@ -132,6 +132,10 @@ Low-level Changes section below.
would risk using up the "wrong" UTXO for an address reuse case.
- RPCs which have an `include_watchonly` argument or `includeWatching` option now default to `true` for watch-only
wallets. Affected RPCs are: `getbalance`, `listreceivedbyaddress`, `listreceivedbylabel`, `listtransactions`,
`listsinceblock`, `gettransaction`, `walletcreatefundedpsbt`, and `fundrawtransaction`. (#16383)
- `listunspent` now returns a "reused" bool for each output if the
wallet flag "avoid_reuse" is enabled. (#13756)
@ -273,7 +277,7 @@ Configuration
- A setting specified in the default section but not also specified in a
network-specific section (e.g. testnet) will now produce a error
network-specific section (e.g. testnet) will now produce an error
preventing startup instead of just a warning unless the network is
mainnet. This prevents settings intended for mainnet from being
applied to testnet or regtest. (#15629)