When -blocksonly is set to 1, it interacts with the -walletbroadcast
parameter and sets it to 0 if it has not been set already.This behavior
is not captured by the current documentation, which claims that -blocksonly
does not impact any wallet transactions.
Update the max number of outgoing peers from 8 to 10, due to the
addition of two -blocksonly peers.
@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ The size of some in-memory caches can be reduced. As caches trade off memory usa
## Number of peers
- `-maxconnections=<n>` - the maximum number of connections, this defaults to `125`. Each active connection takes up some memory. Only significant if incoming
connections are enabled, otherwise the number of connections will never be more than `8`.
- `-maxconnections=<n>` - the maximum number of connections, this defaults to `125`. Each active connection takes up some memory. Only significant if incoming connections are enabled, otherwise the number of connections will never be more than `10`. Of the 10 outbound peers, there can be 8 full outgoing connections and 2 -blocksonly peers, in which case they are block/addr peers, but not tx peers.
gArgs.AddArg("-blocknotify=<cmd>","Execute command when the best block changes (%s in cmd is replaced by block hash)",ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY,OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
gArgs.AddArg("-blockreconstructionextratxn=<n>",strprintf("Extra transactions to keep in memory for compact block reconstructions (default: %u)",DEFAULT_BLOCK_RECONSTRUCTION_EXTRA_TXN),ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY,OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
gArgs.AddArg("-blocksonly",strprintf("Whether to reject transactions from network peers. Transactions from the wallet, RPC and relay whitelisted inbound peers are not affected. (default: %u)",DEFAULT_BLOCKSONLY),ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY,OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
gArgs.AddArg("-blocksonly",strprintf("Whether to reject transactions from network peers. Automatic broadcast and rebroadcast of any transactions from inbound peers is disabled, unless '-whitelistforcerelay' is '1', in which case whitelisted peers' transactions will be relayed. RPC transactions are not affected. (default: %u)",DEFAULT_BLOCKSONLY),ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY,OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
gArgs.AddArg("-conf=<file>",strprintf("Specify configuration file. Relative paths will be prefixed by datadir location. (default: %s)",BITCOIN_CONF_FILENAME),ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY,OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
gArgs.AddArg("-datadir=<dir>","Specify data directory",ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY,OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
gArgs.AddArg("-dbbatchsize",strprintf("Maximum database write batch size in bytes (default: %u)",nDefaultDbBatchSize),ArgsManager::ALLOW_ANY|ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY,OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);