// (C) 2007 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 28.08.2007 on http://yacy.net
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException ;
import java.net.URLEncoder ;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets ;
import java.time.Instant ;
import java.util.AbstractMap ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.LinkedList ;
import java.util.Map ;
import net.yacy.cora.date.AbstractFormatter ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.analysis.Classification.ContentDomain ;
import net.yacy.cora.document.id.MultiProtocolURL ;
import net.yacy.cora.lod.vocabulary.Tagging ;
import net.yacy.cora.protocol.RequestHeader ;
import net.yacy.cora.sorting.ScoreMap ;
import net.yacy.data.UserDB ;
import net.yacy.document.DateDetection ;
import net.yacy.document.LibraryProvider ;
import net.yacy.http.servlets.TemplateMissingParameterException ;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.ISO639 ;
import net.yacy.peers.graphics.ProfilingGraph ;
import net.yacy.search.EventTracker ;
import net.yacy.search.Switchboard ;
import net.yacy.search.SwitchboardConstants ;
import net.yacy.search.navigator.Navigator ;
import net.yacy.search.query.QueryParams ;
import net.yacy.search.query.SearchEvent ;
import net.yacy.search.query.SearchEventCache ;
import net.yacy.search.query.SearchEventType ;
import net.yacy.server.serverObjects ;
import net.yacy.server.serverSwitch ;
public class yacysearchtrailer {
private static final int TOPWORDS_MAXCOUNT = 16 ;
private static final int TOPWORDS_MINSIZE = 8 ;
private static final int TOPWORDS_MAXSIZE = 22 ;
@SuppressWarnings ( { } )
public static serverObjects respond ( final RequestHeader header , final serverObjects post , final serverSwitch env ) {
if ( post = = null ) {
throw new TemplateMissingParameterException ( "The eventID parameter is required" ) ;
final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects ( ) ;
final Switchboard sb = ( Switchboard ) env ;
final String eventID = post . get ( "eventID" , "" ) ;
final boolean adminAuthenticated = sb . verifyAuthentication ( header ) ;
final UserDB . Entry user = sb . userDB ! = null ? sb . userDB . getUser ( header ) : null ;
final boolean authenticated = adminAuthenticated | | user ! = null ;
if ( post . containsKey ( "auth" ) & & ! authenticated ) {
/ *
* Authenticated search is explicitely requested here
* but no authentication is provided : ask now for authentication .
* Wihout this , after timeout of HTTP Digest authentication nonce , browsers no more send authentication information
* and as this page is not private , protected features would simply be hidden without asking browser again for authentication .
* ( see mantis 766 : http : //mantis.tokeek.de/view.php?id=766) *
* /
prop . authenticationRequired ( ) ;
return prop ;
final boolean clustersearch = sb . isRobinsonMode ( ) & & sb . getConfig ( SwitchboardConstants . CLUSTER_MODE , "" ) . equals ( SwitchboardConstants . CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_CLUSTER ) ;
final boolean indexReceiveGranted = sb . getConfigBool ( SwitchboardConstants . INDEX_RECEIVE_ALLOW_SEARCH , true ) | | clustersearch ;
boolean p2pmode = sb . peers ! = null & & sb . peers . sizeConnected ( ) > 0 & & indexReceiveGranted ;
boolean global = post = = null | | ( ! post . get ( "resource-switch" , post . get ( "resource" , "global" ) ) . equals ( "local" ) & & p2pmode ) ;
boolean stealthmode = p2pmode & & ! global ;
prop . put ( "resource-select" , ! adminAuthenticated ? 0 : stealthmode ? 2 : global ? 1 : 0 ) ;
// find search event
final SearchEvent theSearch = SearchEventCache . getEvent ( eventID ) ;
if ( theSearch = = null ) {
// the event does not exist, show empty page
return prop ;
final RequestHeader . FileType fileType = header . fileType ( ) ;
/* Add information about the current navigators generation (number of updates since their initialization) */
prop . put ( "nav-generation" , theSearch . getNavGeneration ( ) ) ;
// compose search navigation
ContentDomain contentdom = theSearch . getQuery ( ) . contentdom ;
prop . put ( "searchdomswitches" ,
sb . getConfigBool ( "search.text" , true )
| | sb . getConfigBool ( "search.audio" , true )
| | sb . getConfigBool ( "search.video" , true )
| | sb . getConfigBool ( "search.image" , true )
| | sb . getConfigBool ( "search.app" , true ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "searchdomswitches_searchtext" , sb . getConfigBool ( "search.text" , true ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "searchdomswitches_searchaudio" , sb . getConfigBool ( "search.audio" , true ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "searchdomswitches_searchvideo" , sb . getConfigBool ( "search.video" , true ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "searchdomswitches_searchimage" , sb . getConfigBool ( "search.image" , true ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "searchdomswitches_searchapp" , sb . getConfigBool ( "search.app" , true ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "searchdomswitches_searchtext_check" , ( contentdom = = ContentDomain . TEXT | | contentdom = = ContentDomain . ALL ) ? "1" : "0" ) ;
prop . put ( "searchdomswitches_searchaudio_check" , ( contentdom = = ContentDomain . AUDIO ) ? "1" : "0" ) ;
prop . put ( "searchdomswitches_searchvideo_check" , ( contentdom = = ContentDomain . VIDEO ) ? "1" : "0" ) ;
prop . put ( "searchdomswitches_searchimage_check" , ( contentdom = = ContentDomain . IMAGE ) ? "1" : "0" ) ;
prop . put ( "searchdomswitches_searchapp_check" , ( contentdom = = ContentDomain . APP ) ? "1" : "0" ) ;
String name ;
int count ;
Iterator < String > navigatorIterator ;
// language navigators
final ScoreMap < String > languageNavigator = theSearch . languageNavigator ;
if ( languageNavigator = = null | | languageNavigator . isEmpty ( ) ) {
prop . put ( "nav-languages" , 0 ) ;
} else {
prop . put ( "nav-languages" , 1 ) ;
navigatorIterator = languageNavigator . keys ( false ) ;
int i = 0 , pos = 0 , neg = 0 ;
String nav , rawNav ;
while ( i < theSearch . getQuery ( ) . getStandardFacetsMaxCount ( ) & & navigatorIterator . hasNext ( ) ) {
name = navigatorIterator . next ( ) ;
count = languageNavigator . get ( name ) ;
if ( count = = 0 ) break ;
nav = "%2Flanguage%2F" + name ;
/* Avoid double percent encoding in QueryParams.navurl */
rawNav = "/language/" + name ;
if ( theSearch . query . modifier . language = = null | | ! theSearch . query . modifier . language . contains ( name ) ) {
pos + + ;
prop . put ( "nav-languages_element_" + i + "_on" , 1 ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-languages_element_" + i + "_modifier" , nav ) ;
} else {
neg + + ;
prop . put ( "nav-languages_element_" + i + "_on" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-languages_element_" + i + "_modifier" , "-" + nav ) ;
nav = "" ;
rawNav = "" ;
String longname = ISO639 . country ( name ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-languages_element_" + i + "_name" , longname = = null ? name : longname ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-languages_element_" + i + "_url" ,
QueryParams . navurl ( fileType , 0 , theSearch . query , rawNav , false , authenticated ) . toString ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-languages_element_" + i + "_id" , "languages_" + i ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-languages_element_" + i + "_count" , count ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-languages_element_" + i + "_nl" , 1 ) ;
i + + ;
prop . put ( "nav-languages_element" , i ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-languages_count" , i ) ;
i - - ;
prop . put ( "nav-languages_element_" + i + "_nl" , 0 ) ;
if ( pos = = 1 & & neg = = 0 ) prop . put ( "nav-languages" , 0 ) ; // this navigation is not useful
// topics navigator
final ScoreMap < String > topicNavigator = theSearch . getTopicNavigator ( TOPWORDS_MAXCOUNT ) ;
if ( topicNavigator = = null | | topicNavigator . isEmpty ( ) ) {
prop . put ( "nav-topics" , "0" ) ;
} else {
prop . put ( "nav-topics" , "1" ) ;
navigatorIterator = topicNavigator . keys ( false ) ;
int i = 0 ;
// first sort the list to a form where the greatest element is in the middle
LinkedList < Map . Entry < String , Integer > > cloud = new LinkedList < Map . Entry < String , Integer > > ( ) ;
int mincount = Integer . MAX_VALUE ; int maxcount = 0 ;
while ( i < TOPWORDS_MAXCOUNT & & navigatorIterator . hasNext ( ) ) {
name = navigatorIterator . next ( ) ;
count = topicNavigator . get ( name ) ;
if ( count = = 0 ) break ;
if ( name = = null ) continue ;
int normcount = ( count + TOPWORDS_MAXCOUNT - i ) / 2 ;
if ( normcount > maxcount ) maxcount = normcount ;
if ( normcount < mincount ) mincount = normcount ;
Map . Entry < String , Integer > entry = new AbstractMap . SimpleEntry < String , Integer > ( name , normcount ) ;
if ( cloud . size ( ) % 2 = = 0 ) cloud . addFirst ( entry ) ; else cloud . addLast ( entry ) ; // alternating add entry to first or last position.
i + + ;
i = 0 ;
for ( Map . Entry < String , Integer > entry : cloud ) {
name = entry . getKey ( ) ;
count = entry . getValue ( ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-topics_element_" + i + "_modifier" , name ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-topics_element_" + i + "_name" , name ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-topics_element_" + i + "_url" , QueryParams
. navurl ( fileType , 0 , theSearch . query , name , false , authenticated ) . toString ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-topics_element_" + i + "_count" , count ) ;
int fontsize = TOPWORDS_MINSIZE + ( TOPWORDS_MAXSIZE - TOPWORDS_MINSIZE ) * ( count - mincount ) / ( 1 + maxcount - mincount ) ;
fontsize = Math . max ( TOPWORDS_MINSIZE , fontsize - ( name . length ( ) - 5 ) ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-topics_element_" + i + "_size" , fontsize ) ; // font size in pixel
prop . put ( "nav-topics_element_" + i + "_nl" , 1 ) ;
i + + ;
prop . put ( "nav-topics_element" , i ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-topics_count" , i ) ;
i - - ;
prop . put ( "nav-topics_element_" + i + "_nl" , 0 ) ;
// protocol navigators
if ( theSearch . protocolNavigator = = null | | theSearch . protocolNavigator . isEmpty ( ) ) {
prop . put ( "nav-protocols" , 0 ) ;
} else {
prop . put ( "nav-protocols" , 1 ) ;
//int httpCount = theSearch.protocolNavigator.delete("http");
//int httpsCount = theSearch.protocolNavigator.delete("https");
//theSearch.protocolNavigator.inc("http(s)", httpCount + httpsCount);
navigatorIterator = theSearch . protocolNavigator . keys ( false ) ;
int i = 0 , pos = 0 , neg = 0 ;
String nav , rawNav ;
String oldQuery = theSearch . query . getQueryGoal ( ) . query_original ; // prepare hack to make radio-button like navigation
String oldProtocolModifier = theSearch . query . modifier . protocol ;
if ( oldProtocolModifier ! = null & & oldProtocolModifier . length ( ) > 0 ) { theSearch . query . modifier . remove ( "/" + oldProtocolModifier ) ; theSearch . query . modifier . remove ( oldProtocolModifier ) ; }
theSearch . query . modifier . protocol = "" ;
theSearch . query . getQueryGoal ( ) . query_original = oldQuery . replaceAll ( " /https" , "" ) . replaceAll ( " /http" , "" ) . replaceAll ( " /ftp" , "" ) . replaceAll ( " /smb" , "" ) . replaceAll ( " /file" , "" ) ;
while ( i < theSearch . getQuery ( ) . getStandardFacetsMaxCount ( ) & & navigatorIterator . hasNext ( ) ) {
name = navigatorIterator . next ( ) . trim ( ) ;
count = theSearch . protocolNavigator . get ( name ) ;
if ( count = = 0 ) break ;
nav = "%2F" + name ;
/* Avoid double percent encoding in QueryParams.navurl */
rawNav = "/" + name ;
if ( oldProtocolModifier = = null | | ! oldProtocolModifier . equals ( name ) ) {
pos + + ;
prop . put ( "nav-protocols_element_" + i + "_on" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-protocols_element_" + i + "_onclick" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-protocols_element_" + i + "_modifier" , nav ) ;
} else {
neg + + ;
prop . put ( "nav-protocols_element_" + i + "_on" , 1 ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-protocols_element_" + i + "_onclick" , 1 ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-protocols_element_" + i + "_modifier" , "-" + nav ) ;
nav = "" ;
rawNav = "" ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-protocols_element_" + i + "_name" , name ) ;
String url = QueryParams . navurl ( fileType , 0 , theSearch . query , rawNav , false , authenticated )
. toString ( ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-protocols_element_" + i + "_onclick_url" , url ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-protocols_element_" + i + "_url" , url ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-protocols_element_" + i + "_count" , count ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-protocols_element_" + i + "_nl" , 1 ) ;
i + + ;
if ( i = = 1 ) prop . put ( "nav-protocols_element_0_onclick" , 0 ) ; // allow to unselect, if only one button
theSearch . query . modifier . protocol = oldProtocolModifier ;
if ( oldProtocolModifier ! = null & & oldProtocolModifier . length ( ) > 0 ) theSearch . query . modifier . add ( oldProtocolModifier . startsWith ( "/" ) ? oldProtocolModifier : "/" + oldProtocolModifier ) ;
theSearch . query . getQueryGoal ( ) . query_original = oldQuery ;
prop . put ( "nav-protocols_element" , i ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-protocols_count" , i ) ;
i - - ;
prop . put ( "nav-protocols_element_" + i + "_nl" , 0 ) ;
if ( pos = = 1 & & neg = = 0 ) prop . put ( "nav-protocols" , 0 ) ; // this navigation is not useful
// date navigators
if ( theSearch . dateNavigator = = null | | theSearch . dateNavigator . isEmpty ( ) ) {
prop . put ( "nav-dates" , 0 ) ;
} else {
prop . put ( "nav-dates" , 1 ) ;
navigatorIterator = theSearch . dateNavigator . keysByNaturalOrder ( true ) ; // this iterator is different as it iterates by the key order (which is a date order)
int i = 0 , pos = 0 , neg = 0 ;
long dx = - 1 ;
Date fromconstraint = theSearch . getQuery ( ) . modifier . from = = null ? null : DateDetection . parseLine ( theSearch . getQuery ( ) . modifier . from , theSearch . getQuery ( ) . timezoneOffset ) ;
if ( fromconstraint = = null ) fromconstraint = new Date ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - AbstractFormatter . normalyearMillis ) ;
Date toconstraint = theSearch . getQuery ( ) . modifier . to = = null ? null : DateDetection . parseLine ( theSearch . getQuery ( ) . modifier . to , theSearch . getQuery ( ) . timezoneOffset ) ;
if ( toconstraint = = null ) toconstraint = new Date ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + AbstractFormatter . normalyearMillis ) ;
while ( i < theSearch . getQuery ( ) . getDateFacetMaxCount ( ) & & navigatorIterator . hasNext ( ) ) {
name = navigatorIterator . next ( ) . trim ( ) ;
if ( name . length ( ) < 10 ) continue ;
count = theSearch . dateNavigator . get ( name ) ;
if ( count = = 0 ) {
continue ;
String shortname = name . substring ( 0 , 10 ) ;
long d = Instant . parse ( name ) . toEpochMilli ( ) ;
Date dd = new Date ( d ) ;
if ( fromconstraint ! = null & & dd . before ( fromconstraint ) ) continue ;
if ( toconstraint ! = null & & dd . after ( toconstraint ) ) break ;
if ( dx > 0 ) {
while ( d - dx > AbstractFormatter . dayMillis & & i < theSearch . getQuery ( ) . getDateFacetMaxCount ( ) ) {
dx + = AbstractFormatter . dayMillis ;
String sn = new Date ( dx ) . toInstant ( ) . toString ( ) . substring ( 0 , 10 ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-dates_element_" + i + "_on" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-dates_element_" + i + "_name" , sn ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-dates_element_" + i + "_count" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-dates_element_" + i + "_nl" , 1 ) ;
i + + ;
dx = d ;
if ( theSearch . query . modifier . on = = null | | ! theSearch . query . modifier . on . contains ( shortname ) ) {
pos + + ;
prop . put ( "nav-dates_element_" + i + "_on" , 1 ) ;
} else {
neg + + ;
prop . put ( "nav-dates_element_" + i + "_on" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-dates_element_" + i + "_name" , shortname ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-dates_element_" + i + "_count" , count ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-dates_element_" + i + "_nl" , 1 ) ;
i + + ;
prop . put ( "nav-dates_element" , i ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-dates_count" , i ) ;
i - - ;
prop . put ( "nav-dates_element_" + i + "_nl" , 0 ) ;
if ( pos = = 1 & & neg = = 0 ) prop . put ( "nav-dates" , 0 ) ; // this navigation is not useful
// vocabulary navigators
final Map < String , ScoreMap < String > > vocabularyNavigators = theSearch . vocabularyNavigator ;
if ( vocabularyNavigators ! = null & & ! vocabularyNavigators . isEmpty ( ) ) {
int navvoccount = 0 ;
vocnav : for ( Map . Entry < String , ScoreMap < String > > ve : vocabularyNavigators . entrySet ( ) ) {
String navname = ve . getKey ( ) ;
if ( ve . getValue ( ) = = null | | ve . getValue ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) {
continue vocnav ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-vocabulary_" + navvoccount + "_navname" , navname ) ;
navigatorIterator = ve . getValue ( ) . keys ( false ) ;
int i = 0 ;
String nav , rawNav ;
while ( i < 20 & & navigatorIterator . hasNext ( ) ) {
name = navigatorIterator . next ( ) ;
count = ve . getValue ( ) . get ( name ) ;
if ( count = = 0 ) break ;
nav = "%2Fvocabulary%2F" + navname + "%2F" + MultiProtocolURL . escape ( Tagging . encodePrintname ( name ) ) . toString ( ) ;
/* Avoid double percent encoding in QueryParams.navurl */
rawNav = "/vocabulary/" + navname + "/" + MultiProtocolURL . escape ( Tagging . encodePrintname ( name ) ) . toString ( ) ;
if ( ! theSearch . query . modifier . toString ( ) . contains ( "/vocabulary/" + navname + "/" + name . replace ( ' ' , '_' ) ) ) {
prop . put ( "nav-vocabulary_" + navvoccount + "_element_" + i + "_on" , 1 ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-vocabulary_" + navvoccount + "_element_" + i + "_modifier" , nav ) ;
} else {
prop . put ( "nav-vocabulary_" + navvoccount + "_element_" + i + "_on" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-vocabulary_" + navvoccount + "_element_" + i + "_modifier" , "-" + nav ) ;
nav = "" ;
rawNav = "" ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-vocabulary_" + navvoccount + "_element_" + i + "_name" , name ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-vocabulary_" + navvoccount + "_element_" + i + "_url" , QueryParams
. navurl ( fileType , 0 , theSearch . query , rawNav , false , authenticated ) . toString ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "nav-vocabulary_" + navvoccount + "_element_" + i + "_id" , "vocabulary_" + navname + "_" + i ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-vocabulary_" + navvoccount + "_element_" + i + "_count" , count ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-vocabulary_" + navvoccount + "_element_" + i + "_nl" , 1 ) ;
i + + ;
prop . put ( "nav-vocabulary_" + navvoccount + "_element" , i ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-vocabulary_" + navvoccount + "_count" , i ) ;
i - - ;
prop . put ( "nav-vocabulary_" + navvoccount + "_element_" + i + "_nl" , 0 ) ;
navvoccount + + ;
prop . put ( "nav-vocabulary" , navvoccount ) ;
} else {
prop . put ( "nav-vocabulary" , 0 ) ;
// navigator plugins
int ni = 0 ;
for ( String naviname : theSearch . navigatorPlugins . keySet ( ) ) {
Navigator navi = theSearch . navigatorPlugins . get ( naviname ) ;
if ( navi . isEmpty ( ) ) {
continue ;
prop . put ( "navs_" + ni + "_displayname" , navi . getDisplayName ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( "navs_" + ni + "_name" , naviname ) ;
prop . put ( "navs_" + ni + "_count" , navi . size ( ) ) ;
navigatorIterator = navi . keys ( false ) ;
int i = 0 , pos = 0 , neg = 0 ;
String nav , rawNav ;
while ( i < theSearch . getQuery ( ) . getStandardFacetsMaxCount ( ) & & navigatorIterator . hasNext ( ) ) {
name = navigatorIterator . next ( ) ;
count = navi . get ( name ) ;
if ( count = = 0 ) {
break ;
rawNav = navi . getQueryModifier ( name ) ;
try {
nav = URLEncoder . encode ( rawNav , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 . name ( ) ) ;
} catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException ex ) {
nav = "" ;
boolean isactive = navi . modifieractive ( theSearch . query . modifier , name ) ;
if ( ! isactive ) {
pos + + ;
prop . put ( "navs_" + ni + "_element_" + i + "_on" , 1 ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "navs_" + ni + "_element_" + i + "_modifier" , nav ) ;
} else {
neg + + ;
prop . put ( "navs_" + ni + "_element_" + i + "_on" , 0 ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "navs_" + ni + "_element_" + i + "_modifier" , "-" + nav ) ;
nav = "" ;
rawNav = "" ;
prop . put ( fileType , "navs_" + ni + "_element_" + i + "_name" , navi . getElementDisplayName ( name ) ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "navs_" + ni + "_element_" + i + "_url" , QueryParams
. navurl ( fileType , 0 , theSearch . query , rawNav , false , authenticated ) . toString ( ) ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "navs_" + ni + "_element_" + i + "_id" , naviname + "_" + i ) ;
prop . put ( "navs_" + ni + "_element_" + i + "_count" , count ) ;
prop . put ( "navs_" + ni + "_element_" + i + "_nl" , 1 ) ;
i + + ;
prop . put ( "navs_" + ni + "_element" , i ) ;
prop . put ( "navs_" + ni + "_count" , i ) ;
i - - ;
prop . put ( "navs_" + ni + "_element_" + i + "_nl" , 0 ) ;
if ( pos = = 1 & & neg = = 0 ) {
prop . put ( "navs_" + ni , 0 ) ; // this navigation is not useful
ni + + ;
prop . put ( "navs" , ni ) ; // navigatior plugins - eof
// about box
final String aboutBody = env . getConfig ( "about.body" , "" ) ;
final String aboutHeadline = env . getConfig ( "about.headline" , "" ) ;
if ( ( aboutBody . isEmpty ( ) & & aboutHeadline . isEmpty ( ) ) | | theSearch . getResultCount ( ) = = 0 ) {
prop . put ( "nav-about" , 0 ) ;
} else {
prop . put ( "nav-about" , 1 ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-about_headline" , aboutHeadline ) ;
prop . put ( "nav-about_body" , aboutBody ) ;
// category: location search
// show only if active and there is a location database present or if there had been any search results (with lat/lon)
if ( theSearch . locationNavigator = = null
| | ( ( LibraryProvider . geoLoc . isEmpty ( ) | | theSearch . getResultCount ( ) = = 0 ) & & theSearch . locationNavigator . isEmpty ( ) ) ) {
prop . put ( "cat-location" , 0 ) ;
} else {
prop . put ( "cat-location" , 1 ) ;
final String query = theSearch . query . getQueryGoal ( ) . getQueryString ( false ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "cat-location_query" , query ) ;
final String queryenc = theSearch . query . getQueryGoal ( ) . getQueryString ( true ) . replace ( ' ' , '+' ) ;
prop . put ( fileType , "cat-location_queryenc" , queryenc ) ;
prop . put ( "num-results_totalcount" , theSearch . getResultCount ( ) ) ;
EventTracker . update ( EventTracker . EClass . SEARCH , new ProfilingGraph . EventSearch ( theSearch . query . id ( true ) , SearchEventType . FINALIZATION , "bottomline" , 0 , 0 ) , false ) ;
return prop ;