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diff --git a/usr/lib/finish-install.d/08rcn-ee-finish-installing-device b/usr/lib/finish-install.d/08rcn-ee-finish-installing-device
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6d06fc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr/lib/finish-install.d/08rcn-ee-finish-installing-device
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+cp /etc/flash-kernel.conf /target/etc/flash-kernel.conf
+cp /etc/SERIAL.conf /target/etc/init/SERIAL.conf
+cp /etc/ /target/etc/
+chmod a+x /target/etc/
+if [ -f /etc/rcn.conf ]; then
+ mkdir -p /target/boot/uboot
+ echo "/dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot/uboot auto defaults 0 0" >> /target/etc/fstab
+ mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /target/boot/uboot
+ #smsc95xx kevent workaround/hack
+ echo "vm.min_free_kbytes = 8192" >> /target/etc/sysctl.conf
+ if [ -d /lib/firmware/ ] ; then
+ cp -ru /lib/firmware/ /target/lib/ || true
+ fi
+ rm -f /etc/rcn.conf
+ mount -o bind /sys /target/sys
+ cat /proc/mounts > /target/mounts
+ cat /proc/mounts > /target/boot/uboot/backup/proc_mounts
+ chroot /target /bin/bash /etc/
+ rm -f /target/mounts || true
+ cat /var/log/syslog > /target/boot/uboot/backup/syslog.log
+ umount /target/sys
+ sync
+ umount /target/boot/uboot