| `getaccount` | `getaddressinfo` | `getaddressinfo` returns a json object with address information instead of just the name of the account as a string. |
| `getaddressesbyaccount` | `getaddressesbylabel` | `getaddressesbylabel` returns a json object with the addresses as keys, instead of a list of strings. |
| `getreceivedbyaccount` | `getreceivedbylabel` | _no change in behavior_ |
| `listaccounts` | `listlabels` | `listlabels` does not return a balance or accept `minconf` and `watchonly` arguments. |
| `listreceivedbyaccount` | `listreceivedbylabel` | Both methods return new `label` fields, along with `account` fields for backward compatibility. |
| `move` | n/a | _no replacement_ |
| `sendfrom` | n/a | _no replacement_ |
| `setaccount` | `setlabel` | Both methods now: <ul><li>allow assigning labels to any address, instead of raising an error if the address is not receiving address.<li>delete the previous label associated with an address when the final address using that label is reassigned to a different label, instead of making an implicit `getaccountaddress` call to ensure the previous label still has a receiving address. |
| `addmultisigaddress` | Renamed `account` named parameter to `label`. Still accepts `account` for backward compatibility if running with '-deprecatedrpc=accounts'. |
| `getnewaddress` | Renamed `account` named parameter to `label`. Still accepts `account` for backward compatibility. if running with '-deprecatedrpc=accounts' |
| `listunspent` | Returns new `label` fields. `account` field will be returned for backward compatibility if running with '-deprecatedrpc=accounts' |
| `sendmany` | The `account` named parameter has been renamed to `dummy`. If provided, the `dummy` parameter must be set to the empty string, unless running with the `-deprecatedrpc=accounts` argument (in which case functionality is unchanged). |
| `listtransactions` | The `account` named parameter has been renamed to `dummy`. If provided, the `dummy` parameter must be set to the string `*`, unless running with the `-deprecatedrpc=accounts` argument (in which case functionality is unchanged). |
| `getbalance` | `account`, `minconf` and `include_watchonly` parameters are deprecated, and can only be used if running with '-deprecatedrpc=accounts' |