At this point there is no reasonable excuse to disable opt-in RBF,
and, unlike when this option was added, there are now significant
issues created when disabling it (in the form of compact block
reconstruction failures). Further, it breaks a lot of modern wallet
gArgs.AddArg("-bytespersigop",strprintf("Equivalent bytes per sigop in transactions for relay and mining (default: %u)",DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_SIGOP),false,OptionsCategory::NODE_RELAY);
gArgs.AddArg("-datacarrier",strprintf("Relay and mine data carrier transactions (default: %u)",DEFAULT_ACCEPT_DATACARRIER),false,OptionsCategory::NODE_RELAY);
gArgs.AddArg("-datacarriersize",strprintf("Maximum size of data in data carrier transactions we relay and mine (default: %u)",MAX_OP_RETURN_RELAY),false,OptionsCategory::NODE_RELAY);
gArgs.AddArg("-mempoolreplacement",strprintf("Enable transaction replacement in the memory pool (default: %u)",DEFAULT_ENABLE_REPLACEMENT),false,OptionsCategory::NODE_RELAY);
gArgs.AddArg("-minrelaytxfee=<amt>",strprintf("Fees (in %s/kB) smaller than this are considered zero fee for relaying, mining and transaction creation (default: %s)",
gArgs.AddArg("-whitelistforcerelay",strprintf("Force relay of transactions from whitelisted peers even if the transactions were already in the mempool or violate local relay policy (default: %d)",DEFAULT_WHITELISTFORCERELAY),false,OptionsCategory::NODE_RELAY);