// plasmaCrawlStacker.java
// -----------------------
// part of YaCy
// (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de
// first published on http://www.anomic.de
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2005
// This file was contributed by Martin Thelian
// ([MC] removed all multithreading and thread pools, this is not necessary here; complete renovation 2007)
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Using this software in any meaning (reading, learning, copying, compiling,
// running) means that you agree that the Author(s) is (are) not responsible
// for cost, loss of data or any harm that may be caused directly or indirectly
// by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software
// is on your own risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this
// software may allow other people or application to access your computer and
// any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the
// software which must be done by the user of the software; the author(s) is
// (are) also not responsible for proper configuration and usage of the
// software, even if provoked by documentation provided together with
// the software.
// Any changes to this file according to the GPL as documented in the file
// gpl.txt aside this file in the shipment you received can be done to the
// lines that follows this copyright notice here, but changes must not be
// done inside the copyright notive above. A re-distribution must contain
// the intact and unchanged copyright notice.
// Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such.
package de.anomic.plasma ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.net.UnknownHostException ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.LinkedList ;
import de.anomic.index.indexURLEntry ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroCache ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroException ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroFlexTable ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroFlexWidthArray ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroIndex ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroRow ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroRowSet ;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroTree ;
import de.anomic.plasma.urlPattern.plasmaURLPattern ;
import de.anomic.server.serverDomains ;
import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog ;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyCore ;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyURL ;
public final class plasmaCrawlStacker extends Thread {
// keys for different database types
public static final int QUEUE_DB_TYPE_RAM = 0 ;
public static final int QUEUE_DB_TYPE_TREE = 1 ;
public static final int QUEUE_DB_TYPE_FLEX = 2 ;
final serverLog log = new serverLog ( "STACKCRAWL" ) ;
private plasmaSwitchboard sb ;
private final LinkedList urlEntryHashCache ;
private kelondroIndex urlEntryCache ;
private File cacheStacksPath ;
private long preloadTime ;
private int dbtype ;
private boolean prequeue ;
private long dnsHit , dnsMiss ;
private int alternateCount ;
// objects for the prefetch task
private ArrayList dnsfetchHosts = new ArrayList ( ) ;
public plasmaCrawlStacker ( plasmaSwitchboard sb , File dbPath , long preloadTime , int dbtype , boolean prequeue ) {
this . sb = sb ;
this . prequeue = prequeue ;
this . dnsHit = 0 ;
this . dnsMiss = 0 ;
this . alternateCount = 0 ;
// init the message list
this . urlEntryHashCache = new LinkedList ( ) ;
// create a stack for newly entered entries
this . cacheStacksPath = dbPath ;
this . preloadTime = preloadTime ;
this . dbtype = dbtype ;
openDB ( ) ;
try {
// loop through the list and fill the messageList with url hashs
Iterator rows = this . urlEntryCache . rows ( true , null ) ;
kelondroRow . Entry entry ;
while ( rows . hasNext ( ) ) {
entry = ( kelondroRow . Entry ) rows . next ( ) ;
if ( entry = = null ) {
System . out . println ( "ERROR! null element found" ) ;
continue ;
this . urlEntryHashCache . add ( entry . getColString ( 0 , null ) ) ;
} catch ( kelondroException e ) {
/* if we have an error, we start with a fresh database */
plasmaCrawlStacker . this . log . logSevere ( "Unable to initialize crawl stacker queue, kelondroException:" + e . getMessage ( ) + ". Reseting DB.\n" , e ) ;
// deleting old db and creating a new db
try { this . urlEntryCache . close ( ) ; } catch ( Exception ex ) { }
deleteDB ( ) ;
openDB ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
/* if we have an error, we start with a fresh database */
plasmaCrawlStacker . this . log . logSevere ( "Unable to initialize crawl stacker queue, IOException:" + e . getMessage ( ) + ". Reseting DB.\n" , e ) ;
// deleting old db and creating a new db
try { this . urlEntryCache . close ( ) ; } catch ( Exception ex ) { }
deleteDB ( ) ;
openDB ( ) ;
this . log . logInfo ( size ( ) + " entries in the stackCrawl queue." ) ;
this . start ( ) ; // start the prefetcher thread
this . log . logInfo ( "STACKCRAWL thread initialized." ) ;
public void run ( ) {
String nextHost ;
try {
while ( ! Thread . currentThread ( ) . isInterrupted ( ) ) { // action loop
if ( dnsfetchHosts . size ( ) = = 0 ) synchronized ( this ) { wait ( ) ; }
synchronized ( dnsfetchHosts ) {
nextHost = ( String ) dnsfetchHosts . remove ( dnsfetchHosts . size ( ) - 1 ) ;
try {
serverDomains . dnsResolve ( nextHost ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) { }
} catch ( InterruptedException e ) { }
public boolean prefetchHost ( String host ) {
// returns true when the host was known in the dns cache.
// If not, the host is stacked on the fetch stack and false is returned
try {
serverDomains . dnsResolveFromCache ( host ) ;
return true ;
} catch ( UnknownHostException e ) {
synchronized ( this ) {
dnsfetchHosts . add ( host ) ;
notifyAll ( ) ;
return false ;
public void terminateDNSPrefetcher ( ) {
synchronized ( this ) {
interrupt ( ) ;
public void close ( ) {
if ( this . dbtype = = QUEUE_DB_TYPE_RAM ) {
this . log . logFine ( "Shutdown. Flushing remaining " + size ( ) + " crawl stacker job entries. please wait." ) ;
while ( size ( ) > 0 ) {
if ( ! job ( ) ) break ;
terminateDNSPrefetcher ( ) ;
this . log . logFine ( "Shutdown. Closing stackCrawl queue." ) ;
// closing the db
this . urlEntryCache . close ( ) ;
// clearing the hash list
this . urlEntryHashCache . clear ( ) ;
public boolean job ( ) {
plasmaCrawlEntry entry ;
try {
entry = dequeueEntry ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
return false ;
if ( entry = = null ) return false ;
try {
String rejectReason = sb . crawlStacker . stackCrawl ( entry ) ;
// if the url was rejected we store it into the error URL db
if ( rejectReason ! = null ) {
plasmaCrawlZURL . Entry ee = sb . crawlQueues . errorURL . newEntry ( entry , yacyCore . seedDB . mySeed ( ) . hash , null , 0 , rejectReason ) ;
ee . store ( ) ;
sb . crawlQueues . errorURL . push ( ee ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
plasmaCrawlStacker . this . log . logWarning ( "Error while processing stackCrawl entry.\n" + "Entry: " + entry . toString ( ) + "Error: " + e . toString ( ) , e ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
public void enqueueEntry (
yacyURL nexturl ,
String referrerhash ,
String initiatorHash ,
String name ,
Date loadDate ,
int currentdepth ,
plasmaCrawlProfile . entry profile ) {
if ( profile = = null ) return ;
plasmaCrawlEntry newEntry = new plasmaCrawlEntry (
initiatorHash ,
nexturl ,
referrerhash ,
name ,
loadDate ,
profile . handle ( ) ,
currentdepth ,
0 ,
) ;
if ( newEntry = = null ) return ;
synchronized ( this . urlEntryHashCache ) {
kelondroRow . Entry oldValue ;
boolean hostknown = true ;
if ( prequeue ) hostknown = prefetchHost ( nexturl . getHost ( ) ) ;
try {
oldValue = this . urlEntryCache . put ( newEntry . toRow ( ) ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
oldValue = null ;
if ( oldValue = = null ) {
//System.out.println("*** debug crawlStacker dnsHit=" + this.dnsHit + ", dnsMiss=" + this.dnsMiss + ", alternateCount=" + this.alternateCount + ((this.dnsMiss > 0) ? (", Q=" + (this.dnsHit / this.dnsMiss)) : ""));
if ( hostknown ) {
this . alternateCount + + ;
this . urlEntryHashCache . addFirst ( newEntry . url ( ) . hash ( ) ) ;
this . dnsHit + + ;
} else {
if ( ( this . dnsMiss > 0 ) & & ( this . alternateCount > 2 * this . dnsHit / this . dnsMiss ) ) {
this . urlEntryHashCache . addFirst ( newEntry . url ( ) . hash ( ) ) ;
this . alternateCount = 0 ;
//System.out.println("*** debug crawlStacker alternate switch, dnsHit=" + this.dnsHit + ", dnsMiss=" + this.dnsMiss + ", alternateCount=" + this.alternateCount + ", Q=" + (this.dnsHit / this.dnsMiss));
} else {
this . urlEntryHashCache . addLast ( newEntry . url ( ) . hash ( ) ) ;
this . dnsMiss + + ;
private void deleteDB ( ) {
if ( this . dbtype = = QUEUE_DB_TYPE_RAM ) {
// do nothing..
if ( this . dbtype = = QUEUE_DB_TYPE_FLEX ) {
kelondroFlexWidthArray . delete ( cacheStacksPath , "urlNoticeStacker8.db" ) ;
if ( this . dbtype = = QUEUE_DB_TYPE_TREE ) {
File cacheFile = new File ( cacheStacksPath , "urlNoticeStacker8.db" ) ;
cacheFile . delete ( ) ;
private void openDB ( ) {
if ( ! ( cacheStacksPath . exists ( ) ) ) cacheStacksPath . mkdir ( ) ; // make the path
if ( this . dbtype = = QUEUE_DB_TYPE_RAM ) {
this . urlEntryCache = new kelondroRowSet ( plasmaCrawlEntry . rowdef , 0 ) ;
if ( this . dbtype = = QUEUE_DB_TYPE_FLEX ) {
String newCacheName = "urlNoticeStacker8.db" ;
cacheStacksPath . mkdirs ( ) ;
try {
this . urlEntryCache = new kelondroCache ( new kelondroFlexTable ( cacheStacksPath , newCacheName , preloadTime , plasmaCrawlEntry . rowdef , true ) , true , false ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
// kill DB and try again
kelondroFlexTable . delete ( cacheStacksPath , newCacheName ) ;
try {
this . urlEntryCache = new kelondroCache ( new kelondroFlexTable ( cacheStacksPath , newCacheName , preloadTime , plasmaCrawlEntry . rowdef , true ) , true , false ) ;
} catch ( Exception ee ) {
ee . printStackTrace ( ) ;
System . exit ( - 1 ) ;
if ( this . dbtype = = QUEUE_DB_TYPE_TREE ) {
File cacheFile = new File ( cacheStacksPath , "urlNoticeStacker8.db" ) ;
cacheFile . getParentFile ( ) . mkdirs ( ) ;
this . urlEntryCache = new kelondroCache ( kelondroTree . open ( cacheFile , true , preloadTime , plasmaCrawlEntry . rowdef ) , true , true ) ;
public int size ( ) {
synchronized ( this . urlEntryHashCache ) {
return this . urlEntryHashCache . size ( ) ;
public int getDBType ( ) {
return this . dbtype ;
public plasmaCrawlEntry dequeueEntry ( ) throws IOException {
if ( this . urlEntryHashCache . size ( ) = = 0 ) return null ;
String urlHash = null ;
kelondroRow . Entry entry = null ;
synchronized ( this . urlEntryHashCache ) {
urlHash = ( String ) this . urlEntryHashCache . removeFirst ( ) ;
if ( urlHash = = null ) throw new IOException ( "urlHash is null" ) ;
entry = this . urlEntryCache . remove ( urlHash . getBytes ( ) , false ) ;
if ( ( urlHash = = null ) | | ( entry = = null ) ) return null ;
return new plasmaCrawlEntry ( entry ) ;
public String stackCrawl ( yacyURL url , yacyURL referrer , String initiatorHash , String name , Date loadDate , int currentdepth , plasmaCrawlProfile . entry profile ) {
// stacks a crawl item. The position can also be remote
// returns null if successful, a reason string if not successful
//this.log.logFinest("stackCrawl: nexturlString='" + nexturlString + "'");
// add the url into the crawling queue
plasmaCrawlEntry entry = new plasmaCrawlEntry (
initiatorHash , // initiator, needed for p2p-feedback
url , // url clear text string
( referrer = = null ) ? null : referrer . hash ( ) , // last url in crawling queue
name , // load date
loadDate , // the anchor name
( profile = = null ) ? null : profile . handle ( ) , // profile must not be null!
currentdepth , // depth so far
0 , // anchors, default value
0 // forkfactor, default value
) ;
return stackCrawl ( entry ) ;
public String stackCrawl ( plasmaCrawlEntry entry ) {
// stacks a crawl item. The position can also be remote
// returns null if successful, a reason string if not successful
//this.log.logFinest("stackCrawl: nexturlString='" + nexturlString + "'");
long startTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
String reason = null ; // failure reason
// check if the protocol is supported
String urlProtocol = entry . url ( ) . getProtocol ( ) ;
if ( ! sb . crawlQueues . isSupportedProtocol ( urlProtocol ) ) {
this . log . logSevere ( "Unsupported protocol in URL '" + entry . url ( ) . toString ( ) + "'. " +
"Stack processing time: " + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - startTime ) + "ms" ) ;
return reason ;
// check if ip is local ip address
if ( ! sb . acceptURL ( entry . url ( ) ) ) {
reason = plasmaCrawlEURL . DENIED_IP_ADDRESS_NOT_IN_DECLARED_DOMAIN + "[" + sb . getConfig ( "network.unit.domain" , "unknown" ) + "]" ;
this . log . logFine ( "Host in URL '" + entry . url ( ) . toString ( ) + "' has IP address outside of declared range (" + sb . getConfig ( "network.unit.domain" , "unknown" ) + "). " +
"Stack processing time: " + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - startTime ) + "ms" ) ;
return reason ;
// check blacklist
if ( plasmaSwitchboard . urlBlacklist . isListed ( plasmaURLPattern . BLACKLIST_CRAWLER , entry . url ( ) ) ) {
reason = plasmaCrawlEURL . DENIED_URL_IN_BLACKLIST ;
this . log . logFine ( "URL '" + entry . url ( ) . toString ( ) + "' is in blacklist. " +
"Stack processing time: " + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - startTime ) + "ms" ) ;
return reason ;
plasmaCrawlProfile . entry profile = sb . profilesActiveCrawls . getEntry ( entry . profileHandle ( ) ) ;
if ( profile = = null ) {
String errorMsg = "LOST PROFILE HANDLE '" + entry . profileHandle ( ) + "' for URL " + entry . url ( ) ;
log . logWarning ( errorMsg ) ;
return errorMsg ;
// filter deny
if ( ( entry . depth ( ) > 0 ) & & ( profile ! = null ) & & ( ! ( entry . url ( ) . toString ( ) . matches ( profile . generalFilter ( ) ) ) ) ) {
this . log . logFine ( "URL '" + entry . url ( ) . toString ( ) + "' does not match crawling filter '" + profile . generalFilter ( ) + "'. " +
"Stack processing time: " + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - startTime ) + "ms" ) ;
return reason ;
// deny cgi
if ( entry . url ( ) . isCGI ( ) ) {
reason = plasmaCrawlEURL . DENIED_CGI_URL ;
this . log . logFine ( "URL '" + entry . url ( ) . toString ( ) + "' is CGI URL. " +
"Stack processing time: " + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - startTime ) + "ms" ) ;
return reason ;
// deny post properties
if ( ( entry . url ( ) . isPOST ( ) ) & & ( profile ! = null ) & & ( ! ( profile . crawlingQ ( ) ) ) ) {
reason = plasmaCrawlEURL . DENIED_POST_URL ;
this . log . logFine ( "URL '" + entry . url ( ) . toString ( ) + "' is post URL. " +
"Stack processing time: " + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - startTime ) + "ms" ) ;
return reason ;
yacyURL referrerURL = ( entry . referrerhash ( ) = = null ) ? null : sb . crawlQueues . getURL ( entry . referrerhash ( ) ) ;
// add domain to profile domain list
if ( ( profile . domFilterDepth ( ) ! = Integer . MAX_VALUE ) | | ( profile . domMaxPages ( ) ! = Integer . MAX_VALUE ) ) {
profile . domInc ( entry . url ( ) . getHost ( ) , ( referrerURL = = null ) ? null : referrerURL . getHost ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) , entry . depth ( ) ) ;
// deny urls that do not match with the profile domain list
if ( ! ( profile . grantedDomAppearance ( entry . url ( ) . getHost ( ) ) ) ) {
this . log . logFine ( "URL '" + entry . url ( ) . toString ( ) + "' is not listed in granted domains. " +
"Stack processing time: " + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - startTime ) + "ms" ) ;
return reason ;
// deny urls that exceed allowed number of occurrences
if ( ! ( profile . grantedDomCount ( entry . url ( ) . getHost ( ) ) ) ) {
this . log . logFine ( "URL '" + entry . url ( ) . toString ( ) + "' appeared too often, a maximum of " + profile . domMaxPages ( ) + " is allowed. " +
"Stack processing time: " + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - startTime ) + "ms" ) ;
return reason ;
// check if the url is double registered
String dbocc = sb . crawlQueues . urlExists ( entry . url ( ) . hash ( ) ) ;
indexURLEntry oldEntry = this . sb . wordIndex . loadedURL . load ( entry . url ( ) . hash ( ) , null , 0 ) ;
boolean recrawl = ( oldEntry ! = null ) & & ( ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - oldEntry . loaddate ( ) . getTime ( ) ) > profile . recrawlIfOlder ( ) ) ;
// apply recrawl rule
if ( ( dbocc ! = null ) & & ( ! ( recrawl ) ) ) {
reason = plasmaCrawlEURL . DOUBLE_REGISTERED + dbocc + ")" ;
this . log . logFine ( "URL '" + entry . url ( ) . toString ( ) + "' is double registered in '" + dbocc + "'. " + "Stack processing time: " + ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - startTime ) + "ms" ) ;
return reason ;
// show potential re-crawl
if ( recrawl ) {
this . log . logFine ( "RE-CRAWL of URL '" + entry . url ( ) . toString ( ) + "': this url was crawled " +
( ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - oldEntry . loaddate ( ) . getTime ( ) ) / 60000 / 60 / 24 ) + " days ago." ) ;
// store information
boolean local = ( ( entry . initiator ( ) . equals ( yacyURL . dummyHash ) ) | | ( entry . initiator ( ) . equals ( yacyCore . seedDB . mySeed ( ) . hash ) ) ) ;
boolean global =
( profile ! = null ) & &
( profile . remoteIndexing ( ) ) /* granted */ & &
( entry . depth ( ) = = profile . generalDepth ( ) ) /* leaf node */ & &
//(initiatorHash.equals(yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed.hash)) /* not proxy */ &&
( yacyCore . seedDB . mySeed ( ) . isSenior ( ) ) | |
( yacyCore . seedDB . mySeed ( ) . isPrincipal ( ) )
) /* qualified */ ;
if ( ( ! local ) & & ( ! global ) & & ( ! profile . handle ( ) . equals ( this . sb . defaultRemoteProfile . handle ( ) ) ) ) {
this . log . logSevere ( "URL '" + entry . url ( ) . toString ( ) + "' can neither be crawled local nor global." ) ;
// add the url into the crawling queue
sb . crawlQueues . noticeURL . push (
( ( global ) ? plasmaCrawlNURL . STACK_TYPE_LIMIT :
( ( local ) ? plasmaCrawlNURL . STACK_TYPE_CORE : plasmaCrawlNURL . STACK_TYPE_REMOTE ) ) /*local/remote stack*/ ,
entry ) ;
return null ;