YaCy: The Search Engine with the friendly whale
version 0.424svn
* ADDED: additional Shutdownmethod to run YaCy as Windows Service (theli)
* ADDED: possibility to import the crawling queue (theli)
* UPDATED: German translations (NN, rramthun)
* UPDATED: minor enhancements to the webinterface (rramthun)
* UPDATED: Memorysettings now also working for Windows (Galaxis, VT100)
* UPDATED: added more informations to network.xml, added possibility to limit number of results (hendi)
* FIXED: some Filemodes were set wrong (theli)
* FIXED: minor bug-fix in Cache for some rare URLs (borg-0300)
* ADDED: The YaCy-Bookmarkssystem (allo)
version 0.40 (8/21/2005):
* The Server now provides the virtuel Header IS_ADMIN (Alexander Schier)
* Improved German Translation (Roland Ramthun, Oliver Wunder)
* The Wiki now has cites and definitionlists (Marc Nause)
* If there are more than 10 DHT-entries while doing an inden transfer,
these entries will also be appened to the index list (Martin Thelia)
* Before the Crawler retries to download an URL it checks if the server
ist already doing a shutdown (Martin Thelian)
* Using a Timeout in the Crawler to establish a connection (Martin
* Tried to solve the "de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboard.deQueue': null"
Bug (Martin Thelian)