/ * *
* Index
* Copyright 2005 by Michael Peter Christen ; mc @yacy.net , Frankfurt a . M . , Germany
* First released 26.10 .2005 at http : //yacy.net
* $LastChangedDate : 2010 - 06 - 16 17 : 11 : 21 + 0200 ( Mi , 16 Jun 2010 ) $
* $LastChangedRevision : 6922 $
* $LastChangedBy : orbiter $
* This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
* version 2.1 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program in the file lgpl21 . txt
* If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* /
package net.yacy.kelondro.index ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.List ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.CloneableIterator ;
public interface Index extends Iterable < Row . Entry > {
public String filename ( ) ; // returns a unique identified for this index; can be a real or artificial file name
public int size ( ) ;
public long mem ( ) ;
public boolean isEmpty ( ) ;
public Row row ( ) ;
public byte [ ] smallestKey ( ) ;
public byte [ ] largestKey ( ) ;
public boolean has ( byte [ ] key ) ; // use this only if there is no get in case that has returns true
public Row . Entry get ( byte [ ] key ) throws IOException ;
public Row . Entry replace ( Row . Entry row ) throws RowSpaceExceededException , IOException ;
public boolean put ( Row . Entry row ) throws IOException , RowSpaceExceededException ;
public void addUnique ( Row . Entry row ) throws RowSpaceExceededException , IOException ; // no double-check
public ArrayList < RowCollection > removeDoubles ( ) throws IOException , RowSpaceExceededException ; // removes all elements that are double (to be used after all addUnique)
public boolean delete ( byte [ ] key ) throws IOException ;
public Row . Entry remove ( byte [ ] key ) throws IOException ;
public Row . Entry removeOne ( ) throws IOException ;
public List < Row . Entry > top ( int count ) throws IOException ;
public CloneableIterator < byte [ ] > keys ( boolean up , byte [ ] firstKey ) throws IOException ; // iterates only the key
public CloneableIterator < Row . Entry > rows ( boolean up , byte [ ] firstKey ) throws IOException ; // iterates the whole row using the order of the keys
public CloneableIterator < Row . Entry > rows ( ) throws IOException ; // iterates the whole row without any order
public Iterator < Row . Entry > iterator ( ) ;
public void deleteOnExit ( ) ;
public void clear ( ) throws IOException ;
public void close ( ) ;