http://www.yacy.net/yacy/Installation.html#wininst" > configure your browser's proxy settings< / a > ), you must first load any page through the proxy to prove that this works. With this status you are not allowed to search other peers!
Junior - You cannot be reached from outside. A possible reason is that you are behind a firewall, NAT or Router. But you can < a href = "index.html" > search the internet< / a > using the other peers' global index on your own search page. We encourage you to open your firewall for the port you configured (usually: 8080), or to set up a 'virtual server' in your router settings (often called DMZ). Please be fair, contribute your own index to the global index.
Senior - You are running a server and you support the global internet index, which you can also < a href = "index.html" > search yourself< / a > . Thank you!
Principal - You are senior and you publish your seed-list to a public accessible server where it can be retrieved using the URL < a href = "#[seedURL]#" > #[seedURL]#< / a > .< br >
You can of course < a href = "index.html" > search the internet< / a > using the other peers' global index on your own search page.
< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "TableCellLight" > < td > Other peers< / td > < td > #(otherPeers)#not online::#[num]# other peers online.#(/otherPeers)#< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "TableCellDark" > < td > Seed server< / td > < td >
Disabled. To enable this you need a FTP account where you can upload files to a web space. If you do that, you become a YaCy root server. You can configure your account details on the < a href = "Settings_p.html" > Settings page< / a > .
Enabled: Updating periodically to server #[seedServer]#.
Last upload: #[lastUpload]# ago.
Enabled: Updating periodically to file #[seedFile]#.
Last upload: #[lastUpload]# ago.
< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "TableCellLight" > < td > Auto-popup on start-up< / td > < td >
Disabled. To enable this again please use the < a href = "Settings_p.html#SystemBehaviour" > Settings< / a > page
Enabled. To disable this please use the < a href = "Settings_p.html#SystemBehaviour" > Settings< / a > page
< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "TableCellDark" > < td > Online-mode< / td > < td >
<!-- online Mode 0 -->
You are in < i > event-based< / i > online mode.< br >
The YaCy p2p network will boot when you start using the proxy or you switch to permanent mode.
Attention: Using the proxy in permanent mode will keep your internet connection online as long as YaCy runs.
Use this only if you have a flatrate or you have an always-on connection.
To start permanent mode, press this button:
< form action = "SettingsAck_p.html" method = "get" >
< input type = "submit" name = "pmode" value = "Go on-line" >
< / form >
You are in < i > permanent< / i > mode. Attention: If you don't have a flatrate or are always-on, you must switch off the proxy to go off-line.
< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "TableCellLight" > < td > Memory Usage< / td > < td >
< form action = "Status.html" method = "get" > free: #[freeMemory]# | total: #[totalMemory]# | max: #[maxMemory]# | < input type = "submit" name = "gc" value = "Do Garbage-Collect now" > < / form >
free: #[freeMemory]# | total: #[totalMemory]# | max: #[maxMemory]#
< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "TableCellDark" > < td > Traffic< / td > < td >
Out: #[trafficIn]# | In: #[trafficOut]#
< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "TableCellLight" > < td > System Resources< / td > < td >
Processors: #[processors]#
< / td > < / tr >
< / table >
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