// CreateTranslationMasters.java
// -------------------------------------
// part of YACY
// (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net
// first published on http://www.anomic.de
// Frankfurt, Germany, 2004
// This file ist contributed by Burkhard Buelte
// last major change: 2016-04-05
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package net.yacy.utils.translation ;
import java.io.BufferedReader ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.FileInputStream ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.InputStreamReader ;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets ;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.TreeMap ;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog ;
import net.yacy.data.Translator ;
/ * *
* Utility to create a translation master file from all existing translation
* with check file . exists and translation text exists .
* Also can join existing translation with master ( currently ristrictive ,
* means only translation text exist in master are included in resultin Map
* /
public class CreateTranslationMasters extends TranslatorXliff {
/ * *
* Helper to add a translation text to the map
* @param translation to add the text to
* @param relFileName relative filename the translation belongs to
* @param sourceLngTxt the english source text
* @param targetLngTxt the translated text
* @return true = if map was modified , otherwise false
* /
protected boolean addTranslation ( Map < String , Map < String , String > > translation , final String relFileName , final String sourceLngTxt , final String targetLngTxt ) {
boolean modified = false ;
Map < String , String > transFile ;
if ( translation . containsKey ( relFileName ) ) {
transFile = translation . get ( relFileName ) ;
} else {
transFile = new LinkedHashMap < String , String > ( ) ;
translation . put ( relFileName , transFile ) ;
modified = true ;
String oldLngTxt = transFile . put ( sourceLngTxt , targetLngTxt ) ;
if ( oldLngTxt = = null ) {
modified = targetLngTxt ! = null ;
} else if ( ! oldLngTxt . equals ( targetLngTxt ) ) {
modified = true ;
return modified ;
/ * *
* Create a master translation list by reading all translation files
* If a masterOutputFile exists , content is preserved ( loaded first )
* @param masterOutpuFile output file ( xliff format )
* @throws IOException
* /
public void createMasterTranslationLists ( File masterOutputFile ) throws IOException {
Map < String , Map < String , String > > xliffTrans ;
if ( masterOutputFile . exists ( ) ) // if file exists, conserve existing master content (may be updated by external tool)
xliffTrans = TranslatorXliff . loadTranslationsListsFromXliff ( masterOutputFile ) ;
xliffTrans = new TreeMap < String , Map < String , String > > ( ) ;
List < String > lngFiles = Translator . langFiles ( new File ( "locales" ) ) ;
for ( String filename : lngFiles ) {
// load translation list
ConcurrentLog . info ( "TRANSLATOR" , "include translation file " + filename ) ;
Map < String , Map < String , String > > origTrans = Translator . loadTranslationsLists ( new File ( "locales" , filename ) ) ;
for ( String transfilename : origTrans . keySet ( ) ) { // get translation filename
File checkfile = new File ( "htroot" , transfilename ) ;
if ( checkfile . exists ( ) ) { // include in master only if file exists
// load content to compare translation text is included
StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
BufferedReader br = null ;
try {
br = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader ( new FileInputStream ( checkfile ) , StandardCharsets . UTF_8 ) ) ;
String line = null ;
while ( ( line = br . readLine ( ) ) ! = null ) {
content . append ( line ) . append ( net . yacy . server . serverCore . CRLF_STRING ) ;
br . close ( ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
} finally {
if ( br ! = null ) {
try {
br . close ( ) ;
} catch ( final Exception e ) {
// compare translation list
Map < String , String > origList = origTrans . get ( transfilename ) ;
for ( String sourcetxt : origList . keySet ( ) ) {
if ( content . indexOf ( sourcetxt ) > = 0 ) {
String origVal = origList . get ( sourcetxt ) ;
// it is possible that intentionally empty translation is given
// in this case xliff target is missing (=null)
if ( origVal ! = null & & ! origVal . isEmpty ( ) ) { // if translation exists
addTranslation ( xliffTrans , transfilename , sourcetxt , null ) ; // add to master, set target text null
} else {
ConcurrentLog . fine ( "TRANSLATOR" , "skip file for translation " + transfilename + " (from " + filename + ")" ) ;
// save as xliff file w/o language code
saveAsXliff ( null , masterOutputFile , xliffTrans ) ;
/ * *
* Joins translation master ( xliff ) and existing translation ( lng )
* @param xlifmaster master ( with en text to be translated )
* @param lngfile existing translation
* @return resulting map with all entries from master and translation from lngfile
* @throws IOException
* /
public Map < String , Map < String , String > > joinMasterTranslationLists ( File xlifmaster , File lngfile ) throws IOException {
final String filename = lngfile . getName ( ) ;
Map < String , Map < String , String > > xliffTrans = TranslatorXliff . loadTranslationsListsFromXliff ( xlifmaster ) ;
// load translation list
System . out . println ( "join into master translation file " + filename ) ;
Map < String , Map < String , String > > origTrans = Translator . loadTranslationsLists ( lngfile ) ;
for ( String transfilename : origTrans . keySet ( ) ) { // get translation filename
// compare translation list
Map < String , String > origList = origTrans . get ( transfilename ) ;
Map < String , String > masterList = xliffTrans . get ( transfilename ) ;
for ( String sourcetxt : origList . keySet ( ) ) {
if ( ( masterList ! = null ) & & ( masterList . isEmpty ( ) | | masterList . containsKey ( sourcetxt ) ) ) { // only if included in master (as all languages are in there but checked for occuance
String origVal = origList . get ( sourcetxt ) ;
// it is possible that intentionally empty translation is given
// in this case xliff target is missing (=null)
if ( origVal ! = null & & ! origVal . isEmpty ( ) ) {
addTranslation ( xliffTrans , transfilename , sourcetxt , origVal ) ;
return xliffTrans ;
/ * *
* for testing to create on master and joined translation results for all lang ' s
* @param args
* /
public static void main ( String args [ ] ) {
File outputdirectory = new File ( "test/DATA" ) ;
CreateTranslationMasters ctm = new CreateTranslationMasters ( ) ;
try {
if ( ! outputdirectory . exists ( ) ) outputdirectory . mkdir ( ) ;
File xlfmaster = new File ( outputdirectory , "master.lng.xlf" ) ;
ctm . createMasterTranslationLists ( xlfmaster ) ; // write the language neutral translation master as xliff
List < String > lngFiles = Translator . langFiles ( new File ( "locales" ) ) ;
for ( String filename : lngFiles ) {
Map < String , Map < String , String > > lngmaster = ctm . joinMasterTranslationLists ( xlfmaster , new File ( "locales" , filename ) ) ; // create individual language translation files from master
File xlftmp = new File ( outputdirectory , filename + ".xlf" ) ;
System . out . println ( "output new master translation file " + xlftmp . toString ( ) + " and " + filename ) ;
ctm . saveAsXliff ( filename . substring ( 0 , 2 ) , xlftmp , lngmaster ) ;
ctm . saveAsLngFile ( filename . substring ( 0 , 2 ) , new File ( outputdirectory , filename ) , lngmaster ) ;
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
ConcurrentLog . logException ( ex ) ;
ConcurrentLog . shutdown ( ) ;