#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2014-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
"""Test mempool limiting together/eviction with the wallet."""
from decimal import Decimal
from test_framework.blocktools import COINBASE_MATURITY
from test_framework.p2p import P2PTxInvStore
from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
test: fix misleading fee unit in mempool_limit.py
The helper `send_large_txs` in its current interface has a fee_rate
parameter, implying that it would create a transaction with exactly that
rate. Unfortunately, this fee rate is only passed to MiniWallet's
`create_self_transfer` method, which can't know that we append several
tx outputs after, increasing the tx's vsize and decreasing it's fee rate
In our case, the fee rate is off by several orders of magnitude, as the
tx's vsize changes changes from 96 to 67552 vbytes (>700x), i.e. the
value passed to this function is neither really a fee rate nor an
absolute fee, but something in-between, which is very confusing.
Clarify the interface by passing an absolute fee that is deducted in the end
(and verified, via testmempoolaccept) and also describe how we come up with the
value passed.
3 years ago
from test_framework.util import (
test: fix misleading fee unit in mempool_limit.py
The helper `send_large_txs` in its current interface has a fee_rate
parameter, implying that it would create a transaction with exactly that
rate. Unfortunately, this fee rate is only passed to MiniWallet's
`create_self_transfer` method, which can't know that we append several
tx outputs after, increasing the tx's vsize and decreasing it's fee rate
In our case, the fee rate is off by several orders of magnitude, as the
tx's vsize changes changes from 96 to 67552 vbytes (>700x), i.e. the
value passed to this function is neither really a fee rate nor an
absolute fee, but something in-between, which is very confusing.
Clarify the interface by passing an absolute fee that is deducted in the end
(and verified, via testmempoolaccept) and also describe how we come up with the
value passed.
3 years ago
test: fix misleading fee unit in mempool_limit.py
The helper `send_large_txs` in its current interface has a fee_rate
parameter, implying that it would create a transaction with exactly that
rate. Unfortunately, this fee rate is only passed to MiniWallet's
`create_self_transfer` method, which can't know that we append several
tx outputs after, increasing the tx's vsize and decreasing it's fee rate
In our case, the fee rate is off by several orders of magnitude, as the
tx's vsize changes changes from 96 to 67552 vbytes (>700x), i.e. the
value passed to this function is neither really a fee rate nor an
absolute fee, but something in-between, which is very confusing.
Clarify the interface by passing an absolute fee that is deducted in the end
(and verified, via testmempoolaccept) and also describe how we come up with the
value passed.
3 years ago
from test_framework.wallet import (
class MempoolLimitTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
def set_test_params(self):
self.setup_clean_chain = True
self.num_nodes = 1
self.extra_args = [[
self.supports_cli = False
def run_test(self):
txouts = gen_return_txouts()
test: fix misleading fee unit in mempool_limit.py
The helper `send_large_txs` in its current interface has a fee_rate
parameter, implying that it would create a transaction with exactly that
rate. Unfortunately, this fee rate is only passed to MiniWallet's
`create_self_transfer` method, which can't know that we append several
tx outputs after, increasing the tx's vsize and decreasing it's fee rate
In our case, the fee rate is off by several orders of magnitude, as the
tx's vsize changes changes from 96 to 67552 vbytes (>700x), i.e. the
value passed to this function is neither really a fee rate nor an
absolute fee, but something in-between, which is very confusing.
Clarify the interface by passing an absolute fee that is deducted in the end
(and verified, via testmempoolaccept) and also describe how we come up with the
value passed.
3 years ago
node = self.nodes[0]
miniwallet = MiniWallet(node)
relayfee = node.getnetworkinfo()['relayfee']
self.log.info('Check that mempoolminfee is minrelaytxfee')
assert_equal(node.getmempoolinfo()['minrelaytxfee'], Decimal('0.00001000'))
assert_equal(node.getmempoolinfo()['mempoolminfee'], Decimal('0.00001000'))
tx_batch_size = 1
num_of_batches = 75
# Generate UTXOs to flood the mempool
# 1 to create a tx initially that will be evicted from the mempool later
# 3 batches of multiple transactions with a fee rate much higher than the previous UTXO
# And 1 more to verify that this tx does not get added to the mempool with a fee rate less than the mempoolminfee
# And 2 more for the package cpfp test
self.generate(miniwallet, 1 + (num_of_batches * tx_batch_size) + 1 + 2)
# Mine 99 blocks so that the UTXOs are allowed to be spent
self.generate(node, COINBASE_MATURITY - 1)
self.log.info('Create a mempool tx that will be evicted')
tx_to_be_evicted_id = miniwallet.send_self_transfer(from_node=node, fee_rate=relayfee)["txid"]
test: fix misleading fee unit in mempool_limit.py
The helper `send_large_txs` in its current interface has a fee_rate
parameter, implying that it would create a transaction with exactly that
rate. Unfortunately, this fee rate is only passed to MiniWallet's
`create_self_transfer` method, which can't know that we append several
tx outputs after, increasing the tx's vsize and decreasing it's fee rate
In our case, the fee rate is off by several orders of magnitude, as the
tx's vsize changes changes from 96 to 67552 vbytes (>700x), i.e. the
value passed to this function is neither really a fee rate nor an
absolute fee, but something in-between, which is very confusing.
Clarify the interface by passing an absolute fee that is deducted in the end
(and verified, via testmempoolaccept) and also describe how we come up with the
value passed.
3 years ago
# Increase the tx fee rate to give the subsequent transactions a higher priority in the mempool
# The tx has an approx. vsize of 65k, i.e. multiplying the previous fee rate (in sats/kvB)
# by 130 should result in a fee that corresponds to 2x of that fee rate
base_fee = relayfee * 130
self.log.info("Fill up the mempool with txs with higher fee rate")
for batch_of_txid in range(num_of_batches):
test: fix misleading fee unit in mempool_limit.py
The helper `send_large_txs` in its current interface has a fee_rate
parameter, implying that it would create a transaction with exactly that
rate. Unfortunately, this fee rate is only passed to MiniWallet's
`create_self_transfer` method, which can't know that we append several
tx outputs after, increasing the tx's vsize and decreasing it's fee rate
In our case, the fee rate is off by several orders of magnitude, as the
tx's vsize changes changes from 96 to 67552 vbytes (>700x), i.e. the
value passed to this function is neither really a fee rate nor an
absolute fee, but something in-between, which is very confusing.
Clarify the interface by passing an absolute fee that is deducted in the end
(and verified, via testmempoolaccept) and also describe how we come up with the
value passed.
3 years ago
fee = (batch_of_txid + 1) * base_fee
create_lots_of_big_transactions(miniwallet, node, fee, tx_batch_size, txouts)
self.log.info('The tx should be evicted by now')
# The number of transactions created should be greater than the ones present in the mempool
assert_greater_than(tx_batch_size * num_of_batches, len(node.getrawmempool()))
# Initial tx created should not be present in the mempool anymore as it had a lower fee rate
assert tx_to_be_evicted_id not in node.getrawmempool()
self.log.info('Check that mempoolminfee is larger than minrelaytxfee')
assert_equal(node.getmempoolinfo()['minrelaytxfee'], Decimal('0.00001000'))
assert_greater_than(node.getmempoolinfo()['mempoolminfee'], Decimal('0.00001000'))
# Deliberately try to create a tx with a fee less than the minimum mempool fee to assert that it does not get added to the mempool
self.log.info('Create a mempool tx that will not pass mempoolminfee')
assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, "mempool min fee not met", miniwallet.send_self_transfer, from_node=node, fee_rate=relayfee)
self.log.info("Check that submitpackage allows cpfp of a parent below mempool min feerate")
node = self.nodes[0]
peer = node.add_p2p_connection(P2PTxInvStore())
# Package with 2 parents and 1 child. One parent has a high feerate due to modified fees,
# another is below the mempool minimum feerate but bumped by the child.
tx_poor = miniwallet.create_self_transfer(fee_rate=relayfee)
tx_rich = miniwallet.create_self_transfer(fee=0, fee_rate=0)
node.prioritisetransaction(tx_rich["txid"], 0, int(DEFAULT_FEE * COIN))
package_txns = [tx_rich, tx_poor]
coins = [tx["new_utxo"] for tx in package_txns]
tx_child = miniwallet.create_self_transfer_multi(utxos_to_spend=coins, fee_per_output=10000) #DEFAULT_FEE
submitpackage_result = node.submitpackage([tx["hex"] for tx in package_txns])
rich_parent_result = submitpackage_result["tx-results"][tx_rich["wtxid"]]
poor_parent_result = submitpackage_result["tx-results"][tx_poor["wtxid"]]
child_result = submitpackage_result["tx-results"][tx_child["tx"].getwtxid()]
assert_fee_amount(poor_parent_result["fees"]["base"], tx_poor["tx"].get_vsize(), relayfee)
assert_equal(rich_parent_result["fees"]["base"], 0)
assert_equal(child_result["fees"]["base"], DEFAULT_FEE)
# The "rich" parent does not require CPFP so its effective feerate is just its individual feerate.
assert_fee_amount(DEFAULT_FEE, tx_rich["tx"].get_vsize(), rich_parent_result["fees"]["effective-feerate"])
assert_equal(rich_parent_result["fees"]["effective-includes"], [tx_rich["wtxid"]])
# The "poor" parent and child's effective feerates are the same, composed of their total
# fees divided by their combined vsize.
package_fees = poor_parent_result["fees"]["base"] + child_result["fees"]["base"]
package_vsize = tx_poor["tx"].get_vsize() + tx_child["tx"].get_vsize()
assert_fee_amount(package_fees, package_vsize, poor_parent_result["fees"]["effective-feerate"])
assert_fee_amount(package_fees, package_vsize, child_result["fees"]["effective-feerate"])
assert_equal([tx_poor["wtxid"], tx_child["tx"].getwtxid()], poor_parent_result["fees"]["effective-includes"])
assert_equal([tx_poor["wtxid"], tx_child["tx"].getwtxid()], child_result["fees"]["effective-includes"])
# The node will broadcast each transaction, still abiding by its peer's fee filter
peer.wait_for_broadcast([tx["tx"].getwtxid() for tx in package_txns])
self.log.info("Check a package that passes mempoolminfee but is evicted immediately after submission")
mempoolmin_feerate = node.getmempoolinfo()["mempoolminfee"]
current_mempool = node.getrawmempool(verbose=False)
worst_feerate_btcvb = Decimal("21000000")
for txid in current_mempool:
entry = node.getmempoolentry(txid)
worst_feerate_btcvb = min(worst_feerate_btcvb, entry["fees"]["descendant"] / entry["descendantsize"])
# Needs to be large enough to trigger eviction
target_weight_each = 200000
assert_greater_than(target_weight_each * 2, node.getmempoolinfo()["maxmempool"] - node.getmempoolinfo()["bytes"])
# Should be a true CPFP: parent's feerate is just below mempool min feerate
parent_fee = (mempoolmin_feerate / 1000) * (target_weight_each // 4) - Decimal("0.00001")
# Parent + child is above mempool minimum feerate
child_fee = (worst_feerate_btcvb) * (target_weight_each // 4) - Decimal("0.00001")
# However, when eviction is triggered, these transactions should be at the bottom.
# This assertion assumes parent and child are the same size.
tx_parent_just_below = miniwallet.create_self_transfer(fee=parent_fee, target_weight=target_weight_each)
tx_child_just_above = miniwallet.create_self_transfer(utxo_to_spend=tx_parent_just_below["new_utxo"], fee=child_fee, target_weight=target_weight_each)
# This package ranks below the lowest descendant package in the mempool
assert_greater_than(worst_feerate_btcvb, (parent_fee + child_fee) / (tx_parent_just_below["tx"].get_vsize() + tx_child_just_above["tx"].get_vsize()))
assert_greater_than(mempoolmin_feerate, (parent_fee) / (tx_parent_just_below["tx"].get_vsize()))
assert_greater_than((parent_fee + child_fee) / (tx_parent_just_below["tx"].get_vsize() + tx_child_just_above["tx"].get_vsize()), mempoolmin_feerate / 1000)
assert_raises_rpc_error(-26, "mempool full", node.submitpackage, [tx_parent_just_below["hex"], tx_child_just_above["hex"]])
self.log.info('Test passing a value below the minimum (5 MB) to -maxmempool throws an error')
self.nodes[0].assert_start_raises_init_error(["-maxmempool=4"], "Error: -maxmempool must be at least 5 MB")
if __name__ == '__main__':