// GenericXMLParserTest.java
// ---------------------------
// Copyright 2017 by luccioman; https://github.com/luccioman
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package net.yacy.document.parser ;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals ;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull ;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue ;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse ;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.FileInputStream ;
import java.io.InputStream ;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets ;
import java.util.Collection ;
import org.junit.Before ;
import org.junit.Test ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.AnchorURL ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.DigestURL ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.HeaderFramework ;
import net.yacy.document.Document ;
import net.yacy.document.VocabularyScraper ;
/ * *
* Unit tests for the { @link GenericXMLParser } class
* @author luccioman
* /
public class GenericXMLParserTest {
/** Example test tag including non-ascii characters */
private static final String UMLAUT_TEXT_TAG = "<text>In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus, dort gibt es Bier in Maßkrügen</text>" ;
private GenericXMLParser parser ;
public void setUp ( ) {
this . parser = new GenericXMLParser ( ) ;
/ * *
* Unit test for the GenericXMLParser . parse ( ) function with some small XML
* test files .
* @throws Exception
* when an unexpected error occurred
* /
public void testParse ( ) throws Exception {
final String [ ] fileNames = { "umlaute_dc_xml_iso.xml" , "umlaute_dc_xml_utf8.xml" } ;
final File folder = new File ( "test" + File . separator + "parsertest" + File . separator ) ;
for ( String fileName : fileNames ) {
FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream ( new File ( folder , fileName ) ) ;
DigestURL location = new DigestURL ( "http://localhost/" + fileName ) ;
try {
Document [ ] documents = this . parser . parse ( location , "text/xml" , null , new VocabularyScraper ( ) , 0 ,
inStream ) ;
assertNotNull ( "Parser result must not be null for file " + fileName , documents ) ;
assertNotNull ( "Parsed text must not be empty for file " + fileName , documents [ 0 ] . getTextString ( ) ) ;
assertTrue ( "Parsed text must contain test word with umlaut char in file " + fileName ,
documents [ 0 ] . getTextString ( ) . contains ( "Maßkrügen" ) ) ;
} finally {
inStream . close ( ) ;
/ * *
* @param parser
* generic xml parser instance . Must not be null .
* @param encodedXML
* xml encoded bytes to test
* @param contentTypeHeader
* Content - Type header value
* @param expectedCharset
* expected character set name to be detected
* @param expectedConntainedText
* expected text to be contained in the parsed text
* @throws Exception
* when an unexpected error occurred
* /
private void testCharsetDetection ( final GenericXMLParser parser , final byte [ ] encodedXML ,
final String contentTypeHeader , final String expectedCharset , final String expectedConntainedText )
throws Exception {
InputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream ( encodedXML ) ;
String charsetFromHttpHeader = HeaderFramework . getCharacterEncoding ( contentTypeHeader ) ;
DigestURL location = new DigestURL ( "http://localhost/testfile.xml" ) ;
try {
Document [ ] documents = parser . parse ( location , contentTypeHeader , charsetFromHttpHeader ,
new VocabularyScraper ( ) , 0 , inStream ) ;
assertEquals ( expectedCharset , documents [ 0 ] . getCharset ( ) ) ;
assertNotNull ( documents [ 0 ] . getTextString ( ) ) ;
assertTrue ( documents [ 0 ] . getTextString ( ) . contains ( expectedConntainedText ) ) ;
} finally {
inStream . close ( ) ;
/ * *
* Test UTF - 8 charset detection
* @see RFC 7303 "UTF-8 Charset" example
* ( https : //tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7303#section-8.1)
* @throws Exception
* when an unexpected error occurred
* /
public void testParseUTF8Charset ( ) throws Exception {
/ *
* UTF - 8 charset provided both in Content - Type HTTP header and in XML
* declaration
* /
byte [ ] encodedXML = ( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" + UMLAUT_TEXT_TAG )
. getBytes ( StandardCharsets . UTF_8 ) ;
testCharsetDetection ( this . parser , encodedXML , "application/xml; charset=utf-8" , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . name ( ) ,
"Maßkrügen" ) ;
/ *
* Charset provided in Content - Type HTTP header but omitted in XML
* declaration
* /
encodedXML = ( "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" + UMLAUT_TEXT_TAG ) . getBytes ( StandardCharsets . UTF_8 ) ;
testCharsetDetection ( this . parser , encodedXML , "application/xml; charset=utf-8" , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . name ( ) ,
"Maßkrügen" ) ;
/ * *
* Test UTF - 16 charset detection
* @see RFC 7303 "UTF-16 Charset" and
* "Omitted Charset and 16-Bit MIME Entity" examples
* ( https : //tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7303#section-8.2 and
* https : //tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7303#section-8.4)
* @throws Exception
* when an unexpected error occurred
* /
public void testParseUTF16Charset ( ) throws Exception {
/ *
* UTF - 16 charset provided both in Content - Type HTTP header and in XML
* declaration with BOM ( Byte Order Mark )
* /
byte [ ] encodedXML = ( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>" + UMLAUT_TEXT_TAG )
. getBytes ( StandardCharsets . UTF_16 ) ;
testCharsetDetection ( this . parser , encodedXML , "application/xml; charset=utf-16" , StandardCharsets . UTF_16 . name ( ) ,
"Maßkrügen" ) ;
/ *
* UTF - 16 charset provided in Content - Type HTTP header but omitted in
* XML declaration having only BOM ( Byte Order Mark )
* /
encodedXML = ( "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" + UMLAUT_TEXT_TAG ) . getBytes ( StandardCharsets . UTF_16 ) ;
testCharsetDetection ( this . parser , encodedXML , "application/xml; charset=utf-16" ,
StandardCharsets . UTF_16BE . name ( ) , "Maßkrügen" ) ;
/ *
* Charset is omitted in Content - Type HTTP header , but provided in the
* XML declaration with BOM ( Byte Order Mark )
* /
encodedXML = ( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>" + UMLAUT_TEXT_TAG )
. getBytes ( StandardCharsets . UTF_16 ) ;
testCharsetDetection ( this . parser , encodedXML , "application/xml" , StandardCharsets . UTF_16 . name ( ) , "Maßkrügen" ) ;
/ *
* Charset is omitted in both Content - Type HTTP header and XML
* declaration with BOM ( Byte Order Mark )
* /
encodedXML = ( "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" + UMLAUT_TEXT_TAG ) . getBytes ( StandardCharsets . UTF_16 ) ;
testCharsetDetection ( this . parser , encodedXML , "application/xml" , StandardCharsets . UTF_16BE . name ( ) , "Maßkrügen" ) ;
/ * *
* Test ISO - 8859 - 1 charset detection
* @see RFC 7303 "Omitted Charset and 8-Bit MIME Entity" example
* ( https : //tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7303#section-8.3)
* @throws Exception
* when an unexpected error occurred
* /
public void testParseISO_8859_1Charset ( ) throws Exception {
/ *
* ISO - 8859 - 1 charset provided only in XML declaration without BOM ( Byte
* Order Mark )
* /
byte [ ] encodedXML = ( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>" + UMLAUT_TEXT_TAG )
. getBytes ( StandardCharsets . ISO_8859_1 ) ;
testCharsetDetection ( this . parser , encodedXML , "application/xml" , StandardCharsets . ISO_8859_1 . name ( ) ,
"Maßkrügen" ) ;
/ * *
* Test charset detection when the character encoding is omitted in
* Content - Type header , and content has a XML declaration with no encoding
* declaration
* @see RFC 7303 "Omitted Charset, No Internal Encoding Declaration" example
* ( https : //tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7303#section-8.5)
* @throws Exception
* when an unexpected error occurred
* /
public void testParseOmittedCharsetNoInternalEncoding ( ) throws Exception {
/ *
* XML encoded as UTF - 8 without BOM ( Byte Order Mark )
* /
byte [ ] encodedXML = ( "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" + UMLAUT_TEXT_TAG ) . getBytes ( StandardCharsets . UTF_8 ) ;
testCharsetDetection ( parser , encodedXML , "application/xml" , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . name ( ) , "Maßkrügen" ) ;
/ *
* XML encoded as ASCII , with non ascii chars encoded as entities
* /
encodedXML = ( "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"
+ "<text>In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus, dort gibt es Bier in Maßkrügen</text>" )
. getBytes ( StandardCharsets . US_ASCII ) ;
testCharsetDetection ( this . parser , encodedXML , "application/xml" , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . name ( ) , "Maßkrügen" ) ;
/ * *
* Test UTF - 16 BE charset detection
* @see RFC 7303 "UTF-16BE Charset" example
* ( https : //tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7303#section-8.6)
* @throws Exception
* when an unexpected error occurred
* /
public void testParseUTF8_16BECharset ( ) throws Exception {
/ *
* UTF - 16 BE charset provided both in Content - Type HTTP header and in XML
* declaration , without BOM ( Byte Order Mark )
* /
byte [ ] encodedXML = ( "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-16be'?>" + UMLAUT_TEXT_TAG )
. getBytes ( StandardCharsets . UTF_16BE ) ;
testCharsetDetection ( this . parser , encodedXML , "application/xml; charset=utf-16be" ,
StandardCharsets . UTF_16BE . name ( ) , "Maßkrügen" ) ;
/ * *
* Test absolute URLs detection in XML elements attributes .
* @throws Exception
* when an unexpected error occurred
* /
public void testParseAttributeURLs ( ) throws Exception {
final String xhtml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"
+ "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">"
+ "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">" + "<head>"
+ "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />"
+ "<title>XHTML attributes URLs test</title>" + "</head>" + "<body>"
+ "Here are YaCy<a href=\"http://yacy.net\">home page</a> and <a href=\"https://searchlab.eu\">International Forum</a>."
+ "And this is a relative link to a <a href=\"/document.html\">sub document</a>." + "</body>"
+ "</html>" ;
InputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream ( xhtml . getBytes ( StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . name ( ) ) ) ;
final String contentTypeHeader = "text/xhtml" ;
String charsetFromHttpHeader = HeaderFramework . getCharacterEncoding ( contentTypeHeader ) ;
DigestURL location = new DigestURL ( "http://localhost/testfile.xml" ) ;
try {
Document [ ] documents = this . parser . parse ( location , contentTypeHeader , charsetFromHttpHeader ,
new VocabularyScraper ( ) , 0 , inStream ) ;
assertEquals ( 1 , documents . length ) ;
Collection < AnchorURL > detectedAnchors = documents [ 0 ] . getAnchors ( ) ;
assertNotNull ( detectedAnchors ) ;
assertEquals ( 3 , detectedAnchors . size ( ) ) ;
assertTrue ( detectedAnchors . contains ( new AnchorURL ( "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ) ) ) ;
assertTrue ( detectedAnchors . contains ( new AnchorURL ( "http://yacy.net" ) ) ) ;
assertTrue ( detectedAnchors . contains ( new AnchorURL ( "https://searchlab.eu" ) ) ) ;
} finally {
inStream . close ( ) ;
/ * *
* Test absolute URLs detection in XML elements text .
* @throws Exception
* when an unexpected error occurred
* /
public void testParseContentURLs ( ) throws Exception {
final String xhtml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"
+ "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">"
+ "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">" + "<head>"
+ "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />"
+ "<title>XHTML content URLs test</title>" + "</head>" + "<body>" + "Here are some YaCy links:" + "<dl>"
+ "<dt>Home page</dt>" + "<dd>http://yacy.net</dd>" + "<dt>International Forum</dt>"
+ "<dd>https://searchlab.eu</dd>" + "</dl>"
+ "And this is a mention to a relative link : /document.html " + "</body>" + "</html>" ;
InputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream ( xhtml . getBytes ( StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . name ( ) ) ) ;
final String contentTypeHeader = "text/xhtml" ;
String charsetFromHttpHeader = HeaderFramework . getCharacterEncoding ( contentTypeHeader ) ;
DigestURL location = new DigestURL ( "http://localhost/testfile.xml" ) ;
try {
Document [ ] documents = this . parser . parse ( location , contentTypeHeader , charsetFromHttpHeader ,
new VocabularyScraper ( ) , 0 , inStream ) ;
assertEquals ( 1 , documents . length ) ;
Collection < AnchorURL > detectedAnchors = documents [ 0 ] . getAnchors ( ) ;
assertNotNull ( detectedAnchors ) ;
assertEquals ( 3 , detectedAnchors . size ( ) ) ;
assertTrue ( detectedAnchors . contains ( new AnchorURL ( "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ) ) ) ;
assertTrue ( detectedAnchors . contains ( new AnchorURL ( "http://yacy.net" ) ) ) ;
assertTrue ( detectedAnchors . contains ( new AnchorURL ( "https://searchlab.eu" ) ) ) ;
} finally {
inStream . close ( ) ;
/ * *
* Test parsing well - formed XML fragment ( no XML declaration , no DTD or schema )
* @throws Exception when an unexpected error occurred
* /
public void testParseXMLFragment ( ) throws Exception {
final String xhtml = "<root><node><subNode1>Node content1</subNode1><subNode2>Node content2</subNode2></node></root>" ;
InputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream ( xhtml . getBytes ( StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . name ( ) ) ) ;
final String contentTypeHeader = "text/xml" ;
String charsetFromHttpHeader = HeaderFramework . getCharacterEncoding ( contentTypeHeader ) ;
DigestURL location = new DigestURL ( "http://localhost/testfile.xml" ) ;
try {
Document [ ] documents = this . parser . parse ( location , contentTypeHeader , charsetFromHttpHeader ,
new VocabularyScraper ( ) , 0 , inStream ) ;
assertEquals ( 1 , documents . length ) ;
assertEquals ( "Node content1 Node content2" , documents [ 0 ] . getTextString ( ) ) ;
} finally {
inStream . close ( ) ;
/ * *
* Test URLs detection when applying limits .
* @throws Exception
* when an unexpected error occurred
* /
public void testParseWithLimits ( ) throws Exception {
String xhtml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"
+ "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">"
+ "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">" + "<head>"
+ "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />"
+ "<title>XHTML content URLs test</title>" + "</head>" + "<body>" + "<p>Here are some YaCy URLs: "
+ "Home page : http://yacy.net - International Forum : "
+ "https://searchlab.eu "
+ "and this is a mention to a relative URL : /document.html</p>"
+ "<p>Here are YaCy<a href=\"http://mantis.tokeek.de\">bug tracker</a> and <a href=\"http://www.yacy-websearch.net/wiki/\">Wiki</a>."
+ "And this is a relative link to another <a href=\"/document2.html\">sub document</a></p>"
+ "</body>" + "</html>" ;
/* Content within limits */
InputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream ( xhtml . getBytes ( StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . name ( ) ) ) ;
final String contentTypeHeader = "text/xhtml" ;
String charsetFromHttpHeader = HeaderFramework . getCharacterEncoding ( contentTypeHeader ) ;
DigestURL location = new DigestURL ( "http://localhost/testfile.xml" ) ;
try {
Document [ ] documents = this . parser . parseWithLimits ( location , contentTypeHeader , charsetFromHttpHeader , new VocabularyScraper ( ) , 0 , inStream , Integer . MAX_VALUE , Long . MAX_VALUE ) ;
assertEquals ( 1 , documents . length ) ;
assertFalse ( documents [ 0 ] . isPartiallyParsed ( ) ) ;
assertTrue ( documents [ 0 ] . getTextString ( ) . contains ( "And this is a relative link" ) ) ;
Collection < AnchorURL > detectedAnchors = documents [ 0 ] . getAnchors ( ) ;
assertNotNull ( detectedAnchors ) ;
assertEquals ( 5 , detectedAnchors . size ( ) ) ;
assertTrue ( detectedAnchors . contains ( new AnchorURL ( "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ) ) ) ;
assertTrue ( detectedAnchors . contains ( new AnchorURL ( "http://yacy.net" ) ) ) ;
assertTrue ( detectedAnchors . contains ( new AnchorURL ( "https://searchlab.eu" ) ) ) ;
assertTrue ( detectedAnchors . contains ( new AnchorURL ( "http://mantis.tokeek.de" ) ) ) ;
assertTrue ( detectedAnchors . contains ( new AnchorURL ( "http://www.yacy-websearch.net/wiki/" ) ) ) ;
} finally {
inStream . close ( ) ;
/* Links limit exceeded */
inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream ( xhtml . getBytes ( StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . name ( ) ) ) ;
try {
Document [ ] documents = this . parser . parseWithLimits ( location , contentTypeHeader , charsetFromHttpHeader ,
new VocabularyScraper ( ) , 0 , inStream , 2 , Long . MAX_VALUE ) ;
assertEquals ( 1 , documents . length ) ;
assertTrue ( documents [ 0 ] . isPartiallyParsed ( ) ) ;
assertTrue ( documents [ 0 ] . getTextString ( ) . contains ( "Home page" ) ) ;
assertFalse ( documents [ 0 ] . getTextString ( ) . contains ( "And this is a relative link" ) ) ;
Collection < AnchorURL > detectedAnchors = documents [ 0 ] . getAnchors ( ) ;
assertNotNull ( detectedAnchors ) ;
assertEquals ( 2 , detectedAnchors . size ( ) ) ;
assertTrue ( detectedAnchors . contains ( new AnchorURL ( "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ) ) ) ;
assertTrue ( detectedAnchors . contains ( new AnchorURL ( "http://yacy.net" ) ) ) ;
} finally {
inStream . close ( ) ;
/* Bytes limit exceeded */
StringBuilder xhtmlBuilder = new StringBuilder ( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>" )
. append ( "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">" )
. append ( "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">" )
. append ( "<head>" )
. append ( "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />" )
. append ( "<title>XHTML content URLs test</title>" )
. append ( "</head>" )
. append ( "<body><p>Here are some YaCy URLs: " )
. append ( "Home page : http://yacy.net - International Forum : " )
. append ( "https://searchlab.eu " )
. append ( "and this is a mention to a relative URL : /document.html</p>" ) ;
/* Add some filler text to reach a total size beyond SAX parser internal input stream buffers */
while ( xhtmlBuilder . length ( ) < 1024 * 20 ) {
xhtmlBuilder . append ( "<p>Some text to parse</p>" ) ;
int firstBytes = xhtmlBuilder . toString ( ) . getBytes ( StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . name ( ) ) . length ;
xhtmlBuilder . append ( "<p>Here are YaCy<a href=\"http://mantis.tokeek.de\">bug tracker</a> and <a href=\"http://www.yacy-websearch.net/wiki/\">Wiki</a>." )
. append ( "And this is a relative link to another <a href=\"/document2.html\">sub document</a></p>" )
. append ( "</body></html>" ) ;
inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream ( xhtmlBuilder . toString ( ) . getBytes ( StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . name ( ) ) ) ;
try {
Document [ ] documents = this . parser . parseWithLimits ( location , contentTypeHeader , charsetFromHttpHeader , new VocabularyScraper ( ) , 0 , inStream , Integer . MAX_VALUE , firstBytes ) ;
assertEquals ( 1 , documents . length ) ;
assertTrue ( documents [ 0 ] . isPartiallyParsed ( ) ) ;
assertTrue ( documents [ 0 ] . getTextString ( ) . contains ( "and this is a mention to a relative URL" ) ) ;
assertFalse ( documents [ 0 ] . getTextString ( ) . contains ( "And this is a relative link to another" ) ) ;
Collection < AnchorURL > detectedAnchors = documents [ 0 ] . getAnchors ( ) ;
assertNotNull ( detectedAnchors ) ;
assertEquals ( 3 , detectedAnchors . size ( ) ) ;
assertTrue ( detectedAnchors . contains ( new AnchorURL ( "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ) ) ) ;
assertTrue ( detectedAnchors . contains ( new AnchorURL ( "http://yacy.net" ) ) ) ;
assertTrue ( detectedAnchors . contains ( new AnchorURL ( "https://searchlab.eu" ) ) ) ;
} finally {
inStream . close ( ) ;