@ -32,3 +32,22 @@ Please use the recommended alternatives if you rely on this deprecated feature:
could wait until the transaction has confirmed (taking into account the fee
target they set (compare the RPC `estimatesmartfee`)) or listen for the
transaction announcement by other network peers to check for propagation.
The removal of BIP61 REJECT message support also has the following minor RPC
and logging implications:
* `testmempoolaccept` and `sendrawtransaction` no longer return the P2P REJECT
code when a transaction is not accepted to the mempool. They still return the
verbal reject reason.
* Log messages that previously reported the REJECT code when a transaction was
not accepted to the mempool now no longer report the REJECT code. The reason
for rejection is still reported.
Updated RPCs
- `testmempoolaccept` and `sendrawtransaction` no longer return the P2P REJECT
code when a transaction is not accepted to the mempool. See the Section
_Removal of reject network messages from Bitcoin Core (BIP61)_ for details on
the removal of BIP61 REJECT message support.