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< head >
< title > YaCy '#[clientname]#': Web Structure< / title >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "/js/WatchWebStructure.js" > < / script >
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width: 40px;
form dd {
width: 130px;
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< body id = "WebStructure" style = "margin:0px;" >
< div id = "api" > < a href = "/xml/webstructure.xml" > < img src = "env/grafics/api.png" > < / a >
< span > The data that is visualized here can also be retrieved in a XML file. The XM L contains a back-reference of domains. That means you can see the set of domains that all link to the same (other) domain, which could be called a 'reverse domain index'.
Click the API icon to see the XML file.
To see a list of all APIs, please visit the < a href = "http://www.yacy-websuche.de/wiki/index.php/Dev:API" > API wiki page< / a > .< / span >
< / div >
< h2 > Web Structure< / h2 >
< div id = "left" >
< form action = "/WatchWebStructure_p.html" >
< dl >
< dt > host< / dt >
< dd >
< input type = "text" value = "#[host]#" name = "host" id = "host" size = "20" maxlength = "80" / >
< / dd >
< dt > depth< / dt >
< dd >
< a href = "WatchWebStructure_p.html?host=#[host]#&depth=#[depthd]#&width=#[width]#&height=#[height]#&nodes=#[nodes]#&time=#[time]#" > < img src = "env/grafics/minus.gif" alt = "minus" / > < / a >
< input type = "text" name = "depth" value = "#[depth]#" size = "1" maxlength = "1" / >
< a href = "WatchWebStructure_p.html?host=#[host]#&depth=#[depthi]#&width=#[width]#&height=#[height]#&nodes=#[nodes]#&time=#[time]#" > < img src = "env/grafics/plus.gif" alt = "plus" / > < / a >
< / dd >
< dt > nodes< / dt >
< dd >
< a href = "WatchWebStructure_p.html?host=#[host]#&depth=#[depth]#&width=#[width]#&height=#[height]#&nodes=#[nodesd]#&time=#[time]#" > < img src = "env/grafics/minus.gif" alt = "minus" / > < / a >
< input type = "text" name = "nodes" value = "#[nodes]#" size = "4" maxlength = "4" / >
< a href = "WatchWebStructure_p.html?host=#[host]#&depth=#[depth]#&width=#[width]#&height=#[height]#&nodes=#[nodesi]#&time=#[time]#" > < img src = "env/grafics/plus.gif" alt = "plus" / > < / a >
< / dd >
< dt > time< / dt >
< dd >
< a href = "WatchWebStructure_p.html?host=#[host]#&depth=#[depth]#&width=#[width]#&height=#[height]#&nodes=#[nodes]#&time=#[timed]#" > < img src = "env/grafics/minus.gif" alt = "minus" / > < / a >
< input type = "text" name = "time" value = "#[time]#" size = "4" maxlength = "4" / >
< a href = "WatchWebStructure_p.html?host=#[host]#&depth=#[depth]#&width=#[width]#&height=#[height]#&nodes=#[nodes]#&time=#[timei]#" > < img src = "env/grafics/plus.gif" alt = "plus" / > < / a >
< / dd >
< dt > size< / dt >
< dd > < input type = "text" name = "width" value = "#[width]#" size = "4" maxlength = "4" / > x < input type = "text" name = "height" value = "#[height]#" size = "4" maxlength = "4" / > < / dd >
< dt > < / dt >
< dd > < input type = "submit" value = "change" / > < / dd >
< / dl >
< / form >
< / div >
< img src = "WebStructurePicture_p.png?host=#[host]#&depth=#[depth]#&width=#[width]#&height=#[height]#&nodes=#[nodes]#&time=#[time]#" alt = "WebStructurePicture" / >
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