tinyLCD_I2C is a Firmware for LCD I2C backpack based on ATtiny84 with an Arduino library as drop-in replacment for the LiquidCrystal library.
Please make sure to use the TinyWireS library from this repo with the ATtiny implementation from
Also you should make the following change in ./hardware/tiny/cores/tiny/wiring.c to improve performance of the TinyWireS library:
// copy these to local variables so they can be stored in registers
// (volatile variables must be read from memory on every access)
Basically add the line
to the ISR(MILLISTIMER_OVF_vect) function so that it looks like above excerpt.
See http://forum.boxtec.ch/index.php/topic,2225.msg2845.html#msg2845 for a discussion on this issue.
Boards / PCBs
The boards directory contains a Fritzing THT design on which current development is based and an Eagle 6.x SMD design which is currently in production for first prototypes.
Forum / contact
Issues around the tinyLCD_I2C board and firmware can be discuess here: