@ -11,13 +11,16 @@ Supporting RPCs are:
- `listunspent` outputs a specialized descriptor for the reported unspent outputs.
- `getaddressinfo` outputs a descriptor for solvable addresses (since v0.18).
- `importmulti` takes as input descriptors to import into the wallet
- `importmulti` takes as input descriptors to import into a legacy wallet
(since v0.18).
- `generatetodescriptor` takes as input a descriptor and generates coins to it
(`regtest` only, since v0.19).
- `utxoupdatepsbt` takes as input descriptors to add information to the psbt
(since v0.19).
- `createmultisig` and `addmultisigaddress` return descriptors as well (since v0.20)
- `createmultisig` and `addmultisigaddress` return descriptors as well (since v0.20).
- `importdescriptors` takes as input descriptors to import into a descriptor wallet
(since v0.21).
- `listdescriptors` outputs descriptors imported into a descriptor wallet (since v22).
This document describes the language. For the specifics on usage, see the RPC
documentation for the functions mentioned above.