// URL.java
// (C) 2006 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 13.07.2006 on http://www.anomic.de
// $LastChangedDate: 2006-04-02 22:40:07 +0200 (So, 02 Apr 2006) $
// $LastChangedRevision: 1986 $
// $LastChangedBy: orbiter $
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package de.anomic.net ;
// this class exsist to provide a system-wide normal form representation of urls,
// and to prevent that java.net.URL usage causes DNS queries which are used in java.net.
import java.io.File ;
import java.net.MalformedURLException ;
import java.util.regex.Matcher ;
import java.util.regex.Pattern ;
public class URL {
private String protocol , host , userInfo , path , quest , ref ;
private int port ;
public URL ( String url ) throws MalformedURLException {
if ( url = = null ) throw new MalformedURLException ( "url string is null" ) ;
parseURLString ( url ) ;
public void parseURLString ( String url ) throws MalformedURLException {
// identify protocol
int p = url . indexOf ( ':' ) ;
if ( p < 0 ) throw new MalformedURLException ( "protocol is not given in '" + url + "'" ) ;
this . protocol = url . substring ( 0 , p ) . toLowerCase ( ) . trim ( ) ;
if ( url . substring ( p + 1 , p + 3 ) . equals ( "//" ) ) {
// identify host, userInfo and file for http and ftp protocol
int q = url . indexOf ( '/' , p + 3 ) ;
int r ;
if ( q < 0 ) {
if ( ( r = url . indexOf ( '@' , p + 3 ) ) < 0 ) {
host = url . substring ( p + 3 ) ;
userInfo = null ;
} else {
host = url . substring ( r + 1 ) ;
userInfo = url . substring ( p + 3 , r ) ;
path = "/" ;
} else {
host = url . substring ( p + 3 , q ) ;
if ( ( r = host . indexOf ( '@' ) ) < 0 ) {
userInfo = null ;
} else {
userInfo = host . substring ( 0 , r ) ;
host = host . substring ( r + 1 ) ;
path = url . substring ( q ) ;
path = resolveBackpath ( path ) ;
identPort ( url ) ;
identRef ( ) ;
identQuest ( ) ;
escape ( ) ;
} else {
// this is not a http or ftp url
if ( protocol . equals ( "mailto" ) ) {
// parse email url
int q = url . indexOf ( '@' , p + 3 ) ;
if ( q < 0 ) {
throw new MalformedURLException ( "wrong email address: " + url ) ;
} else {
userInfo = url . substring ( p + 1 , q ) ;
host = url . substring ( q + 1 ) ;
path = null ;
port = - 1 ;
quest = null ;
ref = null ;
} else {
throw new MalformedURLException ( "unknown protocol: " + url ) ;
public URL ( File file ) throws MalformedURLException {
this ( "file" , "" , - 1 , file . getAbsolutePath ( ) ) ;
public URL ( URL baseURL , String relPath ) throws MalformedURLException {
if ( baseURL = = null ) throw new MalformedURLException ( "base URL is null" ) ;
int p = relPath . indexOf ( ':' ) ;
String relprotocol = ( p < 0 ) ? null : relPath . substring ( 0 , p ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( relprotocol ! = null ) {
if ( "http.https.ftp.mailto" . indexOf ( relprotocol ) > = 0 ) {
parseURLString ( relPath ) ;
} else {
throw new MalformedURLException ( "unknown protocol: " + relprotocol ) ;
} else {
this . protocol = baseURL . protocol ;
this . host = baseURL . host ;
this . port = baseURL . port ;
this . userInfo = baseURL . userInfo ;
if ( relPath . toLowerCase ( ) . startsWith ( "javascript:" ) ) {
this . path = baseURL . path ;
} else if ( relPath . startsWith ( "/" ) ) {
this . path = relPath ;
} else if ( baseURL . path . endsWith ( "/" ) ) {
if ( relPath . startsWith ( "#" ) | | relPath . startsWith ( "?" ) ) {
throw new MalformedURLException ( "relative path malformed: " + relPath ) ;
} else {
this . path = baseURL . path + relPath ;
} else {
if ( relPath . startsWith ( "#" ) | | relPath . startsWith ( "?" ) ) {
this . path = baseURL . path + relPath ;
} else {
int q = baseURL . path . lastIndexOf ( '/' ) ;
if ( q < 0 ) {
this . path = relPath ;
} else {
this . path = baseURL . path . substring ( 0 , q + 1 ) + relPath ;
this . quest = baseURL . quest ;
this . ref = baseURL . ref ;
path = resolveBackpath ( path ) ;
identRef ( ) ;
identQuest ( ) ;
escape ( ) ;
public URL ( String protocol , String host , int port , String path ) throws MalformedURLException {
if ( protocol = = null ) throw new MalformedURLException ( "protocol is null" ) ;
this . protocol = protocol ;
this . host = host ;
this . port = port ;
this . path = path ;
identRef ( ) ;
identQuest ( ) ;
escape ( ) ;
// resolve '..'
private String resolveBackpath ( String path ) /* throws MalformedURLException */ {
/ * original version by [ MC ]
int p ;
while ( ( p = path . indexOf ( "/.." ) ) > = 0 ) {
String head = path . substring ( 0 , p ) ;
int q = head . lastIndexOf ( '/' ) ;
if ( q < 0 ) throw new MalformedURLException ( "backpath cannot be resolved in path = " + path ) ;
path = head . substring ( 0 , q ) + path . substring ( p + 3 ) ;
} * /
/* by [MT] */
if ( path . length ( ) = = 0 | | path . charAt ( 0 ) ! = '/' ) { path = "/" + path ; }
Pattern pathPattern = Pattern . compile ( "(/[^/\\.]+/)[.]{2}(?=/)|/\\.(?=/)|/(?=/)" ) ;
Matcher matcher = pathPattern . matcher ( path ) ;
while ( matcher . find ( ) ) {
path = matcher . replaceAll ( "" ) ;
matcher . reset ( path ) ;
/* another version at http://www.yacy-forum.de/viewtopic.php?p=26871#26871 */
return path ;
/ * *
* Escapes the following parts of the url , this object already contains :
* < ul >
* < li > path : see { @link : escape ( String ) } < / li >
* < li > ref : same as above < / li >
* < li > quest : same as above without the ampersand ( "&" ) and the equals symbol < / li >
* < / ul >
* /
private void escape ( ) {
if ( path ! = null & & path . indexOf ( '%' ) = = - 1 ) escapePath ( ) ;
if ( quest ! = null & & quest . indexOf ( '%' ) = = - 1 ) escapeQuest ( ) ;
if ( ref ! = null & & ref . indexOf ( '%' ) = = - 1 ) escapeRef ( ) ;
private void escapePath ( ) {
String [ ] pathp = path . split ( "/" , - 1 ) ;
String ptmp = "" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pathp . length ; i + + ) {
ptmp + = "/" + escape ( pathp [ i ] ) ;
path = ptmp . substring ( ( ptmp . length ( ) > 0 ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
private void escapeRef ( ) {
ref = escape ( ref ) ;
private void escapeQuest ( ) {
String [ ] questp = quest . split ( "&" , - 1 ) ;
String qtmp = "" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < questp . length ; i + + ) {
if ( questp [ i ] . indexOf ( '=' ) ! = - 1 ) {
qtmp + = "&" + escape ( questp [ i ] . substring ( 0 , questp [ i ] . indexOf ( '=' ) ) ) ;
qtmp + = "=" + escape ( questp [ i ] . substring ( questp [ i ] . indexOf ( '=' ) + 1 ) ) ;
} else {
qtmp + = "&" + escape ( questp [ i ] ) ;
quest = qtmp . substring ( ( qtmp . length ( ) > 0 ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
final static String [ ] hex = {
"%00" , "%01" , "%02" , "%03" , "%04" , "%05" , "%06" , "%07" ,
"%08" , "%09" , "%0a" , "%0b" , "%0c" , "%0d" , "%0e" , "%0f" ,
"%10" , "%11" , "%12" , "%13" , "%14" , "%15" , "%16" , "%17" ,
"%18" , "%19" , "%1a" , "%1b" , "%1c" , "%1d" , "%1e" , "%1f" ,
"%20" , "%21" , "%22" , "%23" , "%24" , "%25" , "%26" , "%27" ,
"%28" , "%29" , "%2a" , "%2b" , "%2c" , "%2d" , "%2e" , "%2f" ,
"%30" , "%31" , "%32" , "%33" , "%34" , "%35" , "%36" , "%37" ,
"%38" , "%39" , "%3a" , "%3b" , "%3c" , "%3d" , "%3e" , "%3f" ,
"%40" , "%41" , "%42" , "%43" , "%44" , "%45" , "%46" , "%47" ,
"%48" , "%49" , "%4a" , "%4b" , "%4c" , "%4d" , "%4e" , "%4f" ,
"%50" , "%51" , "%52" , "%53" , "%54" , "%55" , "%56" , "%57" ,
"%58" , "%59" , "%5a" , "%5b" , "%5c" , "%5d" , "%5e" , "%5f" ,
"%60" , "%61" , "%62" , "%63" , "%64" , "%65" , "%66" , "%67" ,
"%68" , "%69" , "%6a" , "%6b" , "%6c" , "%6d" , "%6e" , "%6f" ,
"%70" , "%71" , "%72" , "%73" , "%74" , "%75" , "%76" , "%77" ,
"%78" , "%79" , "%7a" , "%7b" , "%7c" , "%7d" , "%7e" , "%7f" ,
"%80" , "%81" , "%82" , "%83" , "%84" , "%85" , "%86" , "%87" ,
"%88" , "%89" , "%8a" , "%8b" , "%8c" , "%8d" , "%8e" , "%8f" ,
"%90" , "%91" , "%92" , "%93" , "%94" , "%95" , "%96" , "%97" ,
"%98" , "%99" , "%9a" , "%9b" , "%9c" , "%9d" , "%9e" , "%9f" ,
"%a0" , "%a1" , "%a2" , "%a3" , "%a4" , "%a5" , "%a6" , "%a7" ,
"%a8" , "%a9" , "%aa" , "%ab" , "%ac" , "%ad" , "%ae" , "%af" ,
"%b0" , "%b1" , "%b2" , "%b3" , "%b4" , "%b5" , "%b6" , "%b7" ,
"%b8" , "%b9" , "%ba" , "%bb" , "%bc" , "%bd" , "%be" , "%bf" ,
"%c0" , "%c1" , "%c2" , "%c3" , "%c4" , "%c5" , "%c6" , "%c7" ,
"%c8" , "%c9" , "%ca" , "%cb" , "%cc" , "%cd" , "%ce" , "%cf" ,
"%d0" , "%d1" , "%d2" , "%d3" , "%d4" , "%d5" , "%d6" , "%d7" ,
"%d8" , "%d9" , "%da" , "%db" , "%dc" , "%dd" , "%de" , "%df" ,
"%e0" , "%e1" , "%e2" , "%e3" , "%e4" , "%e5" , "%e6" , "%e7" ,
"%e8" , "%e9" , "%ea" , "%eb" , "%ec" , "%ed" , "%ee" , "%ef" ,
"%f0" , "%f1" , "%f2" , "%f3" , "%f4" , "%f5" , "%f6" , "%f7" ,
"%f8" , "%f9" , "%fa" , "%fb" , "%fc" , "%fd" , "%fe" , "%ff"
} ;
/ * *
* Encode a string to the "x-www-form-urlencoded" form , enhanced
* with the UTF - 8 - in - URL proposal . This is what happens :
* < ul >
* < li > The ASCII characters 'a' through 'z' , 'A' through 'Z' ,
* and '0' through '9' remain the same .
* < li > The unreserved characters - _ . ! ~ * ' ( ) remain the same .
* < li > All other ASCII characters are converted into the
* 3 - character string "%xy" , where xy is
* the two - digit hexadecimal representation of the character
* code
* < li > All non - ASCII characters are encoded in two steps : first
* to a sequence of 2 or 3 bytes , using the UTF - 8 algorithm ;
* secondly each of these bytes is encoded as "%xx" .
* < / ul >
* @param s The string to be encoded
* @return The encoded string
* /
// from: http://www.w3.org/International/URLUTF8Encoder.java
public static String escape ( String s )
StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer ( ) ;
int len = s . length ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; i + + ) {
int ch = s . charAt ( i ) ;
if ( 'A' < = ch & & ch < = 'Z' ) { // 'A'..'Z'
sbuf . append ( ( char ) ch ) ;
} else if ( 'a' < = ch & & ch < = 'z' ) { // 'a'..'z'
sbuf . append ( ( char ) ch ) ;
} else if ( '0' < = ch & & ch < = '9' ) { // '0'..'9'
sbuf . append ( ( char ) ch ) ;
} else if ( ch = = ' ' ) { // space
sbuf . append ( "%20" ) ;
} else if ( ch = = '-' | | ch = = '_' // unreserved
| | ch = = '.' | | ch = = '!'
| | ch = = '~' | | ch = = '*'
| | ch = = '\'' | | ch = = '('
| | ch = = ')' ) {
sbuf . append ( ( char ) ch ) ;
} else if ( ch < = 0x007f ) { // other ASCII
sbuf . append ( hex [ ch ] ) ;
} else if ( ch < = 0x07FF ) { // non-ASCII <= 0x7FF
sbuf . append ( hex [ 0xc0 | ( ch > > 6 ) ] ) ;
sbuf . append ( hex [ 0x80 | ( ch & 0x3F ) ] ) ;
} else { // 0x7FF < ch <= 0xFFFF
sbuf . append ( hex [ 0xe0 | ( ch > > 12 ) ] ) ;
sbuf . append ( hex [ 0x80 | ( ( ch > > 6 ) & 0x3F ) ] ) ;
sbuf . append ( hex [ 0x80 | ( ch & 0x3F ) ] ) ;
return sbuf . toString ( ) ;
// from: http://www.w3.org/International/unescape.java
public static String unescape ( String s ) {
StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer ( ) ;
int l = s . length ( ) ;
int ch = - 1 ;
int b , sumb = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 , more = - 1 ; i < l ; i + + ) {
/* Get next byte b from URL segment s */
switch ( ch = s . charAt ( i ) ) {
case '%' :
ch = s . charAt ( + + i ) ;
int hb = ( Character . isDigit ( ( char ) ch ) ? ch - '0' : 10 + Character . toLowerCase ( ( char ) ch ) - 'a' ) & 0xF ;
ch = s . charAt ( + + i ) ;
int lb = ( Character . isDigit ( ( char ) ch ) ? ch - '0' : 10 + Character . toLowerCase ( ( char ) ch ) - 'a' ) & 0xF ;
b = ( hb < < 4 ) | lb ;
break ;
case '+' :
b = ' ' ;
break ;
default :
b = ch ;
/* Decode byte b as UTF-8, sumb collects incomplete chars */
if ( ( b & 0xc0 ) = = 0x80 ) { // 10xxxxxx (continuation byte)
sumb = ( sumb < < 6 ) | ( b & 0x3f ) ; // Add 6 bits to sumb
if ( - - more = = 0 ) sbuf . append ( ( char ) sumb ) ; // Add char to sbuf
} else if ( ( b & 0x80 ) = = 0x00 ) { // 0xxxxxxx (yields 7 bits)
sbuf . append ( ( char ) b ) ; // Store in sbuf
} else if ( ( b & 0xe0 ) = = 0xc0 ) { // 110xxxxx (yields 5 bits)
sumb = b & 0x1f ;
more = 1 ; // Expect 1 more byte
} else if ( ( b & 0xf0 ) = = 0xe0 ) { // 1110xxxx (yields 4 bits)
sumb = b & 0x0f ;
more = 2 ; // Expect 2 more bytes
} else if ( ( b & 0xf8 ) = = 0xf0 ) { // 11110xxx (yields 3 bits)
sumb = b & 0x07 ;
more = 3 ; // Expect 3 more bytes
} else if ( ( b & 0xfc ) = = 0xf8 ) { // 111110xx (yields 2 bits)
sumb = b & 0x03 ;
more = 4 ; // Expect 4 more bytes
} else /*if ((b & 0xfe) == 0xfc)*/ { // 1111110x (yields 1 bit)
sumb = b & 0x01 ;
more = 5 ; // Expect 5 more bytes
/* We don't test if the UTF-8 encoding is well-formed */
return sbuf . toString ( ) ;
private void identPort ( String inputURL ) throws MalformedURLException {
// identify ref in file
int r = host . indexOf ( ':' ) ;
if ( r < 0 ) {
this . port = - 1 ;
} else {
try {
this . port = Integer . parseInt ( host . substring ( r + 1 ) ) ;
this . host = host . substring ( 0 , r ) ;
} catch ( NumberFormatException e ) {
throw new MalformedURLException ( "wrong port in host fragment '" + this . host + "' of input url '" + inputURL + "'" ) ;
private void identRef ( ) {
// identify ref in file
int r = path . indexOf ( '#' ) ;
if ( r < 0 ) {
this . ref = null ;
} else {
this . ref = path . substring ( r + 1 ) ;
this . path = path . substring ( 0 , r ) ;
private void identQuest ( ) {
// identify quest in file
int r = path . indexOf ( '?' ) ;
if ( r < 0 ) {
this . quest = null ;
} else {
this . quest = path . substring ( r + 1 ) ;
this . path = path . substring ( 0 , r ) ;
public String getFile ( ) {
return getFile ( true ) ;
public String getFile ( boolean includeReference ) {
// this is the path plus quest plus ref
if ( quest ! = null ) return ( ( includeReference ) & & ( ref ! = null ) ) ? path + "?" + quest + "#" + ref : path + "?" + quest ;
return ( ( includeReference ) & & ( ref ! = null ) ) ? path + "#" + ref : path ;
public String getPath ( ) {
return path ;
public String getAuthority ( ) {
return ( ( port > = 0 ) & & ( host ! = null ) ) ? host + ":" + port : ( ( host ! = null ) ? host : "" ) ;
public String getHost ( ) {
return host ;
public int getPort ( ) {
return port ;
public String getProtocol ( ) {
return protocol ;
public String getRef ( ) {
return ref ;
public String getUserInfo ( ) {
return userInfo ;
public String getQuery ( ) {
return quest ;
public String toNormalform ( ) {
return toString ( false ) ;
public String toString ( ) {
return toString ( true ) ;
public String toString ( boolean includeReference ) {
// generates a normal form of the URL
boolean defaultPort = false ;
if ( this . protocol . equals ( "mailto" ) ) {
return this . protocol + ":" + this . userInfo + "@" + this . host ;
} else if ( this . protocol . equals ( "http" ) ) {
if ( this . port < 0 | | this . port = = 80 ) { defaultPort = true ; }
} else if ( this . protocol . equals ( "ftp" ) ) {
if ( this . port < 0 | | this . port = = 21 ) { defaultPort = true ; }
} else if ( this . protocol . equals ( "https" ) ) {
if ( this . port < 0 | | this . port = = 443 ) { defaultPort = true ; }
String path = resolveBackpath ( this . getFile ( includeReference ) ) ;
if ( defaultPort ) {
return this . protocol + "://" +
( ( this . userInfo ! = null ) ? ( this . userInfo + "@" ) : ( "" ) ) +
this . getHost ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + path ;
return this . protocol + "://" +
( ( this . userInfo ! = null ) ? ( this . userInfo + "@" ) : ( "" ) ) +
this . getHost ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ( ( defaultPort ) ? ( "" ) : ( ":" + this . port ) ) + path ;
public boolean equals ( URL other ) {
return ( ( ( this . protocol = = other . protocol ) | | ( this . protocol . equals ( other . protocol ) ) ) & &
( ( this . host = = other . host ) | | ( this . host . equals ( other . host ) ) ) & &
( ( this . userInfo = = other . userInfo ) | | ( this . userInfo . equals ( other . userInfo ) ) ) & &
( ( this . path = = other . path ) | | ( this . path . equals ( other . path ) ) ) & &
( ( this . quest = = other . quest ) | | ( this . quest . equals ( other . quest ) ) ) & &
( ( this . ref = = other . ref ) | | ( this . ref . equals ( other . ref ) ) ) & &
( ( this . port = = other . port ) ) ) ;
public int hashCode ( ) {
return this . toString ( ) . hashCode ( ) ;
public int compareTo ( Object h ) {
assert ( h instanceof URL ) ;
return this . toString ( ) . compareTo ( ( ( URL ) h ) . toString ( ) ) ;
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
String [ ] [ ] test = new String [ ] [ ] {
new String [ ] { null , "http://www.anomic.de/home/test?x=1#home" } ,
new String [ ] { null , "http://www.anomic.de/home/test?x=1" } ,
new String [ ] { null , "http://www.anomic.de/home/test#home" } ,
new String [ ] { null , "ftp://ftp.anomic.de/home/test#home" } ,
new String [ ] { null , "http://www.anomic.de/home/../abc/" } ,
new String [ ] { null , "mailto:abcdefg@nomailnomail.com" } ,
new String [ ] { "http://www.anomic.de/home" , "test" } ,
new String [ ] { "http://www.anomic.de/home" , "test/" } ,
new String [ ] { "http://www.anomic.de/home/" , "test" } ,
new String [ ] { "http://www.anomic.de/home/" , "test/" } ,
new String [ ] { "http://www.anomic.de/home/index.html" , "test.htm" } ,
new String [ ] { "http://www.anomic.de/home/index.html" , "http://www.yacy.net/test" } ,
new String [ ] { "http://www.anomic.de/home/index.html" , "ftp://ftp.yacy.net/test" } ,
new String [ ] { "http://www.anomic.de/home/index.html" , "../test" } ,
new String [ ] { "http://www.anomic.de/home/index.html" , "mailto:abcdefg@nomailnomail.com" } ,
new String [ ] { null , "news:de.test" } ,
new String [ ] { "http://www.anomic.de/home" , "news:de.test" } ,
new String [ ] { "http://www.anomic.de/home" , "ftp://ftp.anomic.de/src" } ,
new String [ ] { null , "ftp://ftp.delegate.org/" } ,
new String [ ] { "http://www.anomic.de/home" , "ftp://ftp.delegate.org/" } ,
new String [ ] { null , "http://www.bla.org/bli bla blo" } ,
new String [ ] { null , "http://www.blubb.org/bli bla/ blo blubb/bla.html" } ,
new String [ ] { null , "http://california-press-release.com/30/Hendrick Chevrolet, the renowned car dealer for Chevrolet in Cary, North Carolina (NC) announces the arrival of 2007 Chevrolet Cobalt SS Coupe For further information, call Hendrick Chevrolet on (800)-857-4909.php" } ,
new String [ ] { "http://california-press-release.com" , "/30/Hendrick%20Chevrolet%2c%20the%20renowned%20car%20dealer%20for%20Chevrolet%20in%20Cary%2c%20North%20Carolina%20(NC)%20announces%20the%20arrival%20of%202007%20Chevrolet%20Cobalt%20SS%20%20Coupe%20For%20further%20information%2c%20call%20Hendrick%20Chevrolet%20on%20(800)-857-4909.php" } ,
new String [ ] { null , "http://www.anomic.de/home/test?x=1&täst=xyß#höme" } ,
new String [ ] { null , "http://www.anomic.de/home/test?x&test=#" }
} ;
String environment , url ;
de . anomic . net . URL aURL = null ;
java . net . URL jURL = null ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < test . length ; i + + ) {
environment = test [ i ] [ 0 ] ;
url = test [ i ] [ 1 ] ;
if ( environment = = null ) {
try { aURL = new de . anomic . net . URL ( url ) ; } catch ( MalformedURLException e ) { aURL = null ; }
try { jURL = new java . net . URL ( url ) ; } catch ( MalformedURLException e ) { jURL = null ; }
} else {
try { aURL = new de . anomic . net . URL ( new de . anomic . net . URL ( environment ) , url ) ; } catch ( MalformedURLException e ) { aURL = null ; }
try { jURL = new java . net . URL ( new java . net . URL ( environment ) , url ) ; } catch ( MalformedURLException e ) { jURL = null ; }
if ( ( ( aURL = = null ) & & ( jURL ! = null ) ) | |
( ( aURL ! = null ) & & ( jURL = = null ) ) | |
( ( aURL ! = null ) & & ( jURL ! = null ) & & ( ! ( jURL . toString ( ) . equals ( aURL . toString ( ) ) ) ) ) ) {
System . out . println ( "Difference for environment=" + environment + ", url=" + url + ":" ) ;
System . out . println ( ( jURL = = null ) ? "jURL rejected input" : "jURL=" + jURL . toString ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( ( aURL = = null ) ? "aURL rejected input" : "aURL=" + aURL . toString ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( ( aURL = = null | | unescape ( aURL . toString ( ) ) = = null ) ? "aURL rejected input" : "back=" + unescape ( aURL . toString ( ) ) ) ;